Which type of information could be reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security?

When information is classified as secret, it is classified as such if it can reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security if it is disclosed without authorization. A CONFIDENTIAL piece of information is one that if misappropriated or disclosed without authorization could reasonably be expected to result in national security threats.


Which level of classified information could cause damage?According to the lowest level of classification, confidential information, if released, would cause a lot of harm to the United States. The security of the country. Other designations refer to information that if disclosed, could have a significant impact on national security (secret) or an exceptionally grave effect (top secret).

Which level of classified information could cause damage to national security if compromised quizlet?(BLUE) represents information whose unauthorized disclosure may reasonably be expected to cause national security harm. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

What is considered national security information?Information described in subparagraph (c) above, and that has been designated as such by this Order or any predecessor order, is national security information.

Which classification level is defined as information if improperly released would cause serious damage to national security?Having this classification means that you have reached the second level. Secret information has a substantial impact on national security if it is unauthorized disclosure would cause serious harm to it.

Which classification level is given to information that could reasonably cause serious damage to national security?Secret Information has a classification level that applies to information that could reasonably be expected to harm national security if disclosed unauthorized.

What are the 3 classification levels of information?According to United States law, classified information comes in three levels: confidential, secret, and top secret. There is an increasing degree of sensitivity with each successive classification level. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

What are the levels of security classification?In the U.S. To designate how sensitive information is, the government uses three levels of classification: confidential, secret, three levels of classification to designate how sensitive certain information is: confidential, secret and top secret. According to the lowest level of classification, confidential information, if released, would cause a lot of harm to the United States. The security of the country.

What are the three levels of national security?Secrecy, secret, and top secret are the three levels of clearance.

Which classification is applied to information where unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected to cause damage to national security?This is a Top Secret classification. According to the top secret designation, identifiable national security information should be protected to the highest degree. This designation should be granted only to such information that represents exceptional danger to national security if unauthorized disclosure took place.

What are the three classification levels of information quizlet?Having access to classified information or being able to obtain knowledge of it. There are many types of classifications... A compromise needs to be struck. We are providing you with information... This is the third level of classification. This is a top secret mission. We are keeping this secret... It is confidential. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

What refers to containing information whose unauthorized disclosure could be prejudicial?Confidential clerk: one who knows how to deal with things. In a classification of information that is both secret and top secret, confidential information is classified as secret if any of the information is disclosed unauthorized.

What are the 7 elements of national security?The protection of the military. The state of the economy. Providing security for resources. The security of our borders. The security of demographic information. Security in case of disaster. Security in the energy sector. The security of the geostrategic sphere.

What are the levels of classified national security information?In the U.S. Under the classification guidelines outlined in Executive Order 12356, information systems have three classification levels -- Top Secret, Secret, and Confidential. In addition to NSI, RD and FRD are used to collect information about atomic energy.

What is not a level of classified national security information?Classified information cannot be protected. Information that lies outside of national security and cannot be disclosed under the access and privacy laws because of its potential impact on private or public interests will be deemed sensitive. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
