Which type of visual should be used when you need to present detailed and specific information?

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Terms in this set (42)

compared to poorly written text, badly designed visuals are ________ to be noticed

more likely

all of the following guidelines will help you avoid ethical lapses when you're creating visual support for a business message:

aggregating data carefully, providing background information, and avoiding emotional manipulation

define visual parallelism

when visuals are constant

visuals can help you communicate your messages to audiences w lower reading skills


understand that to communicate ethically, it is acceptable to expand the detail of a graphic in order to make it more readable

think of things to avoid when using business visuals, such as using inappropriate photographs, altering photos to make something look worse, distorting axes in visuals

define visual literacy and how it is a valuable business skill

know how to create & interpret visuals

the purpose of animation and ideo

they can transform

how can you make a table easier to read for online use and consider as you develop tables as visuals

reduce the number of columns

define line chart and understand when it's used

shows trends over time , sales , and compares

what happens when data is distorted on visuals

makes you look bad and influences different interpretations of data

define surface chart and when they are used

they are most commonly used to compare; vertical or horizontal

define pie chart and frequency of distribution

distribution of a whole; 100%

define Gantt Charts and how they are used

line chart that tracks progress

define data visualization

use of advanced technology to show visuals (Big Data)

define flowchart and when they are used

assembly like
( input - flowchart - output )

define how communication follows an organization chart in business

has the chain of command

what do flowcharts illustrate


connotative meanings are sufficient to consider when developing visuals

emotions and thoughts

how well does data visualization clarify individual data points? how does data visualization show broad meaning?

not good at all because it has a very broad spectrum

define infographic

stand alone document with some text

define pictogram

all pictures

define haptics

eye movement

define line chart

events over time

The best way to illustrate how your firm's annual budget is spent would be with a(n)

pie chart

Which type of visual should be used when you need to present detailed and specific information?


Including visuals in your report or presentation is a particularly powerful way to communicate with a culturally diverse audience.


When should differences in color, shape, and size be used to highlight the differences between quantities in a chart?

When you need to create contrast

When should legends be used in a visual?

When graphics are complex

In computer graphics, a template

helps ensure an effective design, saves time, and makes decision making easier.

Visuals used to present data are useful to present information and concepts *

false *

which of the following is the ability to create and interpret images effectively?

visual literacy

what advantages does data visualization have over conventional charts and graphs?

It combines data with textual info to communicate complex or dynamic data much faster than conventional presentations can.

which of the following statements are true?

Data visualization can combine and connect large amounts of data in endless ways.

In a line chart what do the vertical and horizontal axis illustrate?

Vertical is usually the amount and horizontal is time or other quantity.

Which of the following allows a user to control computers with motion, such as moving their eyes?

Gestural computing

What is chartjunk

any unnecessary information

The concept of________ will help you design visuals that are consistent from one page of a document to the next?

visual parallelism

In line charts showing trends, the vertical axis indicates time or quantity, and the horizontal axis indicates amount.**


A Gnatt chart is a type of time line chart used to track the progress of a project. ***


How can you identify points that are best illustrated with a visual?

Visuals used to present data are useful to present information and concepts.

List two ways that including too many visuals can distract your audience from the main points of your message.

- the audience may be overwhelmed by the visuals
- they will either listen to your presentation or they will be more focused on the visuals

How are Gantt charts used in business documents?

it's a line chart that tracks progress or projects

Recommended textbook solutions

Which type of visual should be used when you need to present detailed and specific information?

Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface

5th EditionDavid A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy

220 solutions

Which type of visual should be used when you need to present detailed and specific information?

Engineering Electromagnetics

8th EditionJohn Buck, William Hayt

483 solutions

Which type of visual should be used when you need to present detailed and specific information?

Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects

5th EditionTony Gaddis

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Which type of visual should be used when you need to present detailed and specific information?

Java: How to Program, Early Objects

9th EditionHarvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

323 solutions

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Which type of visual should be used when you need to present individual exact values?

Column Charts The column chart is probably the most used chart type. This chart is best used to compare different values when specific values are important, and it is expected that users will look up and compare individual values between each column.

Which chart is best used if you want to visually show the trend your data is suggesting?

A line chart reveals trends or change over time. Line charts can be used to show relationships within a continuous data set, and can be applied to a wide variety of categories, including daily number of visitors to a site or variations in stock prices.

Which graph to use for which data?

If you have nominal data, use bar charts or histograms if your data is discrete, or line/ area charts if it is continuous. If you want to show the relationship between values in your dataset, use a scatter plot, bubble chart, or line charts.

What is the best way to display data?

10 useful ways to visualize your data (with examples).
Indicator. If you need to display one or two numeric values such as a number, gauge or ticker, use the Indicators visualization. ... .
Line chart. ... .
Bar chart. ... .
Pie chart. ... .
Area chart. ... .
Pivot table. ... .
Scatter chart. ... .
Scatter map / Area map..