Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class ?\?

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Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class ??

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Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class ??

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Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class ??

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Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class ??

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Which type of workplace discrimination occurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class?

Adverse impact occurs when an organization uses an employment practice or procedure that results in unfavorable outcomes to a protected class (such as Hispanics) over another group of people (such as non-Hispanic whites).

What is intentional discrimination in the workplace?

Intentional discrimination in employment happens when decisions are affected by: Actual animosity towards a person or group based on their race, ancestry, or other membership in a protected category (although a showing of animus or malice is not required under the law)

What are the 2 forms that discrimination takes?

Discrimination can take on many different forms, both indirect and direct, and can occur in any environment. In the workplace, employment discrimination can occur even before a person works for an organization or company.

What are examples of intentional discrimination?

In some cases, discrimination may be direct and intentional (for example, if a person or group treats another person differently on purpose because of a Code ground). This type of discrimination generally arises from negative attitudes and biases relating to that ground.