Which one of the following statements probably best explains why reciprocal teaching is so effective quizlet?

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Every​ year, in her​ tenth-grade social studies​ class, Ms. Baard asks students to write​ 10-page research papers on a topic relevant to the class. Many of her students lack confidence that they could ever write 10 pages on any​ topic, let alone one related to social studies. In order to give her students a boost in​ confidence, Ms. Baard shows them several papers that last​ year's students​ wrote, saying,​ "These students all started out the same way you did. They were convinced that they could never write a​ 10-page paper.​ But, look at what they were able to accomplish once they set their minds to​ it." Would motivation theorists recommend that Ms. Baard show her students what some of the previous​ year's students were able to​ do? Why or why​ not?
​No, because this sets up a situation in which the students feel as if they are competing with students in the previous​ year's class.
​Yes, because seeing peers be successful at a task can enhance​ students' efficacy for completing it themselves.
​Yes, because this strategy is likely to enhance​ students' sense of relatedness to the previous​ year's students.
​No, because this strategy is likely to encourage performance goals rather than mastery goals.

There are three general assumptions about learning and how knowledge is​ constructed:
1. Knowledge is acquired by constructing a representation of the outside world. Direct​ teaching, feedback, and explanation affect learning. Knowledge is accurate to the extent that it reflects the​ "way things really​ are" in the outside world.
2. Knowledge is constructed by​ transforming, organizing, and reorganizing previous knowledge. Knowledge is not a mirror of the external​ world, even though experience influences thinking and thinking influences knowledge. Exploration and discovery are more important than teaching.
3. Knowledge is constructed based on social interactions and experience. Knowledge reflects the outside world as filtered through and influenced by​ culture, language,​ beliefs, interactions with​ others, direct​ teaching, and modeling. Guided​ discovery, teaching,​ models, and coaching as well as the​ individual's prior​ knowledge, beliefs, and thinking affect learning.
Which of these three assumptions is compatible with​ Vygotsky's theories?
​Vygotsky's theories are compatible with assumption 1.
​Vygotsky's theories are compatible with assumption 3.
​Vygotsky's theories are compatible with assumptions 1 and 3.
​Vygotsky's theories are compatible with assumption 2.

Which one of the following teachers has planned an effective cooperative learning​ activity?
Ms.​ Cesta, who allows students to select their own​ 3-person groups and asks each group to select one book and write a joint book report about it.
Mr.​ Antelyes, who assigns his students to work in​ pairs, gives them a series of lab experiments that they should complete by working​ together, and provides a set of prompts that they can ask each other.
Mr.​ Ku, who selects a broad topic for his​ social-studies class, assigns each student a subtopic to​ research, and collects the individual reports into a single classroom display on the topic.
Ms.​ Robertson, who separates her students into​ mixed-ability groups, asks each group to identify a​ leader, and presents a research topic that all students should contribute toward.

Three of the following alternatives depict situations in which a teacher is facilitating the retention element of modeling. Which one does NOT depict the retention​ element?
Mr. Byers​ suggests, "Let's play some background music while I show you how to use the dipstick to measure your oil​ level."
As he writes a capital J on the​ board, Mr. Anson tells his​ kindergartners, "To write a capital ​J, you make a fishhook with a line across the​ top."
As he demonstrates how to throw a baseball​ correctly, Mr. Duffy​ says, "Now repeat these words as you throw the​ ball: back,​ up, thrust,​ release."
Mr. Caruso​ says, "There are several critical steps involved in throwing a pot on the​ potter's wheel. Repeat these steps to yourself as you work so you​ don't forget​ them."

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