Which one of the following statements reflects what Developmentalists mean by the term maturation quizlet?

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  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Developmental Psychology

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Tammy can hold and use a pencil more easily than she could last year

Which one of the following best illustrates physical development as a developmental domain?

-Timothy is increasingly able to understand other people's points of view.
- Thomas learns how to count by practicing counting with a variety of household objects.
- Mark can watch a basketball player and critique his movements.
- Tammy can hold and use a pencil more easily than she could last year.

Carlos is learning how to play cooperatively with his preschool classmates

Which one of the following bet illustrates social-emotional development as a developmental domain?

-Annika cries in pain when she steps on a sharp pebble.
-Carlos is learning how to play cooperatively with his preschool classmates.
-Thomas used to think that the earth was flat, but now he knows that it's round.
-Pamela has decided to get a fashionable new haircut.

14 year old Deborah is starting to grow pubic hair, and shes just had her first period

Many psychologists are interested in the influence of "nature versus nurture" in child development. Which one of the following examples illustrates the influence of nature?

- Two-year-old Sophia is learning to speak two languages because her parents speak Spanish at home but everyone at her preschool speaks English.
- Fourteen-year-old Deborah is starting to grow pubic hair, and she's just had her first menstrual period.
- Ten-year-old Bart loves being outdoors. As far back as he can remember, his family has gone camping almost every weekend during the summer months.
- Eight-year-old Yannie goes to his Aunt Jane's house after school every day. As he watches television, Jane gives him as much candy and other sweets as he wants, and so he is becoming increasingly overweight.

Developmental changes that are controlled largely by heredity

Which one of the following statements reflects what developmentalists mean by the term maturation?

- Developmental changes that are controlled largely by heredity
- Changes related specifically to children's emotional development
- Changes related specifically to children's physical development
- Changes that reflect increasingly appropriate social behavior

Environmental conditions that influence development

Many developmental theorists are interested in the influence of "nature versus nurture" in child development. The term nurture refers to:

- Genetically controlled maturational changes
- The loving bonds that exist between children and their parents
-A child's characteristics at birth
-Environmental conditions that influence development.

Nature vs. Nurture

Leanna believes that children have a natural curiosity that makes them eager to learn. LeRoy believes that children's motivation to learn is fostered by good nutrition, positive relationships with other people, and opportunities to explore a complex environment. This difference in viewpoints best reflects the issue of:

-Universality vs. diversity
-Nature vs. nurture
-Quantitative vs. qualitative change
- Progression vs. regression

Heredity is more influential when children live in extremely impoverished circumstances than when they have good nutrition and other environmental supports

Three of the following statements are true regarding the interplay between heredity and environment in child development. Which statement is false?

- Children's inherited tendencies may make them more or less susceptible to particular environmental conditions.
- Heredity is more influential when children live in extremely impoverished circumstances than when they have good nutrition and other environmental supports.
- Inherited predispositions have a large influence in some aspects of development, whereas environment is more influential in other aspects.
- Certain environmental experiences may have a greater impact at some ages than at others.

Developmental progressions shared by virtually all human beings

The concept of universality in development refers to:

- Developmental progressions that differ from one individual to another
- Differences among children that can be traced to a particular historical era or to unique cultural events
- Developmental progressions shared by virtually all human beings
- A feeling of "oneness" with the earth that many children have in early childhood

Young children show similar patterns in their language development regardless of the specific language they learn

Which one of the following statements best illustrates a universal in development as developmentalists define the term?

- Children in some cultures learn that it's rude and disrespectful for a child to initiate a conversation with an adult.
- In their pretend play, girls tend to enact domestic scenarios (e.g., "house"), whereas boys are more likely to enact superhero scenarios (e.g., "Batman").
- Young children show similar patterns in their language development regardless of the specific language they learn.
- Children are most likely to appreciate the importance of reading and writing if the people around them read and write frequently.

On average, teenagers who live in middle-income neighborhoods have better study skills than those who live in low-income neighborhoods

Many psychologists are concerned about whether certain aspects of development are marked by universality or diversity. Which one of the following statements illustrates diversity?

- Children think in increasingly logical ways as they get older.
- By interacting with their physical environment, all children learn that things always fall down, never up, when released.
- On average, teenagers who live in middle-income neighborhoods have better study skills than those who live in low-income neighborhoods.
- Children almost always first sit, then walk, then run.

Mitch used to be puzzled by statements such as "look before you leap" but now understands the underlying meanings

Which one of the following best illustrates a qualitative (rather than quantitative) change in development?

- Between ages 11 and 13, Bunny grew 4 inches taller and gained 15 pounds.
- Micha used to be puzzled by statements such as "Look before you leap" but now understands their underlying meanings.
- After attending last night's concert, Penny changed her mind about who her favorite band is.
- Mason has a much larger vocabulary than he did last year.

Robert knows many more addition facts than he did a few months ago

Which one of the following best illustrates a quantitative (rather than qualitative) change in development?

- As a 15-year-old, LaRue has started to grow facial hair.
- Beth used to be shy around her peers, but now she's very outgoing and makes friends easily.
- Five-year-old Mercedes has finally learned how to carry a tune.
- Robert knows many more addition facts than he did a few months ago.


Which one of the following theoretical perspectives most emphasizes genetic and maturational contributions to children's development?

- Cognitive-developmental
- Developmental systems
- Biological
- Psychodynamic


A teacher says to you, "I never believe my students have learned something new until I see their behavior change." Without knowing anything else about this teacher, you can guess that he or she agrees with the ________ perspective of development.

- cognitive process
- psychodynamic
- behaviorist
- biological

The effect of the environment on development

One characteristic common to all behaviorist theories of development is an emphasis on:

- The negative emotional repercussions of punishment
- The importance of each and every event in a person's life
- The effect of the environment on development
- How one learns by observing the actions of others

How children learn through observing what others do

Social learning theory can best be characterized as being concerned with:

- Acquisition of socially appropriate behaviors
- The influence of large groups on children's thoughts and behaviors
- How children learn through observing what others do
- Acquisition of communication skills

Children actively try to make sense of the world from their experiences with the environment

Which one of the following statements best describes a cognitive-developmental perspective of child development?

- Children repeatedly parrot their parents' and teachers' beliefs, eventually adopting these beliefs as their own "knowledge."
- Children are naturally disposed to think about their environment in particular ways; in a sense, some basic knowledge about the world is "pre-wired."
- Children actively try to make sense of the world from their experiences with the environment.
- Initially, children unconsciously develop a rather complex and confused view of the world, but this view becomes simpler and more straightforward as time goes on.


After teaching kindergarten for fifteen years, Ms. Donnellen will be teaching third grade next year. She knows she must rethink her approach to teaching, because kindergartners and third graders tend to think very differently. Ms. Donnellen is taking a ________ approach to child development.

- cognitive-developmental
- developmental systems
- social learning
- psychodynamic

How children's thinking changes over time

Which one of these is central to a cognitive process approach to child development?

- How children learn from observing others
- What consequences follow children's behaviors
- How children's thinking changes over time
- How children learn from what others tell them

Play is a way to explore the world and learn to solve problems

Which of the following statements is the strongest argument to advocate for the importance of play in the life of a child?

- Play is something that children like to do.
- Play is a way to explore the world and learn to solve problems.
- Play is recommended by those who work with children.
- Play is a natural part of childhood.

Which one of the following statements best describes Piaget's view of how children acquire knowledge about the world?

Which one of the following statements best describes Piaget's view of how children acquire knowledge about the world? Children actively construct their own view of the world from their experiences with the environment.

Which one of the following strategies is the most appropriate way to advance children's thinking in the classroom?

Which one of the following strategies is the most appropriate way to advance children's thinking in the classroom? Set specific goals and provide a moderate amount of support.

Which of the following statements is the strongest argument to advocate for the importance of play in the of a child?

Which of the following statements is the strongest argument to advocate for the importance of play in the life of a child? Play is a primary way that children explore the world and learn to solve problems.

Which one of the following statements best describes the idea that cognitive development involves a process of construction?

Which one of the following statements best describes the idea that cognitive development involves a process of construction? Children pull together pieces of information about a topic to create their own understandings. According to Piaget, three of the following are essential for cognitive development.


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