Which one of the following best supports the argument that Max should move towards a high performance work system?

Which one of the following best supports the argument that Max should move towards a high performance work system?


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Chapter 3 Human Resource Management Strategy and Analysis


defines the nature of the company's business in terms of how it will match its

internal strengths and weaknesses with its external opportunities and threats in order to maintain

a competitive position.

A)Financial auditing

B)Strategic planning

C)Employee benchmarking

D)Employee testing


involves setting objectives, making forecasts, reviewing alternative courses of

action, evaluating options and implementing the plan.

A)The management planning process

B)Financial auditing

C)Employee testing

D)Employee benchmarking

3)What is the first step in the basic planning process?

A)evaluating the possible alternatives

B)implementing a course of action

C)setting an objective

D)comparing options

4)Which of the following is NOT part of the basic managerial planning?

A)evaluation of best options

B)establishment of clear objectives

C)implementation of the plan

D)building corporate hierarchies

5)Which term indicates the course of action for getting from where you are to where you

want to go?





6)What is a company's plan for how it will match its internal strengths and weaknesses with

external opportunities and threats to maintain a competitive advantage?

A)strategic plan

B)situation analysis

C)SWOT analysis



7)A course of action that a firm can pursue to achieve its strategic aims is known as a .




61.High-performance work systems are most likely characterized by all of the following practices EXCEPT________.A)employee training

B)applicant screeningC)automatic pay increasesD)workplace safety measuresE)productivity measurementsAnswer:CDiff: 2Page Ref: 45Objective: 5, 6Skill: Synthesis62.________ refers to an integrated set of human resource management policies and practices that togetherresult in superior employee performance.Diff: 2

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Page Ref: 45Objective: 5Skill: Concept

63.Evidence-based human resource management relies on all of the following types of evidence EXCEPT________.Diff: 2

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Page Ref: 45Objective: 6Skill: Concept64.Which term refers to a set of quantitative performance measures that human resource managers use toassess their operations?

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Page Ref: 46Objective: 6Skill: Concept65.MAX Computers manufactures affordable laptops and desktops at its factory in Arizona. MAX hasexperienced a moderate amount of financial success, but upper management wants the firm to grow at afaster rate and become a bigger player in the highly competitive computer market. The firm's greatestproblems relate to its employees. Employee turnover is high--most employees at MAX leave within twoyears or less of being hired. In addition, the rate of productivity among employees is not as high asexecutives would like. The vice president of human resources is considering moving MAX towards a high-performance work system.Which of the following best supports the argument that MAX should move towards a high-performancework system?A)MAX competitors regularly use benchmarking to compare their employees to those in other firms.B)MAX customers purchase new computers every two years according to online customer surveys.C)Outsourcing clerical tasks would enable MAX to raise employee salaries and increase productivity.D)Using advanced recruitment and hiring practices will allow MAX to improve employee productivity.E)MAX will be able to reduce quality control issues by reassigning line managers to new departments.Answer:DDiff: 3

Page Ref: 45Objective: 5Skill: Critical Thinking

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Which one of the following refers to the standards someone uses to decide what his or her conduct should be?

Ethics refers to the standards someone uses to decide what his or her conduct should be. Ethical decisions always involve morality, matters of serious consequence to society's well-being, such as murder, lying, and stealing.

Which of the following best explains why top HR executives are being paid increasingly high salaries *?

Effective HR managers increase corporate profitability and organizational performance .

Which one of the following is used to manage employee performance and to align all employees with the key objectives a firm needs to achieve its strategic goals?

HR scorecards are used to manage employee performance and to align all employees with the key objectives a firm needs to achieve its strategic goals.

Which of the following best explains why HR management is important to all managers?

The correct option is B) Investing in human capital enables managers to achieve positive results for the firm.