Which of the following best supports a mother building a positive feeling toward her newborn Quizlet

In first few months, caregivers regulate babies' emotional arousal by controlling their exposure to events likely to overstimulate them, and by rocking, stroking, holding, signing to over-aroused infants

By the middle of the 1st year, babies begin to regulate negative emotions (Ex: will turn their bodies away from unpleasant stimuli or will seek objects to suck → reduce distress)

6 month old boys find it harder than 6 month old girls to regulate unpleasant arousal and are more inclined than girls are to fuss and cry in an attempt to elicit regulator support from caregivers

By end of 1st year → babies will rock themselves, chew on object, or move away from people or events that upset them

Toddlers knit their brows or compress their lips as they actively suppress their anger to sadness. Yet, toddlers find it impossible to regulate fear (often develop methods of expressing fear that successfully attract the attention and comforting of caregivers, such as crying)