What is the term for an employee who discovers an illegal or unethical activity and tries to put an end to it?

1. The right to safety: to be protected against the marketing of products and services that are hazardous to health or to life.

2. The right to be informed: to be protected against fraudulent, deceitful, or grossly misleading information, advertising, labeling, or other practices, and to be given the facts needed to make informed choices.

3. The right to choose: to have available a variety of products and services at competitive prices.

4. The right to be heard: to be assured that consumer interests will receive full and sympathetic consideration in making government policy, both through the laws passed by legislatures and through regulations passed by administrative bodies.

5. The right to education: to have access to programs and information that help consumers make better marketplace decisions.

6. The right to redress: to work with established mechanisms to have problems corrected and to receive compensation for poor service or for products which do not function properly.

What is the term for a person who reports illegal or unethical Behaviour within an organization?

A whistleblower is an individual who may report illegal behavior once they notice it.

Which of the following terms is used to describe an employee who discovers an unethical illegal or socially irresponsible action and attempts to stop it?

​ However, if no one in the organization will take​ action, the employee may inform a regulatory agency or the media and become what is known as a​ whistle-blower, an employee who discovers and tries to put an end to a​ company's unethical,​ illegal, or socially irresponsible actions by publicizing them.)

What refers to ethical or unethical Behaviours by a manager or employee of an organization?

business ethics: term often used to refer to ethical or unethical behavior by employees and managers in the context of their jobs.

What is ethical behavior and unethical behavior?

Unethical behavior can be defined as actions that are against social norms or acts that are considered unacceptable to the public. Ethical behavior is the complete opposite of unethical behavior. Ethical behavior follows the majority of social norms and such actions are acceptable to the public.