For overall fitness, how many different exercise should a weight training program include? quizlet

a pull-up in the pronated position is meant to target the back muscles and emphasizes the traps, lats, and triceps. However, a pull-up in the supinated position still targets the back muscles, BUT it emphasizes more of the lower traps, lats and biceps. Grip style is also an important safety consideration. For example, when performing a romanian deadlift, to maintain a better grip on the bar, it is suggested to use an alternating grip pattern. Or when performing a bench press, where the bar is overhead, it is suggested to use a hook grip to ensure maximum stability with the bar to prevent dropping it near the head.

Turn to page 98 and 99 in your book and find Table 4.9 - Upper Body Muscular Strength
Turn to page 100 in your book and find Table 4.10 - Lower Body Muscular Strength
Turn to page 102 in your book and find page 4.11 - Push-ups for Muscular Endurance
Review the table set up on the muscular strength charts for upper and lower body.
On the far left side of each table is a percent column (%), this means "percentile rank". Percentile rank is part of the classification system and it means if someone scores at the 90th percentile that they did BETTER than 90% of the people who took the same test.
Next you see verbal indicators "excellent", "good", etc. These tell you about the overall health of the client in terms of their fitness level. This is part of the classification system along with percentile rank.
The other columns are arranged by age (20-29, 30-39, etc.) and the numbers below are the RELATIVE STRENGTH values. Once you measure or estimate, with appropriate calculation for relative strength, a clients muscular fitness level, you take the relative strength value and find the same number or the closet number to it on the chart under the appropriate age column. Once you find a matching value based on age and sex, look to the left to see how the client classifies in terms of their 1) verbal indicator of health and 2) their percentile rank. List both for classification purposes!
NOTE: the charts for muscular fitness are arranged by sex, so make sure to identify which chart you are looking at before classifying.

Calculate the relative strength ratio: ____________________________
Find the appropriate percentile rank: ___________________________
Find the appropriate verbal classification: _______________________

What does that classification mean in terms of their 1) fitness and 2) overall health

After the completion of a flexibility assessment and all measurements have been recorded, all you have are values which are meaningless until you place those values against a classification chart that compares your data with the data of age and sex matched individuals. This means you are taking the values and comparing to other individuals of similar age and similar sex/gender.
Whether you used a sit and reach box to measure lower body flexibility or a yard stick, the process for classification is the SAME! Additionally, other charts can be used to assess flexibility based on the specific test (i.e. overhead squat, shoulder rotation, etc.). The normative data chart for Flexibility is very similar to the one for Muscular Fitness and Cardiovascular Fitness, so please keep that process in mind as you review the chart.
Turn to page 105 in your book and find Table 4.13 - Flexibility Test using the Sit and Reach
Review the table set up on the flexibility sit and reach chart.
On the far left side of each table are verbal indicators "excellent", "good", etc. These tell you about the overall health of the client in terms of their fitness level. This is the classification system for this test.
The other columns are arranged by age (20-29, 30-39, etc.) and the numbers below are the flexibility values (how far someone reached forward during the sit and reach test). Once you measure flexibility, find a matching value based on age and sex, look to the left to see how the client classifies in terms of their 1) verbal indicator of health.
NOTE: the chart for flexibility is arranged by sex, so make sure to identify which column you are looking at before classifying (The "M" column is males and the "W" column is women).

Sets with similar terms

How many different exercises should a weight training program include?

To start, a typical beginner's strength training program involves: Eight to ten exercises that work the major muscle groups of the body and are performed two to three times per week. Beginning with one set of each exercise, comprising as few as eight repetitions (reps), no more than twice per week.

How many exercises should a person new to weight training choose for one workout?

Building muscle, or hypertrophy, requires a greater training volume than just three sets. If you have some training experience and you are looking to build muscle, you would do 3 to 6 sets of each exercise and you would aim for two exercises per body part.

What determines training intensity for weight training quizlet?

Intensity for weight training is determined by: Number of maximum lifts.

How many exercises should be included in a flexibility program quizlet?

A total of 60 s of flexibility exercise per joint is recommended.