Which of the following terms refers to the condition that causes new goals to replace the original ones?

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Terms in this set (40)

5 steps to implementing the decision

1) determine how things will look when the decision is fully operational

2) chronologically order the steps necessary to achieve a fully operational decision

3) list the resources and activities required to implement each step

4) estimate the time needed for each step

5) assign responsibility for each step to specific individuals

barriers to decision making

- psychological biases

- time pressure

- social realities

why information is incomplete

- uncertainty and risk

- ambiguous (subjective lack of clarity) information

- time constraints and information costs

certain decision environments

exist when information is sufficient to predict the results of each alternative in advance of implementation

risky decision environments

exist when decision makers lack complete certainty regarding the outcomes of various courses of action, but they are aware....

uncertain decision environments

can be described in terms of types of risks encountered by the organization

- strategic risks are threats to overall business success

- operational risks are threats inherent in the technologies used to reach business success

- reputation risks are threats to a brand or to the firms reputation

programmed decisions

involve routine or recurring problems or opportunities

- lower level personnel who follow established organizational routines, policies, and procedures

characteristics of managerial decisions


lack of structure



non programmed decisions

there is no pre specified course of action

- new, novel, complex decisions having no certain outcome


- having enough accurate and comprehensive information to make a decision


- having insufficient information to know the consequences of different actions


- when you can estimate the likelihood of various consequences but still do not know with certainty what will happen
- probability of success is less than 100 percent and losses may occur


- exists when a manager must consider opposing pressures from different sources such as psychological and individual conflicts

phases of decision making

1) identify and diagnose the problem

2) generate alternative solutions

3) evaluate alternatives

4) make the choice

5) implement the decision

6) evaluate the decision

ready made solutions

- use ideas they have tried before or follow the advice of others who have faced similar problems

custom made solutions

- new and creative solutions designed specifically for the problem

contingency plans

- alternative courses of action that can be implemented depending on how the future unfolds


- achieving the best possible outcome


- choosing the first option that is minimally acceptable or adequate, not necessarily the best or perfect


- achieving the best possible balance among several goals


- when the decision makers carefully and conscientiously execute all six phases of decision making

illusion of control

- the belief that one can influence events even when one has no control over what will happen

framing effects

- refer to how problems or decision alternatives are phrased or presented and how these subjective influences can override objective facts

discounting the future

- weighing short term costs and benefits more heavily than long term costs and benfits


- people choose not to disagree or raise objections because they don't want to break up team spirit

goal displacement

- decision making group loses sight of its original goal and a new, less important goal emerges

cognitive conflict

- differences in perspectives or judgments

affective conflict

- emotional disagreement directed toward other people

devil's advocate

- a person who has the job of criticizing ideas to ensure that their downsides are fully presented


- a structured debate comparing two conflicting courses of action


- group members generate as many ideas about a problem as they can

bounded rationality

- decision makers cannot be truly rational because...

--> they have imperfect and incomplete information about alternatives and consequences

--> the problems they face are complex

--> humans cannot process all the information they are exposed to

--> their is not enough time to process all relevant information

--> people within the same firm have conflicting goals

incremental model

- occurs when decision makers make small decisions, take little steps, move cautiously, and move toward a bigger solution

coalitional model

- when people disagree on goals or compete with one another for resources

garbage can model

- when people are not sure of their goals, or disagree about goals, and likewise are unsure about what to do

The leader of a decision-making group must:

minimize process-related problems

Barriers to rational, effective decision making include the broad categories of psychological biases, time pressures, and _____.

social realities

Which of the following statements is true of brainstorming?

It creates an environment where there is no criticism.

When a manager must decide between several attractive options, or when there are no attractive options, he or she experiences _____ conflict.


Which of the following terms refers to the condition that causes new goals to replace the original ones?

Goal displacement

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During the next four quarters, Wivco faces the following demands for globots: quarter 1—13 globots; quarter 2—14 globots; quarter 3— 12 globots; quarter 4—15 globots. Globots may be produced by regular-time labor or by overtime labor. Production capacity (number of globots) and production costs during the next four quarters are shown in Table 63. Wivco has set the following goals in order of importance: Goal 1: Meet each quarter’s demand on time. Goal 2: Inventory at the end of each quarter cannot exceed 3 units. Goal 3: Total production cost should be held below $250. Formulate a preemptive goal programming model that could be used to determine Wivco’s production schedule during the next four quarters. Assume that at the beginning of the first quarter 1 globot is in inventory. TABLE 63: $$ \begin{matrix} \text{Quarter} & \text{Regular-Time} & \text{ } & \text{Overtime} & \text{ }\\\text{ } & \text{Capacity} & \text{Cost/Unit} & \text{Capacity} & \text{Cost/Unit}\\ \text{1} & \text{9} & \text{\$4} & \text{5} & \text{\$6}\\ \text{2} & \text{10} & \text{\$4} & \text{5} & \text{\$7}\\ \text{3} & \text{11} & \text{\$5} & \text{5} & \text{\$8}\\ \text{4} & \text{12} & \text{\$6} & \text{5} & \text{\$9}\\ \end{matrix} $$

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WAG, Fro the carvatur end toraion of the curve | ~ Nana (e—slun} yoa(l-coan) aay 7

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Step 2: Gather relevant information. ... .
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