Which of the following should a medical administrative assistant give to a patient with scheduling a routine return visit?


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Which of the following should a medical administrative assistant give to a patient with scheduling a routine return visit?

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CMAA Practice Exam 10

Several patient cancel their appointments for the day. Which of the following is the first action for the medical administrative assistant to take? Contact patients who are on the waiting list
Which is an INAPPROPRIATE use of an office memo? To communicate directly with an individual
Which of the following is an appropriate procedure for a medical administrative assistant when handling a rejected health insurance claim? Verify coding compliance and resubmit the claim for adjudication
Which of the following is the best financial approach for a medical administrative assistant to take to minimize collection accounts? Maintain current patient information
When is it appropriate for a medical administrative assistant to release test results to a family member? When the patient provides a signed release of information that identifies the family member
When is it appropriate for a medical administrative assistant to use speaker phone when listening to office voicemail? When assistant confirms patients have left the office for the day
Which of the following is the most appropriate statement by the medical administrative assistant if a patient is unable to pay her balance? We require a payment arrangement before continuing treatment
Which of the following is an appropriate use of a tickler file? To remind staff of date specific tasks
Once a physician signs an advanced directive, the medical administrative assistant should have which of the following witness the signature? Non-affiliated individual
In which of the following locations should a medical administrative assistant store valued office items such as checkbooks, prescription pads and access keys? In locked box
Which of the following is a court order to mandate appearance produce medical records for trial? Subpoena
In order for a medical office to develop and maintain a current list of community resources related to patient health care needs the medical administrative assistant must determine which of the following? Anticipated patient of demographics
Which of the following is correct about continuing education units (CEUS)? CEUS keep health professionals current with certification renewal requirements
Which of the following is a medical administrative assistant function in an audit process? Maintaining day sheets
After opening a report from a patient's previous provider, which of the following is the medical administrative assistant next step? Give the report to the patient's current provider for review
A physician abruptly terminates a physician patient contract. This can lead to: Abandonment of the patient
Which of the following is the best way to a medical administrative assistant to address collection of a copayment? How would you like to pay today?
Which of the following actions is a medical administrative assistant required to take when providing PHI to authorized recipients? Maintain a disclosure log
A medical administrative assistant should take which of the following actions when auditing payments made through petty cash? Create a petty cash disbursement journal
When scheduling an inpatient admission, which of the following steps must a medical administrative assistant take first? Pre-certify the admission with the insurance company
If a provider fails to report patient information regarding child abuse, the provider may be charged with which of the following? Negligence
Which of the following actions should a medical administrative assistant take if a patient has an existing worker's compensation case? Obtain a carrier case number
During the patient check-out procedure, a medical administrative assistant should take which of the following actions? Schedule a follow-up appointment
Which of the following letter styles is most efficient? Block
Informed consent is required in which of the following situations? When suturing a wound
In addition to a witness the adult patient, which of the following individuals must be present for an informed consent signature? Provider
Which of the following must be provided to a patient on a first visit, as required by HIPAA? Notice of Privacy Practices
The individual record of the amounts owed and paid by each patient is found in which of the following? Patient ledger
Which of the following is the most efficient way for a medical administrative assistant to collect payment for service? Collect patient due amounts of the time of the visit
When a medical administrative assistant transmits a medical record, which of the following documents is required? Release of information authorization
What is the purpose of a matrix? To indicate when the provider is unavailable to treat patients
Which of the following is a financial report that is generated by a practice management system? Practice analysis
A collected specimen needs to be sent to an outside laboratory. Which of the following is the first action the medical administrative assistant should take? Process the requisition for shipment
Which of the following should a medical administrative assistant explain to the new patients prior to an initial visit? The procedure to cancel an appointment
The 15 year old daughter of a patient requests an HIV test. Which of the following forms of consent ensures the minor's privacy? Implied
Which of the following is a data security measure that limits viewing of a patient's records? HIPAA set of standards
A patient calls the physician office and ask for her test results. Which of the following is the appropriate action for the medical administrative assistant to take? Take a message and have the provider return the call
Which of the following is the purpose of the encounter form? To save time and improve accuracy in data entry
A provider leaves town without leaving a contact number and coverage for patients. He is at risk for being accused of which of the following? Abandonment
Which of the following should a medical administrative assistant consult to find the proper method of scheduling an appointment for a particular office? Practice policy manual
Which of the following actions is required by a patient when requesting a copy of her medical record? Complete a Record Release Authorization
Where should a medical administrative assistant verify third party benefits? Patient Ledger
Which of the following is a step in the annotation process? Highlight text
Which of the following should a medical administrative assistant give to a patient when scheduling a routine return visit? An appointment reminder
During which of the following processes is a medical administrative assistant relieved from gaining authorization from a patient? Release of information to the Department of Health
Which of the following is an osha regulation that must be reviewed yearly to ensure compliance ? Needlestick and sharp injuries report
A new patient leaves the office because the practice does not accept his insurance. Which of the following actions should the medical administrative assistant take to prevent the scenario? Verify insurance eligibility prior to scheduling new patients
For medical billing purposes, which of the following is a good practice for a medical administrative assistant to update information from established patients? Request verification of current patient information at each visit
A patient wants to update his medical record to include medication sensitivity information he failed to provide. Which of the following actions should the medical administrative assistant take? Make a new entry to update the previous information
Which of the following actions should a medical administrative assistant take when collecting money owed by a patient? Clarify the patient's financial responsibility policy

Which of the following should a medical administrative assistant give to a patient when scheduling a routine return visit?

What medical administrative assistant give to a patient when scheduling a routine return visit. An appointment reminder - Giving an appointment reminder to patients who schedule return visits is standard practice.

Which of the following action should a medical administrative assistant take when scheduling a new patient for a physical examination?

Which of the following actions should a medical administrative assistant take when scheduling a new patient for a physical examination? Inform the patient of the appointment cancellation policy.

Which of the following is a medical administrative assistant required to obtain before providing a patients protected health information to authorized recipients?

What is a medical administrative assistant required to obtain before providing a patients's protected health information to authorized recipients. Signed release of information form the patient.

When scheduling an inpatient admission which of the following steps should a medical administrative assistant take first?