Which of the following selection ratios indicates the highest number of qualified applicants for a position quizlet?

Question 1
A goal-directed summary of a person's experience, education, and training developed for use in the selection process is known as a(n) ________.

A) résumé

B) application form

C) job requisition

D) work sample test


What type of résumé presents the job seeker's characteristics and experience in terms that accommodate the computer search process?

A) keyword résumé

B) cyber résumé

C) electronic résumé

D) hard hit résumé


Tyra, an HR manager at an automotive parts facility, received 500 online applications for 30 job openings in the production department. To determine if an applicant is qualified, Tyra will most likely compare the information provided in each application to a ________.

A) job description

B) gainsharing assessment

C) merit pay program

D) job-knowledge test


What recruitment/selection metric focuses on the number of applicants who accepted the job divided by the number who were offered the job?

A) recruiting costs

B) acceptance rate

C) selection rate

D) turnover rate


A test validation method that determines whether a test measures certain traits that job analysis finds to be important in performing a job is referred to as ________ validity.

A) content

B) predictive

C) concurrent

D) construct


Behavioral interviews are primarily intended to determine all of the following qualities about an applicant EXCEPT the applicant's ability to ________.

A) work under pressure

B) quantify task results

C) work with other people

D) resolve difficult problems


Which of the following selection ratios indicates the highest number of qualified applicants for a position?

A) 10.0

B) 1.00

C) 0.01

D) 0.10


The uniformity of the procedures and conditions related to administering tests is referred to as ________.

A) standardization

B) norms

C) objectivity

D) reliability


When everyone scoring a test obtains the same results, the test is said to be ________.

A) consistent

B) reliable

C) objective

D) valid


A student takes an IQ test one week and scores 140. The student retakes the test one week later and scores 90. Which of the following best describes the test?

A) subjective

B) objective

C) unreliable

D) abnormal


The primary purpose of the preliminary interview is ________.

A) eliminating unqualified applicants

B) determining applicant interest

C) measuring the likelihood of an applicant's success

D) gathering a detailed work history from applicants


As an HR manager, why would you most likely NOT use predictive validity to validate a selection test?

A) stressful for job applicants

B) associated time and cost

C) lack of technical soundness

D) poor motivation test


A selection tool that provides consistent results is said to be ________.

A) valid

B) reliable

C) standardized

D) objective


The concept of ________ suggests that interviewers often make a judgment about a candidate during the first few minutes of the interview.

A) interview illusion bias

B) contrast bias

C) stereotyping bias

D) premature judgment bias


Firms most likely use assessment centers during the selection process to ________.

A) compare applicants with current employees

B) assess an applicant's job motivation

C) ensure applicants are healthy

D) predict the job performance of applicants


What is the main problem of having a low acceptance rate?

A) increasing recruiting costs

B) limited number of available positions

C) limited number of qualified candidates

D) increasing training needs


Which of the following relates most closely to test conditions?

A) reliability

B) objectivity

C) norms

D) standardization


What provides a frame of reference for comparing an applicant's performance with the performance of similar individuals?

A) reliability

B) norms

C) objectivity

D) keywords


Which metric focuses on the percentage of applicants from a particular source that advance to the next stage of the selection process?

A) turnover rate

B) acceptance rate

C) selection rate

D) yield rate


What type of interview has potential legal problems because of the likelihood of discussing potentially discriminatory information?

A) structured

B) directive

C) unstructured

D) stress


If the selection ratio is 1.00, how many qualified applicants are there for one open position at a firm?

A) 10

B) 0

C) 1

D) 100


Kelly is applying for a position with Citibank and will be participating in an assessment center. Which of the following activities is Kelly LEAST likely to do in the assessment center?

A) leaderless discussion groups

B) in-basket exercises

C) psychomotor abilities tests

D) management games


Kim is applying for a job as an accounts specialist, which will require extensive use of Excel. During the selection process, the employer provides Kim with data and asks her to compile an Excel spreadsheet with the information. Which type of test did Kim most likely take?

A) work-sample

B) psychomotor abilities

C) job knowledge

D) cognitive aptitude


VRA Technologies needs to hire a data entry specialist. As an HR manager at the firm, which of the following is your most important task when filling this position?

A) conducting multiple background checks

B) checking medical histories

C) requiring a word processing test

D) calling personal references


A company's ________ is the number of times on average that employees have to be replaced during a year.

A) retention percentage

B) cost per hire

C) turnover rate

D) quantity of hire


Validity is commonly reported as a ________.

A) selection procedure

B) standard error

C) standard deviation

D) correlation coefficient


Which of the following can serve as a substitute for certain selection tools and as a method of determining an employee's suitability?

A) stress interview

B) probationary period

C) reference check

D) selection ratio


The most basic interviewing rule is to ________.

A) ask only job-related questions

B) never let a job applicant see you sweat

C) save the realistic job preview until after the candidate has been hired

D) dominate every aspect of the interview


Craig is applying for a sales position at a commercial real estate firm. The HR manager gave Craig the Myers-Briggs test during the selection process. Which of the following is most likely being measured by the firm?

A) cognitive abilities

B) psychomotor skills

C) vocational interest

D) personality traits


Which of the following involves administering a test and later obtaining criterion information?

A) concurrent validity

B) predictive validity

C) content validity

D) construct validity


Which term refers to validations from those who know the applicant that provide additional insight into the information furnished by the applicant?

A) polygraph tests

B) background tests

C) employer referrals

D) reference checks


The basic requirement for a selection test is that it be ________.

A) objective

B) standardized

C) valid

D) reliable


Which term refers to words or phrases that are used to search databases for résumés that match?

A) job objective

B) keyword

C) résumé hit

D) application match


Which of the following should NOT be requested on a job application form?

A) birthplace

B) experience

C) education

D) skills


Which of the following is determined when a firm obtains test scores and criterion data at approximately the same time?

A) predictive validity

B) content validity

C) construct validity

D) concurrent validity


A structured interview where applicants are asked to relate actual incidents from their past relevant to the target job is referred to as a ________.

A) stress interview

B) realistic interview

C) behavioral interview

D) career related preview


What does a selection ratio of 9 mean?

the selection ratio. What does a selection ratio of . 9 mean? (A) It means 90 percent of the applicants applying to the position will be hired.

Which term refers to the number of qualified applicants recruited for a particular job?

Which term refers to the number of qualified applicants recruited for a particular job? Applicant pool. The selection ratio is the number of people hired for a particular job compared to the individuals in the. applicant pool.

What is a selection ratio quizlet?

Selection ratio. the ratio of the number of applicants hired to the total number of applicants (bad to be really high or really low)

What is the term for the interview approach that allows the applicant a maximum amount of freedom in determining the course of the discussion?

the type of interview that allows the applicant the maximum amount of freedom in determining the course of discussion is the. nondirective interview. the type of interview that provides the greatest consistency or standardization with respect to the questions asked is the.