Which of the following is the rationale behind the development of flexible manufacturing techniques quizlet?

The goal of Six Sigma is to improve a company's quality to only _____ defects per million by systematically altering the way all the processes involved in value chain activities are performed






The _____ function plays a crucial role in an organization's value chain by locating customers and then informing and persuading them to buy the company's products.


materials management

customer service




Which of the following is true about quantum product innovations?

Quantum product innovations are always more important than incremental product innovations.

Quantum product innovations involve improving and refining existing products.

Quantum product innovations are rarer than incremental product innovations.

Quantum product innovations are more frequent than incremental product innovations.

Quantum product innovations result largely from ongoing technological advances.

Quantum product innovations are rarer than incremental product innovations.

An organization gains competitive advantage when it

lowers costs and decreases differentiation.

increases costs and/or decreases differentiation.

increases costs and increases differentiation.

lowers costs and/or increases differentiation.

increases costs and/or lowers prices.

lowers costs and/or increases differentiation.

A firm manufactures custom-made furniture based on customer specifications. Which of the following facilities layouts would best suit the firm's needs?

process layout

fixed-position layout

sequential layout

product layout

flexible manufacturing layout

process layout

The _____ function controls the movement of physical materials from the procurement of inputs through production and to distribution and delivery to the customer.



product development

materials management


materials management

Attaining _____ includes all the other methods of achieving competitive advantage.

superior efficiency

superior quality

superior innovation

superior responsiveness to customers

superior speed and flexibility

superior responsiveness to customers

NutraPlus manufactures dietary supplements. Each workstation is self-contained, and a product goes to whichever workstation is needed to perform the next operation to complete the product. This is an example of a _____ layout.







Red Fox Supplies solved customer problems and provided customer service to form an awareness of superior product value in the minds of its customers. This is an example of strong

production function.

sales function.

customer service function.

marketing function.

materials management function.

customer service function.

Which of the following is true about the impact of information systems and the Internet on companies in general?

It has resulted in reduced efficiency.

It has resulted in escalated costs.

It has increased the number of employees required to handle customer or supplier interactions.

It has increased the time required to handle requests or queries.

It has allowed for production scheduling to provide components on a just-in-time basis.

It has allowed for production scheduling to provide components on a just-in-time basis.

_____ is a measure of how well an organization's input resources are used to produce its outputs.







Which of the following is the rationale behind the development of flexible manufacturing techniques?

Efficiency will increase with an increase in the setup time for complex production.

Efficiency will improve with an increase in setup costs.

Actual production time will decrease with a decrease in setup time.

An increase in setup time will increase the actual production time.

Efficiency will increase with an increase in the actual production time.

Efficiency will increase with an increase in the actual production time.

_____ is a technique that uses IT to develop an ongoing relationship with the purchasers or buyers of an organization's product to maximize the value an organization can deliver to them over time.

Effective reliability management (ERM)

Organizational efficiency management (OEM)

Total quality management (TQM)

Continuous innovation management (CIM)

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Customer relationship management (CRM)

When there are _____ inputs required to produce a given output, the efficiency is _____ and the cost of outputs is _____.

more; higher; lower

fewer; higher; lower

more; lower, lower

fewer; lower; higher

fewer; lower; lower

fewer; higher; lower

________ are the goods and products manufactured using fundamental shifts in technology as a result of pioneering discoveries.

Quantum process innovations

Quantum product innovations

Incremental product innovations

Incremental process innovations

Product development

Quantum product innovations

In a _____ layout, machines are organized so that each operation needed to manufacture a product or process is performed at workstations arranged in a fixed sequence.







_______ is a technique that forces managers to choose among competing projects so functional resources are not spread thinly over too many projects.


A stage-gate development funnel

Process reengineering

A product development plan

A project development plan

A stage-gate development funnel

Which of the following must managers in product development avoid to promote innovation and speed up product development?

developing a structured process for evaluating ideas

funding too many project ideas at one time

providing incentives for employees to come up with ideas

allowing team members to brainstorm

establishing a stage-gate funnel

funding too many project ideas at one time

Managers try to develop functional strategies that allow the organization's value chain to deliver to customers

fewer product attributes at a lower price.

smaller products at a higher price.

more product attributes at a higher price.

the same product attributes at a lower price.

the same products at the same price.

the same product attributes at a lower price.

The Donut House, a large donut bakery with outlets across several cities, improves the quality of the dough it uses and introduces a wide range of toppings and glazes to go with its donuts. This is an example of

quantum process innovation.

quantum product innovation.

incremental product innovation.

incremental process innovation.

process structuring.

incremental product innovation

_____ is a management technique that focuses on improving attributes of an organization's products such as superior design, features, reliability, and after-sales support.

Effective client management (ECM)

Organizational efficiency management (OEM)

Total quality management (TQM)

Product manufacture management (PMM)

Customer relationship management (CRM)

Total quality management (TQM)

A(n) _____ is a series of functional activities needed to transform inputs into finished goods or services.

operating system

marketing function

organizational hierarchy

value chain

customer relationship management system

value chain

_____ is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business procedures to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance such as cost, quality, service, and speed.

Product reengineering

Product research

Process reengineering

Flexible manufacturing

Efficiency monitoring

process reengineering

Which of the following statements is true about total quality management (TQM)?

There are three steps in the TQM program.

Suggestions for improvements come from lower-level managers.

All managers in every function must cooperate and develop goals for the organization.

Adding steps for the production process increases quality.

A just-in-time inventory is not compatible with the program.

All managers in every function must cooperate and develop goals for the organization.

Six Sigma shares with TQM its focus on improving value chain processes to increase





employee involvement.


Illumin, a light bulb manufacturing company, strives to improve the longevity and brightness of its bulbs by continuously changing designs and trying different combinations of materials and component parts while manufacturing them. This is an example of

quantum process innovation.

quantum product innovation.

incremental product innovation.

incremental process innovation.

process reengineering.

incremental product innovation.

A _________ is a written agreement that details factors such as responsibilities, resource commitments, budgets, time lines, and development milestones.

product development plan

contract book

product development proposal

contract plan

contract agreement

contract plan

For converting inputs into outputs, _____ is responsible for creating, assembling, or providing a good or service.

materials management


customer service




Which of the following is true about the impact of high-quality products?

High product quality results in high operating costs.

High product quality results in high employee productivity.

High product quality lowers efficiency.

High product quality reduces profits.

High product quality lowers customer retention.

High product quality results in high employee productivity.

A_____ is a small, wheeled container used in a just-in-time inventory system to move component parts from suppliers to the assembly line.



conveyor belt




A newsletter publisher in a small town accepts subscription requests and handles queries through the town's mail services and through online subscriptions. The publishing unit provides after-sale service and support to its online subscribers. This publisher is using

customer relationship management (CRM).

total quality management (TQM).

value chain management.

effective client management (ECM).

Six Sigma.

Six Sigma

Charlotte introduced the use of empowered self-managed teams at her production plant. She can expect

An increase in efficiency

________ management is the development of a set of functional-level strategies that support a company's business-level strategy and strengthen its competitive advantage.

Value chain

Using advancements in technology, an eyewear manufacturer continues to improve the quality of prescription lenses. This is an example of

incremental product innovation

Great cost savings can result from _____ inventory turnover and _____ inventory holding costs, such as warehousing and storage costs.

increasing; reducing

Sawyer Outfits manufactures baby clothes. The company has worked hard to develop function strategies to deliver customers desired product attributes. The company is likely to see costs grow out of control if it

customizes every product to the unique demand of individual customers

The _____ plan specifies all of the relevant information that managers need to decide whether to go ahead with a full-blown product development effort.

product development

Which of the following is true about the members of a self-managed team?

They assume the responsibilities of first-line managers.

Which of the following is not a product attribute or quality that most customers prefer?

products with few features

The main aim of flexible manufacturing is to

reduce the time required to set up production equipment.

__________ members of a team bear the primary responsibility for the success of a project and stay with a project from inception to completion.


_______ is an approach that creates teams of expert change agents known as "green belts and black belts" to take control of problem finding, problem solving, and training other employees in implementing solutions.

six sigma

Which of the following functions should a company use to help increase customer perceptions of the utility of a company's product through brand positioning and advertising?


which of the following is a potential outcome when organizations offer a very high level of repressiveness to customers

Company costs will become too high

which of the following statements is true about increasing the efficiency of an operating system

Improving efficiency lets an organization make a greater profit

Which of the following should an organization do in order to obtain a competitive advantage through superior innovation

produce products with technologies that have not been used previously

Which of the following should an organization do in order to obtain a competitive advantage through superior efficincy

reduce the number of inputs it requires to produce a given amount of outputs

A tire company's products are more expensive than those offered by its competitors, but are more expensive than those offered by its competitors, but are still sought after by under harsh conditions. The tire company. in this case, has achieved competitive advantage through

Superior quality

Which of the following is essential for good value chain managemtn

The marketing function should define business in terms of customer need rather tan the type of products

A__ is a written agreement that details factors such as responsibilities, resource commitments, budgets, timelines, and development milestones

contract book

Users of Adobe Reader, created by Adobe Systems Incorporated, are prompted to provide feedback on their experiences with the software in a bid to improve the product. In this case, Adobe systems inc. is trying to gain a competitive advantage through

superior responsiveness to customers

The first step in a stage gate development funnel is to

encourage employees to come up with as many new product ideas as possible

Successful implementation of TQM requires substantial cooperation between

Different value chain functions

Self managed teams use ___, in which different teams assemble each component part and then send those parts to a final assembly team

fixed position layout

Which of the following is true about total quality manangement

Managers should ask employees for suggestion about improvements

In order to design for ease of production, a company should

design products that have fewer component parts

A ___ members of a team bear the primary responsibility for the success of a project and stay with a project from inception to completion

Functional-level strategy

According to TQM philosophy, the ___, not the ___ in quality control or engineering, define what quality is

customers; managers

Which of the following is true about the impact of information systems and the Internet on companies in general?

Which of the following is true about the impact of information systems and the Internet on companies in general? It has allowed for production schedule to provide components on a just-in-time basis.

Is a technique that uses it to develop an ongoing relationship quizlet?

Customer relationship management is a technique that uses IT to develop an ongoing relationship with customers to maximize the value an organization can deliver to them over time.

Which of the following is a potential outcome when organizations offer a very high level of responsiveness to customers quizlet?

Which of the following is a potential outcome when organizations offer a very high level of responsiveness to customers? Company costs will become too high.

Is the gradual improvement and refinement of existing products over time as existing technologies are perfected?

The gradual improvement and refinement of existing products over time as existing technologies are perfected are called incremental product innovations.