Which is the best way to position the patients neck for palpation of the thyroid?


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Which is the best way to position the patients neck for palpation of the thyroid?

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head and neck

Which cranial nerves innervate the face? V and VII
The parotid, submandibular, and sublingual salivary glands: inhibit dental caries
As the examiner, you are checking the range of motion in his neck and note the greatest degree of cervical mobility is at: C4 to C5
In examining the neck of a 34-year-old female patient, you note that the uppermost ridge of the tracheal cartilage is at the: cricoid
A mom brings her 16-year-old son in with a complaint that he is not developing correctly into adolescence. Which structures disproportionately enlarge in the male during adolescence? Nose and thyroid cartilages
Spaces between the cranial bones accommodate: brain growth
When examining the skull of a 4-month-old baby, you should normally find: closure of the posterior fontanel
The brown or tan pigmentation on the forehead, nose, and malar prominence of some pregnant women is called: chloasma
What is an expected change in the assessment of the thyroid during pregnancy? A bruit is auscultated.
On examination, you have noted a bruit heard over the thyroid. This is suggestive of: hyperthyroidism
a 24-year-old secretary who comes to the clinic with headaches of 6 weeks’ duration. She tells the office assistant about her heavy schedule, including part-time work and evening classes. Her vital signs are normal. What other information should be asked? current medications
Observation during history taking is the best way to examine for: head position
During a head and neck assessment of a neonate, it is important to screen for: the presence of torticollis
_________ is usually caused by constraint of the newborn in utero or injury during vaginal delivery. torticollis
To detect bruits in the head and neck region, you should place the bell of the stethoscope: on the temporal region and below the occiput.
you notice slight asymmetry of his face. The cranial nerve examination is normal. Your best action is to: record the finding in the patient’s chart.
A bruit, or blowing sound, over the skull or temporal region of an adult indicates a: vascular anomaly
Spasmodic muscular contractions of the head, face, or neck are called: Tics
Coarse, dry, and brittle hair is associated with which metabolic disorder? hypothyroidism
An inconsequential finding on the head of an adult is a palpable: sagittal suture ridge
Which is the best way to position a patient’s neck for palpation of the thyroid? Flexed toward the side being examined
A stethoscope is used in a head and neck examination to assess: thyroid vascular sounds
Tracheal tug suggests the presence of a(n): aortic aneurysm
The thyroid gland should: move when the patient swallows
You are palpating a patient’s thyroid and find that its broadest dimension measures 4 cm. The right lobe is 25% larger than the left. These data would indicate: a normal thyroid gland
The correct way to transilluminate an infant’s skull is to: place the light firmly against the skull.
The most common form of birth trauma of the scalp is: caput succedaneum.
____________ is seen over the presenting part of the head during delivery as the skull passes through the pelvis; the scalp usually feels edematous to touch, which fades after a few days. caput succadaneum
A cepahlhematoma is bound by suture lines true or false? true
Nuchal rigidity is most commonly associated with: meningeal irritation
When noting a bulging fontanel with marked pulsations in a 6 month old, you suspect: increased intracranial pressure
Which type of headache usually occurs at night, is precipitated by alcohol consumption, and occurs more often in men than in women? cluster
A woman presents to the urgent care center with a history of a severe headache of 2 hours’ duration. She describes it as bandlike and constricting. In interviewing the woman about her complaint, you would ask: whether she is stressed. This is usually a tension headache
A patient presents with a freely movable cystic mass in the midline of the high neck region at the base of the tongue. This is most likely a: thyroglossal duct cyst
Moist skin with fine hair, prominent eyes, lid retraction, and a staring expression are characteristics associated with: graves disease
A _______ is associated with , the face may appear sunken, facial bones will be more visible, and the skin will be dry terminal illness
Mild ptosis is consistent with ________ fetal alcohol syndrome
What structure is located in the upper third of the sternocleidomastoid muscle? branchial cleft cyst
_________ is a chronic autoimmune thyroid disease that commonly affects children and women 30 to 50 years of age. hashimoto disease
The premature union of cranial sutures that involves the shape of the head without mental retardation is: craniosynostosis
The trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles and the clavicle form a landmark called the _____ triangle. posterior
The medial borders of the sternocleidomastoid muscles and the mandible form the _____ triangle. anterior
The largest endocrine gland in the body lies in the _____ triangle. anterior
Closure of the anterior skull fontanel should occur by _____. 24 months of age
Preterm infants may have: long, narrow heads
Neck webbing, excessive posterior cervical skin, and a short neck are signs associated with: chromosomal anomalies.
Transillumination of the skull should be performed: routinely in all newborn infants.
The major landmarks of the face are the: palpebral fissures and nasolabial folds
Caput succedaneum, a form of birth trauma, is characterized by which of the following? Subcutaneous edema over the presenting part of the head
Incorrect The anterior triangle is located: under the mandible, medial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
A 45-year-old man tells you that he has headaches that are intense with a burning quality; they often occur at night. These characteristics are indicative of which type of headache? Tension
Mrs. Jenkins is a 47-year-old woman who presents for a routine examination. On examination, the examiner percusses the skull and hears a low-pitched note. Which of the following identify the significance of this finding? Hypoparathyroidism

What is the appropriate position to examine the thyroid?

Inspection. The patient should be seated or standing in a comfortable position with the neck in a neutral or slightly extended position.

Which is the best way to position a patient's neck for palpation quizlet?

The patient should be positioned so that the sternocleidomastoid muscle is relaxed and the thyroid is easier to palpate. This is done by having the patient flex the neck slightly forward and laterally toward the side being examined.

What method is used to assess the thyroid gland quizlet?

To palpate the thyroid, use a posterior approach. Stand behind the client and ask the client to lower the chin to the chest and turn the neck slightly to the right. The nurse detects enlarged, tender, preauricular nodes in a client.