Which industry controlled the politics and economy of Texas for most of the twentieth century

How do you want to study today?

Unlike earlier eras, the Texas economy of the twenty-first century features
a. Computers, electronics, and other high-tech products
b. Transportation, oil and natural gas, and banking
c. Insurance, construction, and banking
d. Ranking, oil, and tourism
e. Education, the military, and agriculture

The three major metropolitan areas In Texas area
a. Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, and San Antonio
b. Houston, Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso
c. El Paso, Houston, and Austin
d. San Antonio, El Paso, and Brownsville-Harlingen-McAllen
e. San Antonio, El Paso, and Houston

Sets with similar terms

Which industry dominated the Texas economy for nearly the entire 20th century?

1: Analyze how political culture has shaped Texas's politics, government, and public policy. What industry dominated the Texas economy for nearly the entire 20th century? a. the agriculture industry.

What region in Texas has historically had the most influence over politics in the state?

Info: - As the region with the largest population and the most diversified economic base, it remains the driving force in Texas politics. - The Gulf Coastal Plain have been, and likely will continue to be, the base of power in Texas politics.

What is Texas economy based on?

The Texas economy today relies largely on information technology, oil and natural gas, aerospace, defense, biomedical research, fuel processing, electric power, agriculture, and manufacturing.

Which factors contributed the most to the increase in the population of Texas?

Births and Migration Push Population to Nearly 28 Million. Texas continues to have strong population growth in the second decade of the 21st century. This growth is from a robust and balanced combination of natural increase and net migration that pushed the state's population to almost 28 million.