Which globalizing industry developed its own specialized sailing vessels in the eighteenth century?

History 2610 Exam I Review1.France imported which raw materials from its colonies, which it then manufactured into itemsfor sale in foreign markets?

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2.Which globalizing industry developed its own specialized sailing vessels in the eighteenthcentury?

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3.What physical environment was most hazardous to the health of newborn babies in theeighteenth century?

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4.What inspired King Henry VIII's conversion to Protestantism and his establishment of theChurch of England?

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5.Who was eligible to vote for the government under William Penn's leadership in seventeenth-century Pennsylvania?

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6.In the eighteenth century, to what did colonists attribute their living longer than their Europeancounterparts?

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7.Pennsylvania's founder, William Penn, belonged to which religious community?

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8.The first Europeans to discover lands in the western Atlantic were?

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9.What Native American people built the capital Tenochtitlán on the site of present-day MexicoCity?

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10.Martin Luther and John Calvin were leaders of distinct denominations of what religiousmovement in the sixteenth century?

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11.Weak monarchies and religious and political strife in both France and England during the