Which field examines the correspondence between signs and symbols and their role in the assignment of meaning?

The immediate response by our eyes, nose, mouth or fingers to such basic stimuli as light, color, sound, odor and texture is called ________.

The process by which people select, organize, and interpret sensory information is called ________.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three stages of the process of perception?

Research has indicated that the color ________ creates feelings of arousal and stimulates appetite.

Some color combinations come to be so strongly associated with a corporation that they become known as the company's ________.

When a gas station blows "fresh coffee smell" around the gas pumps to tempt customers to come inside for a cup, the gas station is using a form of ________ marketing to influence customers.

When Jane shops, she must feel the fabric of any potential clothing buy before she even bothers to see what the design is. She has a high need to touch. Which sense system is important to Jane in her clothing shopping?

A philosophy that translates customers' feelings into design elements is called ________ engineering.

Males and females have different appreciations of textures (touch sensitivity). When feeling fabrics, men evaluate which of the following as "high class"?

When a stimulus comes within the range of someone's sensory receptors ________ occurs.

The ________ threshold refers to the minimum amount of stimulation that can be detected on a sensory channel.

The minimum difference that can be detected between two stimuli is known as the ________.

j.n.d. (just noticeable difference)

The ________ threshold refers to the ability of a sensory system to detect changes between two stimuli.

According to Weber's Law, the ________ the initial stimulus, the greater a change must be for people to notice the change.

________ occurs when a stimulus is below the level of an individual's awareness.

The average adult is exposed to about 3,500 pieces of advertising information every single day, far more information than they can or are willing to process. Consumers who are exposed to more information than they can process are in a state of ________.

The ability to process information from more than one medium at a time is known as ________.

Because the brain's capacity to process information is limited, consumers are very selective about what they pay attention to and tend to select stimuli that relate to their current needs. This type of perceptual filter is called ________.

An individual may not process stimuli that are in some way threatening, or may distort the meaning of the stimuli to make it less threatening. This type of perceptual filter is called ________.

The flip side of ________ is ________.

perceptual defense; perceptual vigilance

According to the exposure factor leading to adaptation, frequently encountered stimuli ________ as the rate of exposure increases.

According to the ________ factor leading to adaptation, simple stimuli habituate because they do not require attention to detail.

Size, color, position, and novelty are all strategies for creating which of the following?

Which of the following refers to the meanings we assign to sensory stimuli?

In the process of ________, certain properties of a stimulus evoke a schema.

All consumers carry a schema in their minds when they enter the marketplace. According to the principles of perceptual vigilance and defense, a marketer should be careful to create a promotion for the new product that ________.

conforms to the customers' schemata

When we anthropomorphize products, we evaluate them using ________ we typically apply to classify people.

Our brains tend to relate incoming sensations to others already in memory, based on some fundamental organizational principles.  These principles derive from ________, a school of thought that maintains that people interpret meaning from the totality of a set of stimuli rather than from any individual stimulus.

________ roughly means whole, pattern, or configuration; this perspective is best summarized by the saying "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."

A new Green Giant ad campaign relied on the ________ when it used a redesigned package for Green Giant products that showed the Green Giant in a "sea of green." It was felt that the Green Giant products were now unified under a common design banner.

The field of ________ examines the correspondence between signs and symbols and their role in the assignment of meaning.

From a semiotic perspective, every marketing message has three basic components.  Which of those components is the sensory image that represents the intended meaning?

A(n) ________ is a sign that relates to a product by either conventional or agreed-on associations.

A common practice among advertisers is to create new relationships between objects and interpretants by inventing new connections between products and benefits. A classic example of this was equating Marlboro cigarettes with the American frontier spirit. Which of the following terms best describes this practice?

What is the primary purpose of aperceptual map?

Perceptual maps outline where a product stands in comparison to competitors in the minds of consumers.

The ________ for a brand guides how a company uses elements of the marketing mix to influence the consumer's interpretation of the brand's meaning in the marketplace relative to its competitors.

Lifestyle, attributes, competitors, and quality are all dimensions marketers can use to carve out a brand's ________ in the marketplace.

Ben Perez is driving along a mountain road. In the distance, he sees a road crew working on a fallen tree that has blocked the highway. When Ben first sees the road crew, which of the following perceptual processes has been engaged?

Nadia Ali loves the feel of her new sweater and the smell of her leather car seats on a crisp fall day. As she passes a billboard, she sees an ad for Baskin-Robbins ice cream and immediately does a U-turn into the shopping center where she knows the famous ice cream store is located. In the above example, Nadia is responding to ________.

sensory inputs emanating from the external environment

If you were designing an advertisement to warn Japanese smokers of the deadly consequences of smoking, what colors should you choose to dominate the ad?

white background with a red foreground

A billboard is positioned beside a busy highway. However, the merchant that has purchased the billboard complains that no response is being generated by his advertising message. Upon closer inspection, the billboard company determines that the typeface used is too small to be effectively read by a motorist going 60+ mph on the highway. Which of the following sensory thresholds would be most appropriate to explain the failure of this advertisement to connect with motorists?

Jason and Mark were talking in class, but so was everyone else. As they continued to discuss their day's adventures, it suddenly became clear to them that the teacher was staring at them. They didn't realize that the class had been called to order and what was once only one conversation among many was now disruptive. Jason apologized quickly and the teacher resumed her normal activities. This is a good example of how a consumer's ability to detect a difference between two stimuli is ________.

A retailer decides to reduce the price of a sport coat that normally costs $98. The reduction in price is $3. The storeowner believes that the reduction will catch the eye of the value shopper. If the sport coat does not sell, the retailer might wish to consider which of the following before making another price change?

Mary Nabholz travels the same way to work every day. She notices advertisements in store windows when the ads first go up. However, after a few days, Mary no longer pays any attention to these ads because they have become familiar. Which of the following personal selection factors is affecting Mary Nabholz's response to the ads?

In the past ketchup formed an unbecoming "scum" on its surface if it was exposed to the air, so manufacturers created the traditionally shaped ketchup bottle with the narrow opening. When chemicals were developed to reduce this oxidation, it was then possible to sell ketchup in more conveniently shaped containers. Customers, however, rejected bottles that didn't have the traditional ketchup shape. This is an example of the power of ________ in the marketplace.

A common practice among advertisers is to create new relationships between objects and interpretants by inventing new connections between products and benefits. How would a marketer use hyperreality to find a new use for baking soda?

by associating the soda with a fictional character called Simon Soda

Which of the following comes closest in characterizing the concept of hedonic consumption?

Kim can never buy fashionable clothes without looking carefully at their construction and then feeling the quality of the cloth with her fingers.

One of the principles of psychophysics is that changes in the physical environment are not always matched by equal changes perceptually. If Madison Wilson were creating a new drink, what would psychophysics tell her?

She would need to research how the perception of "sweetness" changed by the amount of sugar added.

Which of the following is most relevant to a company that wants to position a new brand on price leadership?

Which of the following most accurately reflects the current thinking about the use of subliminal perception in marketing promotion and advertising?

There is some evidence that subliminal perception canhave limited effects, but the effects are not specific enough to makesubliminal messages effective in advertising.

Perception refers to the immediate response of our sensory receptors to such basic stimuli as light, color, and sound.

Unlike computers, we do not passively process whatever information happens to be present.

The first step in the perception process is exposure to a stimulus. Without exposure, there would be no perception.

Interpretation is the last stage of the perceptual process.

A behavioral researcher studying how consumers use multi-sensory, fantasy, and emotional factors in selecting products is studying what is called hedonic consumption.

Sensory marketing has proven to be largely ineffective as a marketing approach.

Colors look duller to older people, which is why they prefer white and other bright tones.

Some color combinations can become so associated with a company that the corporation may be granted exclusive use of these colors.

Fragrance is processed by the limbic system, the most primitive part of the brain and the place where immediate emotions are experienced.

Marketers have generally failed in their efforts to introduce scented marketing practices and products to the American marketplace.

Kinsei engineering focuses on the visual sense.

A consumer's ability to detect a difference between two stimuli is relative to the strength of those stimuli.

The absolute threshold is dependent upon how strong a marketer makes a stimulus.

The sound emitted by a dog whistle is too high to be detected by human ears. This is an illustration of a stimulation that is beyond our absolute threshold.

Weber's Law states that the intensity of the stimulus is greater if its duration is increased.

Consumers are more likely to be aware of stimuli that relate to their current needs. This is an example of perceptual vigilance.

Novelty in the form of interruption intensifies our experiences, increasing our enjoyment of pleasant stimulu and amplifying our dislike of unpleasant stimuli.

The location of a product's image on a package influences the way our brains make sense of it; we perceive objects lower in a frame to be heavier than objects higher in the frame and objects on the right side of a frame heavier than those on the left side of the frame.

Sarah Palmer realizes she just made a mistake. In her hurried shopping trip, she picked up the yellow plastic squeeze bottle from the grocery store shelf assuming that it was French's mustard. To her dismay, it was the store brand. Her confusion is an illustration of the differential threshold.

According to the retailer's rule of thumb based on Weber's Law, when a sale catalog is created, the prices (on average) of the products in the catalog should be reduced by about 20 percent.

Alba is dedicated to fitness and nutrition. She rarely eats fast food because of the high calories and low nutritional value. Though Alba is exposed to many advertising messages from fast food restaurants each day, she rarely processes these messages. This is an example of subliminal perception.

You can understand the following uniquely-printed sentence because of the Gestalt principle of closure. Percption is imptant in undrstdng consmr bhavr.

On Lost, the popular television drama with mysterious and supernatural plotlines, the fictional Hanso foundation sponsors questionable research projects. Many Lost Web sites now sell items bearing the Hanso name and logo. This is an example of hyperreality.

Individuals have different absolute thresholds for visual and aural stimuli. This fact supports the statement that subliminal advertising would need to be tailored to the individual in order to be effective.

The icons on the restroom doors in a bar in Wyoming were a doe and a buck. This is an excellent example of hyperreality.

Which of the following refers to the meanings we assign to sensory stimuli *?

Perception refers to the immediate response of our sensory receptors to such basic stimuli as light, color, and sound.

Which of the following refers to the process we used to select organize and interpret sensory stimuli?

Perception is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting information. This process affects our communication because we respond to stimuli differently, whether they are objects or persons, based on how we perceive them.

Which type of threshold refers to the ability of a sensory system to detect changes between two stimuli?

Differential Threshold - the difference between two stimuli or between one level of a stimulus and another level of that stimulus, where stimulus refers to something that causes a change in an organism.

What concept explains that meaning comes from the totality of a set of stimuli rather than any individual part or stimulus?

The Gestalt Principle is how people interpret meaning from the totality of a set of stimuli rather than from any individual stimulus.