When preparing a sterile field, which action would be appropriate for the nurse to take first?


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When preparing a sterile field, which action would be appropriate for the nurse to take first?

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Which practice is a correct application of infection control practices? A nurse performs hand washing each time the nurse removes a pair of gloves.
Any microorganism capable of disrupting normal physiologic body processes is a: pathogen
The nurse is caring for a client who has active tuberculosis and is under airborne precautions. The health care provider prescribes a computed tomography (CT) examination of the chest. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? Place a surgical mask on the client and transport to the CT department at the specified time.
When preparing to use a bottle of sterile saline for a dressing change, the nurse notes that the date it was opened was two days ago. What should the nurse do? Obtain a new bottle of sterile saline.
The nurse is caring for a client with a latex sensitivity. Which resource would be most appropriate for the nurse to access when developing the client’s plan of care? Policy for clients with latex sensitivity
Which is not appropriate regarding the use of gowns as PPE? use of one gown per person per shift
The nurse is providing an in-service educational program for the interprofessional health care team about infection control precautions. What teaching will the nurse include? Select all that apply. Practice hand hygiene. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE). Keep client’s environment clean.
The nurse is caring for a client with a draining abscess. Which precautions will the nurse begin? contact
A nurse is implementing the principles of surgical asepsis while inserting a client’s indwelling urinary catheter. Which action should the nurse perform? Hold sterile objects above waist level to prevent accidental contamination.
A child who appears to have a cold sneezes repeatedly in the waiting room without covering the mouth. Which action should the nurse take? Give the child a box of tissues and ask to cover the face with a tissue every time he sneezes.
A client with HIV is the: carrier
To eliminate needlesticks as potential hazards to nurses, the nurse should: immediately deposit uncapped needles into a puncture-proof plastic container.
The nurse is donning a pair of sterile gloves. The nurse correctly dons the first glove, but inadvertently inserts the thumb and index finger into the thumb hole of the second glove. The glove remains intact. Which action is most appropriate? Continue to don the glove, then use the other gloved hand to carefully insert the finger into the proper hole
The nurse is caring for a client admitted with tuberculosis (TB). What would be the best action by the nurse? Apply a nonparticulate (N-95) respirator when entering the room.
The nurse must assign a room for a client admitted with endocarditis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the blood. A client with which diagnosis can share a room with this client? MRSA in the wound
Upon review of a client's microbiology culture results, the nurse recognizes which organism as indicative of normal flora? Escherichia coli in the intestinal tract
The nurse planning to insert an indwelling urinary catheter into a client should utilize which technique? Surgical asepsis
The nurse is setting up a sterile field to perform a catheterization when the client touches the end of the sterile field. What would be the nurse’s next appropriate action? Discard the sterile field and the supplies and start over.
A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old postoperative client. The client returns to the ICU after surgery intubated and mechanically ventilated with a Salem sump nasogastric tube, a Foley catheter, and a PICC line in place. what should nurse remove first? urinary catheter
A client has tested positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus after being swabbed on admission to the hospital. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is an example of: Survival adaptation
A nursing student is donning sterile gloves to perform routine tracheostomy care for a client. Which behavior by the student would require immediate intervention from the instructor? reaches down to the bed to pick up a sterile drape
The parent of a pediatric client tells the nurse, “I do not believe in vaccinations.” What is the appropriate nursing response? “Help me understand your perspective about vaccinating.”
The client is an employee on the medical unit at the local children's hospital. The nurse is an occupational health nurse educating the client on various routes of exposure. The nurse knows that the client is most susceptible to infection by what contact
The nurse is reviewing the plan of care for assigned clients. Which client has the highest risk for developing an infection? an older adult client with a history of heart failure
The nurse is preparing a sterile field for a dressing change. How would the nurse add paper-wrapped sterile items to the sterile field? Separate the sealed flaps and drop contents onto field.
A client is to have an indwelling urinary catheter inserted. Which precaution is followed during this procedure? Surgical asepsis technique
The nurse is teaching a new nurse about preparing a sterile field. Which action made by the new nurse would indicate further teaching is required? The new nurse touches 1.5 in. (4 cm) from the outer edges.
The nurse is receiving a confused client with a draining wound onto the medical-surgical unit. Which room assignment will the nurse make? into a private room
Nurses working in bed management are assigning clients from the emergency room to semiprivate rooms. Clients with which two diagnoses are appropriate to room together, based on safety and infection control standards? Reactive airway disease and exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD)
A pregnant woman with a history of genital herpes infection who is near term asks the nurse why she must have a cesarean section when she has not had an outbreak in a "long time". The nurse responds: "You may have infection in your birth canal that you are unaware of."
The nurse observes an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) collecting a urine specimen from a client with Staphylococcus aureus infection. Which action by the UAP would require the nurse to intervene? removes gloves and walks out of the room
The nurse is preparing discharge instructions for a family member who will be caring for a client with an abdominal incision. Which concept should be the priority in the teaching plan? hand washing
Which client presents the most significant risk factors for the development of Clostridium difficile infection? An 81-year-old client who has been receiving multiple antibiotics for the treatment of sepsis
A client is diagnosed with hepatitis C. What statement made by the client indicates that further education is required regarding the transmission of the virus? "I probably got the virus when I sat on the toilet seat in a dirty bathroom."
Which nursing action carries the greatest likelihood of contributing to the spread of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)? Emptying the Foley catheter bag of a client with VRE and then helping the client in the next bed transfer to a chair without washing hands between contact.
A nurse is preparing an operating room theatre for a surgical procedure. Which point regarding the principles of surgical asepsis should the nurse keep in mind when preparing sterilized surgical instruments? A commercially packaged surgical item is not considered sterile if past expiration date.
A nurse is explaining the process of infection to a nursing student. Place the process in the most appropriate order. infectious agent a reservoir an exit route transmission mode entry portal susceptible host
A team of nurses is caring for a client with tuberculosis. They have not been fitted for N95 respirators. How will the team proceed with care? utilize a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR)
Which should be documented by the nurse? The fact that sterile technique was used for a given procedure
The nurse applies an alcohol-based hand rub upon entering the client’s room. The client becomes upset stating, “You did not wash your hands!” Which response by the nurse is most appropriate? “Alcohol-based hand rub provides the greatest reduction in microbial counts on the skin.”
The nurse is caring for assigned clients who are all stable. Which client should the nurse see first to minimize the spread of infection? the client who is 48-hours postsurgical procedure
The nurse educator is reminding a group of new nurses about precautions. Which statement by a new nurse requires further teaching by the nurse educator? “Wearing an N95 respirator is critical when I care for clients in droplet precautions.”
The nurse is initiating isolation precautions for a client who has chronic Clostridium difficile infection. What should the nurse be sure to include with these precautions? be sure that there are gloves of various sizes and gowns for use
The nurse observes a member of the care team removing a gown after assisting a client with hygiene, as seen in image above. What is the nurse's most appropriate action? teach the colleague to let the gown fall away rather than pulling on the sleeves
The nurse is observing a sterile field that was prepared by another staff member. Which, if present, would indicate that the sterile field is contaminated? sterile drape positioned with the moisture-proof side facing up

What is the first action that should be done before setting up a sterile field?

When setting up a sterile field, it is essential that the nurse check the packages for their expiration dates to ensure that the items are sterile. This must be done before opening any sterile items. The work surface should be placed at waist level before checking the expiration dates and opening any sterile packages.

Which action would the nurse take when opening a sterile package?

When setting up a sterile field, the nurse opens a sterile package prepared by the facility. Which action would the nurse take first? Unfold the top flap away from the body.

When entering a client's room What is the nurse's first action?

1. Knock on the door, identify yourself, and state what you plan to do. 2. Identify the client.

When adding sterile items to a sterile field the nurse should drop the items from which height?

Drop items from six inches away from the sterile field. Sterile solutions should be poured into a sterile bowl or tray from the side of the sterile field and not directly over it.