Which american social class comprises the largest composition of the population?

Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 8e, Global Edition (Kotler) Chapter 6 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying Behavior

  1. The factor that exerts the broadest and deepest influence on behavior is: A) Sub-culture B) Social class C) Family D) Culture Answer: D

  2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic affecting consumer behavior? A) Personal B) Culture C) Postpurchase behavior D) Social Answer: C

  3. The stages through which families pass as they grow older are called: A) Family crisis cycles B) Family formulation cycles C) Family life cycles D) Family aging cycles Answer: C

  4. The technique used to measure lifestyles is called: A) Geographics B) Economics C) Demographics D) Psychographics Answer: D

  5. The most important consumer buying unit in the United States (one that has been researched extensively) is the: A) Individual B) Family C) Social class D) Reference group Answer: B

  6. The first stage of the buyer decision process is: A) Need recognition B) Evaluation of alternatives C) Information search D) Purchase decision Answer: A


  1. ________ groups are those groups we would like to belong to but do not. A) Membership B) Reference C) Aspirational D) Motivational Answer: C

  2. According to Maslow, the most important need to be satisfied is: A) Ego B) Safety C) Social D) Physiological Answer: D

  3. When we screen out information coming at us, we are engaged in the act of: A) Selective retention B) Selective attention C) Selective distortion D) Selective choice Answer: B

  4. ________ is the most affluent U. demographic segment. A) Hispanic B) African American C) Asian American D) International Answer: C

  5. Which American social class comprises the largest composition of the population? A) Upper uppers B) Lower uppers C) Working D) Upper lowers Answer: C

  6. ________ may also have a strong influence on family buying decisions. A) Children B) Head of the family C) Elders D) Friends Answer: A


  1. Dissatisfied consumers could take any of the following actions EXCEPT: A) Change esteem status B) Do nothing C) Request an exchange D) File a lawsuit Answer: A

  2. ________ is an application of the understanding of sensation and perception to the field of marketing. A) Corporeal marketing B) Sensory marketing C) Physical marketing D) Applicable marketing Answer: B

  3. Life-stage segmentation provides a powerful marketing tool for marketers in any industry to better find, understand, and engage customers. Answer: FALSE

  4. A person's economic situation does not affect product choice and purchase decisions. Answer: FALSE

  5. Short three- and four-day trips are on the decline as trends show preferences for longer vacations. Answer: FALSE

  6. Personal sources, commercial sources, public sources, and the internet are considered integral to the information search process. Answer: TRUE

  7. Marketers should identify consumers' sources of information and the importance of each source. Answer: TRUE

  8. In the United States, social class is something you are born into. Answer: FALSE

  9. A belief describes a person's relatively consistent evaluations, feelings and tendencies toward an object. Answer: FALSE

  10. The marketer's job ends when the customer buys the product. Answer: FALSE

  11. Consumer behavior cannot be influenced. Answer: FALSE


  1. When evaluating alternatives, consumers pay the most attention to the attributes connected with their needs. Answer: TRUE

  2. Status is the general esteem given to someone fulfilling his/her role in society. Answer: TRUE

  3. It is easy to change a person's attitude by reasoning with them. Answer: FALSE

  4. Almost all major purchases result in discomfort caused by post purchase conflict. Answer: TRUE

  5. Most human behavior is learned. Answer: TRUE

  6. People are more likely to notice stimuli they did not anticipate than notice stimuli they did anticipate. Answer: FALSE

  7. Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior. Describe the differences between a person's culture and subculture. Answer: Answers will vary.

  8. A consumer's behavior is also influenced by social factors, such as the consumer's small groups, family and social roles and status. Explain the differences among these social factors. Answer: Answers will vary.

  9. Each person's distinct personality influences their buying behavior. Personality is usually described in terms of traits. What do we mean when we discuss traits? What are some examples of traits, and how do they affect the way people purchase items? Answer: Answers will vary.

  10. Explain Maslow's needs hierarchy. Answer: Answers will vary.

  11. Listing them in the proper order, what are the stages in the buyer decision process? Describe each. Answer: Answers will vary.