Which action would the nurse include when performing tracheostomy care on a client receiving mechanical ventilation?


Pleurisy is caused by inflammation of the pleural surfaces, and a frequent clinical manifestation is a pleural friction rub, which is a rough, scratching, grating, creaking sound caused by inflamed pleural surfaces rubbing together. It is frequently associated with chest pain.

A- Stridor is a high-pitched, shrill, harsh sound caused by laryngeal obstruction and can be heard on auscultation over the upper airways or with the naked ear.

B- Rhonchi are continuous, low-pitched, coarse sounds often described as having a snoring or moaning quality that occur with partial bronchial obstruction caused by mucus, bronchospasm, foreign bodies, or tumors.

D- High pitched crackles are fine, short, interrupted popping sounds best heard on inspiration that occur with problems such as heart failure when air passes through fluid within the alveoli.


The client's statement indicates readiness to develop a plan to regain speech, and the speech therapist's role is to assess the client, then develop and implement a plan to regain speech.

A- The statement, "Every client with a laryngectomy is different. It's difficult to say," is an evasive answer and offers no plans for goal setting.

B- Initially, the response, "It must be difficult for you, but be patient. These things take time," identifies feelings, but does not answer the client's question.

D- Written information can be helpful, but the nurse does not know whether esophageal speech is a good option for this client.

Which action will the nurse include when doing tracheostomy care?

Perform hand hygiene, apply non-sterile gloves. Suction the oropharynx if indicated to remove any pooled secretions before cuff deflation to minimize risk of aspiration. Perform routine tracheostomy tube suction procedure. Suction via above cuff port if this is available/present.

What are 5 nursing considerations when caring for a patient with a tracheostomy?

Home Care Modifications Explain the proper way on how to remove, change, and replace the inner cannula. Clean the inner cannula two or three times a day. Check and clean the tracheostomy stoma. Suction tracheal secretions if necessary.

Which action should the nurse take first when performing tracheostomy care quizlet?

The first nursing action for a patient following an airway procedure is to assess the patient's respiratory status; this requires auscultation of the lungs. Suction is not needed if the lungs are clear to auscultation.

What does caring for the tracheostomy include?

Tracheostomy (trach) care is done to keep your trach tube clean. This helps prevent a clogged tube and decreases your risk for infection. Trach care includes suctioning and cleaning parts of the tube and your skin. Your healthcare provider will show you how to care for your trach tube, and what to do in an emergency.