Which action indicates a nurse is using critical thinking for implementation of nursing care to patient?


A nurse is providing nursing care to patients after completing a care plan from nursing diagnoses. In which step of the nursing process is the nurse?


The nurse is teaching a new nurse about protocols. Which information from the new nurse indicates a correct understanding of the teaching?

Protocols assist the clinician in making decisions and choosing interventions for specific health care problems and conditions.

The standing orders for a patient include acetaminophen 650 mg every 4 hours prn for headache. After assessing the patient, the nurse identifies the need for headache relief and determines that the patient has not had acetaminophen in the past 4 hours. Which action will the nurse take next?

Administer the acetaminophen.

Which action indicates a nurse is using critical thinking for implementation of nursing care to patients?

Determines whether an intervention is correct and appropriate for the given situation

A nurse is reviewing a patient’s care plan. Which information will the nurse identify as a nursing intervention?

Provide assistance while the patient walks in the hallway twice this shift with crutches.

A patient recovering from a leg fracture after a fall reports having dull pain in the affected leg and rates it as a 7 on a 0 to 10 scale. The patient is not able to walk around in the room with crutches because of leg discomfort. Which nursing intervention is priority?

Administer pain medication.

The nurse is caring for a patient who requires a complex dressing change. While in the patient’s room, the nurse decides to change the dressing. Which action will the nurse take just before changing the dressing?

Assesses the patient’s readiness for the procedure

A patient visiting with family members in the waiting area tells the nurse “I don’t feel good, especially in the stomach.” What should the nurse do?

Ask the patient to return to the room, so the nurse can inspect the abdomen.

A newly admitted patient who is morbidly obese asks the nurse for assistance to the bathroom for the first time. Which action should the nurse take initially?

Review the patient’s activity orders.

A new nurse is working in a unit that uses interdisciplinary collaboration. Which action will the nurse take?

Develop good communication skills.

Which action should the nurse take first during the initial phase of implementation?

Reassess the patient.

Vital signs for a patient reveal a high blood pressure of 187/100. Orders state to notify the health care provider for diastolic blood pressure greater than 90. What is the nurse’s first action?

Assess the patient for other symptoms or problems, and then notify the health care provider.

Which initial intervention is most appropriate for a patient who has a new onset of chest pain?

Reassess the patient.

A nurse is making initial rounds on patients. Which intervention for a patient with poor wound healing should the nurse perform first?

Observe wound appearance and edges.

The nurse establishes trust and talks with a school-aged patient before administering an injection. Which type of implementation skill is the nurse using?



A staff development nurse is providing an inservice for other nurses to educate them about the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) system. During the inservice, which statement made by one of the nurses in the room requires the staff development nurse to clarify the information provided?

“This system can help medical students determine the cost of the care they provide to patients.”

The nurse is intervening for a family member with role strain. Which direct care nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Counseling about respite care options

The nurse is intervening for a patient that has a risk for a urinary infection. Which direct care nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Teaches proper handwashing technique

The nurse is revising the care plan. In which order will the nurse perform the tasks, beginning with the first step?1. Revise specific interventions.2. Revise the assessment column.3. Choose the evaluation method.4. Delete irrelevant nursing diagnoses.

2, 4, 1, 3

A nurse is implementing interventions for a group of patients. Which actions are nursing interventions? (Select all that apply.)a. Order chest x-ray for suspected arm fracture.b. Prescribe antibiotics for a wound infection.c. Reposition a patient who is on bed rest.d. Teach a patient preoperative exercises.e. Transfer a patient to another hospital unit.


A nurse is providing nursing care to a group of patients. Which actions are direct care interventions? (Select all that apply.)a. Ambulating a patientb. Inserting a feeding tubec. Performing resuscitationd. Documenting wound caree. Teaching about medications


A nurse is preparing to carry out interventions. Which resources will the nurse make sure are available? (Select all that apply.)a. Equipmentb. Safe environmentc. Confidenced. Assistive personnele. Creativity


Which interventions are appropriate for a patient with diabetes and poor wound healing? (Select all that apply.)a. Perform dressing changes twice a day as ordered.b. Teach the patient about signs and symptoms of infection.c. Instruct the family about how to perform dressing changes.d. Gently refocus patient from discussing body image changes.e. Administer medications to control the patient’s blood sugar as ordered.


Which action indicates the nurse is using the nursing process in patient care quizlet?

Which action indicates the nurse is using the nursing process in patient care? A nurse is using theoretical knowledge in nursing practice to provide patient care.

Which action by a nurse indicates application of the critical thinking model to make the best clinical decisions?

Which action demonstrates a nurse utilizing reflection to improve clinical decision making? Reflection utilizes critical thinking when thinking back on the effectiveness of interventions and how they were performed.

What actions does the nurse take during the implementation phase?

During the implementation phase of the nursing process, which action will the nurse perform when administering medications? Prepare medications for all patients, then administer. Decide the route of administration based on drug availability. Call the patient by name to verify the drug is for the right person.

What is one way nurses use critical thinking in regard to the nursing process quizlet?

It facilitates the collection of accurate patient data, analysis of data, selection, individualization and prioritization of nursing diagnoses, and the planning of patient-centered, evidence-based nursing care.