Which action indicates the nurse is meeting a primary goal of cultural competent care for patients?


While health disparities are the differences among populations in the incidence, prevalence, and outcomes of health conditions, diseases and related complications, health care disparities are differences among populations in the availability, accessibility, and quality of health care services (e.g. screening, diagnostic, treatment, management, and rehabilitation) aimed at prevention, treatment, and management of diseases and their complications.


The nurse is demonstrating culturally congruent care. Culturally congruent care, or care that fits a person's life patterns, values, and system of meaning, provides meaningful and beneficial nursing care. Marginalized groups are populations left out or excluded. Health care disparities are differences among populations in the availability, accessibility, and quality of health care services (e.g. screening, diagnostic, treatment, management, and rehabilitation) aimed at prevention, treatment, and management of diseases and their complications. Transcultural nursing is a comparative study of cultures in order to understand their similarities (culture that is universal) and the differences among them (culture that is specific to particular groups).

What is the goal of patient cultural competence?

Cultural competence seeks to identify and understand the needs and help-seeking behaviors of individuals and families. Cultural competence seeks to design and implement services that are tailored or matched to the unique needs of individuals, children and families.

What is the primary goal of a nursing cultural assessment?

Previously defined by Leininger (1978) as “systematic appraisal or examination of individuals, groups, and communities as their cultural beliefs, values and practices to determine explicit needs and intervention practices without the context of the people being served,” the goal of cultural assessment is to obtain ...

Which action will the nurse take first in order to develop cultural competence quizlet?

The first step in providing culturally competent care is to understand ones own beliefs and values related to health and health care. Asking the nurse about personal beliefs will help achieve this step.

What is the first step in providing culturally competent care as a nurse?

7 Steps Nurses Can Take to Provide Culturally Sensitive Care.
Awareness. As with any social issue, the first step is awareness. ... .
Avoid Making Assumptions. ... .
Learn About Other Cultures. ... .
Build Trust and Rapport. ... .
Overcome Language Barriers. ... .
Educate Patients About Medical Practices. ... .
Practice Active Listening..