What action should a nurse implement to prevent clogging of the NG tube after medication administration?

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The priority assessment should involve calf circumference measurements, respiratory/cardiac changes/trends, peripheral pulses, and pain, warmth, and/or edema in the extremities.
First, perform hand hygiene, next assess peripheral circulation, calf circumference with a tape measure on both legs, skin, and presence of edema. Turn the stockings inside to the heel, insert the foot, turn the remainder of the stocking over the heel and up the leg. Smooth creases or wrinkles. Remove and reassess every eight hours. Make sure stockings are clean, dry and not too tight over the toes. Perform proper documentation of application, removal, and assessments.

-Skin infections (herpes zoster, cutaneous diphtheria, impetigo, pediculosis, scabies, and staph)
-Wound infections
-Enteric infections (C-Diff)
-Eye infections (conjunctivitis)
Management: gown, gloves, goggles, private room
VRSA - contact and airborne precautions (private room, door closed, negative pressure)

Dumping syndrome frequently occurs after bariatric surgery and symptoms can include vertigo, syncope, pallor, diaphoresis, tachycardia, and palpitations. Therapy includes: small, frequent meals rather than large ones; avoidance of milk, sweets, and sugars; elimination of liquids with meals and for one hour before and after meals; reduction in the amount of fluid ingested at one time, eating a high-protein, high-fat, and low-to- moderate carbohydrate diet; and lying down after meals to slow transit time of food in the intestines. It is contraindicated for the client with Dumping Syndrome to sit up after eating, as that position will speed movement of gastric contents into the duodenum and may trigger the symptoms of Dumping Syndrome.

90 degree angle
massage site
1- 1 ½ inch needle usually
Aspirate → if in vein = STOP, pull out, discard needle, be honest with patient
Ventrogluteal → (#1 choice bc no nerves) palm on greater trochanter, index to belly button, middle finger straight up, squishy part in between fingers
Vastus Lateralis → (only site used for 2yrs and younger) middle ⅓ of muscle between greater trochanter and knee, painful for athletes, patients can see it (scary)
Deltoid → (least preferred) center of deltoid muscle, least painful
Dorsogluteal → NO, high risk, sciatic nerve, painful

1 Recipient consent
2 Verify order- what product to give, when to give it, at what rate, etc.
3 Pre-transfusion- sample pts blood for typing and cross matching with donor blood, ID band
4 Venous access- IV with 18 to 20 G needle, blood transfusion tubing with inline filter (change q4h or every 2 units)
5 Prepare the pt- explain, obtain VS, pt edu, pre-medicate if needed
6 Dispensing & transportation of component- infusion within 30 mins or return, inspect bag, sign form
7 Initiation & transfusion- check product with ID band
8Monitor transfusion- stay for the first 15 mins, VS @ 5 mins, 15 mins, then periodic, watch for transfusion reactions
9 Prime tubing with NS 0.9%

Sets with similar terms

What action should the nurse take to prevent clogging of an NG tube?

Routinely flush feeding tubes using tepid water, never hot water. With continuous or nocturnal feedings, flush at least 30 mL every 4, 6, or 8 hours to prevent clogging.

What are three priority considerations when performing a sterile dressing change?

Gather necessary equipment. Dressing supplies must be for single patient use only. Use the smallest size of dressing for the wound. Take only the dressing supplies needed for the dressing change to the bedside.