When a skydiving accident caused a brain injury Laurie became unable to make sense of other peoples speech it is likely that she suffered damage to?

Jim had a massive heart attack, flat lined and literally met his Maker. He's alive today and vividly remembers his out of body experience.


Born with a deadly heart defect, Ben Breedlove was able to inspire millions at the end of his short life.

Colton's 4 year old spirit left his body during an emergency surgery and he experienced heaven with Jesus.

Tony was shot multiple times on an L.A. street and actually died. He says he went to heaven, only to be sent back to earth.

A former drug dealer, addict and felon overdosed and was pronounced dead. Today, he's an evangelist changing lives with his story.

A drug binge put Carl Knighton at death's doorstep. The result was an experience of hell that changed his life forever.

An 18-wheeler truck ran into her, and Deerinda went from being trapped in her car to being on the stair steps of Heaven.

They called a time of death on Jeff Markin's lifeless body. Then, his doctor heard the Lord say, 'Pray for him.'

He had a vision of the afterlife after being stung by a dangerous jellyfish.

Rick fell on his head as he was working to restore power after a hurricane. Doctors didn’t expect him to survive.

Scott's rebellious nature nearly cost him his marriage and his life.

She had lost all bodily functions and almost lost all hope after her auto accident. Then, Julie died just long enough to get a glimpse of the afterlife.

Little did Don Piper know he would be late for the service that night--not just by minutes or hours, but by months--and before he got home, he would take a detour he would never forget.

Mickey died in a fiery plane crash while doing what he loved, skydiving. He survived, and now shares the visions he had of the afterlife.

Living a rebellious life backfired when Jordan experienced a drug overdose. After experiences of heaven and hell, Jordan returned to this life with a passion for God.

To Fatuma of Ethiopia, only one day stands out more than the day she died. It is the day she came back to life.

Double pneumonia puts Yvonne on life support and in a medically induced coma for six weeks. After an encounter with Jesus, she miraculously wakes up three days before life support is to be stopped.

Darnisha was declared dead after a diving accident. What happened next was amazing.

What looked like a textbook operation left Jeff Thompson suspended between life and death.

Paula longed for the love and affectrion of her father, but she never received it. Instead Paula drifted through life looking to fill the void in a variety of destructive ways.

A 16 year old who came from a strict Muslim family in Ghana meets a friend at his school who is a Christian.

After growing up under the harsh brand of Islam practiced by her father, Hephzibah was hesitant to share her conversion to Christianity with him.

The son of a Hell's Angel, Geronimo Aguilar took to the streets after his father abandoned him and his mother is murdered.

Akilah was molested as a child, triggering an attraction to other women. As an adult, she immersed herself in the lesbian lifestyle until a visit to her brother's church opened her eyes to a better way of living.

He had Olympic-sized dreams, but a career-ending injury forced him to seek something more.

Brandy turned to drugs early in life as an escape from depression, and addiction soon followed. But when her husband died in a motorcycle accident, it ultimately led to her salvation.

He was the baddest of the bad with a murder rap and life sentence in prison. No expected Jerry Balone to become a Christian.

Heavy metal was his god, but while touring with the likes of Ozzy Osbourne, Peter found himself in churches looking for refuge.

Don Teague and RafRaf Barrack were as different as could be. Then September 11th happened, and a war intertwined their lives.

The wrong crowd led to bad decisions when Jared Bellan was a young teen in Pennsylvania, but a prison sentence helped Jared make a new decision.

Jeremy Benson grew up knowing hard times and feelings of hopelessness. By the time he was 16, he was playing car tag, a dangerous game with his life, and landed at the doorsteps of a church.

It took prison to bring this bank robber to his knees. Mike submitted to Christ when he had nowhere else to go.

With no belief in any God, Guillaume pursued whatever made him happy in life. Then he fell in love with a Christian girl and he set out to disprove her faith.

Michael's disadvantaged childhood ushered him into a life of crime and incarceration. After serving time, he discovered that a relationship with Christ was the ticket to a fulfilling life.

This graffiti artist/break dancer talks about how she got into a bad relationship, got pregnant, and then found redemption in Jesus Christ and a new lease on life.

Born into poverty, Dana’s hope for a good life was non existant. She was lured into adult entertainment, but became desperate to exit that life. One day, she accepted an invitation that would change everything.

When injuries sidelined track athlete Jay Cardiello, he realized that hard work and determination would not bring the satisfaction found only in a relationship with Christ.

Erin didn’t realize just how much energy she had been investing in running from God until a conversation with a street preacher began to soften a hard heart.

A lifetime of negative male relationships leave Kelly Carroll contemplating suicide just to end the pain.

After several deaths in his family, this musician took out his anger physically on his new wife.

David Choy’s life looks perfect as an award-winning composer and pianist. He loves his wife and children, but in the midst of this is a history of near tragedies that marred his life.

Jewelz Christine was sexually abused as a child and raped at age 13. As she grew older, she wondered if God was real and had orchestrated a special, life-changing encounter.

Stephen declared he would never worship any God outside of his Hindu gods. Then one night as he prayed for healing, he encountered Jesus.

Shawn Christopher was living her dream as a touring back-up singer, but something was missing. She never expected that the faith of her daughter would lead to her own life change.

He was an Imperial Wizard in the Klan when his life began to come undone.

James Clay's mother left her husband, the father of her three children, to join a legalistic Christian sect. It was a decision that confused James' understanding of God for years.

This honored police officer was a menace on the streets. See how he went from the most trusted list to the most wanted.

He is a latin gospel singer with soul, but Puchi could have wound up somewhere else. For more, go to puchicolon.com.

From seeing his mother beaten to living on the run, this young rap star saw a lot of pain growing up. Finding Christ was the turning point.

Cody Custer met his lifelong goal when he became a professional bull rider. He was in the tough fighting and partying crowd until he listened to a few Christian cowboys.

Ilonka's career and her family's safety depended on her silence about the molestation, but inside, she was screaming for help.

This Iranian native never gave her Muslim faith too much thought, until she began asking questions about God.

He was famous on the race track, but out of control in his private life. Drugs and a run-in with the law made this jockey change his ways.

Years of abuse led to his life as an outlaw. He was hard and cold, but an unlikely event stirred in him the conscience he didn't know he had.

He was born without legs and only one partial arm with no fingers or thumb. Yet, this outdoorsman has never let these obstacles stop him.

Gigi Erneta went to Hollywood to chase her acting dream, but she only got work in horror flicks and low budget TV. Gigi was disappointed with her life and realized she had been running from God.

A devout Muslim from Saudi Arabia, Al Fadi was no match for the transforming love of Jesus Christ.

Lance Foreman was the product of a broken home. As result he spent most of his time on the street dealing drugs. It was a road that led to a deadend and left him nowhere to go but up.

She went from making big dollars as a pharmacist to making pennies mopping floors in prison. What went wrong? And why was she reading the Bible in a shower stall?

After partying one night with a friend, Steve woke up with a hangover and a revelation.

Rich was named “Fittest Man in the World” for four consecutive years. After he fell during a fitness competition, he began to question his identity and faith.

Once the owner of a stripping telegram service in Florida, Brent Gambrell now has a thriving speaking ministry, coordinates an annual student conference in Nashville, and does missions work in Haiti.

She wanted to become an actress, but the party scene left her lost and pregnant. Tina was faced with a major life decision.

Raised in Hindu and Buddhist cultures, Shailesh was curious about Christ when he moved to America.

Life as a pimp and drug dealer didn't offer the satisfaction Todd wanted.

A Jew tries to find spiritual fulfillment in many religions until he finds true peace in the Jewish Jesus.

Football paved the way out of poverty for Derwin Gray, but it soon became his identity. As his playing career was winding down and his marriage was falling apart, Derwin needed a new motivation.

Musician Marcus Gray shares his story of overcoming life's obstacles and trusting God to lead the way.

Sexually abused by a relative, Julie had no self worth as she entered adulthood. But after an overnight stay at her clubhouse, Julie woke up to an Easter Sunrise Service that changed her life.

The FBI called her "Queen Pin". Jemeker Hairston ruled the tough streets of South Central L.A.

Vietnam veteran Billy Hall entered a life of crime after returning from the war. Once caught, he was sentenced to life in prison, which became the best thing that ever happened to him.

Ronnie always wanted to be a firefigher. However his dream nearly got him killed. Read this inspirational story of a man who lost his leg but gained a new heart.

A New York career woman hits a wall and discovers that her true passion can only be found by jumping off the corporate ladder.

Al and Hattie Hollingsworth rose to prominence in the late ‘60s and ‘70s as business entrepreneurs. But, when misfortune struck their health and finances, they turned to the only one who could really help them recover.

After being abused by a religious leader, Shelley wanted nothing to do with the church or the faith.

The robbery only lasted a few minutes, but for Al Jandl, those few minutes brought him right to death’s door.

For years Ray Jenkins struggled in business until he found a new source of inspiration. Now, he has a new lease on life... And it only took a trip to hell and back.

This young, professional surfer talks about how he got into surfing and about how God got a hold of him.

She made a living in exotic dance clubs, but the money couldn't dull the pain. Then a doctor gave Meleah the right prescription.

Bound by the darkness of drug addiction for 17 years, a prison ministry helped him see the light.

She lived in constant fear of the next brutal attack from her boyfriend. After being choked in front of her own baby, Michelle knew she needed a Savior.

He was incarcerated. With his family falling apart on the outside, Kevin was looking for a change on the inside.

Drugs and crime were just the beginning of Tracy's problems. He was filled with hate and rage, but God’s love overpowered him in prison.

After miraculously surviving a terrible auto accident and eventually losing all his money, ex-multimillionaire Mike Krieg rebuilt his life on Godly principles and today has reclaimed financial success on God’s terms.

A career criminal gets busted and lands in prison where his life takes an unexpected turn.

Being inches from death made all the difference in Jared's life. Read how a near fatal police pursuit led him eventually to Promise Keepers and into the arms of Christ.

A driven career woman makes work the main focus in her life. As a result, marriage, family, and relationships crumble. See the difference that a new relationship with Christ made in Carey's life.

He calls himself the Pastor of Pool, and Steve Lillis is taking the Gospel to the billiard hall.

Almetia was bruised, abused and staring down the barrel of a gun – pointed at her by her own husband. See how she escaped the cycle of domestic violence.

They were the king and queen of the court. Former college basketball stars Ronnie McAdoo and Janet Davis ruled the hoops. They both went pro, but once they married, life off the court became a battle.

Surrounded by seven cops, a depressed Tommy McGouey had staged “the perfect suicide”. He drew his weapon fully expecting to be shot down. But God had other plans…

Michael used to weigh over 650 pounds. He simply loved eating -- a lot. Four hundred pounds left after Christ came into Micahel's life and changed his priorities.

A near death experience set 19-year-old Mike on a spiritual journey through eastern religions, but one day Mike decided to learn more about Jesus, resulting in a miraculous revelation.

His parents couldn't save him. Prison couldn't correct him. Mike needed a Savior.

Alex achieved success in Latin music, but the temptations of stardom overcame him and he lost everything.

A diagnosis of MS leads a prodigal preacher’s kid to salvation and to an unexpected healing.

"I wrestled with a sense of self-worth, because my dad decided drugs would be better than hanging out with his own son."

After a night bar-hopping, this tough biker went for a ride. He didn't know that he was cruising towards his destiny.

He was king of an online pornography empire. Although he made lots of money, Jeff says, 'My soul was sterile; it was dead.'

Cops, CSI, NYPD Blue, The Shield... Police dramas are all the rage on television. But Mark Mynheir knows the real story. He and his partner Ernie face the perils of law enforcement every day through the strength of Christ.

Sharetta was young when she lost several family members to tragedies. Desperate for hope, she finally found healing and a new song to sing.

Lee preferred watching football on Sunday morning than going to church with his family. After making friends with his wife’s pastor, Lee sees Christ through a relationship and gives his life to the Lord during a Christmas Eve service.

Alex Prosvetov was born and raised in Russia and had a major drug addiction throughout his young adulthood. After a drug overdose that almost killed him, Alex realized that God had the power to save his life.

Nabeel Qureshi grew up a devout Muslim and always questioned Christians about their faith. Years later, when he saw another side of his faith, he held on to his belief but began running out of arguments.

Skydiving is the greatest thrill but it can be the biggest risk. Ben Quinn had his license and was a pro. But even his experience couldn’t save him from a deadly accident at 4,000 feet.

Iranian college student Daniel Raha was tortured in prison for more than 50 days. However, the darkness he suffered made the light of Christ shine brighter.

The family business was running a brothel. Rudy was in love with the money, but soon he met someone who made me see the light.

The 700 Club’s Scott Ross hits the beach to ask people what they think about prayer.

James Ryle: God Is a Promise Keeper

He felt hopeless in the Dallas County Jail. James had no idea that years later he'd be a free man and leading other men towards that freedom.

Stephen & Rosalba Schimmel: Sharing Faith Beyond the Grave

Stephen and Rosalba Schimmel share how the Holy Spirit led Stephen to utilize his parents' gravestones as witnessing tools for Jesus in a Jewish cemetery.

Allan Scott: Discovering 'I Am'

The professional musician gives his testimony about overcoming an abusive childhood, homelessness, extensive drug and alcohol addiction.

Diego Sedano: Nothing Left to Lose

It’s difficult to imagine the trauma of a child being ripped away from his mother. That’s exactly what happened to Diego Sedano. That tragedy sent him marching down a path of self-destruction until one fateful New Years Eve.

Beckah Shae Discovers Her Destiny

Beckah Shae has conquered some of life's toughest challenges to become a rising star in Christian music.

Karim Shamshi-Bashi

Karim grew up in a caring Muslim family, but he longed for a god that loved him. After marrying a Christian and surviving a deadly medical event, Karim discovers the love of Jesus Christ.

J.L. Simpson: Divorce Almost Ruined This Teen's Life

When J.L.’s parents divorced, he lost his role model – his dad. When his search for identity led him to commit a crime and time in jail, J.L. was introduced to a loving God who would satisfy what he longed for.

Ricky Sinclair: On the Run from God

Alcohol and drugs drove Ricky Sinclair to places he never thought he’d go, including prison. See how God turned his life in a different direction that led to redemption.

Ann-Lesley Smith: From Riches to Rags to Redemption

She had the world and the benefits that came with it, but Ann-Lesley Smith will tell you she was in hell.

Earl Smith: Jesus in the Jail Cell

You've got to be tough to make it in San Quentin State Prison but Earl Smith knows he has the Lord on his side. As the chaplain for California's oldest prison, Earl is telling these inmates how he was once in their shoes.

Marie Spencer: Devastating Medical News Leads to Spiritual Awakening

A young mother receives a devastating diagnosis of MS. As Marie struggles to live life while her health deteriorates, a family friend invites her to a Christian meeting that changes her life forever.

Nathan Spencer's Last Chance

After 13 years of struggling with addictions to cigarettes, drugs and alcohol, Nathan Spencer finds himself facing three years in prison for robbery. It’s in that prison cell that he finds true freedom and experiences instant deliverance from it all.

David Stein: Multiple Addictions Destroyed His Life, but One Thing Saved It

David didn’t know who God was, and left his Jewish faith at a young age. Later, when his life and marriage were destroyed by his addictions, David hit bottom and reached up to find hope.

Frank Sylvia: Renegade Redemption

A man, a bike, and an open road. For some it’s the ultimate statement of freedom. For Frank Sylvia, it meant never having to answer to anyone.

Jim Tate: Changing an Irishman’s Heart

Jim Tate recalls, “I hated the Roman Catholics. We sung songs about it. We hate the pope... It’s a strange thing, because I didn’t know one Roman Catholic.”

Christine Thiel: A Mom Free from Hurt

Beaten and abandoned in her youth, Christine wandered aimlessly until she found Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Thomas

It would take a near-fatal accident for Rod Thomas to see the joy in Christmas. But that's exactly what God used...

Mario Torres: Identifyin with Christ

Mario, a Cuban immigrant, was smuggling drugs in Florida until a stay in prison changed his life.

Vu Tran: Beyond the Veil of Lies

Vu Tran was raised to worship his ancestors and succeed in life with smooth alibis to cover his crimes. He fooled the police, but not himself. His eventual surrender to Christ turned his shame into hope.

Paul Tribus: Holy Joe in the Vietnam War

This Veteran’s Day one solider recalls the war that divided a nation, and how he found Jesus on the frontlines.

John Turk: Letting God Be the Only God of Your Life

For years John was his own god and he treated the real God like a “cosmic genie.” With his wife under spiritual attack, John learned that his good looks and human reasoning couldn’t fix it, and he turned to the Lord.

Heather Twitchell: A Teen's Brush with Death

Eighteen-year-old Heather Twitchell was heading on a collision course with disaster and like most teenagers she never saw it coming.

Dr. Greg Viehman: The Truth of the Gospel Surprises Critic

Dr. Greg Viehman set out to prove that that Christianity was flawed, but after thorough research he found the truth of the gospel to be undeniable.

Michael Vijaykumar: The Turning of a Ruthless Dictator

He was the most feared and dangerous man in India in the '90s. Yet his own misery led him to the cross for forgiveness.

Fernando Villicana: Rescued from the Flames

A firefighter gets lost inside a burning home, often a fatal mistake, but Fernando was inexplicably moved to safety as his oxygen ran out.

Hilmar Von Campe: Former Hitler Youth

Hilmar was forced into the Hitler Youth training and fought as a German soldier in World War II. He says the Nazi system, like any other totalitarian system, is based on lies. Lies are at the root of the problem in the world.

Anthony Walton: Through the Laughter and the Valley

Anthony Walton kept Nashville in stitches with his comedy routines. Yet, his criminal lifestyle kept him on the neighborhood watch. When his two worlds collided, Anthony needed more than a few good laughs to get him through.

Jim Warner Wallace: Investigating the Truth of the Gospel

Jim thought he had no need for God, but after years of occasionally going to church to please his wife, he recognized a void.

Nicole Weider: Fashion, Fulfillment and Faith

Nicole dreamed of being a model for years as a teenager, but by the time she reached the bright lights of Hollywood it wasn't all she had expected.

Monica Wright: WNBA's Monica Wright Receives Off Court Assist from Friends

Even while Monica focused on her successful basketball career, she felt like something was missing. When she noticed her Christian friends seemed to have life figured out, she became determined to discover the truth.

Ron Zaucha: A Vision of Jesus most viewed!

Behind the bars of this California prison, Ron Zaucha thought hope was lost forever. Today, 20 years later, he stands here a free man... free in more than one way.

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Cults, Witchcraft and False Religions

Laura Adams: From Darkness Into the Light

Laura was exposed to the occult at a young age, but she was able to overcome a dark and troubled past and found peace and love in Jesus.

Deborah Antignano: A Witness to the Truth

For Deborah, a casual dating relationship with a Jehovah’s Witness led to a 15-year indoctrination into the religion.

Barbara Arthur: The Truth About Witchcraft

She was surrounded by the occult, but what Barbara wanted was the truth.

Sherry Barrett: Nixing the Nightmare

It is hard to imagine how a person could end up in such a self-destructive state. Sherry says that there was nothing unusual about her home life, so what was it that made her obsessed with death?

Todd Beezley: I Sold My Soul to the Devil

"A 13-year-old child in the [hospital] bed next to me said, 'Everything will be OK with your leg if you just join my club.' I said, 'What club is that?' He said, 'The devil's club, but you've got to understand, once you've joined, there's no way out. And you can never tell anyone.'"

The Blumes: The Open Doors of the Occult

A fascination with tarot cards and crystal balls almost destroyed their lives.

Debbie Bowen: Ousting the Poltergeist

"One night when I was asleep, I woke up and it sounded like a man with heavy boots was walking across that floor and then walking down those steps," says Debbie.

Sandy Boyd: Against Her Will, This Woman Was a Pawn in her Father's Evil Game

When Sandy’s father exposed her to demonic activity at a young age, she spent a lifetime running from darkness. Finally, she found a source of power to help her break free.

Tamelyn Carmon: Sick of the Dark Side

Tamelyn got so immersed into the occult that it actually made her physically sick. One day, it got so dark that she called The 700 Club for prayer. Tamelyn gave her life to the Lord that day and saw results almost immediately.

Sandra Clifton: From New Age to New Life

Recovering from an abusive marriage, Sandra searched for power and significance in the occult. After an awesome encounter with God, Sandra turned from new age to a new birth in Christ.   

TawfiQ Cotman: A Mother's Prayer Brings Muslim to Christ

TawfiQ's mother never stopped praying that her son would escape the clutches of Islam and find freedom in Jesus.

Linda Correa: Ensnared by Santeria

Her family was deep in a mysterious cult, until her brother took a stand and started Linda on the path to freedom.

Ellie Davidian: Beyond the Veil - Iranian Muslim Discovers Christ

"According to Islamic teaching, you cannot execute a virgin girl, so what they do is they rape them, and they call it temporary marriage. That is what happened to my 16-year-old friend -- and they executed her," recounts Ellie Davidian.

Norman Dunham: The Way to Life

Norman Dunham spent years searching for spiritual truth. He finally found it, but it was a long journey.

Fatemeh's Quest for God

Fatemeh, an Iranian native, never gave her Muslim faith too much thought, until she began asking questions about God.

Naeem Fazal: A Muslim's Earnest Prayer

While his life was grounded in the Muslim faith, a chain of events took place that set Naeem on a new spiritual journey.

Jessica Galbreth: From Dark Art to True Light

Jessica Galbreth was a famous "fantasy" artist who specialized in painting vampires and gothic goddesses until one day life began to imitate art.

Michael Graham: Undone By the Power of God

Michael's lifetime of passion for Eastern philosophies and religions is reversed by the power of God at a Billy Graham crusade.

Tony Greve: "Pop Evil" Rock Star Casts Out Demon

ony Greve was enjoying his rock star lifestyle, but partying left him feeling empty. When a pastor prayed with him it started a chain of events, including casting out a demon from his brother, which led Tony to fully surrender to God.

Derek Grier: Finding a New Nation: A Conversion to Christ

Derek Grier saw Christianity as nothing but a white man's religion. He embraced the teachings of Islam and could not be convinced otherwise. It would take a powerful encounter with Christ to change his mind and his heart. .. And that's just what he got.

Jeff Harshbarger: The Devil Inside

Jeff Harshbarger was only in the third grade when his parents bought an ouija board. It seemed like a lot of fun until he found out that it was no game.

Joe Heintzelman: Demons Exist, and This Man Can Prove It

Joe sensed a presence of darkness from an early age, and the loneliness and fear from an unstable childhood opened doors to demonic activity throughout his life.

Vanessa Holland: The Wild Child of God

Vanessa grew up with hippie parents who introduced her to a world of drugs and sex. She later learned that “free love” was not the road to peace.

Ginger Howell: Spooky Memories of Life Before Christ

Ginger Howell started casting spells and reading tarot cards in her quest for protection and peace in her teen years. She had a few dark and scary encounters before she found true peace.

Florence Johnson: An Athiest's Pain

As a result of her mother's negative spiritual influence, Florence grew up to be a proclaimed atheist and was tormented by her past.

Gerald Jones: Dead Man Walking

The doctors gave Gerald Jones a death sentence when his HIV turned into AIDS. Life looked like it was coming to an end, but that’s when Gerald received a phone call that changed everything.

I Married a Muslim: Katrina's Incredible Story most viewed!

Scott Ross sat down with Katrina, author of Married to Muhammed, to learn more about her 14-year marriage to a Muslim, her brave escape, and her new life today.

Khaleed: Changing a Muslim's Mind

The Lord told worship leader Eddie James to take a muslim on his tour with the promise that Khaleed would be saved.

Brianna King: Cutting Killed Her Pain

Brianna's young teen life was abruptly violated by the boy next door. Reacting to her pain, she turned to drugs, cutting and satanic rituals. Her life changed for the better when she learned the truth about demons.

Tara Lawson: The Real Life Paranormal

What started out as innocent fascination with a Ouija board turned Tara’s life into a nightmare.

God Voids Kirk's Contract With the Devil

Kirk Martin loved the crowds, the adoration, the control of being a successful heavy metal musician. He even asked Satan to give him a hand. Then he had heavenly encounters that changed his life.

Kristine McGuire: A Ghost Hunter Calls on Christ

She mixed Christianity with the occult and it led her down a spooky path.

Eric Melwani: Not All Roads Lead to God

Eric believed many lies about God in his journey through false religions, but he found Jesus was the one true savior of his soul.

The Moe Family Haunted Parsonage

Dean and Jenifer Moe had unwelcome guests at the parsonage. A word of knowledge from Pat caused this haunted pastor’s parsonage to be set free from demonic spirits.

Daniel Morales: Beyond the Watchtower

With a million questions and no answers, one Jehovah's Witness risks it all to think for himself.

Will Morales: An Encounter with Evil Voices

Abused by his father, Will resorted to drugs and alcohol to escape the pain. See how God was able to reclaim a life that was lost.

Julie Morgan: A Spiritual Housecleaning

An unholy presence was living in Julie’s house, and she had no idea that she was the one who brought it there.

Dean Ogden: A Supernatural Showdown most viewed!

Interest in the Ouija board drew Dean Ogden into the paranormal, but he had no idea what he was up against.

Nancy Pierre: Free from Islam, Free in Christ

She was a charismatic New Yorker trapped in the rigid rules of the Muslim faith. Nancy wanted to break out.

Jerry Rassamni: "From Jihad to Jesus"

A fierce enemy of Christians and Lebanese militant Muslim used to be accurate descriptions of Jerry Rassamni. He wanted to disprove Christianity by searching the Scriptures. However, he found a loving Savior instead.

Kimberly Ray: Robbed of Innocence

Kimberly became a victim of sexual abuse at age three. The abuse continued for years and derailed her life for decades until Kim found restorarion in Jesus Christ.

Jennifer Redcay: Surviving Spiritual Abuse

Jennifer and her mother were unwittingly in a cult. A couple at their restaurant noticed the bruises and reached out to help.

Kamal Saleem: A Muslim Cries Out to Jesus most viewed!

He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim.

Samira: Freedom in Christ

A childhood is ruined by the Ayatollah and strict Islamic law. See how one little girl fought back.

Sarah, the Teenage Witch… No Longer

Sarah was deep into the occult and thought her suicide was the only way to find peace. Then she met two girls in college who helped her discover a new life.

Tim Schenker: The Power of Unconditional Love

He was stubborn, rebellious and completely lost in Hare Krishna. But Tim's family found a way to reach him.

Shalom Serene: Worshipping the Right God

Shalom spent most of her life searching for peace. As a teenager, she began to dabble in witchcraft, hoping the power of magic would bring her the serenity she desperately longed for.

Shonlock's Rise to the Top

Christian hip hop artist Shonlock shares about his musical and faith journeys.

Ben Smith: 'I was My Own God'

Ben's confusion about religion had him believing he was a god, but a spiritual encounter with evil made him call out to Jesus.

The Smiths: The Medium, The Drunk, and the Savior

She had visions that kept her up at night. He was drowning his misery in alcohol. The Smiths were about to meet Someone who would change their lives forever.

Yasmeen Suri: A New Spiritual Connection

Yasmeen and her boyfriend bonded over New Age, but she still had questions that only an experience with Christ could answer.

Teresa Sutherland: Addicted to Horror

Teresa soon became addicted to the fear she had tried so hard to avoid. She began to crave the horror movies and books that scared her.

Tim Thompson: Dabbling in The Occult

After his brother died in a drowning accident, Tim dabbled in the occult as he desperately wanted to contact his brother beyond the grave.

Mariam Tripp: Freedom Like She's Never Known

Her strict Islamic religion left her abused and a prisoner in her own marriage. A vision of Christ set her free.

Thomas White's Deal with the Devil

Anger fueled Thomas White to the point that he made a deal with the devil in hopes of achieving success in his heavy metal music. When the pursuit of Satan led to destruction, Jesus was waiting.

Shwn Patrick Williams: Dancing with the Devil

His reputation as a drug dealer grew and so did his obsession for power. Then all hell broke loose when Shawn Patrick found a friend in the Church of Satan.

Jerimae Yoder: Quest for Truth

Jerimae Yoder was born into a religious family, but it wasn't until he was an adult that he discovered he'd never had a real relationship with God.

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Divine Protection and Miracle Survival Stories

Miracle Aduloju: A Miracle is Born

After being born at only 26 weeks, Miracle's survival lived up to her name. 

Tiffany Aitken: God Gives the Breath of Life

Tiffany was a vibrant young mother who met her match when pulmonary blood clots threatened her life.

AJ: Riding Out the Storm

As Hurricane Katrina had approached, AJ, Gracie Anne, and Mike decided to ride it out. It would become a battle against nature itself.

Russ Ardebili: Persecuted Christian Left for Dead in Iran

Russ's journey home to Iran lands him in prison when he can't stop sharing Christ with Muslims.

Annabel Beam: Swallowed by a Tree and Fighting to Survive

When Annabel fell 30 feet into a dead, hollow tree, her family feared the worst. Not only did she survive, but another miracle took place after she was released from the hospital.

The Bernhardts: God in the Whirlwind

Kim is a loving single mom with a playful 4-year-old son, Evan. One day, while running errands around town, Kim says the skies grew strangely dark. Kim and Evan came face to face with a level 3 tornado.

The Benton Sisters: Remembering 7/7

It has been two years since three subways and a double-decker bus were bombed by terrorists in London, But forEmily and Katie Benton, the details remain as clear as the day it happened.

Barry Blaze's Brush with Death

A motorcycle accident left this worship leader with devastating head injuries that threatened his hearing and vision if he even survived.

Nadia Bloom: Young Girl Survives Four Days Alone in Swamp

11 year-old Nadia spends four days in Florida swampland after a nature walk turns deadly.

Dean Braxton: Routine Surgery Opens Door to Heaven

Multiple organ failure during a routine kidney stone removal put Dean's life in the balance and gave him a glimpse of the afterlife.

Richard Breland: A Church Still Standing

In the midst of the tragedy and chaos of Hurricane Katrina, glimmers of hope are bringing forth miracles. Richard Breland had seen two miracles in his life. Both happened at the Gulfport Church of God.

Sharon Bryson: Left for Dead

She was robbed, beaten, and stabbed beyond recognition. Doctors thought it was luck that she survived, but Sharon knew it was the Lord.

Wayne and Claudia Brood: Escape from an Icy Death

Wayne and Claudia Brood routinely travel by snowmobile in their rural area of northern Michigan, but on this day, they were on thin ice.

Diana Burgess: Surviving the Crash

Diana Burgess has a story that will make your jaw drop. Her’s is a tale full of one miracle after another that would end so remarkably, she admits that it could only have been the hand of God.

Thomas Burgess: Run Over by Dad

Thomas Burgess was playing with his brother in front of his dad's 4-ton truck. His dad never saw him when he went to move the truck and ran him over.

Bush Family: The Amazing Birth of Baby Kaia

When Jimmy and Heather Bush learned they were pregnant for the second time, it was great news! But then, for no understandable reason, it seemed their hopes would be crushed...

The Carrs: A Baby Born Again

No woman expects to hear that she has colon cancer at age 30, but Dawn Carr soon learned that wasn’t the only thing growing inside of her.

Brett Castleberry: Childlike Faith

Brett was caught under the deck of a riding lawn mower and his hands and arms were pulled into the blades resulting in horrific and life threatening injuries.

Beth Catania: Mercy in the Twister

"Literally, the house was starting at that moment to break, and then all I could hear was a screech as the phone went dead," says tornado survivor Beth Catania.

Marian Chadwick: The Power in the Name of Jesus

In 2010, an armed robber busted into Marian’s store. She reacts by casting him out in the name of Jesus and the Stunned robber retreats and is later caught.

Chaplains of the American Civil War

Hear stories of the faithful who served as chaplains on the frontlines and beyond in the United States Civil War.

Karen Clarke: Angels and the Jaws of Life

Karen was protected by God’s hand when she miraculously survived a horrific car wreck. The totalled vehicle had only a small portion that wasn't entirely smashed - the spot she was found in.

Dennis Clements: Lost at Sea

He sailed away from Virginia headed toward the Bahamas for a time of soul searching, but he never made it.

Cheri & Cody Clemmons: The Devine Rescue on Highway Six

It’s been called The Miracle on Highway 6. After a fiery car crash and desperate prayers, witnesses say angels showed up and performed a miraculous rescue.

The Couillards: Letters from the Lost

As he sat in a dark cave in the Turkish ski slopes, Mike Couillard wrote, “My darling wife Mary, how I grieve at leaving you behind. I hate to come to that conclusion, but after eight days…”

The Courys: 'God's Hand Was There'

They were trapped in the flood that ravaged Nashville, TN. See their dramatic rescue and witness how prayer helped them stay afloat.

Michiael Cross: Escaping a Fiery, Gasoline Fueled Death Trap

Michiael and Janet face death in a gasoline tanker truck accident that becomes an inferno with the couple trapped inside.

Carter Crutchfield: Saved After the Fall

Carter Crutchfield fell over a 60 foot ledge into a river. He was submerged for more than 12 minutes. With God’s help, Patrick Dauphin saved his friend’s life.

D-Day: Eyewitness Accounts of D-Day

On June 6th, 1944 Allied troops mounted the largest seaborne invasion in history, ushering in the end of WWII. Hear stories of that harrowing day from two brave seamen.

D-Day: Remembering D-Day 70 Years Later

The 700 Club commemorates the 70th anniversary of the Allied invasion that changed the course of history in World War II.

Ralph Davis: American WWII Veteran Tearfully Remembers War

Ralph Davis carried his Bible on many of his missions as a soldier in WWII. Though he lost many friends and faced death himself, his faith never wavered.

Abraham Deng and The Lost Boys of Sudan

In the '80s, the Sudanese genocide forced thousands of children to flee their homes. Abraham Deng was one of them, but his story had a happy ending 19 years later.

The Diazes: A Prayer Answered Overseas

For families with loved ones deployed in the Middle East, keeping in contact is essential. However, Tammy got a phone call that military wife wants to hear.

Kamal Dhillon: The Risks of Marrying a Stranger

Kamal’s arranged marriage resulted in 11 years of physical and emotional abuse. After her husband tried to take their four kids away, Kamal risked everything to get them back.

Brian Dickinson: Everest Climber's Mountaintop Experience

While scaling the summit of Mt. Everest, Brian Dickinson was confronted by his own mortality. With his vision and breathing significantly impaired, he had to rely solely on God.

Kenny Even: Surviving a Fall at 70 MPH

After falling out of a minivan traveling at 70 mph, Kenny was given little hope of survival. Family and friends believed for a complete healing.

R. J. Eppes: Nearly Swept Away

A tornado ripped 8-year-old R.J. Eppes from his bedroom. All his parents could do was pray as they held on to their other two children.

Eyewitnesses to the 'Good Friday Miracle'

On Good Friday 2012, A Navy Jet doing routine practice exercise crashed down into an apartment complex in Virginia Beach, VA. What happened next has become known as the "Good Friday Miracle."

Joe Farley: Struck by God's Power

Joe Farley was playing golf when he was struck by lightning. He was told he might be paralyzed forever, but received a miraculous healing.

Brian Fleming: The Protection of Prayer

A soldier in Afghanistan is saved not once, but twice from life-threatening attacks.

John Galinetti: Man Survives Near-Fatal Jet Ski Accident That Left Him Drowning Under Water

John nearly drown and should have been brain dead after a jet ski accident left him submerged in the water. Only a miracle would save his life.

Chad and Chelsea Ganaway: Total Restoration

After plowing into a 1500 pound cow with their car, Chelsea was left without motor skills and Chad was left hoping for a miracle.

Gip Gayle: When Doctors Say There is No Chance for Survival

A routine hunting trip takes a tragic turn when an errant shotgun blast tears into Gip's head and brain.

William Lee Golden: Weathering the Storm

The Oak Ridge Boys have earned nearly 100 awards over 15 years including six Grammy Awards.  700 Club Reporter Mia Evans spent the day with baritone William Lee Golden to learn about his life and a tragic event that he and his family overcame.

Treva Gordon: Dying Mom Delivers Miracle Baby

At 37 weeks pregnant Treva was faced with an emergency C-section when everything started going wrong.

Monique Gray: Baby and Mom Saved When Sisters Act

When she was six months pregnant, Monique suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was put on life support. Only prayer could bring her and her baby out of danger.

The Greens on the Last Frontier of Faith

Have you ever fantasized about moving away from it all? That’s exactly what Tom and Penny did. They live in the heartland of Alaska, and The 700 Club's Chuck Holton is about to see what it's like to fend for himself.

Jacquie Hagler: Callin on Jesus in the Midst of Danger

A thief crashed Jacquie's jewelry party, but he met a resistance he didn't expect.

Bob Hamer: Undercover Christian

Bob shares his amazing experiences of a career in the FBI and how God protected him.

Chad Harris: A Hero Born in the Fire

Two little boys were trapped in a burning house. Chad and his roommates saw the blaze and had a tough decision to make.

Mark Harting: Pilot Shouldn't Have Lived to Tell

Mark Harting was piloting a small firefighting aircraft when the plane's systems malfunctioned and he began to lose altitude.

Christopher Hein: Trapped in a Car and Left in a Coma

Christopher never should have survived a terrifying accident involving an 18-wheeler truck. After spending a month in a coma, would the prayers of his family finally be answered?

Don Herbert and Tim Jones: A Perfect Match Saves Two Lives

Despite being critically ill, Don was confident God would provide a kidney donor. Little did he know his new friend Tim would be the answer to his prayers, and that Tim’s life would also be saved in the process.

Stephen Howell: Divinely Timed Prayer

Stephen and the rest of the paratroopers were headed for an emergency landing that they feared would kill them all. Could it have been an innocent prayer miles away that prevented the crash?

Scott Hubbartt: Hiker Barely Escapes Alive From Death Mountain in Peru

Scott went retracing the steps of his wife's grandfather in the mountains of Peru, but found his survival skills weren’t enough to save him from certain death. Only a miracle would do.

Patrick Henry Hughes: Pure Potential

His parents would soon learn that Patrick Henry, born without eyes, would defy all the odds.

Jim Hunt: Rescued in Thin Air

Ready for a day of recreational flying, Jim and his passengers encountered some unexpected circumstances during takeoff and the flight turned life-threatening.

Ben Hylden: Teen Gets Second Chance at Life After Car Accident

The Hylden family was told to prepare for the worst after their teenager Ben was in a horrible car crash.

Frank Icenhour: A Night on Open Water

Just two summers ago, shark sitings and reports of shark attacks dominated the news. With so much danger in the waters, how would you feel if you were stranded in the ocean by yourself over night? Fifteen-year-old Frank Icenhour didn’t have to imagine this scary scenario, he experienced it firsthand.

Immaculee: The Real Life of a Refugee

Read the dramatic two-part series on Immaculee, a simple woman who survived the horror of the Rwanda genocide.

Amy Jacobs: Back In The Saddle

Amy Jacobs loves everything about horses, but when 1200 pounds of equine fell on her leg she wondered how her life would change.

The Johnsons: God's Amazing Grace

A couple adopts a baby from Africa and witnesses a miracle in her life and theirs.

Jimmy Jones: A Strange Encouter - A Real Life Angelic Visitation

Jimmy Jones was driving his delivery truck in 2011 when he found himself in the cross hairs of an F-4 tornado. Frantic, he hid beneath an overpass where he ran into someone he wasn't expecting.

Mike Jones: School Board Shooting Backfires on Gunman

With the providence of God and the quick action of Mike Jones lives were saved in 2010 when a disgruntled man opened fire at a Florida school board meeting.

A Daring Escape from Katrina’s Flood Waters

Hurricane Katrina flooded Pass Christian, Mississippi, last year. Follow David Kithcart as he heads down south to see how they’re doing now.

Rachel Kelley: Simple Mistake Results in Car Crushing Driver

Rachel accidentally left her car in neutral while parking in her driveway. She never expected the life-threatening situation that would come next.

Keith Kenerly: A Perfect Storm

Keith Kenerly was enjoying a day of deep sea fishing with friends when their boat began taking on water. Soon, they were all in the shark infested waters enduring violent storms as they prayed for rescue.

Josh Kezer: The Crime He Didn't Commit

Josh spent 16 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He sought comfort in God. Over the years of his sentence, he credits the miraculous power of Jesus as the thing that protected him from the horrors of prison life.

Grayson Kirby: Prayer Saves Farmer from Death

When Grayson was left with multiple fractures and traumatic brain injury after an accident, doctors expected him to die. His family and friends agreed in prayer that he would live.

Stephen Kirkpatrick: Lost in the Amazon

Imagine if you were stuck in a real-life episode of Survivor or Lost. Photographer Stephen Kirkpatrick knows exactly how that feels.

Kennisen Knifong: The "Little Angel" Who Survived Drowning

When Kennisen was 17 months old, he wandered away from his mother and into an icy creek. Despite him being without a pulse for over two hours, his parents hoped for a miracle.

Dale Lidstrom: Living Through Sudden Cardiac Death

He left the hardware store, and then woke up in a hospital. Dale was unaware that his life hung in the balance.

Gardell Martin: 101 Minutes Frozen in Time

Early one spring, 2-year-old Gardell was rescued from the freezing waters of a backyard stream. As doctors worked feverishly to bring life back into his body, his family prayed for a miracle.

No Greater Love: The Story of Carrie and David McDonnall

Most Americans would never go into the Middle East, but for the McDonnalls, it was like a second home. Their devotion to the Arab Muslims led them to give the ultimate sacrifice...

The McCoys: An Unforgettable Christmas Gift

A car accident shattered their peaceful holiday season. However, Roman trusted in God's plan, and he's glad he did.

Jace McDonald: Unresponsive Boy Found on Pool's Bottom Fights to Survive

2-year-old Jace McDonald was found at the bottom of a friend's pool. It is estimated he was without oxygen for 10 to 15 minutes. He had no pulse and he wasn't breathing. Only a miracle can save him.

Michael McKay: Athlete Embarks on New Path after Accident

A three-sport star athlete in high school, Michael was preparing for a high-octane future when a car accident shattered his dreams.

Michele McLane: Surviving the Minneapolis Bridge Collapse

August 1, 2007 was an ordinary day for Michele until her commute across the I 35 W Bridge took a frightening turn.

The McLeans: A Miracle for Christmas

For the McLeans, skiing was the ultimate way to share the holidays together as a family. But on one Christmas outing, the dangers of bitter cold and hidden, snow-drenched trails promised only a desperate fight for survival.

Crystal McVea: Nine Minutes in Heaven

During a minor surgery Crystal took a nine minute journey into heaven which restored her faith in God.

Methu: Escaping Radical Islam: A Story of Martyrdom and Survival

Thousands of Indonesian Christians have lost their lives after attacks by radical Muslims. Christians have been left homeless, had their businesses and churches burned and been forced to renounce their faith. Methu and his family were among the Christians who found themselves running for their lives.

Tara Mitchell: Surviving the Storm

Tara and her son thought they would be safe from the storm when the sought refuge in a fast food restaurant. Instead, they were moments away from a direct hit.

Tony Moccero and the Marines of Iwo Jima

He was on the shores of Iwo Jima when U.S. soldiers faced the costliest battle in Marine Corps history.

Gene Moe: Downing the Killer Bear - An Alaskan Huntsman's Tale

Gene Moe has been an expert huntsman in the Alaskan backcountry for more than 50 years. But nothing quite prepared him for a malicious attack by a Kodiak brown bear.

Deborah Monroe: This Woman Saw Her Own Funeral

Deborah was trapped by a love that almost killed her, but a divine revelation gave her the courage to leave.

Dr. Paula Murph: Paula's Deadly Spider Bite

Paula thought she had simply been bitten by some fire ants she noticed on the playground bench, but her delay in seeking medical treatment for what was actually the bite of a brown recluse spider almost proved fatal.

Always Faithful: The Story of Lance Corporal Joel Murray

Joel, a Marine, and family are convinced that prayer was instrumental in saving Joel from mortar fire during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Dr. Mary Neal: Drowning Victim's Visit to Heaven

Mary Neal describes her experience of heaven and angels after drowning in a kayaking accident.

The Newkirks: Living on a Prayer

Kirk and Sally Newkirk of Gulfport, MS, decided to wait out the hurricane in their condo…but when they realized Katrina was stronger than they could bare, they put all their hope in the Lord. Tim Branson met up with the couple, as they visit what use to be their home.

Melissa Ohden: An Abortion Survivor

She was never supposed to make it out of the womb, but today, Melissa is happy and healthy, having survived her own abortion.

Ethan Payne: "Angels Catched Me"

Two-year-old Ethan Payne fell out of a second-story window. Doctors worried he would have brain damage or never walk again. But through the power of prayer, Ethan was better within six hours.

Meredith Parker: Surviving A Massive Heart Attack

Mother to a newborn, Meredith had a massive heart attack while at home one night. Friends and family turned to God for a miracle, her only hope.

Man Forced to Cut Off His Arm to Save His Life

Sampson Parker was harvesting corn when an accident caused his right arm to become trapped in the corn picker’s gears. When the machine caught fire, he had to choose between burning to death or cutting off his own arm.

Ali Perez: Critically Injured Cop Sees Vision of Jesus During Shootout

Officer Ali Perez was nearly killed while serving a warrant on a suspected pedophile. During a shootout, Jesus appeared to Ali and asked him to bless the man who was determined to take his life.

Sol Pitchon: Life Defies Auschwitz Angel of Death

Pro-Life advocate Sol Pitchon shares his passion for the unborn and the amazing story of how his mother survived a Nazi surgical sterilization attempt during the Holocaust.

Elena Popkov: Swept Away

Elena was playing in the rain water when she was sucked into a drain pipe. Inexplicably she emerged from what should have been certain death to safety on dry ground.

Melanie Pritchard: A Miracle Mom

When Melanie went into labor something went terribly wrong and the joy of new life was suddenly overshadowed by tragedy.

Kevin Ramsby: More Life to Live

Kevin was alone at home when a robber broke in and tried to kill him, stabbing him 37 times. As Kevin lay dying, he thought of his family and felt the Lord communicating that it was not his time to die.

Tony Rose: Fighting to Live and Save Others

Tony was in the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 when the building was hit by a jet. He was injured but helped save many people that day.

Morganne Roundy: Nothing Short of a Miracle

Riding out a hurricane in a car became deadly for Morganne when a tree fell on the roof.

Lois Ryder: And She Spoke to the Waters

After reading Pat Robertson’s book, Miracles, Lois Ryder was especially encouraged that God still performs the supernatural. Then she got a chance to put her faith into action…

Charlotte Ryun: Born Too Soon

The Ryun's were terrified when their baby was born at only 23 weeks, but they trusted God and baby Charlotte made a miraculous recovery.

Landon Sanderl: Believing for a Miracle

Ten-month-old Landon Sanderl endured surgery and six rounds of chemotherapy for an aggressive brain tumor, only to discover he also had spinal instability. Clinging to prayer and the promise of Jeremiah 29, his grandparents believed for a miracle.

Zach Sandy: Teen Survives Direct Hit by Lightning Bolt

Zach Sandy was playing softball when a storm rolled in and lightning struck him in the head. His heart stopped beating, but Zach’s friends and family prayed for a miracle.

Dave Scheller: The Impact of Surviving a 180-foot Fall from a Cliff

Dave was camping with his brother when he fell off a cliff during the night. Dave miraculously survived, and through his journey to complete healing both he and his family underwent a radical transformation.

Don Sears and Joseph Daniel: Unwaving Faith Sustains Trapped Hikers

An afternoon hike turns deadly when friends Don and Joseph get lost on a trail surrounded by steep canyon walls hundreds of feet straight up.

Scott Smiley: A Soldier's Story

It has been years since Scotty's combat injury left him blind. Since we first met he and his wife Tiffany five years ago, Scott is now the father of two sons and is the first every blind active-duty officer in the U.S. Army.

Ashley Smith: An 'Unlikely Angel'

Ashley Smith was held hostage by a rapist and alleged killer. Go inside those chilling seven hours and learn how God used this near tragedy to set Ashley free.

Ashley Smith: The True Story Behind the Movie Captive

Ashley Smith was taken hostage and held for seven hours by a fugitive wanted for rape and murder. Hear the true story which inspired the movie Captive.

John Smith: Trapped in Icy Waters

Three friends fell through the ice of the frozen lake in their neighborhood. When 14-year-old John was the only one left trapped, his family prayed for a miracle.

Sophia Joy: 'Super Baby' Beats the Odds

Pregnancy and delivery complications put little Sophia Joy's life in the balance. When doctor's gave a grim prognosis, Sophia's parents clung to the promises of the Lord.

Phil Snyder: A Mission of Mercy

It was a clear day for missionary Phil Snyder when a rock was hurled at his window and the shots rang out. What happened next would shake his faith and threaten his life.

Dann & Tracey Stadler: Horrific Car Accident Leads to Angelic Encounter

When Dann and Tracey’s car was hit head-on by a drunk driver it burst into flames. With their lives in the balance, a series of miracles were set in motion to save the couple.

Andrew and Danielle Stammer: Surviving an F-5 Tornado

Andrew and Danielle share the story of how their family miraculously survived an F-5 tornado.

Tony Stevens: A Marine on the Frontlines

Semper Fi. It means “always faithful.” It’s the motto of the U.S. Marine Corp and something Lance Cpl. Tony Stevens takes personally.

Dialing God: The Miraculous Rescue of Kayaker Jon Stockton

A quiet retreat kayaking off the coast of Hawaii goes awry for this vacationer, leaving him drifting for five long days on treacherous waters.

Dave Stormont: 'God Perserved Me'

At 70 years old, he was backed over by his own car. His family and friends prayed for God to intervene.

Josh Sundquist: Just Don't Fall

After losing his leg to cancer as a child, Josh didn't think twice about chasing his dreams. Find out what motivated him to keep striving for the top.

Jeanette Towne: Jeanette's Escape from an Abusive Marriage

Jeanette was trapped in a horribly violent, abusive marriage. Her only chance at survival was to escape the relationship, if she could.

Joe Townsend: Surviving the Plane Crash that Kills His Family

Joe was the pilot of the small plane that crashed and killed his entire family. Surviving was just the beginning of his journey.

Ukrainian Preacher Remembers Religious Persecution

Since biblical times, Christians have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the gospel: Christians like Aleks Tyshkevich, who lived life in fear because of his Christian beliefs. "They tried to break my spirit by any means, and it was painful," Aleks says.

Tim Vander Zwaag: Farmer Confronts Death After Tractor Mauls Him

Tim’s worst fear came true when he was working alone in a field and became entangled in farm machinery. Only prayer would sustain him as he tried to find help.

Bruce Van Natta: Saved by Angels

He was pinned under a massive logging truck. Bruce was certain he would die until the miraculous happened.

Freddy Vest: A Rodeo Cowboy's Fight to Survive

Freddy Vest made a living as a calf-roping rodeo entertainer, but an awkward fall from his horse left him with less than a five percent chance of survival.

The Warrenders: On the Rocks Between Life and Death

It was supposed to be a fun family outing for the Warrenders but when Bruce climbed a 30-foot rock and got stuck on top, suddenly the fun was over.

Paul Weimer: Walking on Water

For more than 20 hours, Paul Weimer was a missing pilot in the bitterly cold waters of Alaska.

Tim Williams: A Shocking Miracle

Being hit with 13,000 volts of electricity should have killed him. Yet, Tim survived by the grace of God.

Rex WIllimon: Lost at Sea

Stranded at sea with several family members 20 miles off the coast of SC, Rex Willimon got a real life lesson on the power of prayer.

Nathan Woessner: Swallowed by a Sinkhole

Four hours after being swallowed by a sinkhole, everyone expected the worst for 6 year-old Nathan.

G.L. Woods: Veteran Motocross Rider Defies the Odds

ll of G.L.’s motocross experience, success and confidence couldn’t change the outcome of the near-fatal accident that left him paralyzed.

David Young: In The Eye of the Storm

He asked God for an adventure and got the experience of a lifetime... in a tornado.

Back To Top

Drugs, Alcohol and Addictions

Ashley Abercrombie: Leaving a Deeply Troubled Past Behind

Ashley Abercrombie struggled with school and life after her parents' divorce, and she turned to bulimia to cope. But, after being raped at a dorm party, her pain became even worse. 

David Affalter: No More Nicotine

He was addicted to smoking and chewing tobacco. God sent David a special word that set him free.

Scott Arnold: Confessions of a Former Dumpster Diver

Scott once aspired to be an award winning snow skier, but his lust for drugs robbed him of his dreams, direction and dignity.

Tony Aruta: Snatched From Death

Tony Aruta's life's purpose used to be to get a buzz, even if it meant robbing someone to get it. Waking up from a drug induced coma and a loving sister's compassion steered Tony toward Jesus.

Wanda Banfield: One Way Out

An addiction to crack cocaine ruled Wanda Banfield’s life for years. On the floor of a jail cell, she cried out to Jesus.

Jeff Bates's New Song

He was a talented musician high on meth until a run-in with the law changed his tune.

Beth Bayman: God Erases the Guilt of Bad Decisions

He was a talented musician high on meth until a run-in with the law changed his tune

Robert Bledsoe: Pleading for Release

Bobby Bledsoe admits he enjoyed doing drugs and running the streets, but says once you get caught up in it, it consumes you and becomes your God. His story could have ended in death or prison, but it doesn't.

Larry Blue: Prison Sentence Leads to Prison Ministry

A victim of childhood abuse, Larry suppressed the pain with drugs and alcohol. After his seventh DUI he went to prison and began to reevaluate his life.

Brian Bolt: How God Made a Leader

From the back of the ambulance, Brian's deathbed conversion became a new lease on life.

Peter Bostic: Finding God in Alaska

Peter never recovered from the pain of his parents’ divorce, and ended up homeless and addicted to meth. After 25 years, he headed to Alaska to find hope and help for a new life.

Jason Bowman: The Center of It All

When he called his grandmother, he was addicted to drugs. She gave him a piece of advice that set him on the path of sobriety.

A Drug Addict's Redemption

As a child, Eddie Bradley was molested by a babysitter. To deal with the pain, he turned to drugs and his life only became more difficult.

Rod Brewer: Mom Facilitates an Encounter with God

For 14 years Rod numbed the pain of life with drugs and alcohol until he reached a breaking point and his mother was outside knocking at his door.

Mark Brooks: Saved by Relationship, Not Religion

He was an addict, and selling the drugs led him and his new wife to a life on the run.

Ron Brown: Facing the Music

As his wife walked out the door, she told Ron Brown, “I love you. But I just can’t watch you kill yourself.” Would it be enough to keep him off drugs?

Charles Brown Comes Clean

Addiction stripped Charles Brown of everything that he held sacred. Then one night a television program presented the way to a new life.

Thaddeus Bruce: Saved by Little Faith

Thaddeus Bruce started using crack at age 21. He felt hopeless, until a little girl named Faith came along to pray for him. Today, he is totally set free and has a new wife and job.

Pete Cabrera: Mom's Prayer Saves Son from Crack Addiction

Pete’s life was consumed by his crack addiction and he was running from drug dealers. When he decided he’d finally had enough, his mom pointed him in the right direction.

Ryan Caldwell: Too Close to Overdose

Ryan Caldwell embraced the street drug lifestyle long enough to see several friends die because of drug overdoses. How could he escape the same end?

Johnny Callicott: Finding Hope When All Seems Lost

Johnny destroyed his music career when cocaine became his passion. See how God worked redemption in his life.

Chris Carberg: A Prescription for Addiction

Bullied as a youth, Chris turned to prescription drugs for relief, but a deadly addiction was the result.

Cave-Dwelling Drug Addict Sees The Light

Jim chose a life of drug addiction and for 39 years he lived a literal cave-dwelling existence in Arizona. A Bible and a trip to jail helped Jim re-think his life and call out to God for change.

Norm Chandler: Escaping a Generational Curse

Chaos in his childhood home ushered Norm into a life of hard drugs. After a drug arrest, his life was dramatically changed when he was sent to a Christian based recovery center.

Jim Christensen: Choosing a Life Without Drugs

Jim kept his substance abuse going in the face of death until a night on the frigid streets sobered him up.

God Delivers Singer Ashley Cleveland from Addiction

Grammy-winning singer/songwriter Ashley Cleveland shares her story of surrendering to Christ and deliverance from addiction.

Craig Clouston: Only an Addict Knows

As the son of a preacher, Craig grew up knowing what it meant to be a Christian. A rebellious heart led him down the path to addiction.

Sam Cox's Shot at Redemption

Sam was an amazing baseball talent as a kid but he turned to a life of selling and using drugs that cost him any future he may have had as an athlete. Eventually Same came to his breaking point and found redemption for his wasted life.

John Cozart: Freedom From Pornography

What started as a natural curiosity as a young boy led to a destructive pornography addiction for John.

Steve Cunningham: God Visits the Drunk Driver

Alcohol was the tool Steve used to bury his feelings of anger about his childhood and the tool that nearly caused him to deliberately drive off a cliff drunk. Then he heard an unfamiliar voice.

Fab Cusson: From Killing Pain to Killing Himself

An accident ushered Fab Cusson into an addiction with painkillers that nearly destroyed him

Matt Dudney: For God's Glory

For years, the son of Barbara Mandrell was known as a party guy until the party came to an end.

Michael Dunlap: Out from Under the Bridge

He was homeless for years while addicted to crack.

Lorna Effler: Creating Revelation Art

“We would do drugs for days,” she says. “It was always a time of wanting more.” See how Lorna Effler came down from her high and into the gracious arms of the Father.

Rob Ekno: God's Angel Leads DJ to Christ

Rob had a successful radio and DJ career, but drug and alcohol addiction stripped it all away.

Jemal Farrell: Finally Out of the Business

Jemal Farrell sold heroin on the streets of Baltimore. His lust for money put his family in harm's way – that is, until a TV preacher set him straight.

Mike Farris: Worship Therapy

This gospel blues singer was deep in the darkness of drugs. See how Mike Farris eventually saw the light.

Rosemary Fisher: Beating the Bottle

Childhood traumas set Rosemary on a course towards alcoholism. For years her struggles with the bottle defined her life.

Susan Folger: Imprisioned Addict Substitutes Alcohol for Living Water

After 40 years of addiction and her fourth DUI, Susan receives a prison sentence. While behind bars she begins to read the Bible and attend chapel services that ultimately introduced her to a new life of hope.

David Frazier: Drugs, Suicide, and Rock 'n' Roll

Fronting a rock band in the 90’s was awesome for David, until the resulting drug addiction had him on the brink of ending his own life.

Anneshia Freeman: An Addict's Last Chance

An abusive past led to a drug-filled life for Anneshia. Her only way out came when she least expected it.

Ralph Garth: A Junkie's Redemption

Drug addiction caused Ralph Garth to lose everything, and his only sanctuary was a hospital mental ward. It took a dream to jolt him back to reality.

Anthony Gonzales: Prodigal Hip-Hop Son

Anthony Gonzales grew up believing in God. Closely timed deaths of his mother and his twin brother put him in a spiritual tailspin to drugs and alcohol. His father never stopped praying for him.

Lewis Goodwin: Finding Direction on the Path to Destruction

Lewis grew up in a single parent home which left few roadblocks to the destructive path he chose.

Brad Guice: A Gripping Picture of an Addict

Brad was a successful photographer in New York City until he developed a drug addiction that stole his passion for life.

Biking According to Jim

In the midst of chrome and black leather, you can tell that biker Jim Hamilton lives for something more than a cross country ride. He now ministers in the Dakotas and leads an outreach at the Sturgis Bike Rally.

Josh Hamilton: A Rookie's Rise to Recovery

He was a minor league player with a major league problem. And at home, Josh Hamilton was about to strike out. Then, his wife got a message from God...  

Gary Hannon: God has a One-Step Program

Garry was one of the cool kids, one of the bad boys; later on an alcoholic and drug addict. He accepted Jesus and kept on using. That's when he learned about God's One-Step recovery program.  

Huey Harris: Saved By a Vision of God

Huey Harris is a former crack dealer. He got saved after he had a vision and today he’s a pastor.

Regi Harris: Hoops and Dope Don't Mix Well

Regi Harris had a promising future in basketball with a full-ride scholarship to Sam Houston State. He wound up in prison and now ministers to young athletes.

Sharon Harris: Rescued from Despair

Doing drugs with her mother gave her a sense of connection. However, it would a long winding road of abuse and destruction before she would find everything she needed in God.

Phil Hernandez: On the Brink, God Speaks

Suicide seems like the best end to a life of drugs and crime, until God speaks to Phil.

Casey Holland: "The One-Step Jesus Plan"

He lived a double life that had everyone fooled. They thought Casey was a good kid, but on the street, he was an addict.

Marriage Devastated by Prescription Drugs

It began when Sean Hughes injured his back and was prescribed pain medication. Soon, he was taking 19 pills a day and his marriage to Jessica was eroding.

John Lee Hooker, Jr Cries Out to Jesus

John slid into a lifestyle of excessive drug use and criminal behavior that lasted for over 30 years, then one day from his hospital bed he cried out to Jesus.

Saving Laurie Ishii

From Asian street gangs to trading sex for drugs, it’s a miracle that Laurie Ishii is still alive. But she is and ministering the Gospel to God’s lost children on the streets.

Victoria Jackson: Spared From Murder

Victoria lost all she held dear when she began her eight year addiction to crack cocaine. One night while dreaming, she believes she heard a clear warning that she was headed for hell. She sought God and eventually found freedom from crack addiction.

Mondrea Jacobs: Never Say Never

Mondrea started using drugs in junior high school and thought she'd never stop. Her wake-up call came from a bullet that whizzed by her face. Then she sought God with all her heart.

Houston Jared: Destroyed by Addiction, Redeemed by Affection

The consequence of a wayward search for identity, Houston’s criminal record kept growing longer and longer, until one day his search ended when he praised God from his jail cell.

Becky Jasinksi: Free from Food Addiction

A vicious eating disorder controlled her life for years. She stole and lied to get food. Ultimately, that battle led her Christ.

Freddie Johnson: 'The God of Many Chances'

It seemed like the work of a hardened criminal, but Freddie was a musician. This was his first in a string of robberies, and it all started with one little pill.

Brian Jones: Drunken Past Bright Future

Drunk and behind the wheel, Brian killed another person. He did time in prison and began to read the Bible. There, he accepted Christ and his life was changed forever.

Chris Jones: Nobody's Gone Too Far for God

Chris' parents split up when he was a young teen so he chose the life of escape into drug abuse for his lifestyle. Watching the movie, The Passion of the Christ, stirred him to salvation.

David Jones: David's Dark Secret

David was a Christian and pursuing a calling to the ministry, but he had a secret addiction to pornography that had shackled him since childhood.

Kenneth Jones: A Drunk Driver's Road to Redemption

Kenneth socred his dream job as a sports anchor, but a drunk driving car accident landed him in prison that same year.

Kat Jordan: Little Girl Lost

Kat Jordan was at the wheel with a crack pipe in her hand and the cops on her tail. She says, “I was going to pull over, but I panicked and I just stepped on the gas.”

Tracy Judkins: Cry Out to 'The God That Can'

When talking about her old life, Tracy says, 'I felt as though I hadn’t just hit the bottom, but I slammed through to the pit.'

Amy Kemp: Prodigal Tomboy Leaves Lesbian Lifestyle

Labeled early on as a “tomboy,” Amy experimented with homosexuality and drugs until a near overdose compelled her to cry out to God for help.

Matt & Amy Kowalski: When God Washes Away A Man's Lust

Matt's addiction to pornography was a dirty little secret until it escalated to sex with a prostitute.

Finding a New Life in a Place of Brokenness

Heather successfully hid her alcoholism for a dozen years. She knew she needed to stop drinking, but she couldn’t do it alone and was terrified of sharing her secret.

Chip LaPole: Looking Up at the Bottom

Drug addiction caused Chip LaPole to lose everything. It was then that he surrendered his life to Jesus.

Kevin Kubik: Breaking The Darkness of Addiction

His insatiable need for drugs pushed him over the edge. 'I got this bright idea to grab a jigsaw and cut off one of my fingers...'

Kevin Kyle: Blessed Beyond Measure

After three DUIs landed him in prison and brought a divorce, this rock and roll guitarist was ready for a change.

Amy Lambert: When Running from Heartbreak Turns Deadly

Amy’s heart broke when her parents divorced and she turned to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain. A near-death drug experience got her attention and she called out to Jesus.

Erik & Mary Lanka: One Drink Away From Divorce

Business losses left Erik despondent and drinking his sorrows away. This infuriated his wife Mary and she gave him a choice; booze or their marriage.

George Layton Gets a Clean Slate

Plagued by a criminal history and addictions to drugs and alcohol, George thought God would want nothing to do with him.

Michael Leahy: Internet Porn Addiction Cost Him Everything

He lost his wife, family, friends and job because his life was steeped in internet porn. He then began an affair. Now he's free and warns others how dangerous this secret can be.

Jeff Lennon: One Bad Trip

He was running for his life, but no one was chasing him. High on LSD, Jeff Lennon had nowhere to go.

Kelly Lohrke: A Lost Cause Found in Christ

Everyone gave up on this rage-filled punk rock teenager, but not God.

Chuck Lowery: The Prodigal Father

"All I wanted to do was just shoot up cocaine. It seemed like my whole life that I was on some kind of a suicide mission."

Paying Forward God's Grace

After her life descended into the despair of addiction, Sylvia learned that she needed to accept God’s grace and forgiveness before she could forgive herself. Now, she helps other women do the same.

Quinton McCool: Hooked on Heroin

An accidental shooting caused the death of Quinton's son and he turned to heroin to help numb the pain.

Shawn McDonald: A Hippie Reborn

Abandoned by his parents, he was lost in a world of endless raves and dealing drugs. See how God gave this singer a spiritual high.

Jennifer McPheron: Desperate Woman's Search for Love Ends at the Cross

A childhood of neglect and abuse left Jennifer hurt and confused. She desperately sought love from men, then babies, but eventually turned to drugs to numb the pain.

Matthew McPheron: Addict Finds Deliverance When All Else Fails

A thief and an addict, Matthew had made a mess of his life early on, but God was waiting to offer an escape

Jim & Robbie Mihalko: Taking Care of God's Business First

Years of drug addiction left Jim picking up the pieces after a string of business failures. When his marriage began to crumble too, he cried out to God for help.

Tiana Miller: In Search of a New Identity

After her husband’s infidelity, Tiana lost her sense of identity and slid into a life of drugs and alcohol indulgence. See how she escaped the grasp of addiction.

Rebuilding Jaycen [Moody]

Raised in a dysfunctional home, he began drinking at age nine and doing drugs by 15. His addiction would cost him everything.

Michael Moore: Chasing a New High

He lost everything he owned and became homeless, all because he couldn't beat his addiction to drugs.

Samantha Mosley: Rehabbed Mom Graduates with Honors

Samantha Mosley was pregnant, in jail and addicted to drugs when she learned about New Life Home for Women and Children’s rehabilitation program and discovered a way to turn her life around.

Bill Nabors: Stop Smoking? He'd Love To

Bill tried for years to quit smoking and had given up on quitting because nothing ever worked. One day he was watching The 700 Club and heard a word that made a difference.

WinterJam Pastor's Checkered Past Redeemed

See how Tony Nolan overcame drug, alcohol and sex addiction to become an ordained pastor. 

Samme Palermo: Better Than A Buzz

He enjoyed pleasure-seeking the night away as a DJ, but when his wife became a Christian, his life took a different turn.

Jesse Paris: Mom Set Free from Addiction

After decades of using drugs and alcohol to numb painful memories of childhood abuse, Jessi finally realized what she really wanted was to be a mom to her two boys.

Paul's Story: How to Defeat Sex Addiction

Paul's interest in pornography took root early and soon led to a sex addiction that consumed his life.

Frank Perez: At the End of His Rope

After being introduced to drugs early in life, Frank Perez’s life was controlled by them for 24 years. His addiction almost cost him his life and that ultimately led him to seek Christ.  

Keith Pintar: Like Son, Like Father

After the death of his mother, Keith did not get along with his father. Keith wanted to kill himself, but God had other plans. Not only did God change Keith's mind on life, but He also used Keith to impact his father's life.

Ronnie Pope: Criminal on the Cross

Rip spent his most of his life in prison for dealing drugs. After a near death experience, he made a promise to God; a promise he broke. Years later, God helped him keep that promise.

Brian Presley: Making a Choice Between God and Alcohol

A stalled Hollywood career drove Brian to drink his disappointments away resulting not only in severe damage to his health but also to his family.

Dorian Price: Back from the Brink

His wife looked for him on the streets, in crack dens and prayed every night that Dorian would come home.

Yvonne Rivadeneyra: A Former Hooker Comes Home

Yvonne Rivadeneyra never planned on becoming a prostitute but a cycle of abuse forced her down a path of self destruction.

Bill Roam: Escaping the Pain

He was an abused child who escaped by taking drugs. Once Bill gave his life to God, he became a model husband and wrote Christian songs for a band.  

Josh Roeder: The Legacy of His Grandfather's Faith

After depression and years of addiction nearly ended his job and marriage, Josh remembered how his grandfather leaned on God and decided it was time for him to do the same.

James Roof: The Sobering Truth

Alcohol was ruining his life, and pills were only numbing the pain. James needed to break his addictions, but where would he turn?

Jim Rouches: Ex-Con Shares Lessons Learned the Hard Way

For years Jim chose drugs and crime above all else. After finding redemption in prison, he now dedicates himself to helping others avoid the path he took.

Frank Scandin: Dead on Arrival

Frank Scandin began using drugs at a young age and thought he was doomed to a life of addiction and imprisonment. Then he met a former dealer who introduced him to Jesus, and Frank’s life did a complete 180.  

Mary Scanlon: Healing the Scars of Rejection most viewed!

Abuse and neglect left Mary with little hope for a future, and she used drugs to cope with the pain.

Ralph Scott, Minister to the Streets

He had one goal: to be a drug dealer. Ralph understood the life of an addict — what gets you there and what traps you there.

Steve Sellers: When Alcohol Destroys, God Restores

An innocent taste of alcohol as a teenager ushered Steve into a lifestyle of addiction that nearly cost him everything.

Kele Sewell: 'I Should Be Dead'

He was a doctor abusing prescription pills and alcohol. With nowhere to turn, he put a shotgun in his mouth, ready to end it all.

Dale Shiffman: When Baseball Goes Bad

Dale Shiffman had dreams of playing big league ball that did not quite pan out. But his career as a freelance photographer for the Pirates got him close to the action - and to the players.

Janice Simpson: Money Can't Buy True Love

A lifestyle of hiding pain with drugs and alcohol comes to an end after Janice attends a Bible study.

Raymond Sinohui: A Former Addict Helps Others

Raymond had a promising future as an aspiring baseball player, until he dropped out of school to feed his drug addictions, which pushed him towards suicide.

Michelle Spier: Free Meal at Church Changes Drug Addict's Life

Running from pain and disappointment only intensified Michelle’s downward spiral that began in her late teens. But after the heartbreak, Jesus was there to help put her life back together.

Ben Stacy: The Comeback Missionary Kid

Missionaries Roger and Penny Stacy did everything they knew to do to provide a loving home for their family. Yet loneliness and depression took their son on a dangerous journey of drug use.

Nick and Shane Sterner: Like Father, Like Son

Nick and Shane Sterner are a father and son team who started using drugs together. Shane got busted and decided to
enter a drug-rehab on one condition... his dad would join him.

Katie Souza: God's Love Found in Lockdown most viewed!

This salvation story proves that God can find a lost soul anywhere... even in solitary confinement.

Derek Steele: Overcoming Addiction

As a victim of extensive abuse as a child, Derek chased after drugs and alcohol to numb the pain at an early age. By the time he was 20, he had a serious problem that was threatening his life.

Jennifer Strickland: You See the Real Me

It seemed like a dream come true but becoming a top fashion model wasn’t what Jennifer thought it would be.

Jacqui Strothoff: Drug-Free with Jesus

Heroin took Jacqui down a road of crime and danger. A Christ-centered rehab got her back on the straight and narrow.

Deshawn Tatem: Touched by an Angel at the ATM

DeShawn Tatem, a drug dealer, was about to commit murder. Just before he executed his plans, he ran into a woman who had a special message for him.

Kellie Tew: Tew Much Trouble

Kellie Tew was molested when she was very young. This event sent her into a world of sex, drugs and broken relationships. Her third husband, J.D. Tew, had Christian roots, returned to Christ and Kellie had to choose.

Mike Thornton: A Life of Surrender

He became a male prostitute to pay for his drug addiction. But beyond the pain and the shame, he found a Love who could truly redeem him.

Dying in the High Life: The Salvation of Danny Velasco

Danny Velasco lived the high life as a celebrity hair and make-up artist until drugs had him living on the streets of New York City. In this David Kithcart interview, Danny tells The 700 Club how the Lord rescued him from nearly going insane.

Lisa Veney: Please Send Me to Jail

After struggling with a crack addiction for nine years, Lisa cries out to help. She asks God to send her to Jail. When he does, her life changes completely.

Joseph Villanueva: An Addict at the Crossroads

He went from selling drugs to using his own products. When a woman offered her prayers, Joseph didn't believe God could fix him.

Lee Vozel: Finding True Freedom from Drug Addiction

In the shadow of a special needs sibling, Lee was able to cultivate an affinity for drugs that would plague him for years.

Jolinda Wade: 'He Can Bring You Through'

Mother of NBA Superstar Dwayne Wade shares her life story of addiction, incarceration, and deliverance.

Holly Wagner: A Home in Christ

By Holly's winner smile and cheerful disposition, you'd never know that this Regent University student was once homeless and addicted to alcohol.

Patricia Waldren: Walking in the Steps of a Dead Man

Patricia Waldren grew up in a home filled with domestic violence. She vowed never to be like her father, but her first drink at age 13 changed everything.

Terria Walters: Prayer for Help Answered with Drug Arrest

Terria was tired of being addicted to meth. Two days after she prayed to God to change her life, the DEA raided her home and she was sent to prison.

Barry Washington: A Drug Dealer Set Free

He was a drug dealer who battled a fierce addiction. But Barry Washington’s life changed when he accepted Christ.

'Termite' Watkins: Knocking Out Addictions

It wasn't until former boxer Maurice Watkins stopped fighting God that he won the battle over his drug addiction.

Lonnie Watson: Seeking a New High Sends Addict to All-Time Low

Lonnie grew up with emotional scars from an abusive childhood. He became a functional crack addict, until a binge took him to a new low and he cried out to God.

Craig Weaver: The Repentance of a Repeat Offender

While other kids were in high school, Craig Weaver was in and out of jail. One day a Catholic nun would explain the gospel message in a way that brought this thug to his knees.

Randy Webb: Healing the Wounds from War

A tortuous tour in Vietnam left Randy Webb paranoid and addicted to the rush of shooting up with drugs. As his sanity slowly slipped away, so did his family. Suicide suddenly seemed to be his only solution.

Alea White: 'Looking at a Miracle'

Drug and alcohol addiction cost Alea almost everything, but God didn't give up on her.

Andrea White's Anorexia Nightmare

When her parents divorced, Andrea Logan White attempted to gain a sense of control by manipulating her weight through anorexia.

Chris White: His Last Deal

He was a drug dealer looking for a new life. God would answer his prayer, but Chris White would have to lose it all first...

Johnny Whittington: Wayward Son of a Preacher Man

Johnny spent his teens in a gospel band but went so far away from his Christian roots that only a point-blank shot to the heart could return him to the truth.

Brian Williams: Amazed by Forgiveness

He was a strung-out junkie who thought that no one would ever love him. Brian Williams was about to meet the One who could.

Ronnie Williams: A Drug Addict Delivered

Overlooked as a child, Ronnie dulled the pain with substance abuse that eventually left him homeless and suicidal.

Luther Wright: Hoop Dreams

Luther Wright signed a $5 million dollar contract to play in the NBA. In his first season, he was kicked off of the Utah Jazz. After that, Luther spiralled down into drug addiction that reduced him to a homeless junkie.

Wil Yazzie: Trusting Biblical Truths Over Ancient Traditions

Growing up on a Navajo Indian reservation exposed Wil to ancient traditions and alcoholism which set him on the path to an empty life.

Henry Youngblood

Henry Youngblood had a serious alcohol problem and had every intention of suicide, until he heard someone say "God Loves You" on tv.

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Emotional Healing

Diana Anderson: Overcoming Anorexia

She was young and out of control. She says, 'Food was my god. It was an idol. It was all consuming.'

Dionne Arceneaux: Learning How to Breathe Again

She was over eight months pregnant when her husband decided to leave her for another woman. What would you do? Dionne Arceneaux of Mesa, Arizona, faced this reality head on.

Audra Austin: A Simple Gift Changes Lesbian's Lifestyle

Audra endured childhood abuse and grew to hate being a girl. When she turned to other women to find love and acceptance, one special woman’s kind gesture instead showed her the love of God.

Ron Baptiste: An Untamed Heart

Ron Baptiste lived a life plagued with violence and drugs. He spent most of his life trying to fit into the world around him, but it wasn’t until he discovered the love of God that he achieved the acceptance he had always longed for.

Jennavave Barbero: A Role Model Tells All

Jennavave is a designer, former model, and major catalyst for redefining beauty in the fashion industry. She says she'd never be where she is today, if she hadn't run back home to Christ.

Sgt. Michael Belew: Finding God in the Army Again

Sgt. Michael Belew joined the military and walked away from God. See how the intense training of the Army ranger program brought him back to the Lord.

Tammie Best: Freedom From a Sexually Abused Past

Tammie never dealt with the hurt of childhood sexual abuse and the emotional weight became overwhelming.

Wendy Blight: Trusting God After Rape

She had questions that couldn't be answered after she was sexually assaulted. However, Wendy found comfort for such a difficult situation in the most unlikely place.

Isaiah Borgum: Healing After AIDS

Isaiah lost his mother and sister to AIDS as a young boy. For years, he struggled to find purpose in life.

Brian Bosworth Finds Redemption While Losing 'The Boz'

Brian Bosworth starred as a college football player at Oklahoma in the 1980s, but a lackluster NFL career left him feeling like a failure.

Allison Bottke's Spiritual U-Turn

"I was abused very badly in this foster home and locked in the closet for days at a time. I had a horrible fear of the dark," says Allison Gappa Bottke, who, at the age of four, was abused as a foster child.

Everlene Brewer: Notes of "Thank You" for the U.S. Military

Everlene has been writing to members of the U.S. military since 1945, and continues the practice of thanking these brave men and women today.

Denise Bridges: Returning to Her First Love

No amount of modeling success could help Denise feel secure and accepted. When the parties ended, she found salvation from all her fears.

Tim & Stephanie: A Wandering Heart

Tim allowed porn addiction to escalate to adultery. When his wife Stephanie found out about the infidelity the couple had to decide how they would move forward in their marriage.

Nicole Bromley: Breaking the Silence

She was sexually abused by her stepfather for years, and then he committed suicide. Forgiveness was the last thing on Nicole's mind...

Robert Brown: A Childhood Worth Forgetting

Extreme abuse at the hands of neighborhood boys left Robert Brown an emotionally crippled child, until a street evangelist told him about the love of Jesus.

Tonier Cain: The Cycle of Trauma

Traumatized by her mother, Tonier turned to prostitution and drugs to survive. The threat of losing a child would serve as her wake-up call behind bars.

Volandrea Christopher's Childhood of Pain

An orphan bounces around the homes of family members and suffers unspeakable abuses at the hands of those she was supposed to trust.

Bridget Coates: The Princess Within

She was one of over 11 children, raised in the projects and abused by relatives. No one thought Bridget Coates would amount to anything. Then one day she learned she was a daughter of the King, and everything changed.

Charlotte Cole: Emotionally Bound, Radically Set Free

She had everything she wanted, but had found no peace. Her husband began watching The 700 Club, and she discovered what was missing.

Jada Collins: The Truth About Beauty

From the ashes of her childhood of abuse and insecurities, Jada Collins grew into a beautiful, confident, and forgiving woman of God and successful supermodel.

Nicole Cooley: Raped and Pregnant

Nicole Cooley’s innocence was stripped away when the man she trusted drugged and raped her. She decided to have an abortion and was emotionally numb for years. God has since healed her heart.

Herbert Cooper: Mega Church Pastor Finds Healing from Childhood Abuse

At age 13, a family friend sexually abused Hebert Cooper. Even as a full-time evangelist and then the pastor of People’s Church in Oklahoma, he still had only shared the incident with his wife. 

Teri Copley: '80s Actress Teri Copley Returns to Her Roots

Actress Teri Copley’s Hollywood lifestyle took her far from her roots, but she never forgot the God she met as a child.

Amy Cotta Runs in Combat Boots to Honor Our Soldiers

Amy Cotta began running in combat boots to fight the sadness of her 17-year-old son leaving for boot camp. But after competing in an endurance event wearing those boots, Amy discovered it could be a way to also honor fallen soldiers.

Vanessa Crosson: Angry with God and Asking for a Miracle

Vanessa was only 17 years old when her mom died of cancer. A grieving heart led her to turn away from God, but years later she turned back and asked for a miracle.

Michael Cusick: The End of His Double Life

On one side, he was the devoted Christian. On the other, he was filled with secret desires.

Jonathan Daugherty: Shamed Ministry Leader Finds Forgiveness

A porn addiction escalates to sexual encounters for Jonathan Daugherty, until he awakens to the fact he is risking the loss of everything he holds dear.

Debra Davis: My Daddy the Devil and Me

Overnight Debra was torn from her innocent childhood and placed in a world of drugs, violence and prostitution.

Mary DeMuth: His Love Heals Old Wounds

After years of abuse as a child, Mary was able to find peace and healing through a relationship with Christ.

Kristin Depola: God Rescued Me

Ever felt like God hated you? Kristin Depola thought she had proof. When her father died, her world collapsed.

Brooke Donnelly: The Choice That Changed It All

A lesbian punk rocker dabbles in witchcraft and finds that none of it repairs the broken places inside her heart.

Brooke Douglass: Strength to Forgive

A shooting that wounded Brooks and killed his parents haunted him for years, but Brooks found the strength to forgive.

A New Cheryl Duly, Transformed by Christ

No one believed her when she was molested as a child. Then, the same thing happened again as an adult when Cheryl Duly was raped. She used alcohol to numb the pain and the anger.

Nancy Dunn: Saving the Satanist

Her father was a high priest for the devil. He used his daughter to breed babies for human sacrifice.

Theresa Flores: The Sex-Slave Across the Street

Survivor and author Theresa Flores shares her story of trafficking and slavery while living in an upper-middle class suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

Anita Fuentes: Changed by the Love of God

Abused as a child, she was full of rage and despair. When her husband left her, Anita needed a new life.

Laura Gallier: Searching for a Father's Love

Laura believes growing up with divorced parents caused her to fill the void created by her father's absence with unhealthy male relationships.

Tammy Hanks: Freedom From Fear

Tammy's fears made her a prisoner in her own home until the Lord set her free.

The Prayer of Faith

Abused, alone and pregnant, Faith Harriman didn't know that she could give her broken heart to God.

Restoring Brig's Heart

Brig Hart always dreamed of having his father's love and approval, but only experienced abuse brought on by his dad's alcoholism.

Melissa Helser: Breaking From Bitterness to Release Healing

Melissa talks about defeating her psoriatic arthritis pain by worshipping God in the midst of the worst suffering.

Zana Hembree: No More Masks

A frightening car accident and subsequent DUI scared this wayward woman straight and made her face the truth of Christ's unconditional love.

Garlena Hines: 'Don't Give Up, Don't Back Down'

Her mind was made up that she would never be whole again after the rape and molestation. However, God wasn't finished with Galena yet.

Cameron Hodge: Abused Teenager Breaks Silence About Depression

Childhood bullying and other abuse caused Cameron to withdraw from everyone. Isolation took a hefty toll until she accepted an invitation to church and began to take steps toward healing.

Stacy Holbrook: There Goes My Hero

Her father meant everything to Stacy. So when she lost him to drugs and depression, she lashed out at the God she thought had failed him.

Jackie Holland: Searching for the Perfect Man

"It started lightly, I guess. Just slap you, and then afterwards, he would say, 'I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you.' And, I mean, I believed that." Until it happened again. It was a vicious cycle that Texan Jackie Holland couldn't break. It all started when she married her high school sweetheart at 15.

Maurice Huff: Forgiving Yourself After Choosing Abortion

After being part of the decision to abort his child, Maurice Huff struggles to forgive himself.

Melissa Hustead Finds True Love

Molested as a child and thrice divorced, Melissa struggled to understand the meaning of love.

Susan Jaramillo: Seeking Success and Looking for Love

Susan always felt a void in her life, and to fill that void she became determined to be successful in her career and in love. After taking several wrong turns, she finally found what she was craving.

Shana Joseph: Embraced by True Love

Shana was angry and couldn’t understand why she had to go to a foster home. Her life eventually headed down a path of destruction until she reached a turning point and decided she didn’t want to go to hell.

Rebecca Kiessling: Adopted into God's Family

Conceived in rape and adopted into a Jewish family, Rebecca had no identity until she found one in Christ.

Kay Coles James Inspires Future Generations of Leaders

President and Founder of the Gloucester Institute, Kay Coles James works to unite and inspire emerging young leaders in the African American community.

Matt Krueger: Heart of the Matter

Matt loved to party, but a medical condition with his heart made that lifestyle extremely risky business. Matt had to learn to accept his physical limitations as part of who he was and who God wanted him to be.

Esther Lohrke: Hope at the End of The Line

Jumping off of a bridge into speeding traffic was the only way Esther Lohrke thought she could escape her abusive marriage.

Antonio Lorenzo: No Longer Neglected

Antonio Lorenzo's parents couldn't shake their addictions and died from AIDS when he was a young teen. He found success in criminal activities and worried that some day his mob ties would cost him his life. A loving aunt and seeds of faith in Christ turned his life around.

Lori: Dancing for an Audience of One

She lived and breathed ballet to the point where she starved herself to be thin. See what happened when God led Lori in the dance for her life.

Cameron Maine: A Divine Romance

As a party girl, Cameron realized that there was a void that drugs, boys and booze couldn’t fill. See how she found real love.

Jennifer Mallan: Chasing Perfection

Jennifer Mallan was obsessed with being perfect. She had to be the smartest, the prettiest -- the girl who had it all together. However, in the midst of building this image of herself, she was falling apart inside. Read about her journey towards acceptance through God's unfailing love.

Tom Mann: Knocked Down by Life

Tom spent his entire life getting knocked down and fighting back, until one day he realized he didn’t have to fight anymore.

Carla Matmati: Until the Pain Went Away

Raped twice, Carla had no reason to trust God. However, she continued to pray for His peace.

Kevin Mawae: A Titan's Clash with Death

NFL Tennessee Titan's center, Kevin Mawae, speaks with Will Dawson about how God helped him find purpose in the devastating loss of his brother.

Julian Mayo: He Called Me by Name

The Mayos knew they should be in ministry but they felt stuck in a rut. That is until Julian heard the Lord call him… personally.

Gerald McCoy: Why Did You Take my Mother?

Gerald McCoy, Oklahoma Sooners' defensive tackle, was dealt a serious blow when his mother unexpectedly died of brain aneurisms after his freshman year at Oklahoma. He shares the conversation he had with God a week after her death.

Janette McGhee: When Secrets Make You Sick

For fourteen years Janette kept an abuse secret that made her life unbearable at times. After confiding in a friend she was able to let God begin the healing.

Bryan McKnight: True Confessions of a Pastor

On the surface, everything seemed to be perfect, but what people didn’t know is what was going on behind closed doors.

Michael's Parents Murdered by His Grandfather

An incomprehensible family tragedy left Michael broken and flailing.

Rob Mitchell: Hope Heals a Bitter Orphan

Rob's mother dropped him off at the orphanage at age 3, and that's where he spent his entire childhood. He questioned why God would let him have that childhood and found out truths he'd never known.

David Meurer: Behind the Laughter

He’s a comedian who pokes fun at the family life. But Dave's growing up was no laughing matter.

Lauren Nelson: Finding Worth Beyond Beauty Pageants

Crowned Miss America in 2007, Lauren Nelson struggled with identity and purpose beyond being a beauty queen.

Jackie Ngomesia: Fighting Back from Death's Door

A life-long struggle with identity and weight pushed Jackie to death's doorstep.

Perry Noble: Pastor Battles Depression Behind the Pulpit

Perry was a successful pastor, but battled anxiety and depression connected to unresolved childhood issues.

Marie Notcheva's Battle with Bulimia

Since early childhood, Marie Notcheva was obsessed with keeping her weight in check. This led to a 10 year struggle with bulimia that put her life in the balance.

Stormie Omartian's Path to Freedom

She went from being locked in a closet to motivating thousands all across the country. Artist and author Stormie Omartian shares how she was set free.

Wade O'Quinn: Searching for Something More

After his mother's death from cancer, Wade became the ultimate party guy. However, he was emotionally dead on the inside.

Doug Partain: The Love He Longed For

As Doug grew up, he wrestled to understand why his dad had to die. There were no good answers, so he blamed God.

Ruth Pointer: Pointer Sister Climbed the Charts While Hitting Rock Bottom

Pop superstars The Pointer Sisters are still performing after more than 40 years of topping the charts. Recently, Ruth Pointer took a break and sat down with Scott Ross to share her story, featured in the new book Rock and Heart A Place.

Jennifer Polimino: The Shame that Follows Stolen Innocence

The abusive cycle started when Jennifer was just 12 years old, but the guilt that came with it plagued her into adulthood.

Megan Raftery: Tragedy Derails Bright Future

Megan had a bright future, but when her fiancé died she never emotionally recovered. Alcohol soon became her comfort, but when she nearly died herself, her parents stepped in to help point her in the right direction.

Maria Read: Friendship God's Way

Maria created The Martha Foundation because she wanted her childhood friend, Martha, and others like her to have a needs oriented place to call home.

Gary Roe: Pastor Healed From Painful Abuse Memories

When Gary was 45 and pastoring a church, suppressed memories of decades-old sexual abuse began to surface. Once he faced the realization of these violations, Gary was able to walk through healing and forgiveness.

Breaking the Bondage of Bulimia: The Story of Laura Schultz

"I remember sitting in a room with my mother and the doctor, and he looked at me and in all seriousness said, 'You need to prepare yourself that this is what your life is going to be like. You're going to be in and out of hospitals for the rest of your life. Eating disorders are not curable. Depression is not curable,' " Laura Schultz recalls.

Mrs. Scott's Message of Assurance

Tere Scott had suffered three miscarriages in a row and couldn't help but be fearful that this pregnancy might have a sad ending too. Hear how God helped her through this anxious time.

Kary Oberbrunner: Trusting God's Plan

Pastor Kary Oberbrunner's anger towards God led to a very destructive form of self-abuse.

Ex-Gay Hip-Hop Artist Jacki Hill-Perry Never Dreamed a New Life Was Possible

Jackie began pursuing her attraction to females at age 17. At age 19, God showed her that she was holistically living in sin, and that her choices would end in eternal death. She asked God to help her change. 

Marcie Schneider: When God's Love is the Only Answer

Marcie just wanted to be loved, but after a string of boyfriends, pregnancies and abortions, she was lonely and broken.

Joe Scorsone: Escaping Darkness to Find His Voice

Joe Scorsone, founder and lead singer of the band Flintface, shares his story of surviving childhood sexual abuse, and how the comfort of music and his faith in Christ helped him heal and rediscover hope.

Linda Settles: A Girl Among Thorns

Linda was held captive and sexually abused by her father for 28 years while her mother turned a blind eye.

George Shee's World War II

Veteran of the second World War, George Shee reflects on the Lord's protection during his military service and life since.

The Shores Sisters: Overcoming Racial Hate with Love

Sisters Barbara Shores and Helen Shores Lee remember growing up in Alabama during the turbulent Civil Rights era.

Leah Smith: How Leah Found Her True Worth

Leah felt worthless, and her desire to be loved took her in and out of seven abusive marriages. Only a promise made to her dying mother could open the door for healing and a new life.

Kathy Smoker: Experience Life Without Fear

Kathy’s struggle with fear, anxiety and self-hatred was rooted in early childhood abuse. Years later she attended church with a friend and experienced a new way to live.

Michelle Sprawl: The Living Truth Behind the Abortion Lie

Michelle thought her abortion would be a simple, in-and-out procedure. As a teen, she was not prepared for the devasting effects.

Christina Stimson: Lessons from Biblical Job

An abusive childhood, deceptive husband, and illnesses could have left her bitter forever. But Christina took another path to healing.

Terry Strouss: At Peace with God

For years, Terry repressed an anger and bitterness that was taking a toll not only on him, but also on everyone around him.

Lee Strobel: Author Lee Strobel Makes "The Case for Grace"

Bestselling author Lee Strobel was close to death and caught a glimpse of life without God after suffering a series of medical crises. In his new book “The Case for Grace,” he shares how he reconnected with God.

Katrina Sweet: Crying Out to God in Desperation

After a checkered past of abusive relationships it was when Katrina's pastor crossed the line with her sexually that she lost the will to go on.

Ed Thomas: The Sacred Acre

High school football coach Ed Thomas put a small Iowa town on the map with a winning program. Two years ago, he was murdered by a former player.

Rosa Tkachev: No Fear

This Ukrainian woman never outgrew her childhood fear of the dark. Now she’s living life without a nightlight. What brought her peace?

Nelson Toranzo: Santeria Priest Finds God in Prison

Nelson was a cocaine dealer and a high priest in Santeria until he went to prison and met a serial killer who introduced him to Jesus.

Rescued From the Brink of Insanity

Childhood traumas left unresolved caused Paige Torgersen to hear strange voices in her head, until one day she recognized one voice to be God and her life took a dramatic turn.

Sharon Trainor: When Reoccurring Pain Meets Everlasting Love

Sharon Trainor suffered emotionally and physically. No matter what she did, the pain kept coming back. She learned to live with it but God had other plans.

Haley Uthlaut: Healing the Wounds of a Veteran

Memorial Day is a day to honor and remember those who've paid the ultimate price in defense of this nation. Lee Webb brings us a story of courage, sacrifice and God's ability to heal the wounds of loss.

Aline Umegwaneza: Forgiving Genocide

Aline Umegwaneza survived the genocide in Rwanda, most of her family did not. This is her story of survival and forgiveness.

Kim Vastine: Delivered from the Desire to Harm

The pain of repressed childhood abuse surfaced when Kim was a young married mother, resulting in danger for her family.

Terry Warren: Amazing Love

Terry Warren found success in the entertainment world, but a failed marriage sent him into a deep depression. As he contemplated suicide, Terry realized he needed to get serious about his relationship with God.

Ken Wetzel: Still Rebuilding Lives Ten Years After Katrina

Ken and his wife Dawn decided to ride out Hurricane Katrina in their home in Biloxi, Mississippi. After the storm cleared, Ken risked his life to bring emergency relief to his neighbors

The Whites: Behind the Makeover

When the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition crew remade the Whites’ house, they gave them more than a new look. They helped in the healing process for a family that lost their spiritual leader.

The Many Faces of Marilyn Williams

Marilyn Williams was a housewife with a dark past that she couldn't hide anymore.

Tawana Williams: Determined Not to be Different

Tawana was born without arms and struggled to find acceptance with the wrong crowd. She became pregnant in the midst of addiction but unconditional love would show her how special she really was.

Melissa Woodward: A Sex Slave's Story

Melissa shares the story of how she first became a victim of the sex trafficking industry and how sex-slavery made her life unbearable, but when she hit rock bottom she discovered hope for a new day.

Julie Woodley: A Clean Slate

Sexually and physically abused by her father, Julie ran away from home and thought she'd never come back.

Charmeshia Wren: Overcoming the Tragedy of Multiple Miscarriages

After three miscarriages within one year, Charmeshia was grief-stricken and desperate when a 700 Club segment on dealing with tragedy led to a healing in her life.

Joyce Zounis: Born Again

Joyce grew up seeing abortion as an easy way out. Little did she know the toll it was taking on her body and her soul.

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Family Restoration

The Agostos: A Marriage Revival

Rafael's addictions pushed everyone away from him. Even his wife, Linda, said, "He loved the drugs more than his family -- that’s how I saw it.”

The Aitkens: Island Vows Renewed

The Bahamas, the number one tourist spot in the world, has beautiful beaches and breathtaking sunsets. But living here holds a hidden danger. They call it "island fever." It's the lure of sex, drugs, and non-stop good times. Island fever trapped Troy Aitken at an early age.

Jeff and Tami Allen: Funny How God Can Change a Marriage

Jeff and Tami Allen started their marriage with their friends placing bets on how long it would last. Had it not been for their surrender to Christ, their friends would have won their bets. Jeff is a successful Christian comedian.

Lyndon & Sharyl Allen: A House Divided

Sharyl's infidelity and Lyndon's anger were too much to hold the Allen's flailing marriage together so they turned to the one they knew could bring healing.

Tim and Amy Allens: Secrets that Kill a Marriage

Pornography, extramartial affairs, call girls... Tim fed his sex addiction any way he could. He didn't stop even when his wife found out.

Mitch and Michele Alverson: Sexual Addiction Ends in Stronger Marriage

Mitch’s addiction to online pornography led to an extramarital affair, but when he confessed to his wife, Michele was able to rely on God for the strength to forgive and love her unfaithful husband.

The Andersons: Forgiving the Prodigal Spouse

What leads a woman to have an affair? And how could her husband take her back? Ron and Nancy Anderson found the answers they needed in Jesus Christ.

The Backuses: Striking Out at Home

Rosco Backus was a man who cared more for baseball than his family. Then after his salvation his wife wanted a divorce. Could prayer bring them back together?

Chris & Cindy Beall: Healing a Marriage When Trust is Broken

When Chris Beall admitted his pornography addiction to his wife Cindy, they made the tough decision to work on marriage restoration.

Andy & Jennifer Benes: Former Major League Pitcher Struggled as Family Man

As a major league baseball pitcher for 14 years Andy Benes had it all put together. But behind the scenes, his home life was struggling.

The Birkey's Broken Marriage

Kara Birkey prayed for her husband Jese to be Godly, but she wasn't ready to follow the same path. Kara's subsequent affair proved to be more of a test for Jesse than he was ready to face alone.

Joel Brown: Couple Escapes the Grip of Pornography Addiction

Pornography had a grip on Joel’s life from a young age. When he discovered his wife had struggled as well, their marriage was put to the test.

The Bryants: A Christmas Miracle of Marriage Restoration

In 1988, Deborah and Clayton had the coldest winter of their relationship... but it wasn't because of the weather.

The Bunces: Once Upon a Broken Marriage

Their marriage was headed for divorce and they didn't know how to stop it. Find out how this couple went from brokenness to loving devotion.

David Caron: Reality Check at Death's Door

David's wedding day was marred with memories of his parents' divorce and he was high. Divorce could have been his next big decision had it not been for a surprising doctor's visit.

Rosa Castro: Gifting a Water Well

Rosa Castro and her family donated wells to India as Christmas presents to each other. Kottaya and his family can now go to work and school on time and have the water they need for drinking and their daily needs.

Ashley Charles: Loving 'StepMan'

Ashley Charles's appreciation for her stepfather, Stuart King, is remarkable considering their early relationship.

Glen and Michelle Cox: Good Husband More Than Good Provider

Glen was a workaholic who didn’t realize what he had until he lost his wife and family. He decided to rededicate his life to Christ and God restored his life completely.

Steve and Laine Craft: Taking Care of Business at Home First

Steve’s business nearly put him into bankruptcy and further strained his already rocky marriage with Laine. After they each encountered Christ, they restored their marriage and experienced success in business and ministry.

Adam Cunningham: A Better Man

He was a failure as a husband and a father. However, the birth of his son gave this musician a new life.

Chris & Morgan Davis

Chris didn’t love Morgan when they married and his rage pushed her towards alcohol, drugs and the arms of another man. Determined to make it work, the couple continued a miserable existence for years until a trip to grandma’s house changed everything.

Lincoln & Lynetta Dent: God, the Ultimate Marriage Counselor

Lincoln and Lynetta's home was a war zone, until they decided to give their lives to Christ in their apartment one night.

The Forehands: Stained Glass Marriage

Their marriage was rocky and their divorce got nasty. Only Jesus Christ could save this couple.

The Garcias: Couple Cares for Children No One Else Wants

Domingo and Irene had never considered adoption until God prompted them to do so. Now, 33 years later they have fostered 34 children and adopted 17, most of which have special needs. They never turn a child away.

Matt and Sarah Hammitt: A Rock Solid Marriage

Matt's career as a touring musician wth the band Sanctus Real put a terrible strain on his marriage to Sarah. Find out how they made it work.  

The Happoldts: Happily Married At Last

Their marriage was marred with violence, drugs and alcohol. These wild bikers were on the road to nowhere when Jesus came to their rescue.

Jeffrey & Rachel Hardcastle: 'This is What Jesus Does'

From the moment Jeffrey and Rachel wed, the clock was ticking towards marital demise. Find out what changed the course of their relationship.

Steve and Terry Hayes: Marriage Do-Over

Thirty years of marital misery ended up in divorce for Steve and Terry Hayes. Terry prayed for a Godly man and got a brand new Steve.

Chris & Debra Hedgcorth: A Meth Marriage

Chris and Debra had a tumultuous marriage fueled by drug addiction that was rocked further by Debra's new found faith.

Justin & Trisha: Coming Clean to Save a Marriage

Justin and Trisha’s marriage slowly deteriorated over ten years as kids and ministry took priority

David & Lisa King: A Marriage Betrayal

David and Lisa King had the perfect marriage, until she learned that David had an affair.

The Kunzes: God Never Gives Up

Their young marriage was full of drugs and violence. Could God rescue both Jeff and Melissa from self-destructing?

Martez & Woodrina Layton: 'A Blessed Affair'

Mutual marriage infidelity and financial hardship put the Layton's relationship on shaky ground and set the stage for God to intervene.

Ingrid Lee: Restoration after Abuse

Ingrid Lee suffered from abusive relationships in silence. However, her tears were not hidden from God.

The Lowes: In and Out of Love

She was a stripper. He had an anger problem. The Lowes’ marriage was explosive from the start and was headed for divorce court until one Easter morning.

Nate Lytle: A Brain Injury Miracle

Nate suffered a traumatic brain injury when he fell off a ladder at work. Doctors gave him little chance of survival.

Steve & Leslie Mackiewicz: The Downfall of Pursuing the American Dream

Steve and Leslie's young family is torn apart by the stresses of life, but Jesus brings healing.

The Mandevilles: Behind Closed Doors

John was a top-selling Christian songwriter who coped with his failing marriage with alcohol and porn.

The Markleys: Finding Passion in Marriage

He was a workaholic. She was unfaithful. The Markleys were headed for divorce until a movie changed their course.

Tony & Rosa Martinez: Reconciling With A Repeat Cheater

Tony and Rosa's marriage faced many challenges including drug addiction, porn addiction and infidelity. See how forgiveness led to healing for both.

Brad Mathias: Living a Double Life Catches Up to Cheating Spouse

Brad lived a double life that eventually caught up with him, but just when he thought he could walk out on his wife a near-death experience changed things.

Bob Mazeroski: On the Track to Heaven

The former number one racehorse trainer in the world talks about his life in the fast lane, and how his battle with alcohol brought his life to ruin. His is a miraculous story of marriage restoration.

Jason Mirikitani: Saved by Prayer

A car accident left Jason struggling to survive with traumatic brain injuries. Doctors gave him little hope of recovery, but Jason's family and friends turned to God for a miracle.

Matt and Tiffany McClain: Couples Who Pray, See Results

Matt and Tiffany McClain took the "Share the Prayer" challenge and have seen the positive results of their prayers. Now they are expecting a child.

Herman and April Moncrief: The Divorce Which Saved a Marriage

The stress of work and raising twins became overwhelming to Herman and April and their relationship suffered. After their marriage ended in divorce, it was then they began to fall in love again.

Rob and Amanda Moody: Incompatible Spouses Share Their Secret to Unity

Rob and Amanda were an ill-matched couple pursuing marriage in spite of the red flags.

Joyce and Al Moorhouse have invested a lifetime in helping families make sweet Christmas memories with their cookie cutter business. Although business is booming, both attribute the success to love, family and faith in God.

The Morelands: Healing After the Affair

Infidelity threatened to tear their marriage apart.

David Patrick: Overwhelmed by the Stress of Infertility

David and Shannon desperately wanted a child, but as the stress and frustration of failed fertility treatments mounted, David became angry with God and found an escape through prescription drugs.

Julian & Barbara Phillips: Opposites Attract, Money Divides

The opposite personalities that attracted Julian and Barbara Phillips to one another proved to be a huge problem when it came to finances in marriage.

The Pohlmans: Rekindled Love Under an Italian Sky

Trapped in a lifeless marriage, Susan was ready to leave her husband Tim, until he proposed that they move to Italy.

Miqueas Ramirez: A Prison Sentence Finally Makes Him into the Man His Parents Prayed For

Miqueas was attracted to fast money, and soon was involved in many criminal schemes. Even after he was sentenced to 23 years in prison, his parents never gave up on him.

Jay and Deborah Ross: Can Infidelity be Forgiven?

A successful young couple get lost in the busyness of life and drift apart. Before divorcing they attend church together in one last gasp attempt to save their marriage.

Jason Roy: My Hero, My Dad

Despite his impressive list of accolades, Building 429 lead singer Jason Roy is most amazed at how God has used his music to change the life of his own father.

The Ruggerios: Learning to Trust Again

Steve cheated on his wife Laurie for years before she found out. They were forced to decide the fate of their marriage, and their choice may shock you.

The Scadinas: A Second Chance for a Cheatin' Heart

Ron cheated on Kimberly throughout their marriage. With grounds for divorce, Kimberly became a christian and did the unexpected.

The Scruggs: In Love with my Ex

Cheryl Scruggs divorced Jeff after 10 years of marital numbness and searched for a deeper, more meaningful relationship - one she thought she'd found in another man. When she discovered that her emotional void could only be filled by Jesus Christ, she wanted Jeff's forgiveness.

Alex Searles: Nearly Killed at Age Two

Two and a half year old Alex was beaten so severely by his mother and her boyfriend that doctors said there was little hope of survival. Alex's grandparents are Christians and refused to give up. He had a miraculous journey back to complete health.

The Shrivers: After the Affair

On the surface, Gary and Mona Shriver had it all together. They loved each other; they were active in their church. But there was a ticking time bomb that threatened to destroy everything.

Chris & Yvonne Smith: Growing Together in God's Love

Married in their early teens, Chris and Yvonne face great odds for a successful union. Addiction, abuse and immaturity run amok, but God offers hope for a hurting relationship.

Roy Smith: An Unusual Family Reunion

Roy Smith grew up without a father, but a business deal gone wrong was about to connect them.

The Stewarts: Re-Married for Better or Worse

They walked down the aisle and straight into divorce court. By the end, Michael and Michelle couldn't stand each other. So why did they get married again?

The Strattons: The Broken Marriage

Scott had a bonafide sexual addiction. Paula had enough and kicked him out her house. But she never let go of God’s promise.

Steven and Christina Suarez: Marriage in Crises Experiences Miracle

When relapsed drug addicts Christina and Steve said, "I do," it was only a matter of time before matrimonial chaos.

Glen Suma: Addicted to Love

When Glen's father lost his job and the bank took everything that they owned. Glen, then 13, was having a very hard time accepting his family's new circumstances. When Glen turned 17, he lived on the streets.

Kim Cash Tate Goes Colorblind

Kim was consumed with African American culture and she harbored a contempt for other races, until a relationship with Jesus began to change her heart.

Tullian Tchividjian: Graham's Prodigal Grandson Comes Home

How does the grandson of Billy Graham reject everything he was raised on? He doesn't, for long. A rebellious childhood led Tullian straight to the loving arms of His Heavenly Father. And now, he has a testimony to share with the church he pastors.

Mariam Tripp: Is Your Family Stressing You Out?

Mariam's life was about to change dramatically. And it began with a word of knowledge on The 700 Club.

Darren & Heather Turner: God Saves a Soldier's Marriage

As an Army chaplain Darren was often deployed, straining his marriage to Heather and pushing it to the brink of divorce.

Walker Family: Superbook: a Fun and Easy Way to Share the Bible with Grandchildren

Ronny and Jody love sending the newest Superbook DVD to their grandchildren every month, and Jack and Kate love receiving it!

Casey Van Norman: A Husband's Love Overcomes a Wayward Wife

When unresolved wounds from Kasey’s past led to destructive behaviors in her marriage, her husband’s grace and love made a transformational impact.

Wright-ing His Wrongs

Former NFL star Alexander Wright reveals a history of physical abuse from his childhood that he carried into his own marriage. He and his wife eventually accepted Christ, but he still struggled for years to find freedom from his abusive past.

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Inspirational Stories of Forgiveness

Saundra Adams: Mother of Murdered Daughter Forgives Unremorseful Killer

In the summer of 97, Saundra’s daughter Cherica fell in love. Less than two years later, the very man who stole her daughter’s heart would also take her life.

Haji Mohammed Ahmed: Seeing Double Visions

An imam who used to beat Christians and burn their Bibles is directed in several dream visions to change his ways and follow Christ.

Marshall & Mary Akers: How a Marriage Survived Serial Infidelity

When Marshall finally admitted to Mary the number of affairs he’d had in their almost 40-year marriage, she had a difficult choice to make.

Frederic Almond: Scarred for Life

When I was 11, a burglar broke into our house, stabbed and killed my mother, and he stabbed me 39 times.

Nigel Anderson: Finding His Father

It was a family reunion 15 years in the making between a deadbeat dad and the son who was ready for a fight.

Bert Baker and James Leggett: Deadly Revenge Thwarted by Forgiveness

When Bert Baker's sister was killed, he was ready to avenge her death. Twenty years later, he had his chance.

Naomi Britton: Faith Beyond Fire Insurance

Naomi chose heaven instead of hell, but that was as far as it went. After years of partying and choosing to have an abortion, she chose to let Jesus be Lord of her life. Could she be forgiven for ending her baby's life?

Terry Caffey: A Crime of Passion

He survived a murder plot that was orchestrated by the unlikeliest of culprits -- his own daughter.

Darrin Crowder: Onward Christian Soldier

Darrin Crowder lived a valiant soldier's life, but after a second failed marriage, he remembered the truths he'd learned in church and sought God. His faith was tested as this Green Beret watched his friends die in war.

Claire Culwell: A Twin Lives Through an Abortion

My name is Claire Culwell, and I am an abortion survivor.

Deborah Finely, Witness to Her Father's Murder

She was abandoned and abused as a child, but nothing compared to the pain of that tragic night. Only God could restore Deborah and bring her to forgiveness.

Tyrone Flowers: Blinded by Vengeance

An argument that turned violent left Tyrone paralyzed. His quest for vengeance became the driving force behind his new life as a disabled person.

Mark Franzman: Literally, A Walking Testimony

Mark Franzman should be dead or at least a double amputee. While directing traffic from a drunk driving accident, another drunk driver ran over him. Hear his story of forgiveness, healing and awesome testimony.

Heather Gemmen: Finding ‘Beauty’ after Rape

She was sexually assaulted at knifepoint by a total stranger just inches away from her sleeping children. Then, when she found out she was pregnant, Heather Gemmen had to make the most difficult decision of her life.

Charity Gibson: Forgiving Her Abductors

Charity was in her final semester at college when she was abducted by three guys trying to impress members of the Crips gang.

Carol Johnson: Forgiving the Man Who Killed Tami

Carol Johnson’s daughter was shot three times in cold blood by her boyfriend. Now Carol stands face to face with the killer, and she has only one thing to say.

Mary Johnson: Forgiving Your Son's Killer

For years after Mary's son was murdered she struggled to completely forgive the man who was responsible.

Emily Klotz: Forgiving the Unforgivable

She was abducted and raped, but Emily's faith brought her to a place of forgiving the unforgivable.

Eva Kor: Holocaust Twins' Survival Story

Twin sisters, Eva and Miriam Mozes, were taken to Nazi Auschwitz at age 10, where they were used in barbaric medical experiments. Both survived, yet Eva's true freedom came when she forgave.

Josh Lopez: 'Free to Live'

Josh's family were immigrants from Puerto Rico to the U.S. His father turned to heroine and Josh took to the streets. Later, Josh realized his hardened heart towards his father was feeding his emptiness and he needed to change.

Ramon Luna: The Truth Set Him Free

He was falsely accused of rape and sent to jail. Yet, it was the very event that turned his life around.

Art Mathias: Healed Because He Forgave

When modern medicine could not help relieve his pain, Art found a way to be healed – but he first had to trust God and find forgiveness for others.

Bob & Audrey Meisner: A Wife's Betrayal

By all outward appearances, Bob and Audrey had a happy, healthy marriage, but an act of infidelity would undermine everything.

Patrice Miles: New Lifestyle of Forgiveness

Patrice's childhood was marred by divorce and a sexually abusive brother. She married young and embraced drugs. Her alcoholic husband made an unexpected move in their lives.

Billy Moore: Living on Death Row

Billy Moore got desperate for money and planned a robbery. He got the money, but killed a man and was sentenced to die. He had 13 execution dates postponed until November 8, 1991, when unexpected forgiveness changed his future.

Renée Napier: Forgiving the Man That Killed Your Daughter

Renee got the phone call no mother wants to hear – a drunk driver killed her daughter. What Renee did next stunned the driver – and will stun you!.

Pierce O'Farrill: Aurora Shooting Victim Forgives James Holmes

Pierce O'Farrill, one of the victims of the recent Aurora, CO mass shooting, shares about the experience, how he's coping in the aftermath and how he's able to forgive.

A Murdered Father, A Convicted Mother, and a Broken Son

Stephen’s mother was involved in his father’s murder and she was sentenced to death. For decades Stephen rejected her until he realized he must forgive her.

Dianne Partian: Freed From Lesbianism

Molested as a young child, Dianne hated men and herself. After abusing drugs, falling into several lesbian relationships, and attempting suicide, Dianne found that she needed to forgive her abusers and gained peace through Christ.

Bernadette Powers: ‘Power’ to Forgive a Murderer

“I remember seeing him laughing and then looking back at the baby. Then there was this emergency stop. It was so sudden. The next thing, I was looking down the barrel of a gun. Within seconds, my life was to change forever."

Heather Powers: Forgiveness For Former Meth Addict

Heather Powers ran from God, her family and her first marriage including children. After overcoming an addiction to painkillers, then meth, forgiveness that she couldn't give herself was offered by Christ.

Luann Prater: Needed to Forgive

Luann was molested as a young girl by her youth pastor. She lost all respect for the church and sought her own way in life. After several marriages she read the gospel of John. She was stunned by the story of the Woman at the well and had a complete life turnaround. She is now a major Woman’s speaker and writer with Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Kelly Putty: Rape Victim Forgives Attackers

At 16-years-old Kelly Putty was kidnapped and raped. But after she became a Christian, she was able to forgive her attackers and energetically help others to find their own healing in Christ.

Bill Randall: He Never Wanted to be Poor Again

Bill grew up wanting to be financially well-off, but shady real estate deals and drug dealing ended his dreams of wealth when he landed in prison.

Lisa Luby Ryan: Secret Sins Forgiven

Lisa lived in a home of great appearances but painful secrets. Her biggest secret was the three children she aborted. She reached a point where she could live in the light of God’s grace and put away the secret shame.

Rafael Saracual: A Broken Man Forgives

Abused and manipulated by people that he trusted most, Rafael Saracual was a broken man. Could he find the power to forgive those who had hurt him?

Randy Shankle: Wrestling to Forgive

After his daughter's murderer eludes justice in the court system, Randy Shankle struggles with how to avenge his daughter's death.

William Sirls: The Danger of Loving Money

William’s god was money. It cost him his marriage, his reputation, and eventually his freedom when he turned to white-collar crime in desperation to recoup financial losses.

Missy (Jenkins) Smith: Forgiving Heart Escaped Paralysis

Missy Jenkins Smith overcame many obstacles since the 1997 high school shooting that left her paralyzed from the waist down; maybe the biggest one was facing her shooter years later face-to-face.

Gabe Suarez: Saved by the Voice of God

Betrayed and out of control, Gabe Suarez used his police training to seek revenge on his enemies.

Michelle Tascoe: When God Hands You a Blank Canvas

Michelle’s life reached its lowest point after she was attacked, but she soon found freedom and a vision for the future by painting through her pain.

Kevin Thompson: Finding a Reason to Live

Kevin had a violent childhood, lost two brothers before he was 20, then lost his wife and three children in a house fire. See how his anger with God changed.

Charles Tonga: Violent Sport Becomes Pressure Valve for Angry Youth

Charles’ father thought Rugby would be a good way for his son to make friends, but it became more of an outlet for his rage over abandonment issues.

Sara Weaver: Remembering Ruby Ridge

She saw her family gunned down in the skirmish at Ruby Ridge. Today, she walks in forgiveness and the light of Christ.

Derrick Wright: A Dying Father's Lesson on Forgiveness

Professional musician Derrick Wright is the touring drummer for Adele. He shares with The 700 Club the lessons he learned about forgiveness from his dying father.

Simeon Wright: Convicted to Forgive

Author Simeon Wright shares about his book, Simeon's Story: An Eyewitness Account of the Kidnapping of Emmett Till.

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Healing Miracles

George Abbott: Appointment with Death Cancelled

George's prognosis was bleak. The surgery to remove cancer in his gall bladder revealed cancer in his liver. He hadn't given up on a healing, but was being realistic about God's Word that every person has an appointed time to die.

Prit Adams: An Undeniable Miracle

Prit Adams was in a coma for fifty-two days after a brain aneurysm, but a families' prayers and the help of doctors set the stage for a miracle.

Rick Aguilar Feels the Magnificence of Christ

Rick Aguilar suffered from throat infection that made life very difficult, but one day on The 700 Club Pat Robertson prayed for Rick's condition.

Brock Alcock: Free To Be a Teen

Most 14-year-olds look forward to playing high school varsity sports. Not so for Brock Alcock. He had a rare blood disorder. But this didn't stop him from making the wrestling team. 

The Aldys: 'Prayer Changes Things'

When Jonathan collaspsed on the baseball field, Dennis and Dara cried out to God to spare their son's life. What happened ten days later doctors describe as miraculous.

Barbara Allen: 15 Years of Pain Ended with One Prayer

When Barbara’s symptoms worsened after 15 years, her fears were erased with a prayer spoken on The 700 Club.

Dr. Keith Allison: Five Years Left to Live

Dr. Keith Allison was given five years to live after his cancer diagnosis. Thirteen years later he loves to tell his story of healing.

Moe Altamuro: Healed from the World Trade Center Cough

Moe Altamuro was among the first responders to at Ground Zero recovering survivors. What he didn’t know at the time was that there was a hidden danger beneath the twisted mounds of debris -- toxic fumes.

Duane Andrews: A Time for Believing

He was in a coma and doctors gave his family grim reports. However, his wife trusted in the power of prayer.

Marvin Andrews: Kicking the Pain Away

Professional soccer player Marvin Andrew's career was on the line. With every injury thrown his way, surgery was never an option. He believed God for healing.

The Arnetts: Against All Odds

It is a mother’s worst nightmare. Terri turned on the news to see a horrific accident involving the bus that her son was on to go to camp. What unfolded next is nothing short of a miracle.

Cindy Asmus: 'God Stilled Me', The Testimony of a Parkinson's Sufferer

At age 44, Cindy Asmus’ life turned upside down. The doctor told her she had Parkinson’s disease. As a Christian who faithfully served as Sunday school teacher and worship team member, Cindy wanted to know why God would let this happen.

Constant Jaw Pain Gone For Good

For two months, Norah Awuor had constant pain in her jaw. But when Terry Meeuwsen prayed for a woman suffering with that type of pain, she was instantly healed.

Cynthia Azevedo: The End of a Painful Journey

Cynthia Azevedo thought her walking would improve after a successful hip replacement surgery. Instead, a complication from the surgery resulted in three years of difficulty that baffled her doctors.

Brittany Bakenhaster: Brittany Has a Deathbed Visitor

Little Brittany Backenhaster had been sent home to die peacefully in her own bed. As she lay unconscious, the King of Peace paid her a visit.

Tim Ballard: God Can Cure What Medicine Can't

Tim Ballard should have died at age 9 but after receiving prayer from local churches and Benny Hinn, he was healed.

Jen Barrick: Nothing Less Than a Miracle

A drunk driver slammed into the Barrick family car leaving daughter Jen barely clinging to life. The Doctor's prognosis for Jen was grim.

Carly Baynor: Not That Innocent

Carly Baynor’s family didn’t realize this mild-mannered teen was living a double life until the night she didn’t come home.

Lena Bazzano: When a Pain in the Neck Becomes a Miracle

Lena’s neck pain was excruciating until God used a prayer on The 700 Club to miraculously eliminate her pain.

Stephanie Beard: Walking The Walk

Stephanie Beard was 16 when her car hydroplaned and turned upside down. The medical community believed she'd never walk. God healed her and she danced in less than a year from the accident.

Karen Becker Goes Toe-to-Toe with God

Karen Becker didn’t consider the suffering from an infection in her big toe a big deal, until it served as a reminder of something even greater.

Mary Bilbrey: Called Out for a Healing

Mary began having mysterious pains in her head and neck and doctors could not make sense of her symptoms, but when Gordon Robertson called her out by name during a prayer on The 700 Club, God did a miracle.

Jason Black: Peace in the Pain

As a budding opera star, Jason Black’s voice is his future. However, a freak accident is about to steal his dream and nearly take his life.

Jacob Boger: Just Breathe: Healing from Sinus Cancer

Stage 4 cancer near his brain put a number on Jacob's remaining days.

Grant Bolt: At the End of His Rope

What started out as an adventure turned into a 130-feet drop into a mine shaft.

Marypaul Bom: Vanishing Vertigo

Marypaul Bom's normal day at work went upside down when she started feeling the symptoms of a debilitating disease.

Maribel Boone: He Can Do It for You

Maribel Boone suffered from horrendous migraines. It was so bad that she was even sensitive to light. It had been four years... could the Lord heal her from such a persistent pain?

Matthew Botsford: To Hell and Back

He was shot in the back of the head by a stray bullet. By all indications, Matthew Botsford was going to die. In fact, he actually did.

Demetrius Boucher: Hearing Restored on Spiritual Gifts Webcast

Over a decade of hearing loss was restored to Demetrius Boucher in a gracious move of the Lord's hand three days after the Soaking in the Spirit Webcast on CBN.com.

Jeff Bowman: Back from the Brink of Death

Doctors gave Jeff’s wife little hope as she prayed and waited to see if he would recover from a massive heart attack.

Harriet Brabham: The Impossible Made Possible

For 80-year-old Harriet Brabham, the situation couldn’t have been worse. She grew increasingly unsteady on her feet each day...

Scott Brown: With a Whole Heart

It would be the ultimate gift and sacrifice but that's exactly what Scott Brown needed to survive. This active, outdoors man who used to be full of life was hanging on by a thread. Would a heart donor come in time to save him?

Bob Bruce: Taste and See

He lost his taste buds after a bout with cancer. Bob and Gloria did the only thing they could do. They prayed.

Hannah Bryant's Healing

Karen and her husband Chris named their premature, one-pound little girl Hannah. They were told that she wouldn’t survive. But incredibly, Hannah held on.

Danile Burke: Discovering New Life After Broken Dreams

As a military cadet, Daniel dreamed of becoming a Marine like his father, but a car accident left him paralyzed from the neck down.

Kim Bushey: Stop The Spinning

It seemed like there was no solution to her debilitating problem, until one day she heard something amazing on The 700 Club.

The Cabreras: Step of Faith Heals Woman with Swollen Feet

Hope Cabrera and her husband, Valentine, were on a trip to Raleigh from their home in Charlotte, North Carolina, when Hope, who was pregnant at the time, noticed that her feet and ankles were swelling.

Nancy Caffee: Grandma Cheats Death

With her rare disease, Nancy’s chances for survival were not good, but that didn’t stop this grandmother from praying for a miracle.

Healing: Diane Caffell

Diana’s hand and wrist were healed through a Word of Knowledge given by Terry.

John Calhoun: The Feet of the Saints

John suffered with a severe athlete’s foot condition until a prayer on the 700 Club made a difference.

Palma Calvert: A Prayer That's Easy to Swallow

Palma had difficulty swallowing until a prayer on The 700 Club paved the way for God to do the miraculous.

Trey Canard: Injured Motocross Racer Walks Again in Renewed Faith

Trey Canard knew what it meant to be a Christian, but as he made a name for himself in motocross his heart had little room for God.

Louie Carillo: Late Night TV Healing

The doctor’s gave Louie a two percent chance of surviving his bladder cancer and advised him to have several of his organs removed, but Louis and his wife Kathy trusted the Lord.  

Chris Carlson: Healed from "Suicide Disease" with a Touch and a Prayer

Chris suffered from constant burning in her face with sensitivity to light for 15 years, when a woman touched her face and prayed for a miracle. 

Matt Chandler: Standing on the Faith that Healed Him

A young and healthy father comes to grips with a brain tumor diagnosis and the reality that he has less than three years to live.

Liz Charity: Unwavering Faith in the Face of HIV

HIV and a brain infection were not enough to destroy Elizabeth's faith in God.

The Charterses: 'There's Always Hope'

This newly engaged couple were excited about their new life together, but they never imagined that their love would be put to the ultimate test.

Kriste Chase: Honey, I'm Pregnant!

It's hard to imagine life without little Noah. Yet, with one Word of Knowledge, this miracle baby was fashioned in his mother's womb.  

Ron Childress: Praying and Believing

He suffered a debilitating hand injury while working in a tire shop.

Elizabeth Cobb: 'He Touched Me'

For Elizabeth Cobb, ten years past without relief from sinus headaches. She feared the pain would never go away. That was before she watched The 700 Club.

Deb Cohen: Day-In, Day-Out Pain Gone For Good

God healed the hands of this hairdresser, and now she creates art for Him.

Joyce Cole: Hoping, Praying, and Believing to be Healed

Joyce’s symptoms of chest congestion burdened her for over two years, but it was her belief in complete healing that opened the door for a miraculous prayer.

Cedrick Conner: When the Pain is Too Much to Bear

Cedrick's back pain kept him from living a normal teenage life, but a prayer on TV led to a miracle.

Alysa Conselyea: Refusing to Let Go of God's Grip

After a year and a half in and out of natural and drug induced comas, she was miraculously healed from a brain infection, and married the boyfriend who stayed by her side through her illness.

Marianne Cook: Mom's Prayers Matter

Marianne was dizzy, then unconscious. Twenty hours later, she was discovered. She had suffered a massive stroke and doctors held no hope for her at all. But her mother just prayed.

Joe Cooley: A Foot to Stand On

Joe had a red swollen foot. He was watching The 700 Club when Pat mentioned his condition in a prayer and Joe was healed.

Sandra Cruz: No Small Healing

After suffering with allergies for four years, Sandra Cruz began to wonder if God really cared.

Scott Cust: I Gave God My Wrestling

He’s a state champion wrestler and a mean cook. However, in the blink of an eye, Scott Cust could have lost it all.

Becky Darrington: Power of Prayer Brings End to Woman's Dizzy Spells

For over two decades Becky was plagued with light-headedness and dizziness until she prayed along with prayer on The 700 Club and the power of God fell over her.

Loretta Davis: Rescued from a Life of Isolation

Loretta was suffering from MRSA when God used a prayer on TV to bring healing.

Roy Davidson: A Doubting Thomas Gets Healed

When Roy Davidson was only 31, his doctor told him he had the worst case of multiple bleeding ulcers he’d ever seen. After a specialist’s examination, it was clear that surgery was not an option.

Sherry DeCosta: Miracle Prayer Repairs Knee Injury

Sherry suffered a knee injury that caused her significant pain. A prayer on The 700 Club ushered in a miracle healing.

Phyllis DeLauder: The Miracle of a Christmas Prayer

Phyllis awoke Christmas morning to excruciating back pain. For three days she could hardly move until she came across a prayer on The 700 Club.

Andy Delbridge: Death-Defying Faith

Andy Delbridge was diagnosed with the most deadly form of cancer. He and his wife Nancy thought that was the worst news but more was to come.

Venus Demarco: Breast Cancer Healed without Surgery or Drugs

When Venus was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was advised to have surgery and undergo chemotherapy. She instead started a healthy diet and exercise regimen, and sought healing through prayer.

Craig Demartino: Finding Life After the Fall

Craig Demartino is an avid outdoorsman and mountain climber, but in 2002 he took a 100 foot plunge during a climb and his life was changed forever.

Steve DeMoss: Delivered from Danger by the Power of Prayer

A heart malfunction caused Steve to go into a coma from which he miraculously awakened after being anointed by his pastor.

Rob & Melody Dillard: Infertile Couple Face Cancer in the Midst of Miraculous Pregnancy

She lost a baby, struggled through years of infertility and was diagnosed with breast cancer. Still, she knew God had a plan.

Adam Dunlap: Overcoming Obstacles

He had Crohn's disease until he discovered a diet and exercise plan that healed his body.

The Dunn Family: Baby Twin Sisters Healed from Rare Cancer

At only two months old, twin sisters Isabella and Madeline were diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.Throughout their difficult treatments, their parents’ faith in God sustained the family until they received news of a miracle.

John Eagan: Constant Pain Swallowed Up by Miracle Prayer

A persistent sore throat left doctors guessing, but John prayed with Terry Meeuwsen while watching The 700 Club and something amazing happened.

Pamela Edwards: Hearing the Sweet, Sweet Sound of a Miracle

Pamela had been having pain in her ear for years, then her hearing started to diminish. A doctor provided temporary relief, but God had a permanent solution.

Ryan Ecke: Surgery Cancelled After Miraculous Healing

Ryan’s esophagus had deteriorated to the point he was considering drastic surgery to relieve the pain, until his mom heard Pat Robertson say a special prayer on The 700 Club.

Doris Egbert: Holding On To Faith for a Miracle

Medically inexplicable seizures began to plague Doris for years, but she never lost faith in a God that heals.

Phyllis Egland: The Power of a Television Prayer

Phyllis suffered from debilitating bone spurs in her shoulder, but a 700 Club prayer paved the way for God to work a miracle.

A Healing for Emma

Her headaches were so bad that she couldn't work. One day she founder herself watching a Christian program from the United States called The 700 Club, and God touched her.

Tim Engstrom: When a Cough Turns Deadly

A nagging cough sent Tim to the doctor where he received devastating news. With his life in the balance, Tim trusted God for healing.

Millie Estes: Painful Throat Condition

Millie’s life was being threatened by a throat condition making it difficult to swallow, but God was ready to intervene.

Nina Everal: A Supernatural Migraine Remedy

Nina's migraines grew worse over time, but they were no match for the power of God.

Bill and Robin Faris: Pray and Watch

With his wife in a coma and doctors giving up hope, one husband begins his own fight for life.

Dan Fazzina's Death Sentence

Dan Fazzina was diagnosed with a grapefruit sized tumor in his chest when he was just 27. Without major chemo, doctors said he only had three weeks to three months to live.

Ruth Filomeno: Fashion Designer Gets Medical Mystery Solved by Watching TV

Ruth was suffering from night sweats and low estrogen, and feared she may never be able to have children, until a prayer on The 700 Club changed everything..

Mike Fisher's Miracle

This NHL star, and husband to Country Music's Carrie Underwood, shares how God uses a prayer on the 700 Club to heal an inner-ear infection.

Joe Fornear: Beating a Cancer Death Sentence

Joe Fornear lived an active life as a pastor until he was diagnosed with advanced stage IV cancer.

Patti Foster: My Only Constant

Patti survived a horrific car accident and sustained traumatic brain injury that doctors said would leave her a vegetable. She says the Lord woke her from a six-week coma and healed her from permanent brain damage.

Andrew Franklin: Small Chance

Eight-year-old Andrew Franklin had a stroke on the left side of his brain. Doctors doubted much of a recovery. Andrew’s family prayed and believed that Andrew would recover and against all odds, he has made a near 100% recovery.

Maria Fratacci: Freedom from Pain

Maria thought she’d tried everything to get rid of her severe migraine pain…everything except the One Source that would cure her forever.

Dwight Fremont: The Power of a Mother's Prayers

Dwight Fremont was in a logging accident where a skidder rolled over him. Things were looking grim until his mom called The 700 Club.

Jon Funderberg: Miracle Reverses Damage to Heart Muscle

Jon was only 32 years old when he was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. While doctors told his family to prepare for the worst, his friends, family, and church prayed for a miracle.

Jacquelyn and Rick de la Fuenta: Doctors Believed This Baby Had a Stroke and Would Never Function Normally

Doctors couldn’t understand why baby Noah was screaming and vomiting at just a few weeks old. Terrified, but faithful, parents Jacquelyn and Rick kept believing that Noah would experience complete healing from the suspected brain damage.

Kimberly Funk: See What God Can Do

Even the doctor says that a miracle occurred in the operating room. See the healing that defied logic.

Candace Gaines: Baby Grace's First Christmas

For three weeks, the baby in her womb had no heartbeat. Doctors feared for Candace's health and wanted to remove the lifeless baby. That's when God demonstrated his awesome power and love. See an update to their story.

Chad and Chelsea Ganaway: Total Restoration

They were in a accident that left Chelsea without motor skills. Chad prayed for her while she recovered and God performed a miracle.

The Garabedians: Devastating Diagnosis No Match for Prayer

John and Ida were expecting their second child when they received some devastating news, their baby had a dangerous heart condition.

Orteil Gay: God's Platform for Healing

Orteil Gay not only sprained her foot, she also severely twisted her back in a freak accident. When traditional medicine couldn't get her back on her feet,Orteil found relief through the supernatural hand of God.

The Gays: The Word and the Promise

A prophetic word said that Robert and Stacy Gay would have a baby girl. However, the doctors found no life in her womb.

Ed Gibson: How to Heal a Failing Heart

Ed Gibson thought he was headed for a family vacation at Disney World. He had no idea he was actually headed for a heart attack.

Andrew Gilbert: Family Vacation Ends in Emergency Surgery

During a family vacation to a theme park, 2-year-old Andrew complained of what seemed to be a simple stomachache. However, his parents would soon be praying and fighting for his life.

Lucille Goforth: A Healing Conversation

Lucille Goforth was watching The 700 Club and received a word of knowledge from Gordon and was healed of TMJ.

Jeanene Goncalves: A Fractured Bone Instantly Healed

Jeanene Goncalves tripped over a stool and fractured the humerus bone at the joint of her shoulder. While watching The 700 Club, she received a word of knowledge that someone with that precise injury would experience healing.

Suddenly Morris Goodman went from happy and healthy to a man whose life hung in the balance. See how he escaped death and earned the name "The Miracle Man."

Suddenly Morris Goodman went from happy and healthy to a man whose life hung in the balance. See how he escaped death and earned the name "The Miracle Man."

Treva Gordon: Dying Mom Delivers Miracle Baby

At 37 weeks pregnant Treva was faced with an emergency C-section when everything started going wrong.

Esther Gore(Christmas): A Healing for the Holidays

Esther experienced severe pain in her right hip that caused her to walk with a limp.

Faytene Grasseschi: A Disease Can't Stop a God-Given Dream

Faytene was diagnosed with liver disease, but she believed a miracle would help her realize her dream of being a missionary.

Mary Greer: 'He Called Me By Name'

For more than 20 years, Mary Greer lived in darkness because of persistent migraines.

Yilma Gudini: The Writing on the Wall

Yilma of Ethiopia learned how to read supernaturally. One night, he had a vision and God simply gave this illiterate man the ability to read.

Chris Gunderson: Delivered from a Digestive Disorder

Christopher spent the first 16 years of his life with a paralyzed colon and intestine until a prayer meeting led to a miraculous healing.

Leticia Gutierrez: Beating Back Pain

It seemed like there was no solution to her debilitating back pain, until one day she heard something amazing on The 700 Club.

Demetrius Guyton: Healed Beyond His Scars

Rev. Demetrius Guyton spent a lifetime recovering from the scars left behind after his mother tried to kill him when he was just two months old.

The Habbes: Holding on to Hope

Their son beat death, not once but multiple times. Meet the Habbes and their miracle son.

Shawna Hagans: God's Answer Not Hard to Swallow

Shawna was scared of the pain in her throat that was affecting her ability to swallow, but one prayer changed everything.

Jim Haggerty: Miracle for a Mechanic

Jim Haggerty put a wrench to a transmission and wound up with a car sitting on and crushing his chest. Unconscious and airlifted, Jim's chances looked slim. Looking back, he remembers God's presence.

Anna Hall: Pain Free and Jumping for Joy!

Terry Meeuwsen prays a prayer on The 700 Club that sets in motion a miracle healing for the terrible pain Anna had been experiencing in her foot.

Lessie Hall: No More Nerve Pain

Lessie Hall suffered from a pinched nerve that caused pain in her left shoulder and arm. But then God chose to heal her through a word of knowledge given on The 700 Club.

Cascille Hammack's Prayer in Despair

Cascille lost her job, her health insurance and endured intense pain in her shoulder from a car accident. One night she cried out to God in despair and He had a message for her on The 700 Club.

Christine Hannah: The Face of a Miracle

Christine had a rapidly spreading rash on her face. A prayer on The 700 Club led to a miraculous healing.

Carl Hanton: Surviving the Ride of his Life

One bad trip on Carl Hanton's motorcycle almost ended his life. With a ruptured spleen and a loss of blood, he was in the hospital for three weeks. Things looked bad but Carl was a faithful 700 Club watcher...

Marilyn Harper: 'Blessings Like This'

Marilyn Harper took a bad fall while walking her dogs in the woods. She prayed with Pat Robertson for healing and was given relief from her pain.

Ailie Harriger: That Healing Was For Me!

Ailie experienced sudden debilitating migraines that kept her incapacitated until God chose to heal her.

Ray Hayworth: Cancer Cast Out

Ray had a cancerous lump in his throat and his wife, Billie, prayed with authority in Christ, shouting at Satan to get off of Ray's neck.

Chris Helm: God Heals a Broken Heart

For years, severe chest pains put limitations on how Chris lived her life. In an instant, God restored her to health.

Candace Henry: Healed from Hepatitis

Candace Henry remembers how a routine visit to the doctor took a different turn. “I was traumatized. I felt so good. How could I be sick?”

Haden Hess: Waiting on a Miracle

When Haden was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at 4 years-old, his family was devastated, but years down the road a miracle was waiting.

Elise Hester: The Big Faith of a Child

The driver of an SUV ran into a music store where 4-year-old Elise was sitting playing the drums. Jesus Himself picked her up and moved her to safety.

Tekoya Hester: To Dance Again

A young vibrant girl suffered pain in her shoulder and arm from a car accident until the Lord healed her. Now she is back to her energetic lifestyle of working out and hip hop dancing.

Wayne Higgins: The Cry That Cured Cancer

Wayne Higgins had always counted on himself for success in life. Then after reading through the New Testament, he realized he needed God in his life. What he didn’t know, was he would have to depend on God in ways he never imagined.

Claudette Hill-Atkinson: A Heart Healed Twice

Claudette was abused as a child and later turned to alcohol to escape the pain. One Easter Sunday, she found healing for her heartache, and years later was physically healed following a near-fatal heart surgery.

Word of Knowledge: Douglas Hilton

Douglas’ neck and shoulder were injured. He received healing through a Word of Knowledge given by Kristi Watts.

The Holdens: Against All Odds

If you look at the facts, Ronnie had a low chance of surviving after his car accident. His wife Clarice prayed because she still believed in miracles.

Amalia Hubb: Incruable Arthritis is Miraculously Healed

Amalia Hubb had severe arthritis in her hips, but one day on The 700 Club Pat Robertson prayed for healing and the Lord worked a miracle.

Margaret Hurtado: Nineteen Years of Pain End with One Word

When Margaret Hurtado had surgery to remove a cyst from her hand, the complications were horribly painful. But it turned out that the solution to her suffering was remarkably simple.

Stoian Iankov: Communist Defector Finds God After Miracle Healing

Stoian suffered from sciatica. He wasn't even a Christian when he heard a healing prayer on The 700 Club that changed his life and his heart.

Boy Recovers From Fatal Disease most viewed!

He had 12 strokes. His heart stopped beating. Nobody expects little Mason Ikirt to survive... no one except for his four-year-old sister.

Nasir Iqbar's Coma: A Portal to Christ

Nasir Iqbal was beaten unconscious with a lead pipe during a robbery of his convenience store in New York City. He was in a coma 22 days, during which he had a memorable encounter with Christ.

Crying Out to God for Healing

Caryn's respiratory infection is immediately healed after a prayer onThe 700 Club.

Paul Janssen: A Psalm to Remember

Chuck and Shelley Janssen slept sqoundly until the police called with the news that their son, Paul, had been in a terrible accident. As Paul lay unconscious, Chuck sought the Lord for hope and he was given a particular Psalm to pray.

Professor Jasso's Trip to Death's Door in China

Professor Hermilo Jasso took 30 students to China and wound up in a Chinese hospital with a ruptured appendix. God sent two mysterious strangers to get him the help he needed.

Paul Jensen: The Miracle at Joshua Tree

Paul Jensen was a businessman with a competitive nature and aggressive work life. He was relentlessly chasing an empty, shallow lifestyle, until the day he fell 45 feet at Joshua Tree National Park in California. Then, everything changed.

Mike Johns: 'Nothing But a Miracle'

He had a urinary tract infection that prevented him from living life to the fullest.

Aben Johnson: Risky HIV Sex

Aben learned that one woman he had been sleeping with was HIV positive. He made a promise with God that he'd give Him his heart, body and soul if his HIV tests came back negative - a tough promise to keep.

Gabrielle Johnson: Bringing Gabrielle Home

The challenges resulting from a premature birth had the Johnson family wondering if baby Gabrielle would ever come home.

Jon & Rose: The Promise of Proverbs 13

After struggling with infertility for 9 years, Rose and Jon became pregnant. When doctors were unable to find a heartbeat, they trusted Jesus and held on to the promise of Proverbs 13.

Becky Jones: Her Time for a Miracle

The faith of a family heals a woman who was electrocuted then severely disabled.

Glenda Jones: Healing for Heels

Glenda's heels had bone spurs and she coped with the pain by tiptoeing through her home and holding on to things to keep her balance. During a 700 Club viewing, she heard Pat Robertson describe her condition.

Mark Jones: Finding God in the Balance

Mark is a successful cancer survivor, but the tumor in his chest left him with some equilibrium problems that only God could heal.

Patricia Jones: How He Healed Me

Patrica Jones is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary testimony. She wants to share with you how the Lord delivered her from pain.

Victoria Justiniano: Fighting Cancer on Her Knees

Victoria Justiniano was one busy lady! Author, singer, pastor’s wife, counselor... Vitality was her middle name until grabbing a bite for lunch stopped her dead in her tracks.

Phyllis Kidd: A Pure Heart for Healing

Terry Meeuwsen gave a word of knowledge for someone with celiac disease. Phyllis knew in her heart that it was for her.

Ken Kirby: Prayer in the Emergency Room

For all intents and purposes, Ken was as good as dead. That's when the hospital staff prayed to God for a miracle.

Peggy Kirchhoff: Holding On to The Word

Peggy suffered with a debilitating disease for over thirty-five years. The source of her endurance and hope was the Bible.

Dan Kirk: When Life's a Blur

Dan Kirk's eyesight was slowly slipping away from him. He was just content to get through the day. However, his wife, Fran, wouldn't give up on his miracle.

Vera Kirkpatrick: A Miraculous Survival of Leukemia

Vera's battle with Leukemia was a catalyst to saving her rocky marriage with John.

Jason Klepacki's Looks and Outlook Makeover

Radical surgery to remove a cancerous tumor on Jason's head meant a radical change to his outward appearance. Could he endure so much change?

Michael Knight and the Goodness of God

He had pain in his knee after an injury. A prayer said on The 700 Club did the unexpected.

Delia Knox: Paralyzed Woman Walks Again!

After a drunk driver hit her car, Delia was paralyzed from the waist down. Twenty-two years after the accident, she attended a church service where she believed for a miracle.

The Lanes Call it Faith, Not False Hope

With two severed arteries in her neck, it was a miracle Donna Lane didn't die at the scene of the accident. The doctors said the family should not expect her to survive and chided the eldest for fostering false hope.

Randy Lawrence: God Reverses the Effects of a Car Accident

A car accident left Randy Lawrence with sciatic nerve damage that made it nearly impossible to rotate his neck without severe pain, until God did a miracle.

Wendy Lawson: Miracle Healing on the Mission Field

Even with a chronic, disabling disease, Wendy was able to take a mission trip to Africa where her life took a dramatic turn.

Phyllis Latherow: Standing on the Promise of Healing

Years after Phyllis recovered from a shattered heel, the pain returned and became unbearable. One day when watching The 700 Club, Gordon Robertson spoke a word of healing and she was immediately able to stand and receive it.

The Laynes: Nothing Short of a Miracle

When the Laynes learned of their daughters' accident, they could only cling to their faith in God.

Ann Leffler: The Crippled Will Walk

She was healed from arthritis in her legs.

Cindy Lewis: The Breath of Life

A chronic sinus infection made pain an everyday issue in Cindy Lewis's life. Doctors had given up and medications seemed not to work. However, Cindy watched The 700 Club faithfully, and one day she received a word that was a breath of fresh air.

Jose Lloret: On The Edge of His Seat

A chronic sinus infection made pain an everyday issue in Cindy Lewis's life. Doctors had given up and medications seemed not to work. However, Cindy watched The 700 Club faithfully, and one day she received a word that was a breath of fresh air.

The Lowrises: A Healing Confession

John Lowris knew that confessing his sins was the only way to healing but it also meant telling his wife something that could destroy their marriage.

Ludmila: Suffering in Silence

This Ukrainian woman lived in pain for almost four decades without any hope of help.

Marty Lueddeke: Lung Condition Healed by God

A lung condition threatened Marty's quality of life. A prayer on The 700 Club led to a miraculous change.

Heather Mabbott: A Marathon Miracle

Heather's doctor sent her home with a grim report and a bottle of anti-inflammatories. But after God's healing intervention, Heather now runs marathons.

Michelle Mabie: An Overnight Change

Michelle was already suffering with lower back and leg pain when she developed an ulcer. That additional pain practically incapacitated her, making it impossible for her to play with her two-year-old.

Terri Malenfant: Just a Prayer Away

Back pain immobilized her until someone on TV prayed for her.

Donna Martin: Severe Headaches Miraculously Disappear

Donna suffered almost 24 hours per day from debilitating headaches until a stranger on television prayed for her.

Stephen Marvin: No Insurance, No Problem for God

After injuring his hand Stephen Marvin was left with what doctor's call, 'trigger finger.' Without medical insurance to cover a visit to the Dr. Stephen suffered for two years until he heard a prayer on The 700 Club.

The Maples: Faith for the Impossible

The doctors told Denise she might need crutches for the rest of her life; however, Denise and her husband Steve had a miracle in mind.

The McClellans: Miracle for a Marine

This mom mobilized a massive prayer chain via the internet when her son, Lance Corporal John McClellan was shot for the third time in his young military career. Doctors said he had a five percent chance of living.

Lee McDougald: Healing for the Healer

Despite having 30 surgeries and 22 years of medical problems, Lee facilitated many healing miracles for others God chose to heal. When he was alone, he'd cry out to God asking why he wasn't receiving a healing.

Jenelle MeElroy: Tragic Family News Erased at Easter Play

Jenelle and her husband adopted Makalynne from China and were later told she had only a few years to live due to her illness. After they received a heavenly revelation during an Easter play, they knew Makalynne would be okay.

Aurea McGarry: Expect the Miraculous

A bout with cancer left her literally speechless with damaged vocal cords. After more than a year of prayer, she found her voice.

Ema McKinley: A Christmas Eve Miracle Restores a Crippled Life

Ema McKinley was injured in work accident and for almost 20 years she lived in constant pain until a Christmas Eve miracle changed her life forever.

Ema McKinley: A Christmas Eve Miracle Restores a Crippled Life

Ema McKinley was injured in work accident and for almost 20 years she lived in constant pain until a Christmas Eve miracle changed her life forever.

Robin McRae: Battling for a Miracle

After surgery to remove a tumor, Robin's appendix ruptured sending her into a coma for six weeks. Family and friends never stopped praying for a miracle.

Bonita Mentzer: Feel Like Your Healing Can't Come Soon Enough?

Bonita's diagnosis of acid reflux was discouraging to her, but it was no match for what God would do after a healing prayer on The 700 Club.

Shawn Mitchell: An Appointment with 'Dr. Jesus'

He had a stroke and doctors expected him to die, but the ultimate Healer stepped in.

Wendy Moore: Wrestling Lou Gehrig

Lou Gehrig's Disease threatened to take away everything that the Moore family treasured. Is it possible to be healed from this nerve-damaging malady that has no survivors, according to doctors? Just ask Wendy Moore.

Little Miracle Morgan

Morgan Moeller loves to run and play just like other eight-year-olds. It wasn't always this way. Against all odds, she miraculously recovered from diabetic ketoacidosis.

Sarah Miranda: A Miracle Healing

At 39 weeks into an uneventful pregnancy, Svetlana spiked a 104 degree temp and baby Sarah's life was in danger.

The Millermon Miracle Baby

Doctors called the family to say goodbye to Jarrott. However, his parents were still praying for one last move of God.

Karen Muncy: Woman with Cough Refuses to Swallow Doctor's Prognosis

Karen suffered from a dry cough for years and had difficulty swallowing, until she heard a very specific prayer for healing on The 700 Club.

Andrew Nelson: A Walking Miracle

Andrew was healed of gangrene in both lower legs and feet right before they were scheduled to be amputated.

Amber Nesbitt: A Christmas Miracle

It was doubtful that Amber Nesbitt would ever be normal again after a Christmas car accident. But her family never gave up their belief in miracles.

Cynthia Nowell: Unforgiveness and Cancer

The doctors found a lump in her breast. When she went to church, the preacher saw something more.

Olia: A Double Dose of Healing

Olia endured immense pain, but felt God's healing relief after praying with a 700 Club prayer counselor.

Evangeline Osborn: The Word that Changed It All

Evangeline Osborn used to lie awake at night in absolute pain. Today, she’s able to laugh and play with her family. What changed?

Hunter Ozmer: Hope for a Cure

In the midst of a fight for her life, Hunter Ozmer is a model of strength and encouragement for her parents.

Darrell and Annie Parrish: Following God's Principles

The Parrishs are convinced that they are abundantly blessed by God because they follow biblical principles in every aspect of their life including in the area of finances.

Eugene Payne: The Man Doctors Dubbed, 'Miracle Payne'

Eugene Payne was hit by a car and left with little hope of a recovery. After five weeks in a coma he began to beat the odds.

Christopher Phelps: God in the Operating Room

"As a scientist, I have to look for explanations. I can tell you that there is no explanation except that whatever Chris and his wife did, the power was there."

Eric & Nancy Pierre: Experiencing a Double Miracle

When Nancy lost her first baby, the Pierre's grieved. Years later another troubled pregnancy not only had their baby's life in danger, but Nancy was in critical condition too.

Baby Isabella Piferi: Ultrasounds Reveal Miracle

Ultrasounds revealed that Isabella had a long list of problems, no kidneys, no bladder. The Doctors urged abortion. Her parents opted to give God the opportunity to do something great.

In Sickness and In Health: The Love Story of Johnny and Janice Pridgen

When Johnny and Janice met, it was love. Then the dream shattered when, at the age 32, Janice was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Johnny could have left, but he decided to stand by his woman until a miracle came.

The Popes: A Blessing in Reality

What made TLC’s While You Were Out come knocking on the door of the Popes? When this decorating crew came to redo their basement, little did they know that the Popes had already received the greatest blessing of all.

The Powells: The Quints Came Home for Christmas

The Powells celebrated Christ's birth with a whole new perspective when they were able to bring their quintuplets home for their very first Christmas. Read the update.

Russell Prewitt: A Speedy Recovery

Russell experienced excruciating pain in his shoulder after a motorcycle accident. When Russell cried out to God for healing, God surprised him.

Lydia Prytyskacz: Praise for An Answered Prayer

Doctors couldn't operate on her injuried shoulder. So Lydia turned to God.

Bishop Orrin Pullings: Life After Facing Death

Bishop Pullings collapsed from a stroke in the midst of a demanding ministry schedule. When doctors gave little hope of survival, his wife started a 24-hour prayer chain.

Peter Putnam: The Supernatural Saves A Bodybuilder's Career

A shoulder injury threatened the career of accomplished, professional body builder Peter Putnam, but after hearing a prayer on The 700 Club, the pain went away.

Vi Rael: An Unexpected Cure for Hair Loss

Vi was experiencing an embarrassing hair loss on one side of her scalp when Kristi Watts had a word of knowledge on The 700 Club.

Deanna Ransom: Lost Songstress Finds Harmony In God's Love

Deanna grew up in church, but she never truly knew God. Her life floundered for years until she came back to the Cross for emotional healing.

The Ransons: The Faith of a Child

Carter was already sensitive to the needs of others, even as a child, but a bout with e-coli made his heart grow even bigger.

Amanda Reed: Plagued by Parasites

Amanda Reed's severe stomach pains baffled doctors and derailed her life until a prayer on TV caught her attention.

The Resurrection of Isaiah Reed

Isaiah Reed's bright smile and warm disposition make it almost impossible to believe that 20 years ago, he was pronounced dead. In a drug deal gone bad, he was shot twice and stabbed 16 times. Today, he's alive, well, and sharing his testimony of his God-given life after death.

Lisa Richmond's Feet of Faith

Lisa suffered horrible foot pain uncommon for a woman in her 20's and when a prayer on The 700 Club spoke to her problem, she agreed for a miraculous healing.

Darren Rightenour: Jaw Infection Healed by Miracle Prayer

Darren’s toothache became so intense that even opening his mouth was unbearable. When the infection spread to his jaw, surgery appeared to be the only option. God had another plan.

Mike Robie: Eleven Bullets, One Miracle

When Mike Robie stepped into his office one beautiful spring morning, he had no idea that his life was about to be turned upside down by two total strangers.

The Roberts: Healed by the Grace of God

Bill and Toni were both medical professionals. However, when Toni was diagnosed with cancer, they needed more than just textbook knowledge to get them through.

Jase & Missy Robertson: Duck Dynasty's Family Miracle

Duck Dynasty’s Jase and Missy Robertson almost lost hope after a difficult pregnancy, and when baby Mia was born with a cleft palate, they put their family in God’s hands.

Brenda Robinson: What Seemed Hopeless

She had a migraine then woke up two weeks later paralyzed. For six years, the Robinsons thought all was lost.

Jaye Rochietti: Woman Cries Tears of Joy After Miraculous Eye Healing

Following laser eye surgery, Jaye’s eyes developed chronic dryness and became painful. It was difficult for her to work, but a miracle would soon change everything.

Ramon Rodriguez: What Therapy Can't Heal

A hairline fracture in his foot makes life miserable for Ramon, until a prayer on TV changes everything.

Victoria Rodriguez: Supernatural Deliverance From Pain

Victoria was plagued by bone spurs and arthritis in her foot until a prayer onThe 700 Club ushered in a miracle from God.

Andrea Roussel: No More Bad Hair Days

At the age of four, Andrea was born with an incurable autoimmune disease and lost all her hair. Then 20 years later, she met a janitor who prayed for her to be healed.

Evita Rowland: On-the-Job Injury No Match for God's Healing Power!

Evita was a nurse whose on-the-job injury left her with excruciating back pain and eventual hearing loss. When she asked God for a miracle, He immediately answered.

Annette Ryder: His Mercies are New Every Morning

For years Annette suffered with back pain, but her faith never wavered. One day during prayer on The 700 Club a miracle took place.

Art Sanborn: Faith That Restored a Quadriplegic

Missionary Art Sanborn was paralyzed after a surfing accident broke his neck. He was told he would live the remainder of his days in a wheelchair. But Art had faith to believe he would walk again.

Josiah Sanchez: Child's Miracle Healing Beats Outrageous Odds

A dive into the pool's shallow end left nine year-old Josiah with four broken vertebrae and a 1% chance of survival.

Karen Sanders: Miracle Ends Painful Sleepless Nights

Karen didn’t want to rely on pain medicine to ease her aching neck and shoulder. When she began to pray for relief, a miracle happened.

The Sandra Stanzione Miracle: Multiple Healings After Years of Prayer

Prayer yields miraculous results to the life threatening medical conditions affecting Carol's baby, Sandra.Shawna spent two years hiding her painful hair and skin condition. When a miraculous prayer of healing was spoken on The 700 Club, she was able to face the world again.

Shawna Sarantis: Facing the World Again After a Miraculous Healing

Shawna spent two years hiding her painful hair and skin condition. When a miraculous prayer of healing was spoken on The 700 Club, she was able to face the world again.

Roy Sasscer: … But Now I See

A devastating diagnosis… an unshakeable faith… The stage was set for Roy Sasscer’s miracle.

Kim Savage: Healing Not Hard to Swallow

Kim found it difficult to swallow and knew there was something blocking her throat, but she couldn't afford the medical costs. She was watching The 700 Club just a week later when Terry had a word of knowledge about a lump in the throat.

Sharon Schaible: 'He Comes Through'

Sharon Schaible of eastern Kentucky doesn’t hesitate to pick up the phone when she needs to pray with someone. Who does she call? Her steady source of encouragement -- CBN’s prayer counseling center.

Pastor Richard Skoff: Doctor's Amazed by Pastor's Recovery from Dementia

Pastor Richard Skoff knew something was wrong with his brain and tried to hide his symptoms. Even after he was diagnosed with dementia, he and his wife had faith God would heal him.

Marilyn Scott: A Miracle Was the Only Remedy that Worked

Marilyn thought she had allergies, but when the pain and symptoms grew worse and home remedies didn’t work, she asked God to heal her.

Roman Scott's Mother Refused to Accept Autism Diagnosis

An autism diagnosis for 18-month-old Roman set the stage for a miracle. Through hard work and prayer, Roman’s mother Elizabeth never gave up on her son and today he is a gifted 11-year old.

The Seays: Fighting for His Life

Jonathan was a frail, premature baby. He was only able to breathe on a machine. However, Jonathan had not only one prayer warrior in his corner… but a whole prayer counseling center.

Diana Sellers: Pain Vanishes Two Years After Motorcycle Accident!

Diana severely injured her shoulder after a motorcycle accident but prayed for over two years she would be healed. See what happened when she didn’t give up.

Sarah Seward: The Divine Sore Throat Cure

Sarah had been struggling with a sore throat for two weeks. Even the emergency room couldn't offer her relief. Only the Great Physician could give her the healing she so desperately needed.

Pilot Mark Shaible: God's My Wingman

U.S. Air Force Pilot Mark Shaible made every effort possible mentally, physically and medically to fight his rare form of cancer. Then he chose a wingman, Jesus Christ.

Christine Sheetz: Reoccurring Seizures Stopped Cold by God

For more than two decades Christine was a prisoner of epilepsy and grand mal seizures, then she was set free when she heard a word of knowledge prayer on The 700 Club.

Brent Sigman: Like Fire in the Bones

The joints of his former soldier ached due to his excessive physical training for the military. He would soon experience a healing that no one could explain.

Donna Sikes: A Head-On Collision with Healing

Car accidents happen every day but not many result in a cancer diagnosis. This was Donna Sikes’ fate until she learned about God’s “Infinite Power.”

The Smileys: Blind Eyes and a Purple Heart

Tiffany received the call that every military wife fears. Her husband Scott Smiley was injured in Iraq. See how they faced the ultimate test of their faith in God.

Honey Smith: An Unbearable Body Rash Miraculously Disappears

He was king of the rodeo, but a rare medical condition almost took him out. That was when Stran realized what really matters.

Pati Smith: No Trace of Hepatits After a 15-Year Struggle

Pati lived with Hepatitis C for 15 years until Gordon Robertson prayed on The 700 Club and God did a miracle

Stran Smith: Live Like You're Dying

He was king of the rodeo, but a rare medical condition almost took him out. That was when Stran realized what really matters.

Resia Smithers: Arthritic Shoulder Pain Healed Through Prayer

Resia's arthritis in her shoulder was debilitating, but no match for God's power. A prayer from The 700 Club led to a miracle healing that had her raising her hands to the heavens.

Judy Snipes: Miracles, Two for One

Judy Snipes suffered with pain in her upper neck and jaw for over 18 years.

Barbra Sonnen-Hernandez

A life-threatening nervous system disorder puts Barbara in a coma for four months where she had dreams of sin, hell and salvation.

Deena Spagnoi: Never Give Up

See how this marathon runner continued to race even after cancer claimed one of her legs.

Darlene Sparks: A Prayer Cures Hair Loss

Darlene was losing her hair in bunches until God used The 700 Club for a miracle cure.

The Stacys: In the Fight of His Life most viewed!

Leukemia in newborns is very rare but somehow Ethan Stacy was born with it. According to his doctors, he would die from it. So his family began the painful process of preparing for his death until a miracle happened. The 700 Club Producer Ken Hulme tracked Ethan’s remarkable journey.

Marsha Stamey: She Prayed for a Miracle Instead of Scheduling Surgery

Marsha had been an active swimmer all of her life, but an accident while moving a table left her knee in severe pain. When her doctor recommended surgery, Marsha instead believed God would heal her.

Anita Steenkamp: A Birthday Spill Leads to a Healing Surprise

Just imagine. It’s your birthday, and a pleasant day at the beach ends in a trip to the ER. It happened to Anita Steenkamp, and she knew just what to do.

The Stephens: Always Wear a Helmet, Always Pray

It was a dangerous hill 11-year-old Auston sped down. He took a tumble that sent him to the hospital and sent his parents to their knees.

Crystal Stickle: No Podiatrist Needed. This Woman Has Been Healed!

A prayer on television that specifically addresses Crystal’s foot pain leads to a miracle healing.

The Sting: A Miracle for June

When a wasp sting caused her fingers to swell, June was about to cut her grandmother's heirloom rings. Then, out of the blue, The 700 Club called. Find out what happened next.

Collin Stoddard Receives Gift of Creation

Collin could hear and play the piano skillfully against all odds. He shouldn't have been able to hear with his virtually non-existing ear drums. The day he was scheduled for ear surgery, all were surprised to see what God had fashioned in his ear.

Elizabeth Stone: One Prayer Changed it All

Elizabeth had two vertebrae out of alignment and pain medicine and cortisone shots did nothing to relieve the pain but one prayer changed it all.

Vera Stone: Painful Journey

Vera's neck had tremendous shooting pain and had stiffened up after a three-day car trip. Her husband followed Gordon's leading on The 700 Club and touched her with God's healing power.

David Sumrell: Reading, Writing, & Beating Cancer

David Sumrell is active in his Greek orthodox church in Norfolk, Virginia. He loves to tell people that God had great plans for him and those great plans involved a miracle.

Yvonne Sustar: Serious Fall Leaves Woman Limping and Praying for a Miracle

Because she was a nurse, when Yvonne fell down of her front steps she knew the injury could be serious. However, she believed in miracles and prayed for relief.

Susie Tait: Drive-By Deliverance

Susie Tait never had a doubt that she'd go from terminal to totally healed. She gave up on driving the wheel of her life and watched God move.

Mary Rose Takacs: Faith Conquers Lyme Disease

Lyme disease threatens Mary Rose's life, but her mother never loses faith that God will restore her.

Amanda Talley: Trusting God for a Baby

When Amanda and her husband were told they would have to see a fertility specialist for a chance to have a baby, they decided to leave it in God’s hands instead.

The Tanzarellas: A Double Word of Knowledge

Cosimo and Pricilla Tanzarella of South Africa received two miracles while watching The 700 Club. She is healed of knee pain, and he is healed of Parkinson’s.

Vickie Tarver: Like Brand New

She had acid reflux and a hiatal hernia that sent her on a frightening trip to the emergency room. The medication wasn’t working but a Word of Knowledge was waiting to change her life.

Paul Teske: Countdown to Healing

A brain hemmorage left Pastor Teske without the use of his left leg. The Lord gave Paul a message that He would heal him in 21 days. He and his wife went to a Binny Hinn Crusade 21 days later.

Gary Tetro: Logger's On The Job Injury Healed by Prayer

An on-the-job accident left logger Gary Tetro with a nagging arm injury for decades. After 22 years, a prayer on The 700 Club led to a miracle.

Sarah Thebarge: Journalism Student Faces Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Sarah Thebarge is a speaker and author who earned a master’s degree in Medical Science from Yale and was earning a master’s in Journalism at Columbia University when she was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 27.

Val Thomas: Second Breath of Life

Val Thomas suffered three heart attacks and had no brain activity for nearly half a day. Her family had made the difficult decision to remove her from life support, but prayed that God would breathe life back into her body.

Larrie Thomase: Mysterious Throat Lesions Disappear After Prayer on TV

Find out how a simple cleaning project almost got the best of one man…and what saved him from near dehydration.

Gideon Thompson: Doctors Had No Explanation When God Started Healing This Baby

After his first birthday, doctors discovered that Gideon Thompson had a brain tumor that was a direct result of brain cancer. Tony and Jenny Thompson prayed for a miracle for their little boy and God began to do amazing things.

Joyaa Thomson: God Mends a Broken Heart

A torn heart valve was slowing killing Joyya and she needed immediate open heart surgery. Family and friends mobilized to pray and a miracle occurred.

Healing: Majorie Tolbert

Marjorie was healed of blindness in her left eye after a Word of Knowledge from Gordon Robertson.

Barbara Torra: God Still Heals Today

For eight months, Barbara Torra lived in pain, but she believed that God would heal her.

Steven Torres: This Man Was Determined to Surviv the Cancer That Took His Father's Life

Steven was only 12 years old when his father died of cancer. Years later, when he was diagnosed with the same disease, Steven struggled to find hope until a friend’s post on social media strengthened his faith.

The Tranes: A Miracle in Motion

Francis Trane recalls, I heard him screaming to call 911. I remember being hysterical, screaming, My son fell out a window!

Jeanie Traub: A Recipe to be Cancer-Free

Jeanie Traub was devastated when she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. She searched for a second opinion and discovered a healing recipe straight from the Bible.

Casey Treat: Use Every Endeavor to Heal Yourself

Mega church pastor Casey Treat faced a death sentence when he learned he had been living 30 years with the Hepatitis C virus, contracted during his days as a teenage drug abuser.

Billie Trevett: Waiting Two Years for a Miraculous Healing

While pregnant in 2011, Billie began experiencing pain in her hip. The pain continued for two years and the family could not afford surgery.

Patsy Tripodo: A Miraculous Recovery

Doctors said Patsy had a ten percent chance of surviving the night, but God told her husband Ron that she would be healed.

Tyree Turner: Set Free From Fear

Tyree Turner was frequently gripped with fear; afraid of people, things, uncertainties, heights. Listening to Pat Robertson on The 700 Club, she heard a word spoken for her healing and has never been the same.

Millie Tyler: Waking Up to A Miracle

A rare neurovascular disorder cripples Millie. After a discouraging medical prognosis she calls The 700 Club for prayer and wakes up the next morning to a miraculous healing.

Christina Valka: The Sound of Faith

Christina Valka had problems with her ears almost from birth. Doctors could do nothing for her. When it was discovered that her eardrum was ruptured, 10-year-old Christina decided it was time to take a step of faith.

Gordon Vitus: Back in the Driver's Seat

After a terrible car accident, Gordon Vitus suffered back and leg pain for nine years. He had surgery and tried chiropractor treatments, but that didn't help. Then, one day Gordon turned on the TV and discovered instant relief.

Mark Wade : The Ringing Stopped

Mark had suffered with loud ringing in his ears that caused him to miss out on life. But then God chose to heal him through a word of knowledge.

Toby Wager: The Wake-Up Call

A rebellious young man changes his ways when he develops a life-threatening illness.

Ethan Walden: How One Prayer Healed Autism

Gina and Brian witnessed their son Ethan experience victory over autism.

Shevika Ward: Feeling His Faithfulness Firsthand

She was declared legally, but Shevika knew God had bigger plans for her.

Ted Warnex: Finishing the Job Pain-Free

Ted thought he would have to close his contractor business after his doctor told him the excruciating arthritis pain in his hand was permanent.

Kristi Watts: 'Would You Heal Me, Lord?'

When the doctors told Kristi that her leg injury would kill her chances of running her big race, Kristi turned to the only One who could give her a second opinion.

Maryanne Wazny: Keep Praying and Asking for a Miracle!

Maryanne’s painful jaw condition kept her from living a normal life, but she never doubted prayer could change things.

Ted Webster: Twenty Years of Pain, One Miracle

An accident with a drunk driver left Ted Webster with damage to his body that doctors thought would last a lifetime. What they didn’t know was that God was at work in Ted’s life.

Joanne West: Head and Neck Pain Instantly Gone!

Joanne was in need of a miracle to heal her neck pain and headaches. She believed, and one day her prayer was answered - by a man on television.

Patrick Whalen: Years of Pain Halted with One Prayer

Patrick took a spill that left his elbow in pain for years, then a prayer on The 700 Club paved the way for a miracle healing by God.

Tim Whittaker: Enduring Pain Until God Heals

The demands of Tim’s job left his back in constant pain. He learned to deal with it using medication, but still trusted God for healing.

Angela White-Fannin: Facing Death with Fashion in Mind

Six months to live was the prognosis from her cancer doctor, so Angela picked out her burial dress, jewelry and wrote her own eulogy. Everything was in order except her eternity.

Leo Wiltshire: A Healing Encounter

His wife rushed him to the hospital just in time to get a life-saving diagnosis. But that was not the only miracle in store for Leo.

Patty Williams: 'I Feel a Miracle'

The doctor became the patient when physician Patty Williams is diagnosed with lupus.

Liz Wilson: Walking Without Fear of Falling

Liz was told nothing could reverse the painful nerve damage in her feet, but a word of prayer spoken on The 700 Club changed everything.

Liz Wilson: God Cares for Every Hair on Your Head

Liz tried to solve her itchy scalp problem with shampoos, but couldn’t find relief. When a visit to the doctor revealed she had a much more serious problem, she tuned in to The 700 Club to hear a prayer spoken just for her.

June Wennagel: Healed Before Surgery

She was ready to see the doctor for her intense pain when a miracle happened.

Shirley Williams: Stage IV Cancer Healed!

Shirley was told she had 90 days to live after she was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. Instead of accepting the death sentence, Shirley believed God would heal her.

Lane Wood: On a 'One-Way' Road to Healing

Lane Wood rocks out with is band, One Way, but a near fatal accident almost took away his dreams and his very life.

Mary Woods: Giving Thanks for a Miracle Healing

A torn stomach muscle results in debilitating pain, but God has the cure.

Mary Woods: God's Healing Quicker than Doctor's Prognosis

A torn stomach muscle had Mary facing months of recovery and pain. God offered a better prognosis.

Toni Worthen: A Prayerful Power Surge

Imagine suffering with migraine headaches every week for six years! You’ve taken medicine, but it’s not working. That’s what happened to Toni Worthen until God sent her a miracle…

Judith Wright: A Celebration of Healing

A workplace hazard left Judith with three months to live, but that's not the report that God had in mind.

Nonnie Sue Wright: Scary Fall Down flight of Steps Leaves Woman Desperate for Help

Nonnie Sue survived falling down a flight of steps and for more than a year she was in agony.

Sue Wynn: Miraculously Healed While Reading the Bible

When Sue was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the prime of her life, her apathy towards God began to change.

Tony Yarijanian: Through the Fire

He had a one percent chance of survival, but the love of his wife, the skills of surgeons, and the prayers of a church pulled him through.

The Yeboahs: Praise and Thanksgiving for a Child Born

They wanted another child, but a blockage kept Kwadwo and Nicole from their dream of conception.

Dawn Yeats: Massive Tumor Disappears After Prayer

Dawn had a forty pound cancerous tumor, but 20 days after the initial diagnosis and a special prayer by the elders from her church, all traces of the tumor were gone.

Linda Young: Injuries Almost Put Her Dream of Working with Horses Out to Pasture

Linda’s livelihood of caring for horses was threatened because of injuries in separate incidents until a miracle brought complete healing.

Lori Young: Neck Deep in Healing

Lori Young was cleaning her house when the accident happened. She was using an extension pole to clean a high-beamed ceiling. Her neck was tilted back for an extended time, in which she cracked a vertebra. With no health insurance and no doctor, Lori was in need of a miracle.

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Life Transformation

The 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta

Learn secrets of the Magna Carta, a 13th century peace treaty that shaped the free world for 800 years, and affects the lives of billions even today.

A Merry Christmas for Military Families!

CBN’s Helping the Home Front spreads some cheer by hosting a Christmas party for military families.

Abhishek: Superbook Helps to Transform a Troublemaker

Abhishek was always getting into trouble. But when a friend invited him to youth group where Superbook cartoons were shown, he asked Jesus for forgiveness and now behaves much better.

Discovering Real Life After Gang Life

Anthony had a distorted view of what a ‘real man’ was, so his involvement with gangs and drugs came as no surprise.

Al Aceves: Hard Core No More

Al Alceves started a rough bikers club soon after returning from the Vietnam War. This big, rugged hard core thug has undergone an extreme makeover by the Holy Spirit.

Broderic Adams: Turning Tragedy into Triumph

Abused as a child, Broderic buried his hurt into the party scene. A few wrong turns landed him in prison and forced him to face his demons.

Jeremy Affeldt: Pitching For a Purpose

San Francisco Giants relief pitcher Jeremy Affeldt shares about the day he wanted to walk away from the game and what changed his heart to bring him back.

Hephzibah Agai: Jesus Fills the Empty Space

After growing up under the harsh brand of Islam practiced by her father, Hephzibah was hesitant to share her conversion to Christianity with him.

When Winning Isn't Enough

Elwin was driven to win in all aspects of life, but after tasting defeat in two marriages, and damaging his relationship with his son, he knew he had to relinquish control.

Cornealious Anderson: Unfazed by a Stiff Prison Sentence

Even as the judge was sentencing Cornealious to 13 years in prison for his involvement in a robbery, he wasn’t worried about his future. God had made a promise to him that he would not serve the time.

Jeremy Anderson: A Family's Prayers Outweigh A Rogue's Lifestyle

A life of compromise results in painful consequences for Jeremy, but a praying earthly father and forgiving heavenly father help Jeremy get things back on track.

Brenda Angel: Untrained and Ready to Sculpt

Brenda was an untrained artist when a dream inspired her to create a masterful 16-foot sculpture of Jesus in agony on the cross.

Todd Ayer: Finding God in Solitary Confinement

Todd Ayer went to prison for manslaughter, but that was just the beginning of Todd's new life.

Azar: A Muslim Finds the Way to Heaven

Azar worked hard to be a good Muslim. But after years of ceremonial prayers five times a day, she grew tired of the routine.

Carmine Azzato: The Truth Will Set You Free

After Carmine’s athletic dreams crash because of injuries, he participates in an insurance scam that puts him behind bars. His unconventional approach to beating the rap is inspirational.

James Bailey: A Lasting Prison Prayer

James wondered if he'd die or spend the rest of his life in prison. He got down on his knees in jail, beside his bed, and cried out to God for a lasting change.

Aurelio Baretto: For Christ and Money?

“I had a goal to make a million dollars by the time I was 30.” That was Aurelio Baretto’s goal but today he knows there’s more to life.

John Barrow: The Search for a Better Way of Life

For years, John was in and out of jail for drugs and crime. He hit his bottom while fighting with inmates over a piece of discarded bread and realized God was his only answer to ‘a better way’ of life.

Scott Baum: Discovering the One True God

Scott Baum was a cocaine dealer and sex addict. His gods were money and women until hi discovered the one true God.

Aaron Bekkela: Strip Club Owner Leaves Business for Higher Calling

When Aaron’s daughter asked to spend the day with him at work for Career Day, he was too embarrassed to admit he was a strip club owner. He began to rethink his life, and wondered how he could make a change.

Michael Belk: Picturing God's Love

Michael was a successful photographer who hit a dark place of fear and panic in life from which he couldn't escape on his own.

Shay Bell: Attempted Murder Conviction Paves the Way to Peace

Shay turned to a life on the streets to escape her abusive uncle. Drugs, prostitution, and an attempted murder conviction eventually led her to find the peace she so desperately craved.

Steve Bellavia: After Losing 160 lbs., He Finally Knows How to Lose Weight

After feeling convicted over not having control over his own body and wanting to be healthy for his family, Pastor Steve Bellavia lost nearly 160 pounds and is now a source of inspiration for others in his church and community struggling with weight issues.

Kimberly Bensen: When Food Was Her God

Kimberly Bensen lost 212 pounds and has kept it off thanks to God’s answer to her prayers and the help of Weight Watchers. Now she has more energy than she ever dreamed possible.

Jonathan Bernor: Champion Power Lifter Weighed Down By Life

World champion power lifter Jonathan Bernor talks about living in victory over addiction and illness.

Bobbett Bettencourt: Living a Lie No More

A strained relationship with her father set Bobbett down a path of drug dependence that she kept a secret for years.

Pablo Birriel: Life After Losing a Child

It was a freak accident, but Pablo couldn't forgive himself... or God.

CJ Blair: God's Glory in the Ghetto

CJ was a thug and a hustler on the streets. However, all the guns and drugs could not stop the prayers of his grandmother.

Erik Bledsoe: A Prescription for Church

A young man wounded by Christian leadership spirals out of control into pornography and sexual addiction culminating in depression.

Pat & Lindy Boone: Heaven Hears Our Cries for Help

Pat Boone and his daughter Lindy discuss the tragic accident that left Pat's grandson Ryan brain damaged.

Michelle Borquez: The Father's Love Changes Everything

Shame and emptiness plagued Michelle for years because she never received the love of her father. Find out how she released her past and found eternal love.

Janet Boynes: Lesbian Lifestyle Left Behind most viewed!

Janet turned her back on God and lived a homosexual lifestyle for 14 years until an encounter in a grocery store parking lot led her back.

Bobby Bowers: Former Inmate Comes Home

Bobby Bowers was a drug dealing, drug using gang member landed in prison where his life is radically changed after an encounter with Jesus.

Olga Breeskin: Finding God at the Bottom

Olga was Mexico’s superstar, but she got caught up in fame, drugs and drinking, costing her everything. In her darkest hour she reached out to God.  

Traci Brewer: A Broken Life Gets a Fresh Start

Traci was a rebellious teenager making bad decisions that led her into a life of addiction and prostitution before finding a new identity in Jesus.

Jeff Bright: From Behind His Bars

A young boy's love for motorcycles is the catalyst to becoming part of a motorcycle club and years of living the life of an outlaw rebel.

Why Jason Brown Quit Football and Became a Farmer

Jason Brown was entertaining offers from numerous teams to continue his career in the NFL, but walked away to start a farm dedicated to giving the “first fruits” of every harvest to food pantries.

Monica Brown: 'Break This Soul Tie'

Monica willfully left her husband and family to engage in a homosexual lifestyle. God never abandoned her and He was there with open arms when she decided to return to Him.

Tim Brown: Heisman Trophy Winner Tim Brown's Greatest Touchdown

NFL great Tim Brown was a superstar on the field but off it, he couldn’t look at himself in the mirror. His lifestyle was dragging him down until he surrendered to God.

Jimmy Broyden: Courageous Living

Years of pain and rejection from childhood ushered Jimmy into a life of drug abuse that plagued him as a professional Hollywood stuntman, until one day a friend challenged him to read a Bible.

Dana Bryant: Bank Robber Finds Freedom for Her Soul

Bad decisions bring serious consequences for Dana, but redemption remains just one prayer away.

Kent Bryant: A Bad Boy Finds God

From hoop dreams to hip hop, Kent Bryant had it all. But the void he felt inside had him thinking about suicide.

Bryon: Riding a Wave of Hate

Bryon was a white supremacist sinking into a life of violence and desperation. Find out how he escaped.

Janie Burkett: Preacher's Daughter Sentenced to 40 Years in Prison

A preacher's daughter, struggling for a sense of identify and purpose, goes off the deep end and faces a 40 year prison sentence.

Brenda Burton: Scriptural Truth About Gay Lifestyle

Brenda was sexually molested as a child. Her trek led her into sexual confusion and lesbianism. She is now a minister and speaker.

Helen Burton: An Embezzler's Redemption

Helen's embezzling and check fraud to support her drug habit earned her a stiff prison sentence that was equally devastating on her children.

Paul Byrd: God is My Pitching Coach

Eleven seasons, three surgeries, six teams. Cleveland Indians pitcher Paul Byrd’s career has been a road full of bumps and twists. But this journeyman’s path is being paved by a Savior. Reporter Will Dawson explains.

Ben Carlson: The Game Changer

A prospect in the Cleveland Indians farm system, things were going well for Ben Carlson until one fouled off pitch change the course of his baseball career and his life

Glenn Carlson: An Extreme Faith

Glenn was an extreme sports enthusiast whose obsession with adrenaline became an addiction. That drive almost consumed him before a neighbor challenged him to read the book of John three times.

Linda Carter: Discovering A Father's True Love

Without a father in her life, Linda Carter experienced sexual confusion and felt an attraction to women.

Pam Bolden-Carter: A New Reason to Live

Pam Bolden-Carter tried to kill herself by overdosing when she was 15 and was thinking about suicide again. Then one day, she heard a Voice say, "Call The 700 Club." Now she is free from depression and is a minister.

CBN Celebrates 54 Years

Take a look back on the events leading up to the inaugural broadcast of the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1961.

Carrie Gerlach Cecil: Filling the Hole in Her Heart

Carrie Cecil drank to fill the emptiness she felt. Her husband’s work took them from Los Angeles to Nashville. Her new neighbors helped move her life in a new direction

Nick Cerda: Abandoning the Food Crutch

Nick Cerda lost over 150 pounds in a little over a year with diet and exercise and a reaffirmation of his identity in Christ.

The Chalfant Christmas Story

Matt and Tonya Chalfant's Christmases have been much more Christ focused since their 2005 Christmas gift of their baby girl, Gazelle

RIcky Christmas: An Unstoppable Criminal

For Ricky, criminal living was the norm with no end in sight, but a strange feeling overcame him while he was attending a friend's funeral.

Lucretia Church: 'Jesus Changed Me'

A victim of childhood sexual abuse, Lucretia Church was propelled into a life of drugs, promiscuity, and loneliness.

Bryan Clay's Unlikely Path to Olympic Gold

An anger problem almost derailed the career of this Olympic athlete, but a mother's prayers helped to turn things around.

Jake Clemons: Chasing After God

Jake grew up playing music and chasing fame. Then, one day he read a Bible verse that changed his direction.

Sandra Clifton: From New Age to New Life

In the late 70s, Sandra Clifton was the in-demand psychic in Los Angeles. Her radio show covered southwest markets. Sandra recently finished her book, From New Age to New Life. In it, she shares her journey of finding truth in Jesus Christ.

Bob Colquhoun: Rocker Becomes a Radical Voice for God

On the fast-track to glam rock fame and fortune in the 1980's, Bob sold his soul for sex, drugs and rock n' roll. After flaming out in the 90's and landing in prison, God's redeeming power turned Bob's life around.

Cynthia Cooper: Shunned Jehova's Witness Finds the Truth

Cynthia Cooper grew up a Jehovah's Witness, but experiences an encounter with Jesus Christ. As a result, her family disowns her, leaving her desperate for a manifestation of God's love.

Saving Eli [Contreras]

His anger toward God eventually led him to dark places.

Ateba Crocker: Coming Alive in Christ

A life of sexual abuse and prostitution left Ateba dead inside. Jesus was the only one who could open her heart

Kevin Cross: Redeeming a Squandered Life

Kevin embezzled thousands from his job and then paid off the mob to keep it a secret, but when his past caught up to him he came clean with God while behind bars.

Jim Daly: Focused on His Family Now

The president of Focus on the Family proves that growing up in dysfunction doesn’t necessarily ruin you for life.

Rodrick Daniels: A Violent Crime Almost Ended His Search for Approval

Rodrick felt forgotten by God and sought acceptance on the streets. After leading a life of crime, he finally broke free and found the love he craved.

Anthony Darden: Meeting God in Rehab

On his way to becoming another statistic, Anthony discovered the love of the Father in a drug treatment program.

Robert Leon Davis: Running Scared

Robert started out as the face of the law, but his decision to be a dirty cop put him in the crosshairs of the law. For decades he eluded capture until the day he encountered God in the woods.

Taryn Davis: A Dying Man Saved Her Life

Taryn Davis tried drugs, alcohol and cutting to deal with her depression and bulimia. She thought Bible College would straighten her up. God used a terminally ill man to change her heart.

Alisha Debruyne: 'Jesus is There For You'

A drug addict who'd had two abortions, Alisha was out of control. After being diagnosed with a painful neurological disorder, she cried out for God.

Christine D'Clario: Forced to Choose Between Two Lives

Christine was young when her father died. Years later, she became a worship leader but her anger and bitterness turned into rebellion when she started living a double life. One night, she was forced to make a choice.

Sergio De La Mora: A Gang Member's Path to the Pulpit

Sergio's life was out of control with gang involvement and drugs. One day on the streets a flyer for a church service caught his eye and he decided to check it out.

George del Canto: Life After an International Financial Scandal

George put his business success first, often leaving his family behind. But when he staked his future with Enron just before the company’s collapse, George hit bottom and had to find a way to build a better life.

Laura Derk: Decorating to Reflect the True Meaning of Christmas

Laura Derk has been creating decorative paper scrolls for over 20 years. See how her special Christmas designs add beauty and meaning to the Christmas tree.

Bunty Desor: Reckless Life Finds New Course

Bunty's pursuit of reckless living earns him time behind bars, which is exactly where he needs to be to transform his life.

Mark Detrick: A Changed Heart

Mark struggled with a pornography problem that consumed his life until he made himself accountable to Christian brothers.

Christina DiMari: Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

Christina survived a tragic childhood of abuse and abandonment, but somehow found her way to the sea and at its edge, she found healing.

Kevin Dodge: Two Life Sentences Later

When The 700 Club left Kevin in 1989, he was prepared to live the rest of his life in prison. But today, Kevin Dodge is a free man. There was something he didn’t share with us in that first interview.

Raul Dominguez: Convicted Killer Forgiven

Raul Dominguez thought that escaping Cuba would lead to a better life in the united States, but his criminal ways soon landed him behind bars in the land of the free.

Rev. Jesse Douglas: Civil Rights Pioneer Reflects on Fight for Voting Equality

Rev. Jesse Douglas recalls the time he spent co-laboring with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the struggle that ultimately led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Scott Drew: Rebuilding Basketball at Baylor University

Coach Scott Drew took over a battered men’s basketball program at Baylor University and transformed them into a successful NCAA team.

Yakinea Duff: Torn Between Heaven and Hell on Earth

Yakinea lived a double life attending church then making a living as an exotic dancer. Things changed when she began to have visions of herself in hell.

Vicky Duffy: From Rape to Restoration

After being raped by her mother's boyfriend Vicki Duffy became caught up in a lifestyle of promiscuity and addictions until she found the One who set her free.

Brandon Duncan: Finding Freedom in Prison

An infatuation with gangster mob movies as a child set Brandon down a path of criminal behavior that landed him in prison.

Stephen Easton: Hanging with the Wrong Crowd

Drugs and crime left Eric unfulfilled and imprisoned, but that's right where God needed him in order to change his life.

Erick Earhart: 'All Things Have Become New'

Stephen sold and smoked marijuana, got in trouble with the law, and dropped out of school in the 10th grade, all because of the influence of the friends he chose.

John Chapman Elliot: License to Kill

John Chapman Elliott, a former government assassin, shares how his career affected his life and that only after he retired did he begin to process the full impact of what killing for a living had done to his spirit.

Demetri Emmanuel: Raving in the House of God

Meet Demetri Emmanuel. He throws raves and parties with teens at “Club Obsession.” Then he preaches the Word of God. Read the amazing testimony of the man who owes his very life to Christ.

Vision Brings Godless Man to Faith

Aaron Enous had a tough childhood and was uncertain if God even existed until he had a vision that changed everything.

Domenick Epps: A Rap Artist Finds Redemption

Domenick was on his way to success in the hip-hop industry as a rapper and producer. When tragedy struck his life, he found out that God had a different path for him.

Michele Esposito: Daddy's Little Girl

Michele Esposito never knew the joys of childhood. There was no daddy and an absent mommy. But a child's heartbreak and suffering led to an amazing journey of redemption.

Shannon Ethridge: Completely Forgiven

It's an unlikely situation -- treating the person who killed your wife as though she were family. However, to Gary Jarster, Shannon Ethridge had become like a daughter.

Troy Evans: A Gang Leader's Salvation

Troy Evans grew up in a rough neighborhood and inevitably became immersed in the gang lifestyle until he met LeDawn.

Derick Facundo: Mistaken Paternity

Becoming a dad helped Derick kick his drug habit. But when he discovered he wasn't the father of his girlfriend's baby, he spiraled out of control.

Abner Falero: Gangster Finds God in Solitary Confinement

Abner was in and out of prison for 30 years. One day while serving in solitary confinement, a guard passed him something that changed his life.

Lifting Up Simone Fallen

She was molested as a child, raped as a woman and nearly died in a drug overdose. Jesus's love was the only thing that broke through her bitterness.

Darnell Ferguson: God's Perfect Ingredients for Your Life

Darnell was an up-and-comer in the world of culinary arts, but a side step into drug dealing set in motion a disastrous fall.

Karen Fikes: Belonging to No One But Christ

Neglected and sexually abused as a child, Karen didn't know to be on the lookout for destructive relationships.

Tania Fiolleau Escapes the Sex Industry

Tania was a foster child and runaway in Vancouver. Her decisions pushed her into a life of prostitution to survive.

Rebecca Fisher: Dreaming of Jesus

A rebellious teen gets pregnant and life becomes more challenging than she can bear.

Nathanael Flock: Out of the Closet, Into the Light

He knew he was gay from a young age, and soon began sleeping with men for money. However, God had a different plan for Nathanael Flock.

Tiffany Flock: Who Tiffany Really Is

Her parents' divorce sent her spiraling. By the time she was 20, she endured three abortions. She was searching for love that could only be found in one place.

Krystal & Joe Forbes: A Military Wife's Determination

Joe and Krystal Forbes have an 8-year-old son with Cerebral Palsy. Joe deployed for 9 months on the USS Truman. Their van needed the transmission and the family has thousands in back medical bills. CBN paid their medical bills and repairing their van.

Melissa Fryrear: Free at Last

She was a lesbian entrenched in the gay community. She thought Christians would shun her, but true love changed her life.

Tony Gaskins, Jr.: Saving the Preacher's Son

"I went from a church boy to a street thug overnight."

Debra Gauthier: Lady Police Officer Strives to be Top Cop

Debra was hungry to succeed in the male dominated profession of law enforcement, the problem was that she hated men.

Randy Geissler: Breaking Bad Habits

Randy's been a Christian for over 25 years, but he struggled with alcohol and tobacco until one night he was watching The 700 Club and Pat spoke directly to addicts.

Amy Ghazal: Dreaming of Jesus

Amy was raised by a Muslim family, but left the religion because of its treatment of women. She wanted no part of organized religion until Jesus appeared to her.

Kathy Gilbert: A Real 'Summer of Love'

Kathy's hippie lifestyle lead her on a search for real peace and love and she found what she was looking for when she met Jesus.

Chistopher Gregory: When God Speaks

As a teen, Chris lost his direction in life with the untimely death of his father.

Bobby Goodson: Swamp Loggers Star Overcomes Murky Past

Get to know the story behind The Discovery Channel's Bobby Goodson, the face of Swamp Loggers.

Richard Gorman: His Past Finally Caught Up With Him, and He Couldn't Be Happier

Richard’s reputation as a troublemaker followed him throughout life. When years of running from the police ended with an arrest for DUI, he decided he needed to change.

Tomasa Guglielmi: Looking for Love

Tomasa's abusive relationship began in high school and continued into marriage. By the time she escaped, she had lost her identity and self worth.

Lisa Peluso Guice: Child Actress Had Everything But God

As a young woman, Lisa had everything she thought she wanted; cars, houses, money and even drugs. But a void remained and she began searching what different religions had to offer.

Robert Grasseschi: Missionary Models Jesus to Fashion Industry

Robert defined himself by good looks and accomplishments, but that identity based on fading things left him with an emptiness.

Daniel Gray: The Party's Over

Daniel Gray chose a life of gangs, substance abuse, and partying. That choice almost killed him.

Antonina Griffin: Drug Dealing Mom Gambles with Kids' Future

Raised in poverty, Antonina wanted a better life, so she turned to drug dealing and gambling for financial security.

Rose Hackenberg: Prostitute's Life Turned around after Watching The 700 Club

Rose Hackenberg turned to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain of her life as a prostitute, but one night a man on TV helped turn her life around.

Heidi Hamblin: Making a Life or Death Deal with God

Heidi’s grandparents offered her a safe place which her own parents failed to provide. As an adult, she struggled with the pain of an abusive childhood and landed in prison where she made a deal with God for her dying grandfather.

Greg Hanserd: Endangered Child Brings Father to Christ

Greg was attracted to the easy money that came from dealing drugs, but he wasn't prepared when the consequences of that lifestyle hit close to home.

Shaun Hardin: The Moment that Changed Shaun's Life

Shaun was abused at a young age by his father, and the pattern continued with each relationship his mother had. He left home to escape the pain but fell into a party scene. One night, something happened which made him return to his faith.

Tina Harrington: Death Comes Knocking for Woman Enslaved by Addiction

Tina was immersed in a life of addiction and prostitution and was far from her roots in a small Mississippi town. One night when a client almost killed her, she realized God had intervened to save her.

Jay Harris: Hating the Sin He Once Loved

Jay made a mess of his life with drugs and violence. A trip to church brought the change he wasn't sure he wanted, but desperately needed.

The Hartins: Battling the Gambling Addiction

Suddenly nothing mattered anymore: the kids, his job, his wife Liesa. All John Hartin wanted to do was gamble, and it was tearing his life apart.

Bobby Hayden: Experiencing the Rock of Ages

Sex, drugs, and rock n' roll summed up the life of musician Bobby Hayden, but it soon turned into addiction, despair and hopelessness.

Scott Hayes: A Troublemaker Discovers Genuine Peace

Scott Hayes grew up a troublemaker. At 14, he began drinking and smoking pot. By adulthood, Scott was an alcoholic, drug dealer, and criminal. Only the power of God could change Scott's life and that's exactly what happened.

Jud Heald Shares the Good News

Jud Heald was consumed with the skateboarding and snowboarding culture, but his world fell apart when an accident left him with a broken neck.

Amanda Herring: A Wake-up Call That Lasts for Eternity

Amanda's painful past caused her to make unwise decisions that negatively impacted her life and family for years, until she found a way to turn it all around.

Randy Hicks: When Death Comes Knocking

Nothing could stop Randy's reckless lifestyle, until he got an unexpected visitor ready to drag him to Hell.

Steve Hirschauer: When the Path to Prison Leads to Freedom

Drug dealing and other crimes catch up Steve and he receives a 20-year prison sentence.

Travis Holloman: Caught Before It's Too Late

Travis never knew his father and spent his childhood under the influence of his mother’s abusive and alcoholic boyfriend. After getting into trouble as a teen, he was sent to juvenile detention where his life took a dramatic turn.

Shon thought the way to turn his life around was by robbing banks. After years of incarceration, Shon found a new career in law, and a new understanding for God’s unconditional love.

Cindy Horneman: Strung-Out Stripper Goes Straight

Cindy Hornemann enjoyed the attention she received as a body builder. But when people started offering her money for her looks, Cindy was hooked as an exotic night club dancer. Find out how she escaped the fast life and landed on a better opportunity.

Former Gangster Flees Seedy Side of Life

Ivan grew up fascinated with the gang life, so it was no surprise that he became a gangster.

David Hoskins: Money, Women & Power

David lived a party fueled lifestyle as an international businessman until his dealings with the Russian mafia backfired.

Eddie Howard: A Heart-wrenching Journey Out of Prison

Eddie was doing his time for his crimes when God's grace changed everything.

Todd Howerton's Quest for Peace

Todd Howerton used drugs and sex to deal with childhood pain. He needed freedom that could only come from a higher source.

Becky Hutchinson: A Lifetime of Torment Undone in Church

Becky lived a life of both physical and emotional torment from birth until a visit to church changed it all.

Vanna In Finds Freedom Behind Bars

Vanna thought he was larger than life as a gang member, but a conviction for murder put him in prison where true freedom was waiting.

Mo Isom: Female LSU Athlete Takes on the Gridiron

Decorated LSU female athlete Mo Isom shares her story of salvation and her attempt to make history as a place kicker for the nationally ranked Tigers football team.

Kim Ivory: Brush with Death Changes Drug Addict's Life

Cocaine addiction put Kim on the wrong side of a drug deal gone bad, but that's what God used to bring Kim a change of heart.

Paul Janssen: Near Death and Nearer to God

One summer night in 2006, Paul Janssen had a car accident and nearly died. After a six week coma, Paul regained consciousness and took an inventory of his life. He believed he deserved to die.

God's New Assignment for Anthony

Anthony was a professional criminal by the time he was 20. While behind bars, he opened his heart to a new assignment for his life.

Mark Jenkins: Prison Musician Finds Hope Behind Bars

Mark was traumatized by abusive women as a child. Eventually his pain erupted into a violent crime that resulted in a prison sentence. While behind bars, an invitation to play in the worship band put Mark in the cross hairs of the Gospel message.

Trisha Jones: Dancing Her Cares Away

Trisha grew up in fear. She began to overcome this by expressing herself through dance. Now, she is no longer bound to shyness.

Julia Shalom Jordan: Exotic Dancer Finds Freedom From Demonic Attacks

When Julia first got involved in exotic dancing, she never thought it would lead to demonic oppression.

Deon Joseph: A Day in the Life of a Skid Row Beat Cop

LAPD officer Deon Joseph knows anything can happen on his patrol of Los Angeles’ infamous Skid Row district, but he approaches each day with compassion for the people, determined to help make a difference.

Johnny Kampa: Living the High Life Wasn't Enough

Johnny got curious about God while serving time for gang crimes. Upon his releases, he sought out a Christian friend and attended a life-changing church service.

Teresa Kemp: Broken Pieces Made Whole

Teresa became completely consumed by addiction in an effort to numb the pain of childhood sexual abuse. Only Jesus could help her become a new creation.

Matt Kern: Coming Face to Face with Christ

How did this man who grew up in a good home wind up in federal prison?

Bernice King: Called to Carry the King Family Legacy

Daughter of legendary civil rights leaders, Bernice King carries on her family’s work to defeat social injustice as she follows her own path into history.

Anaiah Kirk: A Change of Plans

Anaiah Kirk was a young athlete on the cusp of turning pro as a freestyle skier, but things didn't go as planned.

Joe Kissack: Finding Freedom in the Hollywood Hills

Joe struggled with prescription drug addiction in his pursuit of excellence as a Hollywood executive.

Chris Klein: The Goal Celebrated Around the World

LA Galaxy midfielder, Chris Klein shares about some of the milestones in his Major Soccer League career and how God has been his greatest inspiration.

Mark Koch: Hollywood's Comeback Kid

Mark Koch lived in the Hollywood fast lane. He released two back to back hits in 1998, but when he became a Christian shortly after their release—Mark lost his fame, money and ego. Find out how this Lost in Space movie producer fought to come back.

Nadia Kohn: Former Dancer Returns to Clubs as Missionary

At 18 Nadia turned her back on her strict adoptive parents and began a dark journey away from God.

Deborah Kovach: Broken Up by Divorce

Deborah's sense of security was shattered when her parents divorced and she reacted by rebelling against God.

Susan Krabacher: Diary of a Playboy Centerfold

Susan Krabacher was a Playboy bunny who lived the wild lifestyle. Now, in her own words, she shares the testimony of how she escaped Playboy mansion and found the loving arms of the Savior.

Irene Kunz: Escaping Four Generations of Polygamy

Irene's desire to be saved by God forced her to marry a polygamist at age 16. Find out how she broke the curse and saved her children.

Kevin Kyle: Blessed Beyond Measure

Kevin Kyle was living it up as a rock and roll guitarist. But after three DUIs landed him in prison and brought a divorce, Kevin was ready for a change.

Lizza Lamb: Freedom Through Jesus

Grammy-nominated Lizza Lamb was determined to, make it big when her thirst for fame led her along a path of drug addiction and seduction until she received Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Judy Lamborn: Leaving Las Vegas

She was a hooker. He was a lonely divorcee. It's an unlikely love story that saved them both.

Sheila Lattisaw: A Fresh Start

She vowed she'd never be like her prostitute mother, yet that's exactly who Sheila became.

Randy Lawrence: Leading a Double Life Consumed by Vices Wasn't Enought for Him

Randy practiced the art of deception from an early age, making it easier for him to live a double life in later years. However, things began to change after he picked up a book he couldn’t put down.

Martin Lawson: Changing the Man in the Mirror

Martin was angry when his dad left, and spent years fluctuating between bingeing on drugs and sobriety. He grew to hate the person he had become, but one day was given the chance to become a new man.

David Lewis: Experiencing the Love of Jesus

While serving time in Leavenworth, David reached a point of desperation that had him contemplating suicide until a song changed his mind.

Felix Lincoln: The Mayor's Secret Life

Toksook Bay is a tiny Yup’ik Eskimo village at the edge of the Bering Sea. Felix Lincoln was mayor of the little fishing village for 17 years, but Felix had secrets he wanted to hide.

Bernie and Diane Lierow: 'The Girl in the Window'

Bernie and Diane Lierow depended on God's help when adopting a severely traumatized orphan who had been neglected and raised in unspeakable conditions for seven years.

Lopez Lomong: A Child Soldier Runs for God and Olympic Gold

One of the toughest Olympic events is the men's Five Thousand Meter race. It requires loads of stamina and mental strength to get the Gold medal. Those are two skills that American runner Lopez Lomong developed as a boy, but he didn’t get them training in expensive facilities with coaches and doctors. He gained them in a desperate attempt to survive life in a refugee camp in Africa.

Whitney Long's Secret Addiction

Whitney Long had an ongoing problem drug abuse until her father discovered her secret. Find out how Whitney experienced freedom from addiction.

Loretta: Financial Secret Leads to Early Retirement

oretta was a single mom to two daughters who learned to depend on God for everything – even her finances. See how she was able to retire debt-free!

Shelley Lubben: Out of Pornography and Into the Light

Shelley knows the ugly side of life. From being an adult film star to prostitution, she was trapped in a world that was slowly killing her soul. Read her testimony and learn the true meaning of amazing grace.

Julie Lyons: Coming Out of the Dark

Her attraction to the dark side was a cover-up for her internal struggles with homosexuality and depression.

Julie Lyons: Coming Out of the Dark

Her attraction to the dark side was a cover-up for her internal struggles with homosexuality and depression.

Alophonza Mabry: The Ultimate Wealth

Alphonza's love of money drove him to deal drugs. After years of being in and out of jail, he was facing serious time in prison when he called out to Jesus.

Gabriel Makinano: The Hopelessness of Gabriel's Gangland

Gabriel Makinano's dysfunctional childhood ushered him into a life of sin. Gangs, crime and prison summed up his life, but God was ready to redeem.

Cameron Maine: A Divine Romance

As a party girl, Cameron realized that there was a void that drugs, boys and booze couldn’t fill. See how she found real love.

Lynn Manley Lets the Pain Go

A childhood of horror was undone when Lynn took her pain to Jesus and began to experience a full life under the promises of God.

John Martinez: A Convicted Criminal Rehabs His Heart

Going to prison didn't change John's hardened heart, but when he was released to a Christian halfway house, a transformation began.

Greg Mathis: Gluttony and Gregory

Greg was an extremely overweight pastor who became convicted about the stronghold of gluttony. With the help of a personal trainer, Greg began to change his eating habits and lifestyle.

God Voids Kirk Martin's Contract With Satan

Heavy metal rocker Kirk Martin made a pact with the devil. But then one day a mysterious stranger pinpointed Kirk's deepest secret and Kirk began a journey to God.

Rick Mascorro: Receiving A Hunger for God

Rick grew up in a Florida migrant worker family with the odds stacked against him. He slid into a life of crime and got a 30 year sentence, but an encounter with Jesus at a prison chapel changed everything.

A Brand New Rebecca

She was struggling to raise two boys and make ends meet. When a friend suggested stripping, Rebecca was horrified but didn't see another way.

Jabar McKellar: One Farmer’s Criminal Crop Gets Plowed Under

Jabar’s above average intelligence kept him from getting into too much trouble, but he thought he could get away with being a marijuana farmer.

Rodeny McNeal's Journey to Selflessness

Rodeny McNeal lived to serve himself whether it be through women, partying or finances. But once he married and became a family man that lifestyle became problematic.

Herman Mendoza: Judge Reduces Sentence for Drug-dealing Dad After Radical Life Change

Herman became involved in dealing drugs to provide for his family, and couldn’t break free. Finally caught and incarcerated, he was placed in the same cell block with the brother he used to run drugs with. Now, his brother would be instrumental in turning his life around.

Manny Mill's Confession to God and the FBI

Manny Mill was a worldy man whose greed won out until the day his crimes and the FBI caught up with him. Desperation and a mother's prayers led him to the only one who could help him.

Joyce Meyer: Get Your Hopes Up

Bible teacher and author Joyce Meyer inspires others to choose to live each day full of hopeful expectation.

Bernie Miller: On The Air with God

Bernie was a radio personality and a fixture of the Mo-Town scene of the 70's and 80's, but he was missing peace in his life.

Susan Mintz: Until Death Do Us Part

Susan was a young Jewish girl when she married her best friend. She had no idea that her husband was also gay.

Joshua Mitchell: When the World is Not Enough

Josh had a passion for violent and sexually explicit rap music that led him down a dangerous path of criminal behavior.

Kel Mitchell on Fame

Kel Mitchell, known for "Kenan and Kel" and "Good Burger," talks about teenage stardom and the price of fame.

Stephanie Mitchen: Looking for Love in the Right Place

After two failed marriages, Stephanie Mitchen turned to alcohol to soothe her wounds. Soon she was battling an addiction that only God could free her from.

Mark Mohr: Reggae Singer Finds 'One Love'

In the 1980's Mark immersed himself in the pot and Rastafarian culture. After an encounter with Jesus, he turned his life around and founded the Christian reggae group, Christafari.

Tim Montgomery: Gold Medal Olympic Sprinter on Life After Doping Scandal

Gold medal winner and one-time “Fastest Man in the World” Tim Montgomery was released from jail and now finds fulfillment in faith and family instead of winning.

Lisa and Chester Moore's Special Addition

Lisa and Chester Moore sensed God telling them to adopt a special needs child from China. Once in the U.S. doctors ruled out Cerebral Palsy and retardation and today, six-year-old Faith is doing great .

Jesse Morales Finds Acceptance in Christ

Jesse struggled with feelings of rejection that led to self-hatred. An encounter with Christ gave him a new identity.

Crissy Moran: A Rescued Heart

Crissy Moran's search for meaningful love took a wrong turn and she spent years in shame as a porn star.

Rocco Morelli: From Gangster to Pastor

Rocco Morelli lived a dual life: politician by day and mafia prince by night. Find out how he got caught red-handed in the most unsuspecting of places.

Wess Morgan: Look at Me Now

Wess Morgan smoked his first joint at 11, ran away with an 18-year-old girl at 14 and by the age of 18 had been in and out of five different rehab centers. You'd never know it, looking at his life now. Find out what's he's up to...

Rufus Morris: Building the Entertainment Kingdom

Stronger than his greed, Rufus began struggling with issues surrounding the hip-hop scene.

Johnny and Jerry Narron: Baseball's Brothers in Christ

Johnny Narron and his brother Jerry are both coaches for the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team where they enjoy exemplifying Christ for the young players.

Steven Negron: Learning Compassion After 9/11

Steven Negron was a fireman fueled by the adrenaline rush of dangerous situations, but after experiencing 9/11 at Ground Zero in New York, Steven realized he felt something different for his fellow man, compassion.

Hans Nelson: 'Rapped Up' In the Wrong Things

Hans felt called out of the secular music world and is now a Christian hip hop artist with a new found peace and purpose.

Dede Nesbitt: Dede's Search for Perfect Love

Dede didn't believe her step-father loved her as a child. As a result she spent her life searching for love from men.

AJ Nichols: Free Indeed

After his father left his family, AJ longed for male acceptance and found it in all the wrong places.

Melissa Nottage: A Chance to Break Free

She ran the streets with her gang as a teen, but the thug life was losing its luster. How could she turn her life around?

Lisa Olson: Woman Born Without Arms and Legs Inspires Others

Born in India with no limbs, Lisa was brought to the U.S. as a child and adopted into a loving family. Now thriving in her life and career, Lisa shares her story of inspiration and hope with others.

The Parhams: Heavy Burdens

Couple from TV’s The Biggest Loser, overcomes bankruptcy, their son’s autism diagnosis, depression, suicidal thoughts and obesity with a re-dedication to God.

Sharon Pate-Bell: A New Creation

The burden of single motherhood on the backdrop of losing everything in Hurricane Katrina made Sharon a desperate woman. She used alcohol to ease her pain until a better option became clear.

Debbie Patten: Debbie Finds Freedom Through Forgiveness

As a child, Debbie witnessed her father stab her mother multiple times. To cope, she turned to drugs and alcohol which would root itself in her life for decades to come, until she could find forgiveness for her father.

Donny Pauling: Donny's Escape from Pornography

Donny was a big-time porn producer who made up to $14,000 a day. He was torn between following God or keeping his partying lifestyle and making so much money.

Chatman Payne: A Homeless Heart is Healed

A victim of childhood sexual abuse, Chatman Payne's life veers off course. After living on the streets, he gets a second chance when a group of Christians model the love of God.

Joey Perez: The Right Job for the Wrong Reasons

Joey thought his job at an auto parts factory would be the perfect cover for his criminal lifestyle, but he wasn't expecting his coworkers to be Christians.

Lauretta Pierce: From Victim to Victor

Lauretta Pierce was a single mom who turned to alcohol to cope with the stresses of life and physical abuse.

Ignacio Pizano: Discovering a Meaningful Life

Ignacio was sentenced to life in San Quentin Prison for his gang related crimes, yet he managed to find a reason for his situation.

Bosco Poon's Change of Heart

Bosco Poon's choice to pursue gang involvement landed him in prison, right where God was waiting for him.

Angela Poor: The Pitfalls of Partying with Celebrities

Angie led a glamorous Las Vegas lifestyle full of celebrities, drugs, and alcohol which left her feeling empty and guilt-ridden. Soon, she found the only way to break loose and become a new person.

Robert Porter: When Hate Turns to Love

Robert Porter was a hate-filled man, but one night The 700 Club got his attention and helped him transition into a vessel of God's love.

"The Queen of Katwe"

A young girl from the slums of Uganda grows to become one of the unlikeliest chess champions in the world

John Ramirez: 'Out of the Devil's Cauldron'

The false religion Santeria defined John Ramirez, but after years of evil Jesus offered him a new identity.

Jimmy Reeves: Shot to the Heart

This indie New York musician had a breakup that sent him into a tailspin. Hear the song that God put back in his heart.

Bill Renje: Paralympic Medalist Saved by a Bullet

Hanging with the wrong crowd was enough to undo Bill's Christian upbringing. A botched drug deal left him paralyzed.

Robert Reschar: Defeating Sexual Sin

Childhood abuse planted seeds of sexual confusion into Robert Reschar. The result was years of sexual addiction that led to more than 500 heterosexual and homosexual encounters.

Jessica Rexroat: Giving Jesus Control

Jessica Rexroat was cutting to deal with a life filled with anger, darkness and frustration. Her only hope was to let Jesus take control.

Michelle Richards: 'Castle In The Sky'

After being molested at age 6, Michelle Richards attempted suicide. The trauma left her emotionally shattered for years.

Teresa Richenberger: Sold to the Highest Bidder

An advertisement for a dancing job led Teresa into the sex industry. Years later, an ad for a local church helped her escape into a life with Christ.

Ryan Ries: The Whosoever Movement Rocks Pop Culture

After a trip to Israel changed his life, Ryan Ries was determined to make an impact on pop culture for Christ, and left his celebrity skater status behind to co-found The Whosoever movement.

Patrick Rinchner: A Gang Life Transformed by God's Grace

A teenager falls into the gang life just long enough to be implicated in felony murder. After being convicted, Patrick commits his life to Christ in prison and is paroled after 12 years of a life sentence.

Adam Riojas: Paying for Your Father's Crime

Imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit, Adam not only found God behind bars, but trusted him for protection and vindication.

Billy Rivers: A Hardened Biker Switches Gears

Biker Billy Rivers rode the motorcycle gang lifestyle all the way to prison. It was there that he began to question the love he saw from Christians.

Robert: Free From the Mob

Robert was completely immersed in the Gambino Crime family until he seemed to be stuck in prison and even the Mob gave up on him.

Dave and Sandy Reynolds: A Spiritual Diet

Between Dave and Sandy, they lost close to 200 pounds. Discover their secret and get your weight loss plan back on track.

Anthony Robinette: Taking a Wrong Turn Straight to God

Anthony was headed down a dark path when he accidentally drove into a church parking lot and had a heavenly encounter.

Jenna Robinson: Saved at the Edge of the Cliff

Two divorces and an abusive marriage left Jenna Robinson broken and suicidal. She was about to drive to her death when the Lord spoke to her and stopped her.

David Rocha: No Match for the Power of Prayer

Sent to prison for his gang related crimes, David Rocha was no match for the power of God and a praying mother.

Bear Rodriguez: Saved by Attempted Murder

Bars, drugs and motorcycle gangs summed up Bear's existence until his wife tried to kill him.

Rick Roeber: "Barefoot Runner" Racing for a Cause

Rick struggled to escape a lifetime of addiction and drifted from city to city searching for peace. Now, instead of running away from his problems, he races to raise money for charity.

Carol Rogers: Wild Girl Gone Good

Carol's mother took her to work with her to keep her safe. But Mom worked as a stripper. Carol took up the family trade plus some other risky choices and ended up in prison. Now she only visits prison - as the chaplain.

A Muslim's Search for Meaning Leads to Christ

Antonio found meaning in Islam, but he didn't find salvation until he met Jesus.

Walter Santos: Doo-Wopping to a Different Beat

Santos' first break into music came early, when the jazz band he played in landed a gig at Carnegie Hall. Yet, the fame was not enough to satisfy -- Santos got hooked on drugs. Find out who helped him find his second break. 

The Saxton Twins' Second Chance on Life

Twin brothers involved with gangs find Christ after one nearly dies. Now they minister through Christ focused rap music as 2Face. 

Dave Schmelzer: An Atheist's Way Home

He had the reputation as one of the most outspoken atheists on campus, but Dave’s grades were failing, he had no friends, and he questioned his purpose in life.

Greg Scott: Former NFL Player Finds Purpose in Food Ministry

Cut from the NFL and bankrupt, Greg Scott found purpose in helping others eat.

Tommie Scott: Gangster Finds Forgiveness

The gang life leads to prison where Tommie meets his redeemer.

Ernest Shannon: Man of Many Vices Finds New Life

Ernest Shannon tried to put his checkered past behind him after he married, but the temptations were too strong to face alone and he was ready to end his life.

Cynthia Shaver: A Simple Invitation Leads to New Life

Cynthia was exposed to sex, drugs and alcohol as a child, but an invitation to church marked the beginning of a new life in Christ.

Jessica Smith: Jessica's New Identity

After a series of wrong relationships and bad choices, Jessica Smith found a new identity in Jesus Christ and cleaned up her act.

Les Smith: Thirsty for Sobriety

Television news anchor battles depression and alcoholism in secret for decades before finally disappearing from the airwaves, barely clinging to life.

Jon Snyder: Becoming a Mighty Man of God

Jon's deep-rooted porn addiction can only be undone by God's power and grace.

Jim Sonefeld: Hootie and the Blowfish Drummer "Found" Christ

Hootie & The Blowfish drummer Jim Sonefeld shares his story of victory over addiction and the little girl's question that served as his wake-up call to turn his life around.

Andrew Sobel: Son's Life Sets Example for His Father

Andrew experienced enviable success in the business world, but something was missing. He turned to the Bible for answers and found more than he had ever hoped for.

Tony Spears: Lifted Up After Being 'Down Low'

He had girlfriends but also had male lovers until the day came when he couldn't lead a double life any more.

Michael Spivey: Multiple Arrests Lead Biker Gang Leader to Freedom

Michael started using drugs and alcohol as a child, which led him down a dangerous path. When he was arrested for attempted murder, this biker gang leader was given a chance at freedom.

Susan Stafford: A Call Girl Calls on Jesus

How could this sweet young girl get mixed up in prostitution? However she got there, God was going to get her out.

Brandon Stearns: Arrest Leads to Spiritual Freedom

Drugs and crime put Brandon on the wrong side of the law eventually leading to his arrest. On the same day, God began changing his life for the better.

Stephanie Striley: Running Back to God

Stephanie was a drug user in and out of bad relationships, but then she discovered she was pregnant.

Jeff Stultz: Biker Gang Leader Meets Jesus at the Bar

He was immersed in motorcycle gang culture, but a curiosity about God led Jeff Stultz to church and life began to change.  

Mike Taylor: The Real Gang Life: Money, Power and Prison

Mike wanted the money and life of the drug dealers he saw as a child. He got his wish, but it was more than he bargained for when it came attached to a prison sentence.

Stephanie Taylor: Jesus Saves the Stripper

Stephanie Taylor used to dance for money in strips clubs until a demonic vision changed the way she looked at her job and her life.

Keith Thibodeaux: Even a Child Star from TV's Golden Age Couldn't Avoid a Downfall

When Keith Thibodeaux was cast as Little Ricky on the classic sitcom “I Love Lucy,” life was great. When his own family broke apart, Keith’s search for direction led him through darkness, but prayer would bring him back into the light.

'Topp' Dog is Forced to Take a Backseat

Stuart Topp wanted to be the best, so he worked hard, but that never brought peace until an accident forced him to slow down.

Eric Tranum: Thank God for Prison!

Erik thought he had to be a tough guy to avoid being bullied in his neighborhood. When he landed in prison on a murder charge at 16, he found the structure he needed and experienced the healing power of a Father's love.

Phillip Tucker: Ex-Gay Finds Fatherly Love of God

Is homosexuality a genetic predisposition or some reaction to a bad home life that can be easily excused? Phillip Tucker originally thought so and eventually opted for the gay lifestyle. But even in his committed homosexual civil union, Phillip didn't find the love he had been searching for.

Jennifer Unagnst: Runaway Finds Hope at Christian Home for Girls

Neglected and abused in her home as a child, Jennifer fell into a darkness that became addiction and prostitution after she ran away.

Chad Varga: One Life to Live

The abuse he suffered as a child was horrific, but God turned Chad Varga's painful past into a testimony.

Eddie Vargas: When The Party Guy Finds Real Love

The wheels were coming off of Eddie's self-indulgent life, but he didn't know a way out. Then one day a friend of a friend crossed his path.

Angelo Vega: Joining God's Gang

Angelo grew up moving from one relative's house to the next. When the Latin Kings offered to be his family, he did not hesitate to join the gang.

John Wagner: A Heartless Thug, A Second Chance

Violence and rage ruled John's life, until the day his wife said, 'No more.'

Danny Wallace: Freedom from an Abusive Past

He suffered unthinkable abuse at the hands of his own father. It led to a double life and a shameful secret.

Akintunde Warnock: No Laughing Matter

The secular comedy circuit was was taking a toll on Akintunde's home life until he decided things had to change.

Terry Warpoole: Drug Dealer Gets Caught In His Own Trap

Terry hated his father, struggled in school, and soon sought comfort in the wrong places. When he was given a chance to turn his life around, he almost lost it.

Brian Warth: Finding Freedom Behind Bars

After committing a murder in the name of his gang, Brian Warth was sentenced to life in prison. Just when he thought his life was over, someone reached through the darkness of his prison cell and his life began to be radically restored.

Brooklyn Watson: Truth Beyond the Trigger

Brooklyn Watson was in a school prayer gathering of 30 students when a gunman opened fire, killing three and injuring five. When she had an encounter with God, she was able to believe in Jesus and eventually forgive the gunman.

Stanley Watson: Accepting the Love of Jesus

Stanley never knew the love of an earthly father and a life-long search to fill that void had disastrous results…until Stanley gave Jesus a chance.

Steve Watt: Forgiving the Fugitive

Wyoming state trooper Steve Watt was shot during a traffic stop and left to die. For years, he struggled with hatred toward his shooter, Mark Farnham. Now Steve and Mark are best friends.

Gabrielle Wheeler: Hope in the Midst of Rebellion

Gabrielle was raised in a hippie environment that disgusted her and she vowed to have opposite values, but she still wound up morally bankrupt.

James Wilfong: The Song That Saved This Man From Death

James wanted to be free of the pain of his childhood and thought suicide was the answer, but his plan never seemed to work out.

Trish Wilkinson: Making Peace with Imperfection

Trish was obsessed with being the perfect Christian, the perfect wife and the perfect mother. This improbably pursuit had devastating results on her health and she realized she could make peace with imperfection.

A Hindu's Crisis of Faith

Radha, a devout Hindu, came to the U.S. on a student visa. She wasn't prepared for the crisis of faith she would face when confronted with Christianity.

Danielle Williams: A Porn Star's Pain

Danielle was a porn star and a high class call girl when the reality of her vulnerability to violence and death woke her up.

Reggie Williams

He rejected his childhood faith and followed his friends toward a life of crime. Today, he's a street-smart youth pastor.

Charlie Wilson's Last Chance

Once homeless after his career came crashing down, R&B legend Charlie Wilson beat addiction and spent the past 20 years climbing the charts again. He credits one source for saving his life.

Angela Wolf: Mother's Death Leads to Wake-up Call

Singing barroom blues was Angela's life until her mother's bout with cancer forced her to reevaluate her decisions about God.

Matt Wood: The Bachelor of the Year

He was voted Cosmo magazine's '06 Bachelor of the Year. However, there's more to Matt Wood than meets the eye.

Amy Woods: Hiding Her Bulimia

She was married with children and seemed to have the perfect life. Behind the mask, her eating disorder tore her apart.

Brian Woods: Refocused on God

Brian Woods was ambitious, but self-consumed. He neglected his wife and kids until an auto accident changed everything.

Alan Youngblood: Out of Body Experience Leads to New Life

Alan Youngblood was a very successful home builder who had no time for God until a New Year's Eve church service changed his life forever.

Christopher Yuan: Leaving Behind A Double Life

He was a dental student by day and a drug seller at night. After the police raided his home, Christopher Yuan had a choice to make.

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Charlie: Depression Pushes Man Into the Arms of the Savior

Charlie turned to cutting and hard drugs to escape the pain of rejection. When he decided to commit suicide, a vision and an encounter with Jesus saved his life.

Chris Amos: Escaping the Weight of Shame

Police officer Chris Amos had a dirty little secret that pushed him to the brink of suicide.

Kristen Anderson: Suicide Interrupted

She tried to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of an oncoming train. Although Kristen is missing both legs, it is a miracle that she is still alive to tell her story. Kristen has appeared on Oprah and is studying Women's Ministry at Moody Bible Institute.  

Kirby Anthony: Suicidal Gangster Saved by Gift from Stranger

He was a 17-year-old gangster who only ever wanted acceptance and nearly took his life due to depression. Then a stranger asked him a question he never saw coming. See Kirby's spoken word performance here.

Lynne Arterbury: One Phone Call Away from Suicide

Lynne always felt like a failure and when she took a whole bottle of pills and woke up in the hospital a few days later, she thought she couldn't even kill herself right. She battled with suicidal thoughts again and happened to watch The 700 Club and prayed with a CBN counselor for salvation.

Kellie Borden: It Had to Be Jesus

He pulled me out of the darkest place of my life, at the last moment when I was going to end my life. Read how Jesus changed Kellie's life.

Tom Davis: Finding the Father Heart of God

He was looking for a father figure. What he got instead was a life of drugs and crime. Fed up with it all, Tom Davis set out to kill himself...

Harmony Dust: Rescuing Women from the Sex Industry

A former stripper, Harmony Dust is now happily married, loving her precious little baby, and is ministering to others caught in the sex industry. Her prior lifestyle had depressed her so much she tried to commit suicide.

Mike Flynt: Playing Football at Age 59

Mike Flynt became so depressed he wanted to take his life. Instead, he turned his life over to Christ. Then, in the spring of 2007, at age 59, Mike made linebacker for the football team of his alma mater, Sul Ross State. Author, The Senior.

Lanae Hale: Hope for the Hopeless

Lanae Hale's teenage depression led her down a self-destructive road of cutting. She kept hearing a voice telling her to cut deeper, but something within her prevented her from killing herself. Music CD, Lanae Hale.

Phil Hernandez: On the Brink, God Speaks

Suicide seems like the best end to a life of drugs and crime, until God speaks to Phil.

Ray Hunt: Like Father, Like Son?

Ray never knew his biological father until he went to his funeral after his father had killed himself. Ray wondered if he too was capable of self destruction and cursed to follow in his father's footsteps.

Charlotte Hunt: Damaged Goods

Charlotte Hunt suffered abuse at the hands of several different family members. She was left with a shattered self image and a guilt that led her down a path to suicide seven different times.

Tiffany Koehler: Something to Live For

As a teenager, Tiffany Koehler was devastated by watching her brother suffer and die with leukemia. She turned to drugs to avoid the pain. Many years of poor choices brought her to the brink of suicide. She watched The 700 Club and one night prayed with Gordon Robertson for salvation.

Tamara Laroux: Surviving a Suicide Attempt

She was broken and aimless and thought her only option was to put a gun to her heart.

Billy Lind: Billy's Last Hope

A runaway teen suffers sexual abuse and and life on the street. Years later as suicide appears to be the best solution, Billy cries out to God for help.

David Parnell: Facing His Dragons

David Parnell was a meth addict for nearly 20 years who tried to commit suicide twice. The second time, he blew off half his face with an assault rifle and believes he visited hell.

Christian Ramos: Breaking a Generational Curse of Depression

Christian struggled for a reason to go on in the years following his father's suicide.

Ron Roberson: Behind the News

Homeless and hopeless, Ron Roberson was a teenage runaway with little to cling to. Today, he's an L.A.-based anchor for one of the most respected news organizations in America. What took this man from the slums of southern California to the CNN news desk?

Joe Smith: Running on Empty

Joe Smith had a love affair with alcohol that cost him his job, his family, and almost his life. On the night he was carrying out his suicide plan, Joe ran out of gas and the man that came to his aid just happened to be a Christian.

Marty Tadman: A Bronco's Tale of Brokenness

Raised in a Jewish home, Marty Tadman was a high school football star who fell into a world of alcohol, dealing and using drugs. At 18, he was ready to let a train take his life but had a conversation with God first.

Tristan Todd: Finding God's Amazing Grace

He drove his car on the railroad tracks and waited for the train to come. All Tristan could think about was Heaven and Hell.

Lonna Vopat: An Unlikely Cinderella Story

When Lonna was a child, she suffered unthinkable abuse at the hands of family members and friends. As a teen, she dated men that beat her up. So it’s not surprising that by the time she was in college, she wanted a way out.

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How would you define intelligence quizlet?

intelligence. mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.

Is assessed by intelligence tests which present well defined problems having a single right answer?

school smarts; assessed by intelligence tests, which present well-defined problems having a single right answer. the ability for one to use their knowledge in creative ways; demonstrated in reacting adaptively to novel situations and generating novel ideas.

Which of Sternberg's areas of intelligence focuses on everyday tasks?

Practical intelligence, as proposed by Sternberg, is sometimes compared to “street smarts.” Being practical means you find solutions that work in your everyday life by applying knowledge based on your experiences.