What are the two factors responsible for the degree of injury caused by an electric current?

The degree of electricity-induced injury is dependent on:

  • Amount: This refers to the amount of electrical energy that is delivered. The risk of severe injury increases when there is contact with a higher electrical voltage or current.
  • Resistance and Pathway: There are certain tissues/body sites that, if located in the pathway of the current, will greatly increase the severity of the injury received.
  • Duration: The risk of severe injury is greater the longer the body remains in contact with the electrical current.

What are the two main types of electrical injuries?

Electrical burn: occurs when severe electric shock causes tissue to burn. Electrical burns can be external or internal. Internal burns occur when the electric current takes a path through bone and burns deep tissue.

What are common causes of injury from electricity?

Electrical injuries may be caused by exposure to natural lightning, or electricity in the home or workplace. Most injuries involve young males, however accidental injuries can also arise in young children due to contact with power cords.

What are 2 causes of electric shock?

Some causes of electric shock include:.
faulty appliances..
damaged or frayed cords or extension leads..
electrical appliances in contact with water..
incorrect, damaged or deteriorated household wiring..
downed powerlines..
lightning strike..

What are the two common causes of death from electrical injury?

An electric shock may directly cause death in three ways: paralysis of the breathing centre in the brain, paralysis of the heart, or ventricular fibrillation (uncontrolled, extremely rapid twitching of the heart muscle).