What type of power resides within an individual regardless of his or her position within an organization?

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Terms in this set (48)

What is the term for the phenomenon in which a person chooses not to fulfill the requirements of an influencer?
A) resistance
B) compliance
C) internalization
D) ingratiation


What are two influence tactics that are believed to be the more effective in causing behavioral or attitudinal changes?
A) coalition groups
B) rational persuasion
C) inspirational appeals
D) personal pressure

B & C

power determined by someone who can promote others and provide other benefits

reward power

power determined by someone who can discipline other employees

coercive power

power determined by a person's title and formal position within an organization

legitimate power

power determined by someone's level within an organization

organizational power

In the process known as _________, multiple parties communicate their differences and try to achieve a common goal


Which stage of negotiation often involves each side offering to lose some things in order to gain other things from the other side?
A) closing and commitment
B) bargaining
C) exchanging information
D) preparation


Organizational _______ are actions that others believe advance personal goals, sometimes at the expense of others and the organization


the degree to which others rely on a person to perform his or her work


the degree to which people can find other things they need


the degree to which others know of a person's strength and status


the degree to which an individual has the freedom to exercise judgment in making decisions


Which of the following styles of resolution make use of cooperation?
A) competing
B) avoiding
C) accommodating
D) collaborating

C & D

Which of the following is NOT a type of power related to a person's formal position within the organization
A) legitimate power
B) reward power
C) coercive power
D) referent power


What is the term for the capacity of individuals to persuade how others act while not be persuaded themselves?
A) bargaining
B) politics
C) leadership
D) Power


In an effort to persuade management to offer vegetarian options in the cafeteria, Vanessa circulated a petition to be signed by employees in the division. Which type of influence tactic is Vanessa using?
A) apprising
B) ingratiation
C) collaboration
D) coalitions


Which of the following influence tactics are likely to be ineffective and result in resistance when they are used to create behavioral or attitudinal changes in others?
A) collaboration
B) consultation
C) pressure
D) coalitions

C & D

complimenting and befriending people to influence their behaviors


describing how performing an action could benefit someone personally


requesting something based on a person's relationship with the influencer

personal appeals

offering to do something for someone if that person will also do something for you

exchange tactic

A person with specialized knowledge and/or skills that are highly valued has ______ power


Rank the following responses to influence tactics from the least effective to the most effective: compliance, resistance, and internalization

1. resistance
2. compliance
3. internalization

What is the term for the conflict management style in which you're willing to "give a little" in terms of your own outcomes but you expect the other party to do the same?
A) collaboration
B) avoidance
C) compromise
D) accommodation


A proficiency in creating and maintaining different relationship

Networking ability

The ability to view and study the actions of others

Social astuteness

The possession of traits that can easily adapt to a variety of circumstances

Interpersonal influence

A perception that a person is truthful and authentic

Apparent sincerity

What type of influence tactic uses coercive tactics to intimidate others?
A) exchange tactic
B) ingratiation
C) apprising
D) pressure
E) collaboration


What kind of bargaining involves searching for mutually profitable options and logical trade-offs so that both parties achieve a satisfying outcome?
A) alternative
B) arbitrary
C) distributive
D) integrative


Which stage of negotiation involves goal-setting by the negotiating parties?
A) preparation
B) closing and commitment
C) bargaining
D) exchanging information


Charlotte knows that John's support would be essential in having her proposal accepted by senior management, so she meets with him informally. "I'd like to get your thoughts on the best approach on getting the staff trained on the new software," she says. "What are your thoughts on the next steps I need to take to get management's approval?" Which influence tactic is Charlotte using?
A) inspirational appeal
B) rational persuasion
C) pressure
D) consultation


The capacity to discipline a subordinate is associated with ______ power.
A) reward
B) coercive
C) referent
D) expert


What type of power resides within an individual, regardless of his or her position within an organization?
A) reward power
B) coercive power
C) referent power
D) legitimate power


Which conflict management style is high in concern for the outcomes of the parties in conflict?
A) collaboration
B) avoiding
C) accommodating
D) compromise


Which of the following would best describe influence?
A) an individual's capacity to influence others' behaviors and resist unwanted influence
B) behaviors perceived as self-serving tactics, sometimes at the expense of others and the organization
C) the use of actions that result in changes in the behaviors or moods of others
D) the use of control and influence to direct the activities of followers toward goal achievement


A "my way or the highway" approach to conflict management would best be described as which type of approach?
A) competing
B) accommodating
C) compromising
D) avoiding


Which of the following is an organizational characteristic that tends to increase political behavior?
A) need for power
B) a supervisor's desire for consultation
C) low performance pressure
D) limited or changing resources


In ______ bargaining, the negotiators approach each issue as a "fixed pie" - if one piece is larger, than the other piece must be smaller, so each side wants to maximize its share of the pie
A) resistive
B) alternative
C) integrative
D) dsitributive


Mycah objected to the format her boss wanted her to use to report the monthly sales statistics. "I just don't see why I have to do it that way," she complained. Her boss responded simply, "Because I'm the boss; that's why." This is an example of ________ power.
A) referent
B) personal
C) legitimate
D) expert


In which type of alternative dispute resolution is the third party's judgement considered final and binding?
A) mediation
B) arbitration
C) conciliation
D) facilitation


Which of the following would best describe power?
A) an individual's capacity to determine the actions of others and not be persuaded by others
B) being influenced by others and maintaining group harmony
C) use of a behavior that results in behavioral and/or attitudinal changes in others
D) behaviors perceived as self-serving tactics, sometimes at the expense of others in the organization


What is the term for the use of strength in order to guide others to fulfilling objectives?
A) stamina
B) negotiation
C) behavior
D) leadership


When the third-quarter sales figures fell far short of expectations, the vice president of sales called his staff into an emergency meeting. "This isn't going to happen again!"" he shouted. "If any of you don't make quota in the fourth quarter, you're fired!" What type of power is the Vice President of sales exhibiting?
A) reward
B) referent
C) expert
D) coercive


Which conflict resolution style involves all participants working together to achieve the most success in a given task?
A) competing
B) collaboration
C) accommodating
D) avoiding


What is the term for the capacity of individuals to persuade how others act while not be persuaded themselves?
A) politics
B) power
C) leadership
D) bargaining


What is the term for the stage of negotiation in which both sides argue their positions and portray themselves in favorable ways?
A) bargaining
B) closing and commitment
C) preparation
D) exchanging information


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20.2 COERCIVE POWER. If any commonality exists among the various definitions of power, it consists in viewing power as an ability to make others do what they would not otherwise do.

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