What type of research explores the interrelationship among variables of interest without any active intervention by a researcher?

Which description is correct for the respective database? Select all that apply.

MEDLINE contains biomedical and pharmaceutical studies
AHRQ contains clinical guidelines and evidence summaries
CINAHL contains studies in nursing, allied health, and biomedicine
EMBASED includes studies in medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychiatry, veterinary medicine, and allied health
PubMed offers free access to journal articles

1. Enabling

Nội dung chính

  • Which type of research study represents the nurse designing and conducting an informational health campaign and then measuring the outcomes of the campaign quizlet?
  • What topic is best suited for quantitative research?
  • Which method of research relies on the inductive approach?
  • Which type of research would the nurse conduct to acquire the most reliable evidence to determine the effectiveness of a behavioral therapy?

According to Swanson's theory, the nurse is engaging in enabling when explaining the care of a neonate to a parent. Enabling includes informing/explaining/supporting/allowing, focusing, generating alternatives, validating, and giving feedback. The process of knowing includes avoiding assumptions, centering on the one being cared for, assessing thoroughly, seeking cues, and engaging the self or both. The process of doing for includes comforting, anticipating, performing skillfully, protecting, and preserving dignity. The process of being with includes being there, conveying ability, sharing feelings, and not burdening.

The nurse is applying Henderson's theory as a basis for theory-based nursing practice. Which other elements are important for theory-based nursing practice? Select all that apply.

Henderson's theory is an example of a grand theory. Regardless of which particular nursing theory is selected, the nurse must use knowledge from nursing and related sciences, experience, and standards of practice when providing care.

A senior nurse is teaching nursing theories to a group of nursing students. What are the components of nursing theories that explain a nursing phenomenon? Select all that apply.

Nursing theory contains a set of concepts, definitions, and assumptions or propositions that explain a phenomenon.

What are the demands of Roy's adaptation model that can be useful in helping the patient? Select all that apply.


What are the demands of Roy's adaptation model that can be useful in helping the patient? Select all that apply.

A patient who is in the terminal stages of cancer has moderate pain and severe dyspnea. Her husband informs the nurse that she believes in prayer and her last wish is to die while listening to prayer. What should the nurse do first?

The nurse should identify and prioritize the unmet needs of a patient. This patient is in the terminal stage of cancer and has severe dyspnea. Maintaining airway breathing and circulation is the most basic physiological need, and therefore the nurse should administer oxygen

What are the phases of Peplau's theory? Select all that apply.

working phase

This theory has four phases including orientation, working phase, and termination.

Why is nursing research important in the profession of nursing? Select all that apply.

Research that tests nursing theories determines how accurately a theory describes a nursing phenomenon. Testing helps to develop evidence for describing or predicting patient outcomes. The researcher has a theoretical idea of how patients describe or respond to a phenomenon and subsequently generates research questions or hypotheses to test the assumptions of the theory. Research is useful to test a theory before it is implemented. No single study tests all components of a theory.

The nurse is caring for a devout Hindu patient who is vegetarian. The patient was given nonvegetarian food and is very upset about it. Which of the statements of Leininger's theory should the nurse apply while planning a diet plan for the patient? Select all that apply.

The nurse should serve as a resource person, counselor, and surrogate.

The nurse needs to know the patient's individual needs and how to respond to them.

The nurse should integrate the patient's cultural traditions, values, and beliefs into the care plan.

randomized controlled trial (RCT)

performed to test an intervention against the standard of care.

Subjects are randomly assigned to either the control or treatment group.

The treatment group receives the experimental intervention, and the control group receives the usual standard of care.

The researchers measure both groups for the same outcomes to see if there is a difference.

The researcher determines if the intervention leads to better outcomes than the standard of care.

Which part of an evidence-based article includes the major themes or findings and the implications for nursing practice?


A research study is investigating the following research question: What is the effect of the diagnosis of breast cancer on the roles of the family? In this study "the diagnosis of breast cancer" and "family roles" are examples of:


Variables are concepts, characteristics, or traits that vary within or among subjects.


a step-by-step approach that helps the nurse make logical decisions based on the available evidence. An EBP promotes achievement and incorporation of the best practices into nursing.

-The first step involves asking a clinical question, followed by...
-collecting relevant and best evidence.
-The evidence is then critically appraised.
-The next step is to integrate all evidence with one's clinical expertise, along with patient preferences and values, in making a practice decision or change.
-Integration is followed by evaluation of the practice decision or change. The final step is to share the outcomes of EBP changes with others.

Which database offers free access to journal articles?


A group of nurses are studying the research on nursing-sensitive outcomes. Which outcomes are nursing sensitive? Select all that apply.
Prevalence of restraint use
Prevalence of pressure ulcers
Effectiveness of acetaminophen
Patient falls with injury
Prevalence of heart failure


The prevalence of restraint use, prevalence of pressure ulcers, and falls of patients are outcomes dependent chiefly on the quality of nursing care. The effectiveness of acetaminophen and the prevalence of heart failure are not dependent on nursing care. They are not included in the list of nursing-sensitive outcomes.

The nurse researcher interviews parents of children who have diabetes and asks them to describe how they deal with their child's illness. The analysis of the interviews yields common themes and stories describing the parents' coping strategies. This is an example of which type of study?


The data in this study were collected during interviews; information from the interviews was used to describe common themes and experiences of the parents. These are characteristics of qualitative research . Historical research establish facts and relationships concerning past events. Correlational research explores the interrelationships among variables of interest without any active intervention by the researcher. In experimental research, the investigator controls the study variable and randomly assigns subjects to different conditions to test the variable.

A 55-year-old patient is diagnosed with lung cancer and has a history of smoking. To find the association between smoking and lung cancer, the nurse decides to use a case-control study. Before proceeding to implementation, the nurse should obtain informed consent from the study subjects. Which are involved in informed consent? Select all that apply.

The patient should be capable of understanding the research procedure.

Informed consent ensures the patient that all the information of the study will be confidential.

The patient has the right to refuse to participate at any point of time in the research.

The student nurse is documenting the similarities and differences among evidence-based practice, research, and quality improvement. Which datum documented by the student nurse is accurate?
Datum 1
Datum 2
Datum 3
Datum 4

Datum 2

Quality improvement sometimes requires IRB (institutional review board) approval. Therefore, datum 2 is accurate. Researchers may or may not be employed by the health care agency and usually are not a part of the clinical health care team, so datum 1 is inaccurate. Funding sources for evidence-based practice are usually internal, from the health care agency, so datum 3 is inaccurate. The purpose of evidence-based practice is to determine safe and effective nursing care with the goal of improving patient care and outcomes, so datum 4 is inaccurate.

The nurse finds topics for research studies in different scientific literature databases. Which source is described correctly?
MEDLINE provides only biomedical and pharmaceutical studies.
AHRQ gives clinical guidelines and evidence summaries.
CINAHL offers free access to journal articles.
EMBASE includes studies in medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychiatry, veterinary medicine, and allied health.


AHRQ stands for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and provides clinical guidelines and evidence summaries. MEDLINE includes studies in medicine, nursing, dentistry, psychiatry, veterinary medicine, and allied health. CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature; it includes studies in nursing, allied health, and biomedicine at a cost. EMBASE provides biomedical and pharmaceutical studies.

The nurse understands the evidence-based articles and is critiquing the available evidence. Which characteristic feature should the nurse look for in a well-written literature review?

A well-written literature review offers an argument about what led the author to conduct a study or report on a clinical topic. The literature review also provides a detailed background of the level of science or clinical information that exists about the research study. An abstract is a short summary that contains brief information about the study. An introduction contains more information about the purpose of the article. A manuscript narrative provides information regarding new therapy or new technology.

The nurse is conducting research on the effect of imagery on pain perception. Which actions should the nurse perform when searching the scientific databases for evidence? Select all that apply.
Seek the assistance of a medical librarian.
Enter and manipulate different key words.
Be prepared for some confusion with the evidence obtained.
Refer to agency policies and procedures manuals.
Refer to existing clinical practice guidelines.

1, 2, 3

Scientific databases are appropriate for searching evidence on a research question. A medical librarian may help by suggesting the type of databases appropriate to the question and different key words for refining the search. Different combinations of key words should be checked to find studies relevant to the subject. If the key words do not match the words used in the research studies, the results of the search may cause some confusion. Agency policies and procedures manuals and clinical practice guidelines are good sources of information, but they do not help in searching scientific databases.

Critiquing the evidence is one of the most important steps in the process of implementing evidence-based practice. Which is the most important information required while critiquing evidence?
Are the findings clinically applicable?
Can the findings be applied in a different patient group?
Are the findings applicable to patients of a different ethnicity?
Do the findings provide better treatment alternatives than conventional therapy?


The most important information required while critiquing research is whether the findings of the research are clinically applicable and scientifically relevant. Of lower priority when critiquing the research are questions such as whether the findings of the research are applicable to a different group of patients or to patients belonging to a different ethnicity, and whether the findings of the research provide better treatment alternatives than conventional therapy. Unless the clinical applicability of a research finding is confirmed, it cannot be applied to any patient group.

The nurse working in an orthopedic center finds that most of the patients coming to the clinic have mechanical low-back aches. Which is the best reference in order to develop a good plan of care for these patients?
Psychology and related health care disciplines (PsycINFO)
Cochrane Database
National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC)
Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)


The National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) contains clinical guidelines and care plans for a specific set of clinical circumstances involving a specific patient population. Therefore, it helps in guiding nursing actions for specific disease conditions. PsycINFO provides research study results for psychiatry-related disorders. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews provides high-quality evidence. It includes the full texts of systematic reviews. However, it does not provide guidelines and care plans for implementation in practice. The Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) is a comprehensive database helpful in providing scientific knowledge in healthcare. It does not provide detailed care plans for practice.

A 50-year-old patient complains of hair loss. A scraping of the patient's scalp shows that the patient has a candida infection. The hair loss decreases with the use of a medicated shampoo and herbal oil. The nurse has developed a PICOT question and starts to search for evidence. Which should the nurse keep in mind while searching for evidence? Select all that apply.

Randomized controlled trials are placed in the evidence pyramid.

In a meta-analysis, statistics are used to show the effect of an intervention on an outcome.

In a systematic review, no statistics are used to show the effect of an intervention on an outcome.

The nurse is helping a researcher conduct a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Which characteristic differentiates the RCT from other types of studies?
Researchers will test a new drug with the usual standard of care.
When completed, researchers will know if the intervention leads to better outcomes than the standard of care.
Researchers will study two groups of subjects—one with the disease and another without the disease.
When completed, researchers will determine if there is an association between one or more predictor variables and the condition.


When a randomized controlled trial (RCT) is completed, the researcher will know if the intervention leads to better outcomes than the standard of care. In a case control study, the researchers determine if there is an association between a predictor variable and a condition. A case control study is one in which researchers study one group of subjects with a certain condition at the same time as another group of subjects who do not have the condition.

The nursing student is preparing an evidence-based practice project for which the student has posed a clear and concise clinical question. Which should the student do before incorporating the evidence into practice? Select all that apply.

Collect the most relevant and best evidence.

Critically appraise the evidence gathered.

Share the outcome with others

In order to care for a wide variety of patients from various cultural backgrounds, the nurse should have a thorough knowledge of culturally competent care. On which theory is this statement based?

psychological theory

-Theoretical models that explain or predict patient responses related to any physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, and spiritual domain come under psychological theories. Culturally competent care is based on behavioral responses of people across varied cultures. Thus, it can be explained under psychosocial theories

The nurse is caring for a patient with Guillain-Barré syndrome. The nurse is explaining the pathological process underlying the disease to the patient's parents. What type of theory would be most helpful to the nurse when gaining knowledge about the underlying pathology of the disease?

grand theory
descriptive theory
middle range theory
prescriptive theory

Descriptive theory

The American Nursing Association (ANA) strives to improve the quality of nursing care. Which statements are true about ANA? Select all that apply.

ANA is a part of the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

ANA employs registered nurses as lobbyists at the federal level.

ANA lobbied state legislatures to restrict the length of overtime for individual nurses.

The nurse is learning about the standards of nursing practice. Which activities are part of the practice of implementation? Select all that apply.


Which type of research study represents the nurse designing and conducting an informational health campaign and then measuring the outcomes of the campaign quizlet?

Which type of research practice did the nurse perform? Evaluation research tests how well a program, practice, or policy is working. The nurse is conducting an informational health campaign and measuring the outcomes of the campaign, which indicates that the nurse is engaged in evaluation.

What topic is best suited for quantitative research?

Topics for Quantitative Research.

The relationship between unemployment and inflation rates..

The link between climate adaptation and mitigation funds allocation..

The relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover..

The relationship between poor households and members becoming entrepreneurs..

Which method of research relies on the inductive approach?

Qualitative research is often said to employ inductive thinking or induction reasoning since it moves from specific observations about individual occurrences to broader generalizations and theories.

Which type of research would the nurse conduct to acquire the most reliable evidence to determine the effectiveness of a behavioral therapy?

It helps to identify knowledge gaps within a clinical situation. Randomized control studies are the most precise form of experimental studies and the gold standard of research. These studies provide the most reliable evidence.

Which type of research study represents the nurse designing and conducting an informational health campaign and then measuring the outcomes of the campaign?

Which type of research practice did the nurse perform? Evaluation research tests how well a program, practice, or policy is working. The nurse is conducting an informational health campaign and measuring the outcomes of the campaign, which indicates that the nurse is engaged in evaluation.

What type of research is the researcher is part of the context and intrinsically linked to the findings?

Table 1..

When preparing a research project which level of evidence is highest for a scientific study?

RCTs are given the highest level because they are designed to be unbiased and have less risk of systematic errors. For example, by randomly allocating subjects to two or more treatment groups, these types of studies also randomize confounding factors that may bias results.

What topic is best suited for quantitative research?

Topics for Quantitative Research.
The relationship between unemployment and inflation rates..
The link between climate adaptation and mitigation funds allocation..
The relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover..
The relationship between poor households and members becoming entrepreneurs..