The state that exists when decision makers have accurate and comprehensive information is known as




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    Terms in this set (55)

    Characteristics of managerial decisions include which of the following?

    A. Success
    B. Certainty
    C. Convention
    D. Lack of structure
    E. Speed


    Managers often ignore problems for which of the following reasons?

    A. They don't agree with the outcome.
    B. Getting involved won't impress their boss.
    C. It's not the manager's job to solve problems.
    D. Managers are often too busy to make decisions.
    E. Managers cannot be sure how much time, energy, or trouble lie ahead once they start working on the problem.


    __________ are those decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers, and solvable by using simple rules, policies, or numerical computations.

    A. Structured decisions
    B. Unstructured decisions
    C. Structured procedures
    D. Nonprogrammed decisions
    E. Programmed decisions


    Decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers and solvable by using simple rules, policies or numerical computations are:

    A. qualitative decisions.
    B. programmed decisions.
    C. non-economic decisions.
    D. policy options.
    E. nonprogrammed decisions.


    New, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers are:

    A. nonprogrammed decisions.
    B. standing decisions.
    C. single-use decisions.
    D. corporate objectives.
    E. programmed decisions.


    The state that exists when decision makers have accurate and comprehensive information is:

    A. uncertainty.
    B. probability analysis.
    C. certainty.
    D. policy formulation.
    E. risk.


    The state that exists when decision makers have insufficient information is:

    A. uncertainty.
    B. probability analysis.
    C. certainty.
    D. policy formulation.
    E. risk.


    Sally, the owner of Learn English! educational salons is contemplating whether to open the company's first international branch in Europe or in Asia. She is facing a _______ decision.

    A. routine
    B. programmed
    C. well structured
    D. nonprogrammed
    E. satisficing


    Uncertainty exists when the manager:

    A. faces two conflicting issues.
    B. knows the risk involved in making the decision.
    C. has accurate and comprehensive information to make the decision.
    D. has insufficient information to make the decision.
    E. knows that the probability of success is less than 100 percent.


    The state that exists when the probability of success is less than 100 percent and losses may occur is:

    A. uncertainty.
    B. probability analysis.
    C. certainty.
    D. policy formulation.
    E. risk.


    Opposing pressures from different sources is called:

    A. conflict.
    B. cooptation.
    C. collusion.
    D. cohesiveness.
    E. groupthink.


    Jonathan has received two job offers. One is from a firm in New York City, where Jonathan would like to live but the other offer in Kansas City would pay more. Jonathan is having a difficult time making a decision due to experiencing:

    A. internal conflict.
    B. organizational conflict.
    C. physiological conflict.
    D. psychological conflict.
    E. individual conflict.


    The initial step in the decision making process is to:

    A. select an alternative.
    B. evaluate the decision.
    C. implement the alternatives.
    D. generate alternatives.
    E. identify the problem.


    A manager may discover that a problem exists with current company performance by comparing it with:

    A. past performance.
    B. the performance of other organizations.
    C. future performance forecasts.
    D. the business plan for the year.
    E. all of the above.


    Once a problem is identified and properly diagnosed, the next stage in the decision making process involves:

    A. evaluating alternatives.
    B. evaluating consequences.
    C. evaluating information.
    D. evaluating the decision.
    E. generating alternative solutions.


    When a solution is specifically designed for a particular problem or set of problems, it is called a:

    A. designer-enhancement.
    B. dynamic solution.
    C. ready-made solution.
    D. future-generated solution.
    E. custom-made solution.


    Custom-made decisions most often require:

    A. a consultant.
    B. in-depth computations.
    C. top management approval.
    D. creativity.
    E. brainstorming.


    Alternative courses of action that can be implemented based on how the future unfolds are called:

    A. single-use plans.
    B. contingency plans.
    C. standing plans.
    D. corporate objectives.
    E. shadow plans.


    Hilda, the manager of Happy Hounds Kennel, knows that the economy can greatly affect her level of business. She has developed a plan of action for each of the four possible economic outcomes that have been predicted for her geographic area over the next 4-6 years. Hilda's use of these strategies according to the state of the economy suggests that she:

    A. is facing a stable environment.
    B. utilizes contingency planning.
    C. focuses on efficient decisions.
    D. engages in satisficing.
    E. is an irrational decision maker.


    __________ requires searching thoroughly for a complete range of alternatives, carefully assessing each alternative, comparing one to another and then choosing or creating the very best.

    A. Benchmarking
    B. Maximizing
    C. Minimizing
    D. Satisficing
    E. Optimalizing


    Making a decision by accepting the first option that meets your goal is referred to as:

    A. optimizting.
    B. satisficing.
    C. maximizing.
    D. minimizing.
    E. accepting.


    Gloria, as the executive assistant to the President of a small midwest university, has a large number of decisions to be made because several of her assistants are on vacation. One of the decisions she has to make today is which paper clips to purchase for the office. She looks at the office supply catalog and picks the first one she sees that is priced acceptably. Gloria is using _________ to make her decision.

    A. minimizing
    B. optimizing
    C. satisficing
    D. management by exception
    E. maximizing


    Managers who optimize their decisions will attempt to choose:

    A. the first minimally acceptable alternative.
    B. among those alternatives with variable results.
    C. the least expensive alternative.
    D. that alternative that produces the least conflict.
    E. an alternative that achieves the best possible balance among several goals.


    To maximize is to:

    A. realize the largest possible production benefit.
    B. involve as many people affected by the decision as possible in its design.
    C. achieve the best possible outcome.
    D. utilize groupthink as individual decisions.
    E. generate many alternatives for evaluation.


    Eduardo Gonzalez of Perfect Time Manufacturing Co. needed to purchase a new safe for his most expensive watches that was high in quality and durability, yet low in price. The safe he decided upon was neither the highest quality available, nor the lowest in price available, yet it had a good combination of attributes. Eduardo's choice illustrates:

    A. maximizing.
    B. satisficing.
    C. optimizing.
    D. minimizing.
    E. programmed.


    Implementing a decision must be planned carefully. Adequate planning most often requires which of the following steps?

    A. Determining how things will look before the decision is made.
    B. Order the steps necessary to achieve a fully operational decision.
    C. Be sure the CEO agrees with the implementation decision.
    D. Allow employees to take on responsibility once the implementation has begun.
    E. Encourage vigilance.


    Negative feedback received during the final evaluation of the decision best indicates:

    A. the decision was a controversial one.
    B. implementation will require less resources.
    C. the manager will not be allowed to have a second chance with the decision.
    D. the decision was a bad one.
    E. the problem was defined incorrectly.


    Vigilance in decision making means:

    A. the manager closely watches over those responsible for implementation.
    B. the manager has carefully and conscientiously completed all stages in the decision making process.
    C. the manager has been monitored during the decision making process.
    D. the employees monitor the implementation carefully.
    E. the employees have been monitored relative to the utility of the decision.


    Managers' faulty thought processes that can lead companies to failure include:

    A. I must consult others for decision making.
    B. e-commerce is expensive and difficult.
    C. we must make a profit at any cost to survive.
    D. I must weigh short-term costs and benefits more heavily than long-term costs and benefits.
    E. it is important to consider the long-term effects of the decisions I make today.


    Which of the following is an example of subjective bias that many corporate executives exhibit?

    A. Groupthink
    B. Satisficing
    C. Goal displacement
    D. Framing effects
    E. Minimizing


    Psychological bias in decision making refers to:

    A. the effect that a person's psychological capabilities have upon the decisions they must make under pressure.
    B. what happens when a decision maker must balance the preferences of many interested parties, diluting effectiveness.
    C. the conflict that results from too many people involved with making a decision.
    D. the inability to be objective when gathering, evaluating and applying information for decision making.
    E. the fact that people are motivated by a need for power which clouds their decision making capabilities.


    The psychological bias known as "illusion of control" refers to a:

    A. belief that you have ultimate control and cannot make a poor decision.
    B. belief that you can influence events even when you have no control over what will happen.
    C. belief that you have no control and so you don't put any effort into the decision.
    D. belief that some unknown person actually has the control and is waiting for you to make a poor decision. E. lack of confidence in your ability to gain control.


    Gambling is an example of which of the following psychological biases?

    A. Illusion of control
    B. Framing effects
    C. Discounting the future
    D. Time pressure
    E. Social realities


    The way in which the alternatives to a decision are stated or phrased may have an impact on which alternative is chosen. Varying alternatives can be presented in a more favorable or less favorable way, affecting the decision. This is referred to as:

    A. framing effects.
    B. phrasing effects.
    C. biasing effects.
    D. illusional effects.
    E. discounted effects.


    Tactics that are used to make decisions quickly while maintaining the high quality of such decisions include:

    A. taking a realistic view of the conflict.
    B. involving people in the decision who are experts and can be trusted.
    C. focusing on real-time information.
    D. involving people more effectively and efficiently.
    E. doing all of the above.


    The CEO of OfficeMax begins each morning by logging onto a computer-based conference with all of the chain store managers. The previous day's experiences and challenges are discussed so that problems can be quickly and effectively resolved or even avoided. OfficeMax is utilizing __________ to retain a competitive edge.

    A. social realities
    B. real-time information
    C. psychological biases
    D. framing effects
    E. quality initiatives


    It was time for the annual performance reviews, which James dreaded each year. His company had only the barest of performance standards and worse still, if his employees did not like their review, they simply went over James's head to his boss who often overturned James's decisions! The interpersonal factors described here that decrease the effectiveness of the organization's decisions are best described as:

    A. time pressures.
    B. gut feelings.
    C. the illusion of control.
    D. a lack of control.
    E. social realities.


    Shady Acres, a very large tree farm in the western United States, is looking for ways to reduce waste and improve its profit margins. One of the first things the managers did was to interview the front-line staff to get their opinions and ideas on how to solve this problem. In the end all of the staff was invited to participate in the process to decide which ideas to move forward. This enabled the staff members to be aware of the various options that were available and why the options to be implemented were chosen. In this scenario involving the staff most likely helped them to:

    A. dominate the discussions.
    B. use groupthink.
    C. please everyone completely.
    D. displace the goals in favor of new ones.
    E. understand the decisions.


    Advantages in using a group for decision making include:

    A. intellectual stimulation
    B. domination by one member for leading the discussion
    C. groupthink
    D. satisficing
    E. goal displacement


    A potential disadvantage of group decisions include which of the following?:

    A. Goal displacement
    B. Larger pool of information, which causes confusion C. Intellectual stimulation, which takes up much more time and delaying the decision
    D. Too many approaches and perspectives on the problem
    E. People understand the decision and because of this are highly critical of it


    Which of the following statements about group decision making improves the chances that the decision will be implemented successfully?

    A. More information is available when several people are making the decision.
    B. Different approaches to solving the problem are available.
    C. People who participate in a group discussion are more likely to understand why the decision was made. D. Group discussion provides an opportunity for intellectual stimulation.
    E. A group member dominates the discussion.


    Allowing one person to control a discussion or decision is referred to as:

    A. groupthink.
    B. satisficing.
    C. domination.
    D. displacement.
    E. esprit de corps.


    A phenomenon that occurs in decision-making when group members avoid disagreement as they strive for consensus is:

    A. goal displacement.
    B. domination.
    C. intuition or judgment.
    D. groupthink.
    E. esprit de corps


    A condition that occurs when a decision-making group loses sight of its original goal and a new, possibly less important, goal emerges is:

    A. goal displacement.
    B. groupthink.
    C. conflict.
    D. domination.
    E. group alternatives.


    When a group accepts an alternative that seems to please the members of the group, but the group has not taken the time or effort to explore many options, the group has:

    A. exercised groupthink.
    B. stimulated its intellect.
    C. satisficed.
    D. allowed domination to occur.
    E. participated in goal displacement.


    Groups that operate under a condition known as groupthink are most likely:

    A. creative.
    B. unconfident.
    C. overcritical.
    D. concerned with maintaining a positive team spirit
    E. unclear about the decision at hand.


    Leaders of decision-making groups should:

    A. discourage conflict.
    B. encourage groupthink
    C. help the group satisfice.
    D. pay close attention to the group process.
    E. dominate the discussion.


    Issue-based differences in perspectives or judgments are:

    A. compromises.
    B. affective conflicts.
    C. cognitive conflicts.
    D. satisfactory conflicts.
    E. dialectic conflicts.


    Emotional disagreements directed toward other people are known as:

    A. compromises.
    B. affective conflicts.
    C. cognitive conflicts.
    D. satisfactory conflicts.
    E. dialectic conflicts.


    Of the suggestions below, the most constructive type of conflict is ______________ conflict.

    A. no
    B. emotional
    C. cognitive
    D. affective
    E. dialectic


    Which of the following best describes the requirements of the dialectic method?

    A. People present contrary arguments in order to force investigation of the alternative under consideration.
    B. A debate between two conflicting courses of action is held.
    C. Conflict generated within the group must be minimized.
    D. Conflict generated within the group must be maximized.
    E. The leader performs the role of peacekeeper.


    Which of the following statements about encouraging creativity is true?

    A. The fundamental unit of value in the creative revolution is artistic ability.
    B. You are being creative if you join two previously unrelated things.
    C. To be creative you need to be a top student.
    D. Your employees will be more creative if you set a tight deadline for them.
    E. People are much more likely to be creative if they work alone.


    The ______________ model of decision making arises when people disagree on goals or compete with one another for resources.

    A. bounded rationality
    B. incremental
    C. cognitive rationality
    D. coalitional
    E. affective rationality


    The _______ model of decision making occurs when decision makers make small decisions and move in piece-meal fashion toward a bigger solution.

    A. bounded rationality
    B. incremental
    C. cognitive rationality
    D. coalitional
    E. affective rationality


    Which of the following is an element of an effective plan for crisis management?

    A. A communication plan indicating that the company is in complete control
    B. Competitive actions
    C. Psychological and cultural actions
    D. React first, then consider the next steps needed
    E. Distance the company from the crisis


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