The ________ displays the current cell mode, the page number, and the zoom buttons.


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The ________ displays the current cell mode, the page number, and the zoom buttons.

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Excel Worksheet

Absolute Cell cell referance that refers to cells by their fixed position in a worksheet: an absolute cell referance remains the same when the formula is copied
Accounting Number Format applied a thousand common separator where appropriate, inserts a fixed US dollar sign aligned at the left edge of the cell, applies two decimal places, and leaves a small amount of space at the right edge of the cell to accommodate a parenthesis for nega
Active Cell worksheet is the cell ready to receive data or be affected by the next Excel Command
Adjacent Ranges call ranges that are next to each other
Arithmetic operator symbols used to denote addition, subtraction, multiplication, ect…
Auto Fill generates a series of values into adjacent cells based on the value of other cells
AutoComplete speeds typing by completing entries in a cell if the first few characters match an existing entry in column
AutoCorrect automatically corrects and formats some text as it is typed
AutoSum another term for sum function
Category Axis area along the bottom of a chart that identify the category of data: also refered to as the X axis.
Category labels the labels that display along the bottom of the chart to id the category of data
Cell - intersection of a column and row forms a small rectangular box
Cell Address cell identified by the intersecting column letter or row number
Cell Content - anything typed into a cell
Cell Reference cell identified by the intersecting column letter or row number
Chart Graphic representation of data in worksheet
Chart Layout combination of chart element that can be displayed in a chart such as a title, legend, labels for the columns, and the table of charted cells.
Chart Layout Gallery group of predesigned chart layouts that you can apply to Excel chart
Chart Sheet workbook sheet that contains only a chart and is useful when you want to view a chart separately from worksheet data
Chart Style overall visual look of a chart in terms of its graphic effect colorand backgrounds
Chart Styles Gallery group of predesigned chart styles that you can apply to Excel chart
Chart Types various chart formats used in a way that is meaningful to the reader
Column vertical group of cells in a worksheet
Column Chart useful for illustrating comparisons among related numbers
Column Heading unique letter id a column
Comma Style - inserts thousand comma separators where appropriate and applies two decimal point
Constant Value can be numbers, text, dates, or times of day
Context Sensitive command associated with activites in which you are engaged
Contextual Tabs tabs that are added to the ribbon when a specific object such as a chart is selected and that contain commands relevant to the selected objects
Contextual Tools Enable you to perform specific commands related to the active area or selected objects
Data text or numbers in a cell are referred to as data
Data Marker column, bar, area, dot, pie slice, or other symbol in a chart that represents a single data point
Data Point a value that originates in a worksheet cell
Data Series related data points
Dialog Box Launcher small icon that displays to the right of some group names on the ribbon and which opens a related dialog box or task pane providing additional options and commands related to that group
Display Value data that displays in a cell
Double-Click action of clicking the left mouse button twice in rapid succession while keeping the mouse still
Drag action of moving something from one location to another
Edit make changes to
Embedded Chart chart that displays as an object within a worksheet
Expand Formula Bar Button Increases the height of the formula bar to display lengthy cell count
Expand hirizontal scroll Bar Button Increases the Width of the horizontal Scroll Bar
Fill Color background of the cell
Fill Handle small black square in the lower right corner of a selected cell
Font set of characters with the same design and shape
Font Size used to emphasize text by using bold, italic and underline
Font Style emphasize text and are a visual cue to draw the readers eye to important text
Font Style emphasize text and are a visual cue to draw the readers eye to important text
Footers information that prints at the bottom of every page
Font Size size of characters in a font measurd in points
Format Painter To copy the formatting of one cell to other cells
Formatting the processes of specifying the appearance of cells and the overall layout of a worksheet
Formula Display the value or formula contained in the Active Cell; Also Permits entry of values and formulas
Formula Bar element in the excel window that displays the value or formula contained in the active cell
Function prewritten formula
Gallery feature that displays a list of potential results; it shows the results of commands rather than just the command name
General Format has no specific characteristics what ever you type in the cell will display
Headers info that prints at the top of every page
Help Button Displays the Help Button
Horizontal Window Split Box Splits the worksheet into two horizontal views of the same worksheet
Insert Worksheet Button Inserts an Additional worksheet into the Workbook
Keyboard Shortcut combination of keys on the key board that perform a command
Landscape Orientation page orientation in which the printed page is wider then tall
Left Alignment text aligned at the left margin
Legend chart element that identifies the patterens or colors that are assigned to the categories in the chart
Live Preview technology that shows the result of applying an editing or formatting change as you move your pointer over the result in the gallery
Mini Toolbar small toolbar containing frequently used commands and sometimes accompanied by a short cut menu of other frequently used commands which display as a result of right clicking a selection or of selecting text
Name Box Display the name of the selected cell table chart or object
Nonadjacent Ranges cell ranges that are not next to each other
Normal View screen view that maximizes the number of cells visible on your screen and keeps the column letters and row numbers close to the columns and rows
Number Format specific way in which Excel displays numbers
Office Button Displays the list of commands related to the things you can do with a work book, such as opening, saving, printing or sharing
Operators Symbols with which you can specify the type of calculation you want to perform in a formula
Page Layout View screen view in which you can use the rulers to measure the width and height of data, set margins for printing, hide or display the numbered row headings and the lettered column headings and chane the page orientation
Page Orientation the position of data on the paper
Picture Element point of light measured in dots per square inch on a screen
Pie Chart show the relationship of each part to a whole
Pixel abbreviated name for picture element
Point measurement of the size of a font
Point and Click Method technique of constructing a formula by pointing to and then clicking cells
Portrait Orientation printed page is taller than it is wider
Program-level Buttons Minimize, restores, or closes the Excel Program
Pt. abbreviation for point
Quick Access Toolbar Displays buttons to perform frequently used commands with a single click.
Range two or more cells on a worksheet that are adjacent and nonadjacent
Range Finder Excel feature hat outlines cells in color to indicate which cells are used in a formula
Relative Cell Reference cell reference based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and cells referred to
Ribbon Groups the commands for performing related workbook table
Right Click action of clicking the right mouse button
Rounding - is a procedure in which you determine which digit at the right of the number will be the last digit displayed and then increase it by one if the next digit is 5-9
Row horizontal group of cells in a workbook
Row Heading - unique number id each row
ScreenTip A small box that displays useful information when you perform various mouse actions such as pointing to screen elements or dragging
Scroll Box Move the position of the window up and down or left and right
Select highlighting by clicking or dragging with your mouse, one or more cells so that the selected cells can be edited, formatted, copied or moved
Select All Box Select all the cells in a worksheet
Series group of things that come one after another in succession
Serif font that includes small line extensions on the ends of the letter to guide the eye in reading from left to right
Sheet Tab Id the worksheets in a workbook
Sheet Tab Scrolling Buttons Display sheet tabs that are not in view
Shortcut Menu context sensitive menu that displays commands relevant to the selected objects
Spreadsheet primary document that you use in Excel to store and work with data
Status Bar Displays, the left side, the current cell mode, page number, and worksheet information. On the right side, display buttons to control how the window looks; when numerical data is selected, common calculations such a Sum and Average display
Theme Predefined set of colors, fonts, lines, and fill effects that look good together and that can applied to your entire workbook or to specific items
Title Bar Indicates the name of the current workbook and the program name
Toggle Buttons you can click the button one time to turn the formatting on and click in again to turn it off
Underlying Formula formula entered in a cell and visable only on the formula bar
Underlying Value data that displays in the formula bar
Value can be numbers, text, dates, or times of day
Value Axis a numerical scale on the left side of the chart that shows the range of numbers for the data points
Vertical Window Split Box Splits the worksheet into two vertical views of the same worksheet
View Options Contains buttons for viewing the workbook in Normal view, Page Layout view, or Page break view, and also displays control for Zoom in and Zoom out to increase and decrease the number of rows and columns displayed
Workbook excel file that contains one or more worksheets
Workbook-level Buttons Minimizes or restores the displayed workbook
Worksheet also called a spreadsheet
Worksheet Grid Display the columns and rows that intersect to form the worksheet’s cell
X-axis another name for category axis
Y-axis Another name for the value axis
A set of Characters with the same design, size, and shape is called a _______. font
A specific way in which Excel displays numbers in a cell is referred to as the _________ ________. number format
The default format that Excel applies to numbers, which has no specific characteristics except that trailing zeros to the right of a decimal point will not display, is the ________ format. general format
The data that displays in the Formula Bar is referred to as the __________ ____________. underlying format
A formula prewritten by Excel is a __________. Function
In a formula, the address of a cell based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell referred to is a ____________ cell reference. Relative
The Excel number formats that inserts thousand comma separators where appropriate, applies two decimal places, and leaves spaces at the right to accommodate a parenthesis for negative numbers is the ________ ________. Accounting
The area along the bottom of a chart that identifies the categories of data, and which is also referred to as the x-axis, is the __________ axis. Category Axis
A numerical scale on the left side of a chart that shows the range of numbers for the data points and also referred to as the y-axis, is the __________ axis. Value Axis
In a chart, an explanation of the patterns or colors that are assigned to a data series that represents a category is called the __________. legend
Related data points represented by data markers in a chart, each of which has unique color or Pattern represented in the chart legend are referred to as a _____________ _____________. data series
The combination of chart elements that can be displayed in a chart such as a title, legend, labels for the columns, and the table of charted cells in referred to as the _________________ __________. chart layout
Symbols that specify addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentage, and exponentiation in an Excel formula are called __________ ____________. Operators
A cell reference that refers to cells by their fixed position in a worksheet and which remain the same when the formula is copied is referred to as an ________ cell reference. Relative Cell Reference
The intersection of a column and row is called what? cell
From the Save as Box, click_______ to see a list of the available storage devices. the save in arrow
To specify ranges of cells that are nonadjacent, separate the ranges with a: column
By default text in excel is _____. Left Aligned
The ____________ feature can generate a series of values into adjacent cells based on the values of other cells. AutoFill
New rows are inserted ____________ the selected rows and existing rows shift accordingly. above
Excel’s prewritten formulas are called. Functions
The keyboard short cut for AutoSum is: Alt plus the equal sign
The default format for a number typed into Excel is the ____________ format. general
__________________is used to copy the formatting of one cell to another cell. format painter
A_________ is a predefined set of colors, fonts, lines, and fill effect that look good together and can be applied to a portion of the worksheet. theme
The background of a cell is called the: fill color
On a column Chart, the category labels display along the ______ axis. x
A chart that displayed as an object within a worksheet is called: embedded chart
The Key Board short cut to view Print Preview: [ctrl]+[f2]
Press_______ to display the underlying formulas used in the worksheet. [ctrl]+[‘]
Symbols used to Specify the calculations to be preformed in a formula are called: Operators
To make sure cell references are absolute, ____________ are inserted into the cell reference. dollar signs
_________ charts show the relationship of each part of data in referance to the whole. Pie charts
A workbook sheet that contains only a chart is called a: chart sheet
Used the _________ dialog box to insert a footing. Page Setup
Press__________ to access Microsoft Office Help. [F1]

What displays the current cell mode?

The current cell mode is displayed at the far left of the Status Bar.

What is it called when you type text in a cell?

Labels: Labels refer to text that is typed into the cells of a spreadsheet. Labels have no numeric value and cannot be used in a formula or function.. -N- Back To Top. Name Box: The name box appears to the left of the formula bar and displays the name of the current cell.

Where do Sheet tabs display in a workbook?

First ensure that the Show sheet tabs is enabled. To do this, For all other Excel versions, click File > Options > Advanced—in under Display options for this workbook—and then ensure that there is a check in the Show sheet tabs box.

What are the two contextual tabs that display under chart Tools When a chart is selected?

Contextual ribbon tabs For example, if you select a chart, the Design and Format tabs will appear under Chart Tools.