Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

9 Workbooks Worksheets Columns

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D


  • 1 Workbook, Worksheet and Column Basics
    • 1.1 Some Workbook, Worksheet and Column Limits
    • 1.2 Naming Workbooks, Worksheets and Columns
    • 1.3 Workbooks
      • 1.3.1 New Book and Book Templates
      • 1.3.2 Spreadsheet Cell Notation (SCN)
      • 1.3.3 What Types of Data Can I Store in the Workbook?
    • 1.4 Worksheets
      • 1.4.1 Worksheet Properties
      • 1.4.2 Manipulating Sheets with Object Manager
    • 1.5 Worksheet Columns
      • 1.5.1 Column Designations
      • 1.5.2 The Column Properties Dialog Box
      • 1.5.3 Formatting Column Data
        • Numeric Display Formats
        • Date and Time Formats
        • Color Format
        • Other Custom Display Formats
    • 1.6 Column Label Rows
      • 1.6.1 Managing Display of Column Label Rows
      • 1.6.2 Column List View
      • 1.6.3 Sparklines
    • 1.7 The Workbook Organizer
    • 1.8 Managing Workbooks with Mini Toolbars
    • 1.9 Find and Replace in Worksheets
  • 2 Simple Utilities for Filling Columns with Data
  • 3 Setting Column Values
    • 3.1 Set Values Menu Commands
    • 3.2 The "F(x)=" Worksheet Column Label Row
    • 3.3 Set Column Values Tutorials
  • 4 Setting Cell Values
    • 4.1 The Formula Bar
    • 4.2 Set Cell Values Tutorials
      • 4.2.1 Naming Data Ranges
  • 5 Remove Formula/Links
  • 6 Cell Notes
    • 6.1 Text Styles Manager
  • 7 Processing Worksheet Data
  • 8 Conditional Formatting of Worksheet Data
  • 9 Workbooks for Analysis and Reporting
  • 10 Topics for Further Reading

Workbook, Worksheet and Column Basics

The Origin workbook is a nameable, moveable, sizeable window that provides a framework for importing, organizing, analyzing, transforming, plotting and presenting your data.

  • Each workbook is a collection of one or more worksheets (up to 1024).
  • Each worksheet contains a collection of columns (up to 65,500) and each column contains rows of cells (up to 90,000,000).
  • Each column has a Short Name (e.g. "A") that uniquely identifies it within the worksheet and a Column Designation (e.g. "(X)" which determines how it is handled, by default, in plotting and analysis operations.
  • Each worksheet, and each worksheet column, has data-containing cells identified by row (index) number; and a preceding metadata containing area ("header") comprised of optional label rows, including Long Name, Units, Comments, etc.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

For Origin 2022b, two convenient buttons are added to the workbook window: Add Sheet and Show/Hide Organizer.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Some Workbook, Worksheet and Column Limits

Object Maximum Number

Worksheets in a workbook
Rows in a worksheet, 1 column
Rows in a worksheet, 5 columns
Rows in a worksheet, 32 columns
Columns in a worksheet, 1 row
Columns in a worksheet, 100 rows
Columns in a worksheet, 1000 rows


† > 255 sheets requires saving file to Unicode-compliant (e.g. *.opju) file format. Unicode formats not compatible with Origin versions prior to Origin 2018.

Naming Workbooks, Worksheets and Columns

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

  • A Workbook has a Short Name and an optional Long Name and Comments. Origin uses the Short Name for internal operations.
  • Short Name must be unique within the project file, can contain only alpha-numeric characters (letters and numbers), must begin with a letter and are limited to 13 characters.
  • A Workbook Long Name is optional, need not be unique within the project file, can use any characters in any order and has a limit of 5,506 characters (including spaces).
  • To name a workbook, right-click on the window title bar and choose Properties. Here you can edit Long name, Short name and Comments. Use the Window Title drop-down to control which name(s) show on the window title bar.
  • A Worksheet has a Name and optional Label and Comments.
  • The Name must be unique within a workbook.
  • A Worksheet Name has a 64 character limit, including spaces. These special characters are not allowed: {}|"<>()![].
  • Worksheet Label and Comment are optional. They need not be unique within the project file, can use any characters in any order, and can be of any practical length.
  • To name a worksheet, double-click on the sheet tab, or right-click on the tab and choose Name and Comments. More details are listed under Worksheets, below.
  • A Column has a Short Name and an optional Long Name.
  • The Short Name must be unique within the worksheet. When spreadsheet cell notation is enabled (default setting), you cannot edit the column Short Name (see Column Short Name Restriction). When cell notation is disabled, you can edit the column Short Name. When editing Short Names note that they must use only alphanumeric characters (no special characters), must begin with a letter or number, and cannot exceed 18 characters.
  • A Column Long Name is optional, need not be unique within the project file, can use any characters in any order and has a limit of 30,000 characters. The Long Name can be edited directly by clicking in the Long Name cell or by right-clicking on the column header and choosing Properties from the shortcut menu.
  • Dialog box and Status Bar references to data range will use Long Names, provided that (1) Long Name exists and (2) you have selected Use Long Names when available (Preferences: Options: Miscellaneous). Otherwise, Short Names are used.


Origin workbooks are highly customizable and can be saved with data (e.g. Workbook File) or without data (e.g. Workbook Template). Since they can be configured for many different applications, there is a good chance that you will collect a number of custom files over time. The New Book dialog is useful for organizing and choosing these files for use.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Origin 2022b supports Edit: Undo Delete Workbook (CTRL+Z). Set system variable @WU to disable Undo.

New Book and Book Templates

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To open the New Book dialog:

  1. Click File: New: Workbook: Browse or press Ctrl + N.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

For Origin 2022, an Open Template Center button

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
was added to the New Book dialog. Click the button to browse for additional workbook templates that you can download and add to your template list.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Each window's Properties dialog has a Comments box for entering text. These comments are included in the New Book dialog previews and the Project Explorer previews. In addition, comments are searchable from the Edit: Find in Project tool.

Spreadsheet Cell Notation (SCN)

Origin workbooks support Spreadsheet Cell Notation (SCN). Spreadsheet Cell Notation allows the sort of cell-level calculations that are familiar to users of spreadsheets (more details below).

  • By default, SCN is ON for all new workbooks.
  • In Origin 2017 - 2019, when SCN was enabled in the workbook, you saw this icon
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    in the upper-left corner of the worksheet.
  • Beginning with Origin 2019b, the SCN icon is hidden (by default) but SCN remains enabled (also by default) to make room on the workbook window for the Data Connector icon.
  • Most users will want to leave SCN enabled but in rare cases (e.g. you need to customize the column Short Name), you may want to turn SCN off. To disable SCN, right-click on the workbook title bar and choose Properties. Look for the Spreadsheet Cell Notation check box about half-way down the page.
  • When SCN is turned off, users of all versions will see this icon
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    in the upper-left corner of the workbook.
  • If you open a project or workbook window in Origin and SCN is turned OFF in a particular workbook, the SCN OFF button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    will display in the upper-left corner. This includes projects or workbooks that were created prior to Origin 2017. To enable SCN, right-click on the book title bar, choose Properties and check the Spreadsheet Cell Notation check box.

What Types of Data Can I Store in the Workbook?

The workbook serves as a flexible container for all of your work-related data -- not just text and numeric data. You can add graphs, matrices, images, notes; and store calculations, scripts and variables, text objects and programmable buttons, and create live links to other project data. Beyond its role as a flexible data container, the workbook can also serve as a medium for batch analysis and reporting.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

This table summarizes the kinds of objects that can be saved in the workbook window at the workbook, worksheet and worksheet cell levels, and how to access them.

Element Workbook Worksheet Worksheet Cell
Graphs Right-click on the sheet tab > Add Graph as Sheet Right-click in the gray area beyond the last column > Add Graph Right-click on the cell > Insert Graph
Matrices Right-click on the sheet tab > Add Matrix as Sheet -- --
Images -- -- Right-click on the cell > Insert Images from Files
Notes Right-click on workbook title bar > Properties > Comments Click the workbook's Show/Hide Organizer button > Data Sheets > enter notes in box Click on the cell and Insert Note with the Mini Toolbar (see below).
Variables Click the workbook's Show/Hide Organizer button >, Imported Files, User Tree, etc.
  • The Insert Variable Dialog Box (Used with Worksheets)
  • The Insert Variable Dialog Box (Used with Text Labels)
Added text objects linked to data/variables Right-click on the worksheet cell and Insert Variables; or select a cell and Define Name using Mini Toolbar.
Functions and Formulas Right-click in the gray area to the right of last column > Show Script Panel Select a column, right-click and Set Column Values. Alternately, enter formula in F(x)= cell. Click on a cell and use the Formula Bar or direct cell entry, to create cell formula.
Scripts Right-click in the gray area to the right of last column > Show Script Panel
  • Right-click the selected column > Set Column Values
  • Added text/drawing objects and associated scripts
File Metadata Click the Show/Hide Organizer button on the workbook toolbar -- --
Links -- -- Enter cell-level links to URLs, other worksheet ranges/cells, project graphs, matrices and image files.
Text and Drawing Objects -- Add Programmable Buttons and Text Labels and Drawing Objects to the worksheet. --
Arrows -- -- Right-click and Insert Arrow


Prior to Origin 2018, an Origin workbook could contain a maximum of 255 worksheets. That number is now increased to 1024. When you have more than 255 sheets in a book, you will need to save your file to one of the Unicode-compliant formats (opju, oggu, otwu).

To add worksheets to the workbook, right-click on a worksheet's tab and choose one of the following:

  • Insert. Inserts a single worksheet ahead of the active sheet.
  • Add. Appends a single worksheet.
  • Duplicate Without Data. Duplicates the active worksheet without duplicating the data.
  • Duplicate. Duplicates the active sheet, including the data.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Each sheet in a workbook can have its own set of customizations. When you Insert or Add a worksheet, the new sheet is based on the ORIGIN.otwu file, specifically the version of ORIGIN.otwu that is saved to your User Files Folder (found in UFF if you have customized this file). To add a sheet that is based on another sheet in the workbook (including number of columns and special formatting), you would use the Duplicate or Duplicate Without Data shortcut command.

A sheet has a single Name which can contain spaces and special characters. Optionally, you can add a Label and/or a Comment.

To edit the sheet Name

  1. Double-click on the sheet tab and enter a Name. Alternately, right-click on the sheet tab, choose Name and Comments and edit the Name field.

System variable @SSL can be used to modify sheet naming behavior. Look for @SSL in the LabTalk System Variable List.

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When mousing over the worksheet tab, Name, Label and Comments appear as a tooltip.

Worksheet Properties

To open the Worksheet Properties dialog

  1. Right-click in the gray area to the right of the worksheet grid (but inside the workbook window) and choose Properties.

You can use the Worksheet Properties dialog box to customize properties of the sheet, including...

  • Display of row labels, header labels and grid lines (View tab).
  • The number or rows and columns and other sheet dimensions such as column or row header height (Size tab).
  • Enabling of rich text, text wrap, how to display truncated cell content, sheet font and color (Format tab).
  • Auto add rows, ignore hidden rows in plotting and analysis, cell resizing (Miscellaneous tab).
  • Printing/exporting of grid lines, headers and footers, background color (Print/Export tab).
  • Script to run after import or upon data change (Script tab).
  • Display and edit a user tree (e.g. the user adds some configuration info for use in the template) (User Tree tab).

Note that many of the sheet customizations can be applied at the cell level by right-clicking on a selected cell and choosing Format Cells.

For more information, see The Worksheet Properties dialog box.

Manipulating Sheets with Object Manager

Use the Object Manager's shortcut menu commands to manipulate display of workbook content:

  • List all sheets in the active workbook.
  • Click a sheet in Object Manager to activate the corresponding sheet in the workbook.
  • Right-click in Object Manager for access to common worksheet operations, including Delete, Insert, Add, Move, Copy, and Rename.

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Worksheet Columns

  • To add a new column to the right end of an existing worksheet, right-click in the gray area to the right of the worksheet columns and choose Add New Column or Click the Add New Column button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    on the Standard toolbar.
  • To add multiple columns to the worksheet, make the worksheet active then choose Column: Add New Columns... from the main menu. Specify the number of columns to add in the Add New Columns dialog box and click OK; or use the Format: Worksheet... menu item or the F4 hot key to open the Worksheet Properties dialog, then set the desired value for Column Number in the Size tab.
  • To insert a column into the worksheet, highlight a column, then right-click and choose Insert. A column is inserted ahead of the selected column and column Short Names are adjusted accordingly.

Worksheet columns can be renamed by:

  • Double-clicking on the column heading opens the Column Properties dialog box. Enter/edit Short Name and/or Long Name.
  • Type a Long Name directly into the worksheet header cell by double-clicking in the cell.
  • Import a data file and specify that the workbooks, worksheets, and columns be named upon import.
  • Use the Enumerate Labels tab of the Worksheet Properties dialog to enumerate or duplicate column names and labels.
  • Type names into a few columns (e.g. Peak 1 and Peak 2), then highlight the cells and drag the bottom-right corner of the selection to auto fill and enumerate the names for other columns. This also works for other column label rows such as Comments.

See the above table for rules on worksheet column naming.

Column Designations

As mentioned, worksheet Column Designations (aka "Plot Designations") generally determine how data are handled during analysis and plotting operations. For instance, you might select an X column + three Y columns to perform a simultaneous linear fitting of each Y dataset against a common set of X values. Or you might select the same columns to graph 3 line plots against a common set of X values. In addition, there are designations for Z values, for error data, for labels, etc. (for more information, see Column Designation in the Origin Help file).

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

While there are a number of places in the user-interface where you can designate columns during some analysis or plotting operation, at a basic level, they are set in the worksheet by (1) clicking on the column header to select a column, then (2) doing one of the following:

  • Choose an option from the column-level Mini Toolbar.
  • Click a button on the Column toolbar.
  • Right-click on the column and choose Set As and choose an option from the shortcut menu.
  • Right-click on the column, choose Properties and set Plot Designation.

The Column Properties Dialog Box

The Column Properties dialog box is used to customize properties of the column including...

  • Long Name, Short Name, Units, Comments, etc.
  • Format (Numeric, Text, Time, Date, etc.).
  • Plot Designation.

To open the '''Column Properties''' dialog box:

  1. Double-click on the column header.
  2. Right-click the selected column(s) and choose Properties....

Use the Properties tab to edit the column Short Name, if desired. Other properties -- Long Name, Units and Comments -- can be edited here or entered directly into the column label row cells.

Formatting Column Data

Data in the Origin worksheet is treated as either text or numeric data. While the display of text data in the worksheet is fairly straightforward, the display of numeric data is more complicated.

Unless otherwise specified, all numbers in the worksheet are stored internally as floating point, double precision (Double(8)) numbers. This includes date and time, data which is formatted to display in degrees-minutes-seconds or numbers that are formatted to display a fixed number of decimal digits.

When dealing with numeric data, understand that what you see in the worksheet is a representation of a number that is stored internally. This is important for two reasons:

  • Calculations involving worksheet values are always done on the double-precision number that is stored internally, not the value that is displayed in the worksheet.
  • You can apply various Format and Display options to change the way that this stored number displays in the worksheet.
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While the central place for formatting worksheet data is the Properties dialog, as described above, keep in mind that there are quick-access Mini Toolbar buttons for changing the Display of numeric and date-time data. Note that the Format of selected columns must first be set as Date or Numeric/Text & Numeric for these buttons to be visible.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Numeric Display Formats
  1. Double-click on a column heading to open the Column Properties dialog.
  2. Click the Properties tab, then set Format = Numeric.
  3. Set Display to Decimal: 1000, Scientific: 1E3, Engineering: 1K, Decimal: 1,000 or Custom (see below).
Date and Time Formats

By default, Origin stores date-time data as a modified Julian Day value and it uses this number for date-time calculations. Typically, however, you will prefer to display this Julian Day value in a more meaningful date-time format:

  1. Double-click on a column heading to open the Column Properties dialog.
  2. Click the Properties tab, then set Format = Time, Date, Month or Day of Week.
  3. Set the Display list to one of the listed options.
  4. If none of the listed options are appropriate you can choose Custom Display and construct your own custom date-time string using these date-time format specifiers.
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When importing date-time data into the worksheet, Origin will sometimes treat this data as text (Origin's CSV Connector generally does a better job of recognizing date-time data). If your date-time data are left-aligned in the worksheet cell, Origin "sees" it as text. You will need to open the Column Properties dialog box and choose your Format and Display options. When you see that your date-time data are right-aligned in the cell, you know that Origin "sees" the data as numeric data, displaying in a date-time format.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
Color Format

Origin 2021 introduced a new column and cell Format -- Color.

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  • Supports direct entry of HTML color codes into the worksheet cell to set cell background color, with the option to display or hide the HTML codes in the Color cell.
  • Use the color() function to calculate hex values and set colors from RGB values in other data columns using Set Column Values or cell formula (e.g. color(A,B,C) sets color using RGB values in columns A, B and C).
  • Select a column in which Format = Color and use a Mini Toolbar button to Save as Increment List (color list) for use in your graphs.
  • Alternately, from the Custom colors menu in the Color Chooser, choose Create Color List from Column and pick a Color worksheet column from the flyout.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
Other Custom Display Formats

Origin can display numeric values in the worksheet in a variety of custom formats. This illustration shows various formats applied to the same set of numeric values (column A(X)).

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

The following is a sample listing of some supported custom format options (this just happens to be the pre-populated list that ships with Origin 2019). Note that you can enter custom formats directly into the Custom Display list and they will be saved to this list.

There are many other format options. For more information, see Custom Numeric Formats.

Format Description Example
if cell value = 123.456
*n Display n significant digits. *3 displays 123
.n Display n decimal places. .4 displays 123.4560
S.n Display n decimal places, in scientific notation of the form 1E3. S.4 displays 1.23456E+02
E.n Display n decimal places, in engineering format. E.2 displays 123.46
* "pi" Display a number as a decimal, followed by the symbol π. * "pi" displays 39.29727π
#/4 "pi" Display a number as a fraction of π, with a denominator of "4". #/4 "pi" displays 157π/4
#/# "pi" Display a number as a fraction of π. #/# "pi" displays 275π/7
##+## Display a number as two digits, a "+" separator, then two digits (e.g. surveying stations). ##+## displays 01+23
#+##M Display a number as one digit, a "+" separator, then two digits, plus a suffix of "M". #+##M displays 1+23M
#n Display a number as an integer of n digits, pad with leading zeros as needed. #5 displays 00123
#% Display a number as a percentage. #% displays 12346%
# ##/## Display a number as proper fraction. # ##/## displays 123 26/57
# #/n Display a number as proper fraction, in nths. # #/8 displays 123 4/8
DMS Display a number in Degree° Minute' Second", where 1 degree = 60 minutes, and 1 minute = 60 seconds. DMS displays 123°27'22"
D MDn EW (longitude)
D MDn NS (latitude)
Display a number in Degrees and Decimal Minutes. Parameter n specifies decimal places. Positive values will have "E" or "N" appended, Negative values will have "W" or "S" appended. If you wish to preserve negative values do not append "EW" or "NS". D MD3 EW displays 123° 27.360 E
D MDn EWB (longitude)
D MDn NSB (latitude)
Display a number in Degrees and Decimal Minutes. Parameter n specifies decimal places. Letter "B" ("before") specifies that positive values should have "E" or "N" prefixed, negative values will have "W" or "S" prefixed. If you wish to preserve negative values do not append "EWB" or "NSB". D MD3 EWB displays E 123° 27.360
 %#x Display a number as a 32-bit hexadecimal (max 8 hexdigits). The "#" symbol specifies "Ox" prefix. %#x displays 0x7b
 %#0nx Display a number as a 32-bit hexadecimal (max 8 hexdigits) notation, as an n-character string, pad with leading 0 as needed. %#06x returns 0x007b
 %#0nI64X Display a number as a 64-bit hexadecimal notation (max 13 hexdigits, 15 total including #="0x"), as an n-character string, pad with leading 0 as needed. %#014I64X returns 0X00000000007B

Column Label Rows

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Origin 2022b adds cell Notes support to column label rows, including the F(x)= column formula row. Select a cell and on the Mini Toolbar, click the Insert Note button.

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Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Column label rows store metadata -- data that is used to describe other data. Typically, this metadata may be brought in as header information in imported files, or it may be manually entered. Display of column label rows is optional and the user can selectively show them or hide them, as needed.

Column label row information is often used in plotting operations (e.g. worksheet Long Names used as graph legend text or Axis titles). The F(x)= row is used in performing math operations on columns of data (see below). Data stored in User-defined Parameter rows might be used in labeling or grouping of datasets in plotting, data manipulation, statistical analysis or math operations (see Tutorial 2, below).

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Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

You can copy a selected subrange of worksheet cells and include associated column label row information with the copy-paste operation. To copy label rows with data cells, right click on your subrange selection and choose Copy (including label rows).

Managing Display of Column Label Rows

Display (showing or hiding) of column label rows is controlled by shortcut menu commands:

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  1. Right-click here and choose View from the shortcut menu.
  2. Right-click here and choose Edit Column Label Rows or other label row command.
  3. Right-click here to control worksheet elements (display Row Label, Column Header, etc) or select a cell in this area, then right-click to Set Comments Style.

There is also a worksheet column label row Mini Toolbar for managing label rows. Use it to do such things as hide selected label rows, enable Rich Text or change label row order.

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Column List View

Origin 2019 introduced a new view mode for the worksheet called Column List View that is a transposed view of the column label row metadata. This view is potentially useful if your worksheets have many rows of metadata and you want to focus on some particular aspect of that metadata. With the worksheet active, choose View: Column List View or press Ctrl + W.

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Further, you can apply a data filter to metadata in Column List View. When you return to the standard worksheet view (clear the mark beside View: Column List View), only data associated with the filtered metadata will show in the worksheet.

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Column List View displays column index number ahead of column short name (+ column designation). In addition, you can hover on the left edge of column long name and a tooltip reports dataset size. To disable the display of column index, set @DSI=1.

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Numeric data stored in a column will graphically display in the column header in a special label row called Sparklines. A sparkline is, by default, a small inset line plot of the data in a column, plotted as the dependent variable (Y) against the row number or the associated X column as independent variable (X). When importing data, Origin displays sparklines by default when the number of columns is less than 50.

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To Show or Hide Sparklines:

  • Show Sparklines by clicking Column: Add or Update Sparklines. This opens the sparklines dialog.
  • Show Sparklines for selected columns by clicking the Add Sparklines button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    on the Column toolbar.
  • Right-click on the worksheet's Sparklines column label row and choose Add or Update Sparklines.
  • Delete sparklines by right-clicking the Sparklines column label row and pressing the Delete key.
  • In addition to the default line plot, Sparklines can display as Histogram or Box Charts. Highlight one or more columns by clicking on the column header, then choose Column: Add or Update Sparklines. In the dialog box that opens, set the Plot Type to Histogram or Box.
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  • Sparkline plot properties can be customized. Double-clicking on a sparkline pops open a graph window. Double-clicking on the pop-up window opens the Plot Details dialog box where you can customize the plot. When you close the pop-up window, your customizations are applied to sparkline.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Sparklines can, in large numbers, cause Origin to act sluggishly. If your project is difficult to work with and you suspect sparklines may be contributing, you can prevent sparkline creation and hide existing sparklines in the project using system variable @SPK. Additionally, you can delete sparklines from the current project using delete -spk.

The Workbook Organizer

As mentioned, the workbook commonly stores metadata, some of which is visible in the column label rows. Other metadata may be hidden in the workbook. Such hidden metadata might include things like import file path and name, date and time of data import, file header information not written to the column label rows, variable names and values, etc. This hidden metadata can be viewed in the Workbook Organizer panel.

To show (or hide) a workbook's Organizer panel:

  • Click the Show/Hide Organizer button on the workbook button bar.
  • Right-click on the workbook title bar and select Show Organizer
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Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Starting with Origin 2022b, you can add separate plain-text Notes to each sheet by highlighting a sheet under Data Sheets in the Organizer panel.

Managing Workbooks with Mini Toolbars

A number of common book-, sheet-, column and cell-level properties can be set or toggled ON/OFF with a Mini Toolbar button.

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  • To see which tools are available, make a worksheet selection and then hover on your selection.
  • Page-level formatting options are shown by hovering in the upper-left corner of the sheet or near the window margins in the gray area to the right of the worksheet columns.
  • Go here for a full list of worksheet Mini Toolbars.
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Prior to Origin 2022b, the View: Mini Toolbars setting was not remembered across sessions (i.e. if turned off in the current session, they would be restored on Origin restart). Now, this setting is remembered across sessions (alternately, you can control Mini Toolbar display by setting system variable @DMT (ON=0; OFF=1)).

Find and Replace in Worksheets

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  • Clicking Find opens a small dialog for searching the current worksheet selection.
  • Small dialog supports string or numeric, forward and backwards search.
  • While the dialog is minimized, you can edit within the selection or press CTRL + Page Up/Page Down to search backwards or forwards; or change the worksheet selection and restore the dialog to perform a new search.
  • Click the ellipsis button (...) to open Origin's larger Find and Replace dialog.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Origin has another "Replace" tool that can be scripted: wreplace. To open a UI dialog, open the Script Window (Window: Script Window) and type wreplace -d. To learn about scripting options, see X-Function documentation for wreplace.

Simple Utilities for Filling Columns with Data

Origin provides several utilities for filling a worksheet range or column, with data. The simplest of these use a menu command to fill a worksheet column with either row index numbers, uniform random numbers or normal random numbers. This is useful for generating quick datasets to test and try out other Origin features.

These simple procedures create a dataset in a pre-selected worksheet range or column(s):

Action Toolbar Button Menu Command
Fill a range or column with row numbers
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  • Column:Fill Column With:Row Numbers


  • Right-click and select Fill Range/Column(s) With Row Numbers
Fill a column with uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  • Column:Fill Column With:Uniform Random Numbers


  • Right-click and select Fill Range/Column(s) With Uniform Random Numbers
Fill a column with normally distributed random numbers
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  • Column:Fill Column With:Normal Random Numbers


  • Right-click and select Fill Range/Column(s) With Normal Random Numbers
Fill a column with a patterned or random set of numbers --
  • Right-click and select Fill Range/Column(s) With A set of Numbers...
Fill a column with a patterned or random set of Date/Time Values --
  • Right-click and select Fill Range/Column(s) With A set of Date/Time Values...
Fill a column with arbitrary set of Text&Numeric values --
  • Right-click and select Fill Range/Column(s) With Arbitrary set of Text&Numeric values...

The auto fill feature can be used in filling column label rows and the worksheet data cells:

To use auto fill to extend a pattern in the data across a range of cells (numeric data only):

  1. Select a contiguous block of cells and move the mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the selection.
  2. When the cursor becomes a "+", hold down the ALT key and drag the mouse to the bottom or the right.

To use auto fill to repeat a pattern in the data across a range of cells (text or numeric data):

  1. Select a contiguous block of cells and move the cursor to the bottom right corner of the selection.
  2. When the cursor become a "+", hold down the CTRL key and drag the mouse toward the bottom or to the right.

Datasets can also be generated quickly using LabTalk script. As an example:

  1. With a new worksheet active, open the Script Window from the Windows menu, and copy-paste the following lines of script code into that window:
  2. col(1)={0:0.01:4*pi};
  3. Highlight the two lines and press ENTER to execute them. The first two columns of the worksheet will be filled with data.

Setting Column Values

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Access to Origin's built-in functions has been improved in recent versions:

  • The Set Values dialog and the F(x)= cell get Auto Complete support. Begin typing to see a list of possible functions.
  • The Search Functions dialog that is opened from the Function menu in the Set Values dialog can now be opened directly from the Tools menu (Tools: Search Functions).

The Set Values dialog box is used to set up a mathematical expression that creates or transforms one or more columns of worksheet data. The dialog box includes a menu bar, a control used to define output range, a tool for searching and inserting LabTalk functions into your expression, a column formula box used to define a one-line mathematical expressions, a Before Formula Scripts panel (usage optional) intended for data pre-processing and defining of variables used in your one-line expression and for Python users, a Python Function tab for defining and using Python functions which can also be used in your expressions.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Since Origin 2017, the column formula box (the upper box) in Set Values has supported a simplified spreadsheet cell notation like is used in MS Excel and Google Sheets. A cell is addressed using column Short Name + row index number (e.g. the first cell in column A -- formerly represented as "col(A)[1]" -- is now simply "A1").

In new workbooks, spreadsheet cell notation is enabled by default. Spreadsheet cell notation can only be used in defining the column formula. It cannot be used in the Before Formula Scripts panel of Set Values, nor can it be used in your LabTalk scripts. Note that the "old" column and cell notation will work in spreadsheet mode, so if you are an experienced user and you prefer to use the old notation, you may enter it as you always have. For an introduction to the spreadsheet cell notation syntax as well as a contrast with the "old" methods, see Column Formula Examples.

To open the Set Values dialog box for a single column:

  1. Select a worksheet column or a range of cells in a worksheet column.
  2. From the menu, choose Column: Set Column Values... or right-click on the worksheet column and choose Set Column Values... from the shortcut menu.

To open the Set Values dialog box for multiple columns:

  1. Select multiple, contiguous worksheet columns (skip no columns) or the entire worksheet.
  2. From the menu, choose Column: Set Multiple Column Values... or right-click on the worksheet column and choose Set Multiple Column Values... from the shortcut menu.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Set Values Menu Commands

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Because Long Names need not be unique within the worksheet, Origin 2022b now displays both Long Name and Short Name in the formula box.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Menu Commands
  • Formula: Load a saved formula into the column formula box. Formulas are saved using Formula: Save or Formula: Save As....
  • wcol(1): Use the menu to include worksheet columns in either your column formula or your Before Formula Scripts (column reference is inserted at the cursor). A Column Browser is available to help in selecting the correct columns. Columns are listed by column index.
  • Col(A): Similar to wcol(1) menu functionality but columns are listed by column name (including Long Name, if it exists).
  • Function: Add LabTalk functions to your expressions (function name is inserted at the cursor). Note that when you hover over a function in the menu list, the function description will be shown in the Status Bar. When a function is selected, its description will be displayed in a pop-up Smart Hint.
  • Variables: Add a variable or a constant to Column Formula or Before Formula Scripts; Add range variables (including by selection) or file metadata, to Before Formula Scripts.
  • Options: Allow direct editing of column formula in worksheet Formula row; add a comment about the column formula; or preserve text in Set Values columns (do not treat as text as missing values).
Column Formula
  • Add a single line expression for generating data. Functions, conditional operators and variables can be used.
Before Formula Scripts
  • LabTalk scripts to be executed before the expression in the column formula box is executed.
Python Function
  • Define and use Python functions in your expression.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

When you mouse over one of the functions listed in the Function menu in Set Values dialog, a one-line tooltip is displayed in the Status Bar. If you select the function, a Smart Hint appears with a more detailed explanation and a link to the full function description, syntax, examples, etc.

Additionally, you can click the Search and Insert Functions button

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
to search for available functions by keyword and, once found, insert the function into your expression.

To learn more, see Set Column Values - Quick Start

The "F(x)=" Worksheet Column Label Row

For simple expressions, you can use the F(x)= row to set column values. Any expression you enter here is directly entered into the Set Values dialog and vice versa. Note that the simplified spreadsheet cell notation that works in the formula box in Set Values also works in F(x)=:

  1. Double-click in a cell in the F(x)= column label row.
  2. Enter an expression to enter output in the data column below.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Note that there is "Auto Complete" support for Functions and Named Ranges in the Formula Bar, cell formulas (begin typing with "="), the F(x)= cell and the Set Values dialog. Hints are linked to function documentation (Functions) or data ranges (Named Ranges).

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

If you prefer not to use Auto Complete, you can disable it by setting system variable @FAC=0.

Set Column Values Tutorials

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Tutorial 1: A Quick Units Conversion using F(x)=

  1. Start with a new workbook and import the file \Samples\Graphing\WIND.DAT.
  2. We will assume that column B contains Speed values in miles per hour (MPH). Click on the column heading for column C, then right-click and choose Insert. Origin inserts a new column C and moves Power values to column D.
  3. Now, we'll convert the MPH values in column B to kilometers per hour (KPH). Double-click in the F(x)= cell of column C and enter
    and press Enter. Column C is filled with values in units of KPH.

Tutorial 2 : Computing Moving Average and Moving Standard Deviation

  1. Import the file Samples\Signal Processing\fftfilter1.DAT.
  2. Add two more columns to the worksheet by clicking the
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  3. Click on the header of the 3rd column to select it, then right-click and select Set Column Values... from the context menu.
  4. In the Set Values dialog, enter the following in the upper panel:
    and press Apply. Column 3 is filled with an 11-point moving average of the data from column B (note that you can insert functions such as movavg from the Function menu of the Set Values dialog box).
  5. Click the >> button above the edit box to switch to the 4th column.
  6. In the edit box for the 4th column, enter the formula:
    and press OK. This 4th column will be filled with root-mean-square (RMS) values, using a window size of 11 at each point.

Tutorial 3: Set Values for Multiple Columns

  1. Create a new project by clicking the New Project button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    on the Standard toolbar.
  2. Click the Import Multiple ASCII button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    to import the files F1.dat and F2.dat in the <Origin Folder>\Samples\Import and Export\ path. In the impASC dialog, set Multi_File (except 1st) Import Mode to Start New Books and click OK.
  3. Two workbooks are created, named as F1 and F2. Click the New Workbook button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    on the Standard toolbar to create another workbook.
  4. With the 3rd workbook active, click the Add New Columns button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    to add a column. Highlight all columns and select Column: Set Multiple Columns Values from the main menu or right-click the columns and select Set Multiple Columns Values from the shortcut menu to open the Set Values dialog box.
  5. Expand the bottom panel by clicking the Show Scripts button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    . Enter this script in the Before Formula Scripts edit box,
range r1=[F1]F1!wcol(j); //"j" is the column index.
range r2=[F2]F2!wcol(j);
  1. Enter (r1+r2)/2 in the Column Formula edit box
  2. Select Options: Direct Edit Formula Cell to clear this option.
  3. Select Options: Formula Text... and enter (F1+F2)/2 in the Formula Text dialog, then click OK.
  4. Click the OK button in the Set Values dialog box. You will see the results in the worksheet, and (F1+F2)/2 will display in the F(x)= column label row instead of the formula.

Setting Cell Values

Origin supports cell-level expressions similar to those used by spreadsheet programs. Cell-level expressions which return a single value (numeric, string or date/time) can be entered into any worksheet data cell or into cells in a User-Defined Parameter row of the column label row area. When Edit Mode (Edit: Edit Mode) is toggled on, cell formulas display. When Edit Mode is toggled off, the formula result is displayed. Cell content can be edited regardless of Edit Mode state.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  • To use cell formulas, Spreadsheet Cell Notation must be enabled (it is by default).
  • Cell formulas begin with an equal sign (e.g. =B1 - C1).
  • Cell formulas can return a numeric, a string or a date-time value.
  • Cell formulas can incorporate cell references, variables, operators, LabTalk-supported functions and constants.
  • Cell formulas can reference values in other sheets or books.
  • Cell formulas can be extended to other cells by dragging with your mouse.

To learn more, see Using a Formula to Set Cell Values.

The Formula Bar

When creating cell formulas, or column formulas using F(x)=, the Formula Bar makes it easier to find and insert functions, select cell ranges and view and edit expressions, particularly long expressions that exceed cell width.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

To enter an expression into a cell (data cell or F(x)=), click on the cell, then:

  1. Enter an "=" and type your expression; or click the
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    button to open the Search and Insert Functions dialog.
  2. Search for the desired function then double-click on it to insert it into your Formula Bar expression.
  3. Interactively select your data range going to the worksheet and (a) clicking on a column heading or (b) dragging to select a range of cells.
  4. When your expression is complete, click the
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    button or press Enter.

Set Cell Values Tutorials

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Tutorial 2: Quickly finding maximum values in multiple columns of data using special keyword "This"

The only place where you can use cell formulas in the worksheet column label rows (worksheet header rows), is in a User Parameter row.

  1. Create a new workbook and then choose Data: Import From File: Single ASCII and import the file \Samples\Import and Export\S15-125-03.dat.
  2. With your mouse, hover just to the left of the F(X)= row label and when the pointer becomes an arrow, right-click and Add User Parameters.
  3. In the dialog box that opens, enter "MaxValue" and click OK.
  4. In column A(X), in the MaxValue cell, enter:
  5. Click outside the cell and cell should now display "10".
  6. Click back on this cell, then grab the selection handle in the lower right corner of the cell and drag to the right to extend the cell formula to MaxValue cells in columns B(Y), C(Y) and D(Y). All MaxValue cells should now display the maximum values in their respective columns.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Tutorial 3: Use a column label row value in a cell calculation

All data in the worksheet column label rows, including User Parameter rows, is stored as string data. To use a "number" stored in a column label row in a cell calculation, you must convert the string to a numeric value. In the following example, we use the LabTalk value() function to convert column label row data to a numeric so that it can be used in a cell calculation:

  1. Create a new workbook and then choose Data: Import From File: Single ASCII and import the file \Samples\Import and Export\S15-125-03.dat.
  2. With your mouse, hover just to the left of the F(X)= row label and when the pointer becomes an arrow, right-click and Add User Parameters.
  3. In the dialog box that opens, enter "Correction" and click OK.
  4. In column D, enter the value "0.2" into the Correction cell.
  5. Click the Add New Columns button
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
    to add column E.
  6. In cell E1, enter:
  7. Press ENTER. This converts the Correction value to a numeric and adds the numeric to the value in cell D1. The cell should display 101.9.

NOTE: The "$" in the above expression does not function to create an absolute cell reference as in the first example above. In this context, the "$" syntax is used to express a string variable stored in a user-parameter cell, before converting that string to a numeric value.

Naming Data Ranges

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Origin 2022b adds support for named ranges to column label rows. Use, for example, to incorporate a label row parameter value in your Set Column Values calculations.

You can assign a name to a worksheet data range and use the name in cell formulas or column formulas and to define Reference Lines in graphs.

To create a named range:

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  1. Highlight a cell or a range of cells and choose Data: Define Name.
  2. In the New Name dialog box, enter a Name for the selected (Refers to) range.
  3. Assign a Scope to your named range.
  4. Optionally: if you wish to use the named range to return interpolated values, enable Define as Function and/or add a Comment.

To manage named ranges:

  1. With the worksheet active, choose Data: Name Manager.
  2. Use the dialog to modify name, scope, range and comments.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Beginning with Origin 2022b, you can use a small dialog to remove formulas and links from the current selection, the active sheet, the active book or the entire project. This converts formulas and links to raw numbers.

Removing formulas and links can make it easier to share project data with colleagues without having to share such things as externally-linked (DDE) Excel files; or to significantly reduce project size before archiving data.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Things you can convert to raw numbers:

  • Cell formulas
  • Column formulas
  • Linked cell values (e.g. values copied a report sheet and paste-linked to other worksheet cells in the project).
  • DDE links (e.g. paste-linked values from an external Excel sheet).

Cell Notes

Any worksheet cell -- data row or column label row -- can contain a cell note; even those that contain data or other objects such as images or embedded graphs.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

For Origin 2022b, worksheet cell Notes get Rich Text support, meaning you can now style text using Origin. In addition, you can add images and graphs, and link to worksheet cell values, report table values, etc. See Notes Windows for Reporting.

  1. To add a Note, select the worksheet cell and click the Mini Toolbar Add Note button .
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  2. Enter your text. If adding more than brief, simple text, click the Mini Toolbar Open in Notes Window button. Rich Text is enabled by default.
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  3. While editing cell notes, use Format toolbar buttons (a) to format your text. To see your note in "Render" mode (b), press CTRL + M (Notes: Render Mode). To insert the finished Note into the worksheet cell, click the Close button (c).
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
  4. The reinserted Note can be see by hovering on the worksheet cell.
    Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

For text that is not assigned a paragraph style (see next section), you can use the Font Size control on the Format toolbar, to control text size. Font Size can be set for each window but all Notes windows must share a common Font (e.g. Segoe UI).

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Origin 2022b supports "substituting" cell Notes in graph legend and text objects using @WN (e.g. %(1, @WN, B, 3) for Note in col(B), 3rd cell of 1st plot's source worksheet).

Text Styles Manager

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

In addition to styling text with the Format toolbar, you can apply a simple set of styles to each line/paragraph. Manage styles with the Text Styles Manager dialog box.

  1. With a worksheet active, choose Tools: Text Styles Manager.
  2. Select a Style to Modify and Apply or Close.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Note that you can add styles by selecting <new> from the Styles to Modify drop-down list; or select a style and Delete.

To apply a paragraph style to Notes window text:

  1. Open the cell note in a Notes window.
  2. With Render Mode off (CTRL + M, to toggle), click on a line of text then right-click, choose Paragraph Styles and choose a style from the popup menu.
  3. To check results, press CTRL + M (Render Mode).

Processing Worksheet Data

Origin provides a number of utilities for manipulating worksheet data. Most of these are found on the Worksheet menu while some are on the Edit, Column or Analysis menus (note that a worksheet must be active). Some utilities are available from a shortcut menu: select your data and right-click.

Utility Menu Access
  • Sorting Data

Worksheet: Sort Range
Worksheet: Sort Columns
Worksheet: Sort Worksheet
Worksheet: Sort Columns by Label

  • Find
  • Replace
  • Go To (sheet row/column)

Edit: Find in Project Edit: Find in Sheets

Edit: Replace

Edit: Go To

  • Hide Column
  • Hide Rows

Column: Hide/Unhide Columns

Hide/Unhide Rows (shortcut menu only)

  • Move Columns
  • Swap Columns

Column: Move Columns or Column toolbar.

Column: Swap Columns

  • Query Worksheet Data

Worksheet: Worksheet Query

  • Copy Columns to (new locations)

Worksheet: Copy Columns to

  • Append Worksheet

Worksheet: Append Worksheet

  • Join Worksheets

Worksheet: Join Worksheets by Column
Worksheet: Join Worksheets by Label

  • Split Columns
  • Split Worksheet
  • Split Workbooks
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Split Worksheets by numeric column(s) adds user-specified Tolerance

Worksheet: Split Columns

Worksheet: Split Worksheet

Worksheet: Split Workbooks

Split Cell Strings to Multiple Columns

No menu access. To open the dialog box:

  1. Click Window: Script Window.
  2. At the cursor, type text2cols -d and press Enter.

For more information, see this link

  • Stack Multiple Columns into One with Grouping
  • Unstack Grouped Data into Multiple Columns
  • Stack Columns Common to Multiple Sheets by Label

Worksheet: Stack Columns

Worksheet: Unstack Columns

Worksheet: Stack Worksheets

  • Summarize Data with Pivot Table

Worksheet: Pivot Table

  • Filter data by defining conditions on one or more columns

Column: Filter menu, or Worksheet Data toolbar

See Also: Data Masking

  • Data Reduction

Worksheet: Remove/Combine Duplicated Rows
Worksheet: Reduce Columns
Worksheet: Reduce Rows
Analysis: Data Manipulation: Reduce Duplicate X Data
Analysis: Data Manipulation: Reduce by Group
Analysis: Data Manipulation: Reduce to Evenly Spaced X

  • Worksheet Transpose

Worksheet: Transpose

  • Convert Worksheet Data

Convert to XYZ Convert to Matrix

  • Apply Conditional Formatting to Worksheet Cells

Worksheet: Conditional Formatting: Highlight
Worksheet: Conditional Formatting: Heatmap
Worksheet: Conditional Formatting: Duplicates

  • Reverse Order

Column: Reverse Order

Conditional Formatting of Worksheet Data

In addition to the above worksheet data utilities, the Origin worksheet supports Conditional Formatting. Conditional Formatting has three modes:

  • Highlight mode opens a dialog box with controls to apply color to worksheet cells based on one or more conditions (e.g. "equal to", "not equal to", "text that contains", etc).
  • Duplicates mode opens a dialog box with controls to apply to worksheet cells that contain duplicate values.
  • Heat Map mode opens a dialog box with controls to apply a color map to cells based on worksheet values. The worksheet Heat Map is zoomable and scrollable, making it easy to get a "big picture" overview of data variation in three dimensions.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Manage conditional formatting in the active sheet using the Conditional Format Manager.

Workbooks for Analysis and Reporting

Apart from text and numeric data, the workbook can contain various other types of information -- images, graphs, notes and matrices; links to cell values in other books, project variables, documents or web pages; plus, import file metadata, variables and scripts -- making the workbook a flexible medium for collecting research data or for creating custom reports.

Further, as we will see, the workbook can "store" a complex sequence of analysis operations -- for instance, the application of a data filter, plus a fitting operation on the filtered data, combined with a customized plot of the results -- into something that we call an Analysis Template. The Analysis Template makes it possible to automatically generate a custom report of results, simply by supplying new input data.

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

One attractive option for generating reports (there are others -- see the tip at the bottom of this section) is to export data to a custom MS Word template, and optionally, a PDF file. This is done by running an output-generating analysis in Origin, then associating key results with bookmarks in a Word template, and, finally, saving the workbook as an Analysis Template. To generate your report, you open the Batch Processing tool, point to both your Analysis Template and your Word template, run the batch process and generate your reports.

  • For information on generating custom reports using an MS Word Template, see the tutorial Batch Processing with Word Template for Reporting.
  • For information on batch analysis and generating custom reports, see the Batch Analysis section of the "How to Handle Repetitive Tasks" chapter of this Guide.
Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Your notice that a worksheet displays columns A B C E F and G what happened to column D

Another option for generating reports is to create HTML reports using Origin's Notes window. A Notes window can link to graphs, worksheet cells, etc., either directly or using a placeholder sheet. For more information, see HTML Reports from Notes Windows.

Topics for Further Reading

  • The User Files Folder
  • Origin Template Files
  • What is Saved with the Workbook Template?
  • The New Workbook Dialog
  • Arranging the Worksheet
  • Displaying Supporting Data in the Worksheet Header Rows
  • Controlling How Numeric Data Display
  • Dates and Times in the Worksheet
  • Generating Simple Worksheet Datasets
  • Column Short Name Restriction
  • Using Formulae to Set or Transform Worksheet Column Values
  • Using a Formula to Set Cell Values
  • Simple Manipulation of Worksheet Datasets
  • Inserting Graphs, Images and other Objects into Worksheet Cells
  • Inserting Links into Worksheet Cells
  • Inserting Variables into Worksheets
  • Conditional Formatting of Worksheet Cells
  • Analysis Report Sheets and Columns

What happens if you double click the right side of a columns header?

What happens if you double-click the right side of a column's header? The column width adjusts to fit the largest entry in that column.

When moving data from one cell to another in order to maintain the formula of the original cell you must?

The one thing to watch for is that the cell references used in the formula are still what you want after you move. Select the cell that contains the formula you want to move. Click Home > Cut (or press Ctrl + X). Select the cell you want the formula to be in, and then click Paste (or press Ctrl + V).

What is the maximum number of worksheets that can be undeleted using the undo command in Excel?

The maximum number of undo actions you can perform by default is 100. Windows users can adjust the limit to a smaller number by tweaking the Windows Registry.

What is a cell in Excel quizlet?

Terms in this set (13) cell. A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell can contain a label, a numeric value, or a formula. row. Rows are the horizontal divisions of a worksheet that are identified by numbers.