Should individuals or governments be responsible for making peoples lifestyle healthy?

]Many people think it's the government's responsibility to ensure a country has a healthy lifestyle. Others believe it's up to individuals to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Discuss and state your opinion. Include relevant examples from your country.

I wrote this essay to prepare for my Ielts test. Please check it for me.thanks for your help.

Today, as society is developing more and more, living standard are better and better, a good lifestyle plays a vital role in modern life. Some people argue that making a healthy lifestyle is a responsibility of government while others think individual should care about this for themselves.

A healthy lifestyle is defined as a fresh environment, a good infrastructure that have a numerous of parks, zoos and enjoyable places, a fundamental medical services and strong economic. All of these things need the hand of government and also government can make them better. Thus, bringing a healthy lifestyle is a responsibility of government. It is highly likely that people have a healthy lifestyle with the help of government power. The most significant proof of this is people obtain awareness on protecting environment due to the legislation; edifices were built to server the demand of people, parks or other entertainment help people relax and reduce stress.

However, not only government but also individual should be taken responsibility for making a healthy lifestyle. It will be no sense if fresh environment or beautiful places like parks that are made by the best of government are destroyed by human activities. Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle is made if each person is respectful with all good service such as medical programs, education from government. They probably encourage but can not decide instead of their citizen for preserving a healthy lifestyle.

All in all, in my way of thinking, making a healthy lifestyle is responsibility of both government and individual. A healthy lifestyle can not be made without either government or each citizen.

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This model diet and health essay examines the extent to which individuals or governments should be responsible for health.

Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

IELTS essays are usually about current topics of controversy, and the declining health of many nations is certainly of concern to many countries at the present time.

This essay asks you to examine both sides of an issue and to give your opinion.

This means that you must look at both the arguments that are presented.

In this case, these are:

1. It is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet.

2. Governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

You must of course also give your opinion.

IELTS Diet and Health Essay

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Diet and Health Essay Model Answer

An increasing concern for many governments around the world is the declining health of their citizens due to a poor diet. While some people believe governments should be responsible for improving the health of their nation, others believe it is up to the individual. This essay will examine both sides of the argument.

There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health. The argument to support this is the fact that adults have free will and make their own choices about what they eat and the exercise that they do. Children are also becoming less healthy. However, their parents are the ones who provide their evening meals so it is their responsibility to ensure these meals are nutritious and encourage them to avoid junk food and sugary snacks during the day.

Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state. People these days often have little choice but to depend on fast food or ready meals that are high in sugar, salt and fat due to the pressures of work. Governments could regulate the ingredients of such food. Some governments also spend huge amounts of tax money on treating health problems of their citizens in hospitals. It would be logical to spend this on preventative measures such as campaigns to encourage exercise and a good diet.

Having considered both sides of the issue, I would argue that although individuals must take ultimate responsibility for what they eat, governments also have a role to play as only they can regulate the food supply, which openly encourages a poor diet. It is only through this combination that we can improve people’s health.

(282 Words)


The IELTS diet and health essay has a number of good points which would means it would score highly in the test.

The introduction clearly introduces the topic and sets out both sides of the issue. There is then a clear thesis statement to explain what the essay will do:

This essay will examine both sides of the argument.

Coherence and cohesion are evident from the topic sentences which make the subject of each paragraph very clear:

There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health.

Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state.

Transitional phrases and words also guide the reader through the essay. For example:

The argument to support this is...

Children are also becoming less healthy.

However, their parents...

Despite these arguments, there is also...

Some governments also spend...

Having considered both sides of the issue,

The conclusion summarises the writers opinion very clearly. It is always important to make it very clear what your opinion is if it is an opinion essay (you could put your opinion in the introduction too if you wish).

The grammar and vocabulary are appropriate, with a mix of complex sentences and topic related vocabulary.

The content of the essay is also appropriate. It clearly addresses both opinions and provides a number of points to support each argument. The ideas are clearly explained and will not cause any misunderstanding for someone reading the essay.

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Should individuals or government be responsible for making people's lifestyle healthy?

In conclusion, maintaining a better lifestyle depends on the individuals. Refraining from deleterious practices is the best way to remain healthy. The author has detailed out both the viewpoints i.e. govt initiative vs individual initiative. The word count is 273 i.e. a little more than 270 words.

Should individuals be responsible for their own health?

Although individuals should play an important role in maintaining their own health, they should not be held entirely responsible for it. Assuming that responsibility for health rests either with individuals or with society, it follows that society should also help to promote health and prevent disease.

Why should the government promote a healthy lifestyle?

Worldwide, poor lifestyle behaviors, including obesity, physical inactivity, and low diet quality, are creating an unstainable burden of chronic disease with disparities across geography, race, income, education, and sex.

Is it responsibility of government to take care of health?

Each individual has a personal responsibility to maintain her own health, but the maintenance of the healthcare system is a government responsibility.