On average, organizations annually spend about _____ per employee on training.

1. ____ as the off-the-job training technique does not allow for the important feedback from trainees.
Case Studying
Vestibule Training
None of the above
2. ____ as the off-the-job training technique does not involve any trainer.
Computer Assisted Instruction
Vestibule Training
None of the above
3. ____ as the off-the-job training technique offers trainees to increase their conflict-resolution skills.
Case Studying
Sensitivity Training
None of the above
4. Evaluation of training and training process should be carried
Before each training programme
Immediately after completion of programme
None of the above
5. Organizations are reluctant to invest in training as benefits of training are
Not tangible
None of the above
6. Many organizations make a mistake of concentrating training for
Employees at all levels
None of the above
7. Poaching of trained employees is a major ______ training and development.
Reason for
Benefit of
Barrier to
None of the above
8. Trainees’ ability to retain learning is ______ when the element of fun is introduced in training.
Very low
Far higher
None of the above
9. Training and development refers to the imparting of specific ____, abilities and knowledge to an employee.
None of the above
10. After assessing training needs the next stage is to
Implement the training programme
Derive training objectives
Design a training programme
None of the above
11. Training needs arise at ________ level if there is a change in the organization’s strategy.
An individual
A group
None of the above
12. Trainers for the programme are selected on the basis of ___ have to be taught.
Trainees who
Skills that
Methods which
None of the above
13. The training programme has to evaluated against training
None of the above
14. _____, internship, apprenticeship, coaching and job rotation are some of the examples of on-the-job training.
Job instruction
Job description
Job gradation
None of the above
15. _____ is a common training method suitable for management trainees.
Job instruction
Job rotation
None of the above


What is the definition for training quizlet?

Training. - Process of developing skills in order to perform a specific job or task more efficiently.

Which training technique is most widely used by organizations?

Instructor-led training Classroom-style training is the most traditional and popular training method for employees. This method mimics other classrooms in that an instructor prepares and leads the experience, usually using a lecture-style presentation with a visual component.

Which of the following is a benefit of employee training quizlet?

Training and development can increase employee commitment and improve organizational perceptions of work, resulting in less turnover and absenteeism.

What is the most commonly used method of training quizlet?

The most commonly used method of training is on-the-job-training where the employee learns the job by doing. Classroom training includes lecture presentations, interactive case studies and team-based training.