Job description information benefits hr management in all of the following ways except ________.

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    Terms in this set (73)

    Avid Technology, Inc. was recently included on Fortune's list of 100 best companies. Which HR function will most significantly be affected by this achievement?

    A) performance appraisal
    B) safety and health
    C) recruitment
    D) research

    C) recruitment

    As an HR manager in charge of staffing for a restaurant chain, John is most likely NOT responsible for ________.

    A) training
    B) job analysis
    C) recruitment
    D) selection

    A) training

    Which of the following terms refers to a goal-oriented process that is directed toward ensuring that organizational processes are in place to maximize the productivity of employees, teams, and the organization?

    A) team strategic management
    B) performance management
    C) organization development
    D) career development

    B) performance management

    What human resource management task involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents?

    A) accident prevention
    B) injury analysis
    C) job analysis
    D) safety

    D) safety

    Jenny works in the HR department of Southwest Airlines, and she specializes in industrial relations. In which of the following activities would Jenny most likely participate?

    A) outsourcing tasks
    B) testing job candidates
    C) handling collective bargaining
    D) monitoring employee safety issues

    C) handling collective bargaining

    The minimum standards of ethical behavior in a firm are based on ________, while higher standards are established by ________.

    A) corporate policies; human resources
    B) co-workers; mission statements
    C) organizational culture; laws
    D) laws; corporate leadership

    C) organizational culture; laws

    True or False:

    Surveys indicate that 25% of investors would move their account if they discovered the company was involved in unethical behavior.


    A major source of ethical guidance is the behavior and advice of people that psychologists call ________.

    A) internal monitors
    B) third-party respondents
    C) disinterested parties
    D) significant others

    D) significant others

    True or False:

    Sources of ethical guidance exclude laws because laws are mandated by the government and not personal beliefs and values.


    Companies are concerned about the whistleblower part of the Dodd-Frank Act for all of the following reasons except that informants might ________.

    A) skip internal channels and go straight to government authorities
    B) use the whistleblower provision to settle other grievances with their companies
    C) overload internal compliance channels and thus hinder internal compliance efforts
    D) All of the above

    C) overload internal compliance channels and thus hinder internal compliance efforts

    Which law was passed to redress accounting and financial reporting abuses in light of corporate scandals?

    A) Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
    B) Procurement Integrity Act
    C) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
    D) Federal Contract Protection Act

    C) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    Which law contains broad employee whistle-blower protections against firms and managers that retaliate or harass employees who report suspected corporate wrongdoing?

    A) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
    B) Procurement Integrity Act
    C) Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
    D) Federal Contract Protection Act

    A) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    15) Erica, an accountant, notices suspicious accounting practices at the firm where she is employed. She wants to report the unethical behavior to authorities but is worried that she might be harassed or demoted as a result. Which law was passed to protect Erica in this situation?

    A) Federal Contract Protection Act
    B) Procurement Integrity Act
    C) Taft-Hartley Act
    D) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    D) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    John provides information to the SEC about conduct by his employer that he believes constitutes securities fraud. Which law most likely protects John from being demoted for his actions?

    A) Federal Contract Protection Act
    B) Procurement Integrity Act
    C) Sarbanes-Oxley Act
    D) Taft-Hartley Act

    C) Sarbanes-Oxley Act

    Harvey Electronics has used a number of methods to create an ethical culture that both employees and customers appreciate. What is the most effective way for the firm to sustain its ethical culture?

    A) asking job candidates ethical questions
    B) implementing an ethics audit regularly
    C) publishing the firm's code of ethics periodically
    D) ensuring that new employees receive ethics training

    B) implementing an ethics audit regularly

    True or False:

    The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed in response to reports of out-of-control military spending.


    Lincoln Enterprises recently fired two employees who were caught stealing tools from the firm's warehouse. As a result, the CEO of Lincoln wants to strengthen the firm's ethical culture and prevent future violations by redesigning the firm's ethics program. Which of the following questions is LEAST relevant when developing Lincoln's new ethics program?

    A) What behavior is expected of Lincoln employees?
    B) What is the opinion of stakeholders regarding Lincoln's ethics?
    C) How are ethical situations communicated and resolved at Lincoln?
    D) What is the process for Lincoln establishing a corporate giving program?

    D) What is the process for Lincoln establishing a corporate giving program?

    Vision Technologies wants to gain the confidence of employees and customers by developing a strong ethical culture. Which of the following methods would be the best way for the firm's HR department to accomplish this goal?

    A) placing the code of ethics on the firm's intranet
    B) posting the code of ethics in the breakroom
    C) providing ethics training to employees
    D) having employees sign ethics contracts

    C) providing ethics training to employees

    Angie, an HR manager, has been given the task of strengthening the ethical culture at her firm. Which of the following activities would be most beneficial?

    A) e-mailing ethics codes to all employees
    B) posting ethics code posters in the hallways
    C) writing a memo about ethics to top executives
    D) discussing ethics during performance appraisals

    D) discussing ethics during performance appraisals

    Lincoln Enterprises recently fired two employees who were caught stealing tools from the firm's warehouse. As a result, the CEO of Lincoln wants to strengthen the firm's ethical culture and prevent future violations by requiring employees to participate in ethics training programs. Which of the following most likely undermines the CEO's idea?

    A) Middle managers at Lincoln regularly receive reports of questionable employee behavior.
    B) Since Lincoln Enterprises is a global firm, the training program would need to be translated.
    C) Senior managers at Lincoln indicate that valuable work time would be lost with a training program.
    D) Competitors of Lincoln Enterprises provide regular ethics training programs to managers and employees.

    C) Senior managers at Lincoln indicate that valuable work time would be lost with a training program.

    President Obama decided that the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act that bars federal recognition of same sex marriages ________.

    A) was constitutional
    B) was immune from constitutional questions
    C) was unconstitutional
    D) was neutral from a constitutional point of view

    C) was unconstitutional

    In 2012, President Obama repealed the ________ barring the military from allowing gays to serve openly.

    A) "live and let live" rule
    B) "know nothing, speak nothing" rule
    C) "don't ask, don't tell" rule
    D) "can do, no can do" rule

    C) "don't ask, don't tell" rule

    In today's workplace, the definition of diversity is ________.

    A) focused on affirmative action
    B) constantly changing and expanding
    C) understood by everyone in the workplace
    D) all about equal employment opportunity

    B) constantly changing and expanding

    Managers at Quick Communications have noticed that the firm frequently loses talented female employees after they have children. Which of the following would most likely help the firm retain these female employees?

    A) offering job rotation opportunities
    B) expanding healthcare benefits
    C) offering flexible schedules
    D) emphasizing diversity

    C) offering flexible schedules

    Which of the following is an example of an employer de-skilling a job to make it possible for lower-skilled workers to enter the workforce?

    A) Burger King paying above the minimum wage
    B) Walmart offering succession training programs
    C) McDonald's using pictures on cash register keys
    D) Target hiring seasonal employees at its warehouses

    C) McDonald's using pictures on cash register keys

    What is the LEAST likely reason that the trend in layoffs involves retaining older workers rather than younger workers?

    A) Older workers are less expensive for firms to employ.
    B) Federal laws protect older workers from discrimination.
    C) Older workers serve as role models for younger workers.
    D) The customer service skills of older workers are desired by firms.

    A) Older workers are less expensive for firms to employ.

    The Equal Pay Act permits pay distinctions to be made based on certain factors. Which of the following is NOT one of those factors?

    A) gender
    B) merit system
    C) seniority system
    D) production quality

    A) gender

    You are an HR manager with a large manufacturing firm. Yesterday, you heard one of your recruiters ask an applicant the following question: "What is your religion?" Would this be an employment standard to avoid? If this is an employment standard to avoid, what law or court decision is it based upon?

    A) No, it is an acceptable question.
    B) Yes, Phillips v Martin Marietta Corporation
    C) Yes, Griggs v Duke Power Company
    D) Yes, Civil Rights Act of 1964

    D) Yes, Civil Rights Act of 1964

    You are a human resource manager with a large manufacturing firm. Yesterday you heard one of your recruiters ask an applicant the following question: "How old are you?" Would this be an employment standard to avoid? If this is an employment standard to avoid, what law or court decision is it based on?

    A) No, it is an acceptable question.
    B) Yes, Age Discrimination in Employment Act
    C) Yes, Civil Rights Act of 1991
    D) Yes, American with Disabilities Act

    B) Yes, Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    The Age Discrimination Act differs from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in that it ________.

    A) provides for a trial by jury
    B) does not cover exempt employees
    C) is administered by the EEOC
    D) does not pertain to employment agencies

    A) provides for a trial by jury

    All of the following are provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 EXCEPT ________.

    A) employers that hire illegal aliens could face criminal charges
    B) illegal aliens denied employment visas for at least 180 days
    C) illegal aliens denied federally funded welfare benefits
    D) employment eligibility must be verified

    B) illegal aliens denied employment visas for at least 180 days

    All of the following were changes that resulted from the ADAAA being enacted in 2008 EXCEPT ________.

    A) expanding the definition of "disability"
    B) eliminating the "substantially limited" requirement
    C) minimizing protections for current illegal drug users
    D) defining and expanding the term "major life activities"

    C) minimizing protections for current illegal drug users

    Which act codified the concepts of business necessity and job related?

    A) Immigration Act of 1990
    B) Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    C) Civil Rights Act of 1978
    D) Civil Rights Act of 1991

    D) Civil Rights Act of 1991

    When EEOC regulations conflict with state or local civil rights regulations, which will be followed?

    A) federal laws
    B) state laws
    C) local laws
    D) the law that favors women and minorities

    D) the law that favors women and minorities

    You are a human resource manager with a large manufacturing firm. Yesterday, you heard one of your recruiters ask an applicant the following question: "Have you ever had your wages garnished?" Would this be an employment standard to avoid? If this is an employment standard to avoid, what law or court decision is it based on?

    A) No, Firefighters Local Union 1984 v Carl W. Stotts
    B) Yes, Phillips v Martin Marietta Corporation
    C) Yes, Griggs v Duke Power Company
    D) Yes, Dothard v Rawlingson

    C) Yes, Griggs v Duke Power Company

    Which Supreme Court decision upheld that any test used in the selection process must be validated if it is found its use has had an adverse impact on women and minorities?

    A) Phillips v Martin Marietta Corporation
    B) Albemarle Paper Company v Moody
    C) Espinoza v Farah Manufacturing Company
    D) Weber v Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation

    B) Albemarle Paper Company v Moody`

    You are a human resource manager with a large manufacturing firm. Yesterday, you heard one of your recruiters ask an applicant the following question: "What is your citizenship?" Would this be an employment standard to avoid? If this is an employment standard to avoid, what law or court decision is it based on?

    A) No, Espinoza v Farah Manufacturing Company
    B) Yes, Phillips v Martin Marietta Corporation
    C) Yes, Griggs v Duke Power Company
    D) No, Dothard v Rawlingson

    A) No, Espinoza v Farah Manufacturing Company

    Which of the following cases involved reverse discrimination?

    A) University of California Regents v Bakke
    B) Espinoza v Farah Manufacturing Company
    C) Weber v Kaiser Aluminum Corporation
    D) Albemarle Paper Company v Moody

    A) University of California Regents v Bakke

    All of the following selection procedures are most likely discriminatory with regard to national origin EXCEPT denying employment based upon ________.

    A) fluency in English
    B) foreign training
    C) foreign education
    D) job knowledge

    D) job knowledge

    Kelly, an HR manager, has a male employee whose religious practices do not permit him to pay union dues. Which of the following should Kelly most likely ask the employee to do instead of paying union dues?

    A) work extra hours
    B) give his personal days to a co-worker
    C) donate an equivalent amount of money to a charity
    D) give an equivalent amount of money to his church or synagogue

    C) donate an equivalent amount of money to a charity

    True or False:

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission administers the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


    True or False:

    The Pregnancy Discrimination Act prohibits discrimination in employment based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.


    True or False:

    In 1971, the Court ruled that Martin Marietta had discriminated against a woman because she had young children, which implied that firms cannot impose employment standards only on women.


    True or False:

    In the University of California Regents v Bakke case, the Supreme Court ruled that Alabama's statutory minimum height requirement of five feet two inches and minimum weight requirement of 120 pounds for the position of correctional counselor had a discriminatory impact on women applicants.


    True or False:

    Adverse impact occurs if women and minorities are not hired at the rate of at least 80 percent of the best-achieving group.


    True or False:

    According to the Uniform Guidelines on Sexual Harassment, employers are only liable for the sexual harassment acts of their managers when they have knowledge of the sexual harassment taking place.


    True or False:

    According to the Supreme Court's decision in TWA v Hardison, employers have an obligation to accommodate sincerely held religious practices.


    Which of the following is NOT a time when job analysis is performed?

    A) when new jobs are created
    B) when an organization is founded
    C) when jobs are changed significantly
    D) when an organization faces a downturn

    D) when an organization faces a downturn

    Two fundamental business strategies are ________.

    A) lowest cost and highest quality
    B) differentiation and turnaround
    C) lowest cost and differentiation
    D) lowest cost and turnaround

    C) lowest cost and differentiation

    Which is a true statement about price premiums for differentiated products?

    A) consumers are relatively insensitive to premium prices
    B) consumers are highly sensitive to price premiums
    C) consumers are ambivalent to price premiums
    D) none of the above

    A) consumers are relatively insensitive to premium prices

    The owners of a start-up company are in the process of developing a corporate mission statement. Which of the following questions is LEAST likely to help them create an effective mission statement?

    A) Should we emphasize financial stability to employees?
    B) What are the greatest threats to the success of the firm?
    C) Should we maximize profit and shareholders' dividends?
    D) What is upper management attempting to accomplish?

    B) What are the greatest threats to the success of the firm?

    Which of the following should most likely be accomplished before setting an objective?

    A) cost benefit analysis of every alternative
    B) SWOT analysis of all competitors
    C) performance analysis of each employee
    D) job analysis for each position

    B) SWOT analysis of all competitors

    What is the primary reason for implementing human resource planning on a continuous basis?

    A) employing temporary workers
    B) changing business environments
    C) selling goods to overseas customers
    D) recruiting workers on Internet job sites

    B) changing business environments

    True or False:

    Innovative recruiting, compensation incentives, and training programs are used by firms when a surplus of employees is forecasted.


    True or False:

    Encouraging workers to use their vacation time, offering early retirement packages, and increasing the use of contingent workers are commonly used alternatives to layoffs.


    Jessie, an HR specialist, has been assigned the task of performing a job analysis for a new position created at the firm. Which of the following questions is LEAST relevant to the job analysis that Jessie will conduct?

    A) Where is the job to be accomplished?
    B) What qualifications are needed to perform the job?
    C) When is the job to be completed?
    D) What is the national hourly rate for this job?

    D) What is the national hourly rate for this job?

    Job description information benefits HR management in all of the following ways EXCEPT ________.

    A) supporting the legality of employment practices
    B) specifying safety and health issues
    C) mandating staffing diversity
    D) identifying training needs

    C) mandating staffing diversity

    All of the following EXCEPT ________ are included in job specifications.

    A) knowledge
    B) skills
    C) responsibilities
    D) abilities

    A) knowledge

    Monica is an HR manager who needs to conduct a job analysis quickly and economically. Which method should Monica use?

    A) questionnaire
    B) observation
    C) interview
    D) employee recording

    A) questionnaire

    True or False:

    The observation method is primarily used to gather information when mental skills play a dominant role in a job.


    The ABC Company requires all maintenance supervisors to have a high school diploma, but the firm has never conducted a job analysis for the position to ensure that the standard is essential to performing the job. As a result, the ABC Company is most vulnerable to ________.

    A) labor union strikes
    B) criminal investigations
    C) discrimination lawsuits
    D) OSHA fines

    C) discrimination lawsuits

    Under which Act are employers required to make reasonable accommodations for workers with disabilities who are able to perform the essential functions of a job?

    A) Americans with Disabilities Act
    B) Fair Labor Standards Act
    C) Occupational Safety and Health Act
    D) Civil Rights Act

    A) Americans with Disabilities Act

    True or False:

    According to the Equal Pay Act, exempt workers must be paid time and a half when they work more than 40 hours per week.


    As an HR specialist at a large auto manufacturer, you have noticed that many of the technicians employed by your firm are bored with their jobs, not meeting performance goals, and frequently absent. Which of the following would most likely resolve some of these problems among technicians?

    A) implementing a job rotation program
    B) conducting a new job analysis
    C) initiating a hiring freeze
    D) downsizing the firm

    A) implementing a job rotation program

    Reengineering stresses that work should be organized around ________.

    A) functional units as opposed to corporate titles
    B) inputs as opposed to results
    C) tasks or functions as opposed to outcomes
    D) outcomes as opposed to tasks or functions

    D) outcomes as opposed to tasks or functions

    True or False:

    Job design is the process of determining the specific tasks to be performed, the methods used in performing these tasks, and how the job relates to other work in the organization.


    True or False:

    Frederick Herzberg outlined five principles related to job enlargement.


    True or False:

    With job enrichment, employees should be given more authority over their work and provided with timely feedback on their performance.


    True or False:

    Job development involves increasing the number of tasks a worker performs, all of which are at the same level of responsibility.


    True or False:

    Job rotation (cross-training) moves employees from one job to another to broaden their experience.


    True or False:

    The primary purpose of reengineering is to implement incremental changes within an organization.


    Talent management does not include ________.

    A) building culture
    B) writing job descriptions
    C) taking business goals into consideration
    D) integrated talent acquisition

    B) writing job descriptions

    Which of the following is one of the greatest challenges to global talent management?

    A) an aging population
    B) language barriers
    C) a lack of strategic planning outside the United States
    D) uncertain economic conditions

    A) an aging polulation

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