Is the process by which a stimulus increases the chances that a preceding behavior will occur again?

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Is the process by which a stimulus increases the chances that a preceding behavior will occur again?


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When a stimulus increases the chances that a preceding behavior will be repeated this is known as quizlet?

Reinforcement. The process by which a stimulus increases the chances that the preceding behavior will occur again. Negative reinforcement. Reinforcers that increase the frequency of the behavior they follow when they are removed. Punishment.

What is a stimulus that increases the occurrence of a response?

A reinforcing stimulus is one that increases the occurrence of behaviors that it follows.

What is a stimulus that precedes a behavior?

Antecedents. --A stimulus or event that precedes the target behavior or operant response. --Are the stimuli,events, situations, or circumstances that are present when it occurs or were present immediately before the behavior.

What processes increase the chance of a certain behaviour occurring again?

Positive reinforcement is when the probability of a behaviour occurring again increases because the individual was provided a reinforcer or reward right after the behaviour occurred.