How does hyperspace alert you when an eligibility response has been received?

Patient shows his insurance card, he has a copay.
What steps are taken to update info in the system?
A. Select Edit Copay, enter details of copay in Coverage Level Copay table, click Accept.
B. Select Enterprise Pmt, enter details of copay in Copay due field, click Accept.
C. Select Enterprise Pmt, enter details of copay in Balance Paid field, click Accept.
D. Select Copay due field on the Copay form and enter details of the copay.
QuestionAnswer Which of the following holds the HB charges, payments, and adjustments for any given encounter? A. Guarantor account B. Coverage record C. HB HAR D. PB HAR E. Patient record HB HAR. True or False: HB and PB HARs share the same statuses throughout the revenue cycle. False True or False: All liability buckets are created when you initiate billing on the HB HAR. False. The Self -pay and Pre-billed buckets are created when the HB HAR is created. What happens to any HB HAR that qualifies for a DNB check? Choose all that apply. A. Initiate billing cannot be completed. B. Account remains in status of DNB C. Account status changes to Billed D. Account is routed to an account workqueue A,B,D True or False: HB HARs can contain transactions assigned to both Resolute Hospital Billing and Resolute Professional Billing. False. HB HARs contain only transactions that are assigned to Resolute Hospital Billing. Which parts of the revenue cycle are affected by Single Billing Office? Select all that apply. A. Registration B. Charge Capture C. Claims D. Insurance Follow-up E. Statements F. Customer Service G. Self-pay Follow-up E, F, G When you access Preadmission or Admission for a new patient who does not yet have any _________________ information on file, the New Patient Wizard launches. (Choose only ONE answer.) A) Guarantor B) Coverage C) Address D) Hospital account A) Guarantor True or False: You can use a name that is listed in the Aliases field to look up a patient. True Hyperspace automatically enters the corresponding city, state, country, and county fields based on the ZIP code you enter in the ______________________ field. (Choose only ONE answer.) A) Address B) City (or ZIP) C) ZIP D) Country B) City (or ZIP) Which one of the following addresses is used for appointment reminders? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) Patient B) Guarantor C) Subscriber D) Member A) Patient Which keyboard command allows you to see the list of choices available for a field with a selection list in Hyperspace? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) F7 B) F2 C) F5 D) F9 C) F5 True or False: When a letter in the title of a button is underlined you can select the button by holding down the ALT key and pressing the underlined letter. True The patient contact lives with the patient. Which one of the following options should you select to pull address information in to the patient contact fields? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) This patient B) Contact C) Another patient D) Guarantor A) This patient Which one of the following is responsible for any balance not covered by insurance? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) Patient B) Subscriber C) Guarantor D) Member C) Guarantor True or False: Each guarantor account can only have one guarantor. True True or False: One patient can only be linked to one guarantor account. False True or False: A guarantor account is a record that holds insurance information for a patient. False Which of the following statements are true about setting the Address link? field on the Guarantor Info form to "Yes"? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) It links the patient address to the guarantor address B) It links the guarantor address to the subscriber A) It links the patient address to the guarantor address True or False: Any balance not covered by insurance will be billed to the patient's subscriber. False Which of the following best describes the purpose of coverage records? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) They store information needed to send a bill for balances not covered by insurance. B) They store information about where to send claims. B) They store information about where to send claims. True or False: One coverage can have multiple subscribers. False How does Hyperspace alert you when a coverage eligibility response has been received? (Choose only ONE answer.) A) The Response Received button appears. B) The Create New Cov button blinks. C) "Response Received" appears on the Interactive Face sheet A) The Response Received button appears. True or False: Entering "Yes" in the Address link field on the Subscriber Info form links the subscriber address to the guarantor address. False The ________________ field describes the type of hospital stay and is a way of grouping patients for billing purposes. (Choose only ONE answer.) A) Guarantor account type B) Service C) Patient class D) Reason for visit C) Patient class Which about hosp accts are true? A) They integrate Grand Central with Resolute Hosp Billing. B) Hold all financial data for a hosp encounter. C) Determine which of the pt's guarantors get a bill for non-ins bal. D) Determine which cov to send claims A, B, C, D True or False: You can confirm a preadmission without creating a hospital account. False When you ________________ a hospital account, Hyperspace runs the record through checks to ensure that all of the necessary information has been entered. (Choose only ONE answer.) A) Verify B) Create C) Delete D) Add A) Verify Which of the following would be a reason for creating a recurring series HAR? A. Multiple guarantors should be assigned to the same encounter. B. A patient will have multiple appointments in a series spanning multiple months. B. A patient will have multiple appointments in a series spanning multiple months. Which of the following does visit type determine? Select all that apply. A. Appointment length B. Guarantor C. Admission date D. Appropriate providers A. Appointment length D. Appropriate providers True or False: An appointment in an HOD can be checked in before the HB HAR is assigned. False You are sched a series of 7 phys ther visits for Ben from the Make Appt window. How can you show that you want to create a recurring series of appts? A. Type "recurring" in the Appt. notes field B. Click the "Recur" checkbox B. Click the "Recur" checkbox What shortcut can you use in Charge Router Unit Charge Entry to access an encounter for entering charges? Select all that apply. a. csn.##### b. har.##### c. mrn.##### d. inv.##### A and b. You can use "csn." and the CSN (contact serial number) or "har." and the hospital account ID. True or False: You can enter the service date at the session level and the charge level in Charge Router Unit Charge Entry. True; if all charges in the session have the same service date, you can use the Encounter Details section to record the service date. On which tab can you override the CPT code for a procedure? Choose only one answer. a. Session Info b. Time & Date c. Summary d. Addl Charge Info d. Addl Charge Info To view an itemized list of hospital charges on an account what activity tab in account maintenance do you need to access? a. Acct Summary b. Status Summary c. Hosp TX Inquiry d. Liability Bucket c. Hosp TX Inquiry True or False: Deleting a charge session from a workqueue is the same as resubmitting the charge. False, it deletes the HTT record completely A charge impacts accts rec under which of the following conditions? All that apply. a. When it is in a Charge Router WQ b. When it is in a Hospital Billing Charge Review WQ c. When posted to the HB HAR as an HTT d. When posted to the HB HAR as an HTR d. When it is posted to the HB HAR as an HTR. Charges do not impact AR until they are permanent transactions. Any charge caught in a Charge Router Review or Charge Review workqueue is not yet posted to the HB HAR. To run a charge against the rules of the workqueue in Hyperspace which option would you select? a. Refresh b. Review c. Resubmit d. Force Resubmit c. Resubmit evaluates the charge against the rules of the workqueue again. True or False: If a charge review rule is configured as an error, a user can bypass the rule. False. Warnings can be bypassed, errors cannot. True/False: Application reports are used to report on large quantities of data and are run from a shadow server. False. Application reports are run in production. True or False: When uncombining accounts, all transactions will be automatically routed to the correct accounts based on the encounter date. False True/False: The dashboard cannot be customized to fit the needs of your organization. False. The dashboard components can be added and modified to fit your organization's needs. True or False: A DNB can be placed by a user or by the system. False. A DNB can only be placed by the system. Which revenue cycle processes will not take place if an account has a stop bill? Choose ALL answers that apply. A. Discharge B. Initiate Billing C. Claims Processing D. Statement Processing B. Initiate Billing C. Claims Processing D. Statement Processing Where do you generally access accounts with DNBs? Choose only ONE answer A. Account Workqueues B. Patient Station C. Claim Edit Workqueues D. Payment Posting A. Account Workqueues When can DNB checks evaluate accounts? Choose ALL answers that apply. A. Discharge B. Initiate Billing C. Claims Processing D. Statement Processing A. Discharge B. Initiate Billing True/False: You can override a DNB if it is an error. False. You can override a warning, but you must fix an error before moving forward What type of information is pulled from the source account to the target account? Choose ALL answers that apply. A. Account Notes B. Charges C. Payments D. Invoice Numbers E. Adjustments B, C, E True or False: The status of the target account becomes Combined. False, the status of the source account becomes Combined. From which account will a claim be generated? A. Source B. Target B True or False: Hospital accounts with claims that have claim edits are in a status of DNB or DNB (DNB Error). False. Claims processing happens after initiate billing is successful True or False: The Batch Scheduler checks claims for errors. False. The Batch Scheduler automates the entire claims process. The CDF contains claim edit checks. True or False: If there is a problem when the paper claims are printed automatically, there is no way to manually reprint them. False; highlight the run and click Print Forms. After claims printed, what should u do to verify the correct # of claims have been sent to the clearinghouse? all that apply A. Accept the claim run B. Compare the results of claim run Run rpt to the # of claims printed C. Compare the results of the c B. Compare the results of Claim Run report to the number of claims printed C. Compare the results of the Claim Run report to the receipt received from the clearinghouse True or False: After accepting a claim run, it is easy to reprint the claims if needed. False; once the run is accepted, it cannot be reprinted. What is the status of the insurance bucket after the claim has been accepted? Choose only ONE answer. A. Open B. Created C. DNB D. Billed E. Outstanding F. Closed E. Outstanding True or False: After fixing all claim edits and clicking Refresh Claim, the claim drops off a workqueue. False; Refresh Claim makes the error fall off the claim, Refresh Workqueue makes the claim drop off the workqueue. What tool provides step-by-step instructions for how to fix claim errors? A. Account Summary B. Claim Edit activity tab C. Claim Edit Workqueue Companion D. Go To > Registration E. CDF C What is the status of the insurance bucket when a claim is in a claim edit workqueue? A. Created B. Outstanding C. Closed D. Rejected A. Created What elements make a late charge situation? A. HAR status is Billed B. Pre-billed bucket is Closed C. There is a balance in the insurance bucket D. There are charges in the Pre-billed bucket A, C, D For a late charge situation to occur, what status must the HAR be in? A. Open B. DNB C. Closed D. Billed E. Created D. Late charges only exist on an account with a Billed status. You want to send a claim to the payor that includes the late charges and the original charges on one claim. Which option should you choose? A. Late charge claim B. Late replacement claim C. Late Charge Write-Off D. Late charge addition B You generate a late replacement claim for the payor. What happens to the associated ins bucket? A. Ins bucket status changes to Created B. Late charges are moved to the insbucket along with the original charges C. Ins bucket status changes to Outstandi A, B What tool in Resolute Hospital Billing is used to identify accounts with outstanding claims? A. Account workqueues B. Claim Edit workqueues C. Patient Station D. Outstanding Claims wizard A. Account workqueues True/False: With the correct security, a user has the ability to immediately produce a claim for an account without waiting for the normal claims processing run. True. You can print a claim immediately from the Bucket Action button for an insurance bucket by choosing Demand Claim. Which function removes an account from the active tab of the workqueue for a specific amount of time or days? A. Waiting Room B. No Response C. Tickler D. Demand Claim C. Tickler On which activity tab in Account Maintenance can you view notes already posted to the hospital account? A. Status Summary B. Tx Inquiry C. Liability Bucket Info D. Account History D. Account History True or False: You can process an unbalanced batch False - you can close, but not process, an unbalanced batch. What indicates that a particular pymt has an allowance discrepancy? Select all. A. A user must click the Discrepancy flag on the posting line. B. The line turns red. C. The paid amount changes to ####. D. There is no indication to the payment poster B. The line turns red in the Hospital Billing Payment Posting form When do payments in a batch affect an organization's AR? A. When you click New Check B. When the batch is closed C. When the batch is processed D. After Nightly Processing runs C. When the batch is processed Aetna has denied payment on an invoice. What part of the remittance advice explains why they denied payment? A. Invoice number B. Allowed amount C. Paid amount D. Reason/remit code E. Check control amount D. Reason/remit code You are posting an insurance payment and cannot find the correct invoice number in the system. Before posting to the clearing account, you want to search by patient name instead of number. What keyboard shortcut allows you to do this? A. .c B. .p B. .p Which module is used to fix Hospital Billing remittance processing errors? HB Payment Posting Module How do you know an invoice line has an error? What keyboard shortcut can you use to see the errors for each line? An invoice line with an error will have a red flag next to it. Press F6 to access a list of the errors for each invoice line in a check. True or False: You must access Hospital Account Maintenance to view a remittance image. False. You can view a remittance image from the HB Insurance Payment Posting form by clicking the Remit button. Where will you find accounts with active denial follow-up records? A. You have to manually search for accounts with active denial records B. An account workqueue C. A claim edit workqueue D. The claim error pool B. An account workqueue True or False: An insurance bucket will turn from red to black as soon as you change the status of the follow-up record from Created to any other status. False. The follow-up record must have a status of complete. Which activity in Account Maintenance shows denial reason codes? A. Liability Bucket Info. B. Tx Inquiry C. Account Contact D. Coverage Info A. Liability Bucket Info. You are following up on an active denial record. After researching the denial, you realize that Shayne is responsible for the remainder of the balance. Which action should you take? A. Change the follow-up record status to waiting for pymt B. Transfer t B. Transfer the balance to the Self -Pay bucket using the Bucket Action Button. True or False: Follow-up records are created automatically by the system based on the reason code attached to the remittance. True In Reporting Workbench, which tab can you use a search bar to find a report? A.. My Reports B. My Searches C. Library D. Vault C. Library True or False: When work on a follow-up record is complete, you should delete the follow-up record. False; a follow-up record can be closed to indicate that the issue has been resolved, but it cannot be deleted. Jenny recently received care at your organization. Based on your contract, Acme Ins owes $1305.50 for Jenny's care. However, when Acme sends payment, they send only $1200. This $1200 would be what? A. Expected Amount B. Billed Amount C. Posted W/O D. D. Paid Amount True or False: Statements in Single Billing Office are generated per HAR that the guarantor owes on. False: Statements are generated for guarantor accounts (a listing of all HARs that guarantor owes on). True or False: The system can automatically create statement runs. True True or False: Statements contain both professional charges and hospital charges. True Which of the following is a purpose of the Enterprise Statement Run Report? Choose all that apply. A. Reconcil tool to compare what Epic indicates was generated to what was actually generated. B. Reconcil tool to compare what was sent to a print vendor A, B, C True or False: Statement runs must be printed before they can be accepted. True. Which of the following things happen when a statement run is accepted? A. The guarantor accounts get stamped with a statement sent date. B. Each HAR included in those statements gets incremented in its self-pay follow-up level. C. The statement run is A, B, C True or False: When a statement run is accepted for a guarantor with both a PB HAR and an HB HAR the status of the self-pay bucket on both HARs is changed to Outstanding. False. PB HARs do not use buckets. Only the HB HAR has a self-pay bucket with a status that changes to Outstanding. True or False: Billing information is available to guarantors in MyChart. True. Which activity tab displays an overall picture of the guarantor account, including balances, payments, and adjustments? A. Acct Summary B. Hosp Tx Inquiry C. Acct Tx D. Enterprise Guarantor Summary D. Enterprise Guarantor Summary What information is visible in Hosp Tx Inquiry? A. Hospital charges B. Hospital payments C. Hospital adjustments D. Professional charges E. Professional payments F. Professional adjustments A, B, C True or False: When you use an account activity, multiple actions might be performed on a HAR at once True True or False: Account Activities can be performed on multiple HARs at the same time. True True or False: The list of available account activities is dynamic, based on the security of the user and the context of what they are working on. True. Security first determines what could be possible for a user to access. Then, the system filters out activities that don't make sense based on the context of the HARs selected. 7. Which of the following methods of flagging something for further review is HAR based (meaning it affects only the HAR it's added to)? Select ALL that apply. A. Billing Indicator B. Stop Bill C. Guarantor Account Status A and B True or False? A stop bill will stop all HARs for a given guarantor from appearing on a statement. False. Stop bills are HAR based. True or False: Demanding a Detail Bill will increase the self-pay follow-up level for a HAR. False. True or False: Detail Bills can only be sent for HB HARs False. True or False: A detail bill is a request for payment from a guarantor. False. On HB HARs with which of the following statuses can you change the primary coverage? Choose all that apply. A. Open B. DNB C. Billed D. Closed A and B True or False: When adding a secondary after a primary has already paid, you should undo billing to bring the HB account back to DNB status. False. If a coverage is not good for any past encounters but you want to record it for future use, which Registration form should you use to add the coverage? Choose one. A. Coverage Info B. Cvg & Add'l Info C. Coverages B. Cvg & Add'l Info The link between a cov record and which other registration record is the link that will allow Visit Filing Order Review and Cov Mgr to determine if any existing HARs are affected by the late cov change? pick one. A. Patient B. Guarantor C. Coverage B. Guarantor True or False: A minor can have more than one active guarantor account linked to his patient record. True. A minor can have multiple active guarantor accounts. True or False: An adult patient (18 or over) can have more than one active personal/family guarantor account linked to his patient record. False. The Foundation System limits adult patients to only one active personal/family type guarantor account. True or False: When you deactivate a guarantor account, it is completely removed from the patient's record. False. It is retained for historical purposes and can be reactivated if needed. True or False: If both of a minor's guarantor accounts already exist, you do not need to go to Registration to switch which guarantor is linked to the HAR. True. True or False: If you need to remove an existing guarantor account, you must go to Registration. True. True or False: Adding a new guarantor account to a HAR resets the self-pay follow-up level of that HAR. True. Swapping a HAR from one guarantor account to another guarantor account will reset the self -pay follow-up level of that HAR. Demand stmt does which of the following? Select ALL that apply. A. Generates a stmt for the guarantor acct right now. B. Increments the self-pay follow-up level for any HAR included on that stmt. C. Resets the stmt cycle date for that guarantor account A True or False: Before your batch is processed, you can fix any mistakes made while entering payment information. True How do you change the matched amt for a chg on a PB HAR? Select one A. Enter the correct value in the PB SP field on the lower left of the screen. B. Double-click on the PB HAR C. Press F6 or double click on the chg. C. Press F6 or double click on the charge. True or False: The control amount for a batch can never be changed. False. Users with security can edit the batch controls. True or False: An undistributed payment is one that is not completely matched to a balance True. If a refund needs to be given, the ____________________________ function within the credit workqueue should be performed. Select only one. A. Distribute B. Refund Request C. Transfer D. This cannot be done from a credit workqueue. B. Refund request. As undistributed or overposted balances are resolved, they move to the __________________________tab of the credit workqueue. Select only one. A. Active B. Deferred C. Completed D. Reviewed C. Completed. an undistributed pymt in a credit WQ needs to be moved to a different guarantor acct . Which function allows me to do that? Select all . A. Distribute B. Transfer C. Trans to HB D. It is not possible to move the pymt to a diff guarantor acct. B. Transfer an undistributed pymt in a credit WQ. the guarantor has an undistributed balance on an HB HAR and I decide to move the pymt to that bal. what allows me to do this? A. Distribute B. Transfer C. Transfer to HB D. It is not possible to do this. C. Transfer to HB an undistributed payment in a credit wq. the guarantor has an undistributed bal on a PB HAR and I decide to move the payment to that balance. what allows me to do this? A. Distribute B. Transfer C. Transfer to HB D. It is not possible to do this. A. Distribute To move a portion of a guar pymt to another HAR, you must ___________________ the pymt. To move the entire pymt to another guar acct you must choose ___________________. A: Transfer; Distribute B: Distribute; Transfer B True or False: When working from a payment posted to an HB HAR it is possible to redistribute only a portion of the payment. False. You must distribute and account for the entire payment True or False: HB HARs with credit balances are found in credit workqueues. False. They qualify for HB account workqueues. You need to manually post a refund for a payment currently matched to an HB HAR. In which hospital account maintenance activity can you do this? Select only one answer. A. Prof Tx Inquiry B. Liability Bucket Info C. Enterprise Guarantor Summary B. Liability bucket info True or False: Only credit adjustments are posted in Adjustment Posting. False. Adjustments can either debit or credit a hospital account. True or False: Adjustments will always post immediately. False. Adjustments go through adjustment review before posting. Which of the following are ways to look up the bucket you want to post the adjustment to? Choose ALL that apply. A. By patient name B. By hospital account name C. By guarantor account name D. By balance A, B, C From an adjustment review workqueue, click _________________ to view additional information about an adjustment, such as user notes and transaction details. A. Approve B. Decline C. Hold D. Resubmit E. Review E - Review. The amount owed on a guarantor's payment plans can be configured using: Select ALL that apply. a. Payment amount b. Name of account c. Number of payments d. Sliding scale A and C How can you set a reminder to follow up with a HAR? Choose only ONE option. A. Add a tickler B. Add a deferral C. Add an account activity that includes "transfer to WQ" D. You cannot do this. A. Add a tickler True or False: In Single Billing Office, payment plans can include either PB or HB balances. If a guarantor has both balances, two separate payment plans must be configured. False. Payment plans are for a guarantor, meaning one payment plan can and should include all HARs with outstanding balance (both PB and HB). True or False? Updating registration information will update the self-pay follow-up level of a hospital account automatically. False. Updates made to the information inside of an existing registration record do not alter the self -pay follow-up level of the attached HARs.

In which activity can you view acknowledge orders?

Go to the "summary" activity & click "acknowledge new." Acknowledge new blood orders.

How can you tell which problem is the patient's principal problem epic?

In the Problem List section of the navigator, how can you indicate what the patient's principal problem is? What must this problem be marked as first? You select the check box in the Principal column after indicating that the problem is a hospital problem.

At what point is an appointment actually scheduled in cadence?

A patient's appointment is actually scheduled after you: Click accept on the appointment review window. As you are scheduling an appointment, you select a check box on the Make Appt form.

Which of the following is gathered by the patient information form?

Which of the following is gathered via the patient information form? (The patient's personal and insurance information is gathered via the patient information form.)