Firms that constantly innovate do so to develop open standards for competitors to become compatible.

Many firms are developing so-called "C-level" specialties in emerging areas with a technology focus, such as:

A company uses WebEx, a popular commercial application, to conduct training sessions for its employees who are spread across different countries. This is an example of the impact of technology in the area of _____.

Technology experts in the area of _____ specialize in technology for competitive advantage.

Technology experts in the area of process design:

leverage technology to make firms more efficient.

SEM, SEO, CRM, and personalization systems are all central components of the new _____ toolkit.

The degree to which complete information is available is known as _____.

Advantages related to a firm's size are referred to as:

Consumers buying commodities are highly _____ since they have so many similar choices.

Third parties that promote a product or service, typically in exchange for a cut of any sales are known as:

When technology can be matched quickly, it is rarely a source of competitive advantage.

Elaborate customer surveys help Zara designers predict fashion trends months into the future and design products accordingly.

In terms of percentage of revenue spent on advertising, Zara has possibly the lowest figures in the whole industry.

A value chain is a set of:

interdependent activities that bring a product to the market.

_____ are small chip-based tags that wirelessly emit a unique identifying code for the item that they are attached to.

Which of the following factors is considered as key to Zara's ability to maintain a winning business formula?

Keen understanding of how information systems can enable winning strategies

What solution has Netflix come up with to address the need to deliver content to customers' televisions?

Netflix provides a software platform to firms seeking to build Netflix access into their devices.

By going public, Netflix encountered stiff competition from firms such as Wal-Mart and Blockbuster. What aspect of Netflix going public lured these firms into the market?

Financial disclosure laws revealed the profitability of Netflix's business model.

At Netflix, the majority of DVD titles shipped are from back-catalog titles, not new releases.

Why is online streaming of content a costly proposition for Netflix?

Online streaming charges are built into the price of Netflix's flat-rate subscriptions.

Churn rate is a term that refers to:

the rate at which customers leave a product or service.

Complete the analogy: Volatile memory- _____; Nonvolatile memory- Hard disk storage

_____ are substances that are capable of enabling as well as inhibiting the flow of electricity.

The _____ is the part of the computer that executes the instructions of a computer program.

Electronic waste is expected to decrease with the rise of living standards worldwide.

Storage that is wiped clean when power is cut off from a device is known as:

Which of the following problems is least likely to be solved through grid computing?

Which of the following represents a key difference between quantum computing and conventional computing?

Qubits can be both one and zero at the same time, unlike conventional bits.

Grid computing is a type computing in which:

special software is installed on several computers enabling them to work together on a common problem.

What problem is faced by multicore processors running older software written for single-brain chips?

Multicore processors usually run older software by using only one core at a time.

_____ is a nonvolatile, chip-based storage, often used in mobile phones, cameras, and MP3 players.

Moving first plays a significant role in markets influenced by network effects.

Firms that constantly innovate do so to develop open standards for competitors to become compatible.

Cross-side benefits arise due to interaction among members of a single class of participant.

Apple, which controls over 75 percent of digital music sales, was able to dictate song pricing for years, despite the tremendous protests of the record labels. This implies that:

firms with strong network effects enjoy substantial bargaining power over partners.

Every product or service subject to network effects fosters some kind of exchange.

Markets are said to undergo convergence when:

they begin to offer similar features and capabilities.

High switching costs serve to weaken the value of network effects as a value asset.

_____ are products or services that add additional value to the primary product or service that makes up a network.

Customers who owned Nintendo's 8-bit video game console were unable to play the same games on the firm's new 16-bit S.N.E.S. system,

There was little incentive for existing Nintendo fans to stick with the firm. In this case, Nintendo's new offering suffered from a lack of: backward compatibility

a( n ) _____ is a product that allows a firm to tap into the complementary products, data, or user base of another product or service.

_____ applications can overlay real data on top of images from a GPS and compass-equipped smart phone.

A _____ refers to a list of a blogger's favorite blogs, often displayed on the right or left column of a blog's main page.

Web 2.0 is often used to refer to Web sites and Internet services that foster social media or other sorts of peer production.

The larger and more active a wiki community, the more likely it is that information will be distorted and that errors will creep in.

Most mainstream news outlets have begun supplementing their content with blogs that can offer greater depth, more detail, and deadline-free timeliness.

_____ is a term referring to the collective community of bloggers, as well as those who read and comment on blogs.

scan headlines and click to access relevant news and information

The use of public social networks within private organizations is growing, and many organizations are implementing their own, private, social networks.

A _____ is tasked with creating policies, providing support, training, guidance and development expertise for and monitoring of a firm's social media efforts.

Most popular podcasts are from mainstream media outlets.

Firms spend more advertising online than they do on radio and magazine ads.

The second phase of the Web is about:

connecting people with one another

Opt-in schemes guarantee the largest possible audience for a firm that wants to collect data to improve the user experience.

One of Facebook's key resources for competitive advantage includes:

Users of Google and other search engines are said to be on a hunt because:

they are there to collect information to drive a specific action.

In terms of generating ad revenue, information and news-oriented sites do much better than social networking sites.

Most Facebook applications are focused on business and educational services.

Facebook is publicly accessible, with search engines like Google and Bing being able to index most of Facebook content.

Microsoft's purchase of 1.6 percent stake in Facebook has pegged Facebook's value at $15 billion.

The earlier a firm accepts venture capitalist funding, the more control the firm can expect to exert over its functioning in the long run.

Java programmers write code with specific commands for different operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Systems that use data created by other systems to provide reporting and analysis for organizational decision making are called _____ systems.

_____ provide the standards, syntax, statements, and instructions for writing computer software.

Information systems development projects fail at a startlingly high rate.

A PC, laptop, or any other small computer can be set up to run server software.

Computer hardware refers to:

the physical components of information technology.

The Android software product developed by Google allows cell phones to control hardware and use standards for developing applications on its platform. Android is an example of a( n ) _____.

Distributed computing refers to:

systems in different locations communicating and collaborating to complete a task.

Which of the following features enforced by an operating system across various programs helps make it easier for users to learn new software and reduces training costs and operator error?

Consistent look and functionality

As defined by the World Wide Web consortium, _____ are software systems designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.

Systems that are capable of continuing operation even if a component fails are said to be:

Organizations that leverage SaaS are exempt from having to adopt newer versions of software.

SaaS offerings usually work well when the bulk of computing happens at the client end of a distributed system.

All of the costs associated with the design, development, testing, implementation, documentation, training and maintenance of a software system are collectively termed as:

Which of the following is one of the characteristics of using software as a service model?

The scalability of a software product is defined as:

the ability to be easily expanded to manage workload increases.

Which of the following is one of the benefits enjoyed by SaaS vendors?

The cost of producing an additional unit of a product is known as:

Just about every type of commercial product has an open source equivalent.

Most organizations do not opt for IT configurations which are purely in-house, packaged, or SaaS models.

_____ provide regular summaries of information in a predetermined format.

In database terminology, a record represents:

a single instance of whatever the table keeps track of.

For data mining to work, the events in the data should mainly reflect past trends.

_____ refers to software for creating, maintaining, and manipulating data.

Business intelligence is a term used to refer to:

combining aspects of reporting, data exploration and ad hoc queries, and sophisticated data modeling and analysis.

Firms that collect and resell data are known as:

Data becomes _____ when it is presented in a context so that it can answer a question or support decision making.

_____ is by far the most popular language for creating and manipulating databases.

Enterprise software tends to be less integrated and standardized than the prior era of proprietary systems that many firms developed themselves.

Data are raw facts that must be turned into information in order to be useful and valuable.

Cybersquatting is defined as:

registering a domain name in order to profit from a firm name or trademark.

The fault-tolerant nature of the DNS ensures that:

the service continues functioning even if one nameserver goes down.

Traceroute is blocked by some networks because:

they have been used by hackers to probe networks and plan attacks.

The http protocol is designed to be _____ and _____ independent.

hardware; operating system

A device gets its IP address from whichever organization is currently connecting it to the Internet.

Changing the letter case in host and domain names does not affect the user's ability to reach the destination.

ISPs that carry out peering generate revenue by charging each other fees based on their traffic contribution.

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) acts as a substitute to TCP when speed of communication is more important than the quality.

Data suggests that bandwidth consumption has been steadily decreasing owing to the deregulation of price control in 2007.

The TCP ensures all communications through it are perfect and is mostly concerned with quality of the communication.

In public-key encryption systems, the functions of the public and private keys are interchangeable.

Regularly updated software lowers a system's vulnerable attack surface.

Attacks that exhaust all possible password combinations in order to break into an account are called _____ attacks.

More electronic records were breached in 2008 than in the previous four years combined.

A screen capture can be defined as a type of software that:

records pixels appearing on a user's screen.

A vast majority of security breaches are not preventable and happen despite the best security practices.

Technologies that measure and analyze human body characteristics for identification or authentication are known as _____.

The information systems of several firms have been compromised by contract employees, cleaning staff, and temporary staffers.

Updates that plug existing holes in a software are called:

A system that monitors network use for potential hacking attempts and takes preventative action to block, isolate, or identify attempted infiltration, and raise further alarms to warn security personnel is known as a( n ):

intrusion detection system

Text ads appearing on Google search pages are billed on a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) basis.

Law firms are consistently the top cost-per-click rate bidders for keyword ads.

unique strings of number and letters used by Web servers to identify Web browsers.

_____ is a concept where advertisers do not pay unless someone clicks on their ad.

Identifying a user's physical location for the purpose of delivering tailored ads or other content is called _____.

Why is linking ads to search results considered a brilliant move?

User's search term indicates an overt interest in a given topic.

Which of the following parameters decides the rank of Web pages in Google's organic searches?

Number of pages linking to them

Display ads sold on a cost per thousand impressions basis are targeted at:

creating awareness of an advertiser's brand.

_____ are served by ad networks or other customer profiling firms to identify users and record behavior across multiple Web sites.

What type of online advertising fraud is attempted when site operators generate bogus ad clicks to earn PPC income?

What might a firm do to encourage early network growth?

Additional factors that can help a firm establish a network effects lead include subsidizing adoption; leveraging viral marketing, creating alliances to promote a product or to increase a service's user base; redefining the market to appeal to more users; leveraging unique distribution channels to reach new customers; ...

Which of the following is a good strategy for competing in markets with network effects?

Which of the following is a strategy for competing in markets with network effects? In one admittedly risky strategy, firms may offer to subsidize initial adoption in hopes that network effects might kick in shortly after.

Which statement best describes the relationship between network effects and Innovation Group of answer choices?

Which statement best describes the relationship between network effects and innovation? Network effects decrease innovation within a standard but increase the number of innovative offerings that compete against a strongly established standard.

Is the relative ability of parties in a situation to exert influence over each other *?

Bargaining power is the relative ability of parties in an argumentative situation (such as bargaining, contract writing, or making an agreement) to exert influence over each other.