A mother calls and informs you that her son has a deep dog bite. your response should be __________.

What is the best response to a patient who calls to ask if he or she can use a medication that was prescribed for a previous condition?

What is the best response to a patient who calls to ask if he or she can use a medication that was prescribed for a previous condition? "You may use the medication if it has not expired."

When answering a phone call in the medical office the medical assistant should?

Answering the telephone in a professional manner involves answering within two to three rings, so the caller is not left waiting. If taking multiple calls, proper etiquette suggests that you give the first caller priority unless the second caller has an emergency.

What action should be taken after speaking with the patient?

What action should be taken after speaking to the patient? Answer: Pull the medical record, if not already done. Place the phone message with the record and give it to the physician.

When a patient calls with a medical question you should?

When a patient calls with a medical question, you should? document the patient's information and relay it to the doctor for review.