Why was rockefeller’s use of horizontal integration such an effective business tool at this time?

Why was rockefeller’s use of horizontal integration such an effective business tool at this time?

Chapter 18 | Industrialization and the Rise of Big Business, 1870-1900
Review Questions
1. Which of these was not a successful invention of the era?
7. What differentiated a “robber baron” from other “captains of industry” in late nineteenth- century America?
8. What was one of the key goals for which striking workers fought in the late nineteenth century?
A. high-powered sewing machines
B. movies with sound
C. frozen foods
D. typewriters
4. Which of the following “robber barons” was notable for the exploitative way he made his fortune in railroads?
What was the major advantage of Westinghouse’s “alternating current” power invention?
A. health insurance
B. disability pay
C. an eight-hour workday
D. women’s right to hold factory jobs
A. It was less prone to fire.
B. It cost less to produce.
C. It allowed machines to be farther from the
power source.
D. It was not under Edison’s control.
10. What were the core differences in the methods and agendas of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?
11. Which of the following did not contribute to the growth of a consumer culture in the United States at the close of the nineteenth century?
A. personal credit
B. advertising
C. greater disposable income
D. mail-order catalogs
12. Briefly explain Roland Marchand’s argument
in the Parable of the Democracy of Goods.
How did the burst of new inventions during this era fuel the process of urbanization?
Which of the following was not a key goal of the Knights of Labor?
A. an end to convict labor
B. a graduated income tax on personal wealth C. equal pay regardless of gender
D. the creation of cooperative business enterprises
A. Jay Gould
B. Cornelius Vanderbilt
C. Andrew Carnegie
D. J. Pierpont Morgan
Critical Thinking Questions
Which of the following does not represent one of the management strategies that John D. Rockefeller used in building his empire?
A. horizontal integration
B. vertical integration
C. social Darwinism
D. the holding company model
Why was Rockefeller’s use of horizontal integration such an effective business tool at this time? Were his choices legal? Why or why not?
13. Consider the fact that the light bulb and the telephone were invented only three years apart. Although it took many more years for such devices to find their way into common household use, they eventually wrought major changes in a relatively brief period of time. What effects did these inventions have on the lives of those who used them? Are there contemporary analogies in your lifetime of significant changes due to inventions or technological innovations?
14. Industrialization, immigration, and urbanization all took place on an unprecedented scale during this era. What were the relationships of these processes to one another? How did each process serve to catalyze and fuel the others?

Chapter 18: Industrialization and the Rise of Big Business, 1870-1900

1. Which of these was not a successful invention of the era?

  1. high-powered sewing machines
  2. movies with sound
  3. frozen foods
  4. typewriters

2. What was the major advantage of Westinghouse’s “alternating current” power invention?

  1. It was less prone to fire.
  2. It cost less to produce.
  3. It allowed machines to be farther from the power source.
  4. It was not under Edison’s control.

3. How did the burst of new inventions during this era fuel the process of urbanization?

4. Which of the following “robber barons” was notable for the exploitative way he made his fortune in railroads?

  1. Jay Gould
  2. Cornelius Vanderbilt
  3. Andrew Carnegie
  4. J. Pierpont Morgan

5. Which of the following does not represent one of the management strategies that John D. Rockefeller used in building his empire?

  1. horizontal integration
  2. vertical integration
  3. social Darwinism
  4. the holding company model

6. Why was Rockefeller’s use of horizontal integration such an effective business tool at this time? Were his choices legal? Why or why not?

7. What differentiated a “robber baron” from other “captains of industry” in late nineteenth-century America?

8. What was one of the key goals for which striking workers fought in the late nineteenth century?

  1. health insurance
  2. disability pay
  3. an eight-hour workday
  4. women’s right to hold factory jobs

9. Which of the following was not a key goal of the Knights of Labor?

  1. an end to convict labor
  2. a graduated income tax on personal wealth
  3. equal pay regardless of gender
  4. the creation of cooperative business enterprises

10. What were the core differences in the methods and agendas of the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor?

11. Which of the following did not contribute to the growth of a consumer culture in the United States at the close of the nineteenth century?

  1. personal credit
  2. advertising
  3. greater disposable income
  4. mail-order catalogs

12. Briefly explain Roland Marchand’s argument in the Parable of the Democracy of Goods.

What was John D Rockefeller's primary business strategy quizlet?

Rockefeller made HUGE profits by paying his employees very low wages and driving his competitors out of business by selling his vast oil at a lower price than it cost to make it. Once he controlled the market, he would then jack up the prices. This is why he and other tycoons were known as "robber barons".

What was the major advantage of Westinghouse's alternating current?

What was the major advantage of Westinghouse's “alternating current” power invention? It was less prone to fire.

How did the burst of new inventions during industrialization fuel the process of urbanization?

New inventions fueled industrial growth, and the development of commercial electricity—along with the use of steam engines—allowed industries that had previously situated themselves close to sources of water power to shift away from those areas and move their production into cities.

How did the emergent consumer culture change what it meant to be American at the turn of the century quizlet?

How did the emergent consumer culture change what it meant to be "American" at the turn of the century? To be an American at the turn of the century was all about becoming just like everyone else. Now things were cheaper so they were easier to access at any income level and anywhere in the country almost.