Why does Hazlitt say that advocates of parity pricing for farmers picked the years 1909 1914 as the basis of parity quizlet?

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Terms in this set (157)

Which of the following is the best example of a bad economic choice that an individual might make?

buying a brand-new car with a high-interest loan


Studies how economic choices impact the overall economy


Studies the economic choices made by individual consumers and businesses

positive statement

A statement of fact or a hypothesis

normative statement

An assertion that makes a value judgment

Which of the following are examples of microeconomic questions? (choose all that apply)

If the country experiences another recession, will fewer people attend theme parks like Disney World?
What will happen to the price of bacon if there is an outbreak of swine flu?

Economics in One Lesson was published in the year _____.


One reason that the study of economics is plagued by fallacies is because humans are _______.


Hazlitt says the "new" economists "overlook the ___________ in their precise and minute examination of particular____________ ."

woods; trees

Which of the following are true about trade-offs?

They involve comparing the expected value of different choices.

Which of the following must take scarcity into account when making decisions? (choose all that apply


The opportunity cost of a choice is the value of ____________.

the best alternative action you didn't take

If an action has a marginal benefit of $100 and a marginal cost of $25, what is the net benefit?


If an action has a net benefit of $80 and a marginal benefit of $100, what is the marginal cost?


In Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt argues that although purchasing power might look like it has increased after a war, these seemingly good economic results are merely the result of ______.


In Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt argues that economists who believe that war is beneficial due to increased demand are confusing ______ with demand.


What flaw in thinking in responsible for the broken window fallacy?

narrow thinking

Which of the following are characteristics of entrepreneurs? (choose all that apply)

They take risks.
They combine natural, human, and capital resources as efficiently as possible.
They develop new goods and services.

Why wouldn't oil have been considered a natural resource 500 years ago?

There was no known use for it.

Goods are ________ that satisfy human wants.

physical objects

Why did Adam Smith believe competition was an important part of a prosperous economy?

Competition encourages businesses to use resources efficiently.
Competition keeps prices in check.

Adam Smith argued that if people were allowed to act in their own self-interest, the marketplace would be directed by an "invisible _____."


Mercantilism was a national economic system based on maximizing _______ and minimizing _________.


In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith argues that division of labor reduces _______________.

the amount of time lost by switching from one task to another

According to Adam Smith, division of labor helps workers improve their _______ more quickly.


A government incentive or tax break designed to assist a specific industry is known as a _______.


Which nation's command economy was largely responsible for a famine that killed millions in the 1930s?

Soviet Union

In economics, people who create goods and services are known as _______.


In economics, the term demand refers to what?

how much of a product people want

In the early 1990s, PepsiCo introduced a new soda called Crystal Pepsi. Sales for Crystal Pepsi were so low that within a few years PepsiCo stopped producing it. What characteristic of a market economy is illustrated in this scenario?

consumer sovereignty

When one organization has complete control over one industry, they are said to have a ________.


French economist Frederic Bastiat wrote that "the good economist takes into account both the effect that can be _____________ and those effects that must be ______________ ."


Choose the best answer to fill in the blank: When we begin with the understanding of what God says about human nature, we can build government and economic systems that allow humans to reach their full potential, while at the same time limiting the effects that their _______ nature will have on their actions.


Explain the Broken Window Fallacy. Why does the town think the broken window is a good thing? Is the town right or wrong, and why?

The town thinks that the broken window is a good thing because the incident produces more business for the window maker. This is a result of narrow thinking. If we look a little closer and think about it a little more we come to the following conclusions. First, we come to the conclusion that the baker is losing money to pay for the window, he also will lose money in the future because he can not sell the bread that the glass got into. Second, there is a hole in the window so he is susceptible to getting robbed, thus losing even more money. [exact answer]

Which of the following would result in an increase in quantity supplied? (choose all that apply)

a price increase

Which of the following would result in a change in supply? (choose all that apply)

a change in the technology used to produce the good or service
a change in the expectations of producers

According to the law of demand, consumers will buy more of a good or service at _______ prices.


Which of the following would result in a positive change in demand for pizza? (choose all that apply)

an increase in the number of consumers
an increase in the price of burgers

Which of the following would result in a higher equilibrium price for pizza? Assume that pizza is a normal good. (choose all that apply)

an increase in the price of burgers
an increase in the price of pizza dough
an increase in the number of consumers in the area

Which of the following would result in a lower equilibrium price for milk? Assume that milk is a normal good. (choose all that apply)

a decrease in consumers' incomes
a decrease in consumer preference for drinking milk

Which of the following would be most likely to have a price inelastic demand?


Which of the following components affect whether the supply of a good is price elastic or inelastic? (choose all that apply)

available production capacity
availability of raw materials for production
time period required to produce more of the product

According to Economics in One Lesson, people who advocate establishing a price floor argue that they're not trying to boost the price but are only trying to _________ it.


A government policy that sets the lowest price at which one can buy a good or service is called a _________.

price floor

During World War II, the American government established a rationing system to counteract the shortages caused by fixing maximum prices. Why is rationing only partly effective in counteracting these shortages?

It only limits the demand without also stimulating the supply.

According to Economics in One Lesson, what is the consequence of limiting the profits of those who make essential commodities, but not limiting the profits of those who make luxuries or semi-luxuries?

The production of the price-controlled essential commodities is discouraged.

One of the biggest incentives for consumers is a low ______.


What is a dividend?

a distribution of profits to investors

Utility is _____________.

inherently unmeasurable

Which of the following is an example of a product that stopped being used due to health concerns?


Why might a soda company lower their prices when production costs fall? (choose all that apply)

Because production costs are lower, the company can earn the same profit per unit even if they sell their products for less.
Other soda companies have lowered their prices and are stealing away customers.
The company hopes more consumers will buy their product at the lower price.

According to the lesson about profit, why is raspberry soda much harder to find than cherry soda?

As a whole, consumers are more likely to buy cherry soda than raspberry soda.

A sustained fall in GDP is known as economic __________.


Productivity refers to how efficiently ________ are converted into outputs of goods and services.


Physical capital is another name for _____________.

capital resources

Private individuals who develop new products and technologies can protect their invention by filing for a(n) ______.


What percentage of American jobs are currently at risk of being automated in the next 15 years?

30 to 40 percent

Which of the following are characteristics of perfect competition? (choose all that apply)

easy entrance and exit
large number of buyers and sellers

Which of the following are results of competition between consumers? (choose all that apply)

goods are allocated to those willing to pay the most

An effort by buyers or sellers to reduce the level of competition in a market is called ________.


Monopolies restrict economic growth and _________.


Households sell human resources to businesses in exchange for ______.


In economics, a social unit of individuals living in the same dwelling is known as a(n) _________.


Governments often try to solve pricing problems by fixing prices, but this often causes more problems than it solves. Explain why price ceilings result in shortages, and explain why price floors result in surpluses.

Our economic system is a very delicate thing. If you do not treat it as a delicate object, then it will break and crumble. The prices in our economic system must fluxuate in order for the balance to continue. When a price ceiling gets enacted, it is usually at a lower price. When something hits a low price people want to buy it all up because it is so low. Resulting in shortages. When something hits a price floor it is usually a higher price, then no one wants to buy that item. Thus resulting in surpluses. [exact answer]

In March 2019, Mike Trout signed a 12-year, $430 million contract to play baseball. Which of the following are reasons that top baseball players like Trout are paid so highly? (choose all that apply)

There is high demand for top baseball players.
There are few individuals who are talented enough to become a top baseball player.

In the United States, which of the following occupations earned an annual income that was below the national average in 2018? (choose all that apply)

bus driver
fast-food cook

Which of the following would increase the market value of engineers? (choose all that apply)

A decrease in the supply of engineers.
An increase in demand for engineers.

An organized association of workers created to protect their interests is known as a _______ _______.

labor union

According to Hazlitt, what is the central function of unions?

to ensure all their members are paid the true market value of their services

Hazlitt argues that "the power of labor unions to raise wages over the long run and for the whole working population ________________."

has been greatly exaggerated

In an exchange economy, everybody's income is somebody else's _______.


According to Hazlitt, what is the best wage rate for labor?

the wage that permits full production and full employment

Artificial increases in workers' wages created by minimum wage laws or labor union bargaining might help workers in the short term, but what will likely be the long-term effect of raising workers' wages above their market value?

The overall economy will be damaged, and workers will eventually be no better off (and possibly worse off) than they were before the artificial increase.

Work is a(n) ______ from God.


Which verse says, "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat"?

2 Thessalonians 3:10

Money that only has value because the government has declared it has value is called _________.

fiat money

An exchange of goods and services for other goods and services without using money is called ________.


Which of the following is the correct definition for money?

anything widely accepted as final payment for goods and services

his type of financial institution restricts membership to a certain set of customers, such as military families.

credit union

Some financial institutions collect premiums from their customers and then pay those customers back whenever the customers file a claim after suffering some kind of loss, such as their home burning down. This service is called _________.


If you deposit $100 into a savings account, about how much of that deposit does the bank have to keep in reserve?


Traders can exchange different currencies on the __________.

foreign exchange market

Of the following investments, which has historically had the best performance over the long term but suffers from more volatility?


The largest stock market in the world is the _______________.

New York Stock Exchange

In the United States, the highest level of inflation since the Great Depression occurred in 1979. What was the percentage of inflation in 1979?


One potential cause of unemployment is seasonal fluctuations in _________.


One economic goal of the United States government is stable _______.


When soldiers are discharged from the military and become private citizens, it will increase total national production because _______________.

the soldiers will become self-supporting and get paid for producing additional goods and services

Concerning full employment, Hazlitt writes that "the real question" isn't how many jobs there will be in the United States at a particular point in time. Instead, "the real question" is what?

How much will the nation produce, and what will be the standard of living?

In the story about Milton Friedman visiting an overseas construction site, Friedman suggests that more jobs could be created by taking away the workers' shovels and giving them _______.


In the United States, the most common way to measure the effect of inflation is the CPI, which stands for _____________.

Consumer Price Index

Inflation occurring at an extremely high rate is called __________.


A decrease in the general level of prices is called __________.


According to Hazlitt, many proponents of inflation realize that it will decrease the purchasing power of money and increase the prices of goods and services. What are reasons these proponents of inflation want inflation anyway? (choose all that apply)

They believe it's an essential measure to cure a depression.
They believe it will jump-start industry and lead to full employment.
They believe it will stimulate imports and discourage exports.
They believe it will improve the position of creditors as compared with debtors.

Explain the effect of the hyperinflation that occurred in Germany in 1923. Use specific examples of how the hyperinflation affected people and how people interacted with money. How did this situation help Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party rise to power?

Inflation causes the dollar (or one of the currency) to be worth less than it actually is. Lets take a gold bar for example say a gold bar is worth $17, if inflation rises that gold bar is now worth $20. The same is with a candy bar or a T-shirt. In Germany when hitler was in power, inflation rose about every 15 hours. That's once every day and on some days it was twice. The currency was become less and less stable. This helped hitler because it kept everyone in a state of depression. In this state he could easily control them and they could not do a thing about it. The people had to be depended on the government, dependent on hitler. [exact answer]

An extremely long and severe economic contraction is called a(n) _________.


Classical economists like Adam Smith believed the economy was self-correcting in the long run. Which economist argued that waiting for the economy to self-correct was foolish, saying, "In the long run we're all dead," and instead recommended strong action by the government to jump-start the economy?

John Maynard Keynes

Why do consumers reduce their buying after an economic downturn has started? (choose all that apply)

Because prices of goods have already fallen, and they fear a further fall.
Because they fear they may lose their jobs.

According to Hazlitt, which of the following are true about new capital? (choose all that apply)

Producers invest in new capital goods because they reduce the costs of production
Even if a greater quantity of goods isn't needed, new capital can create goods of improved quality.
There is essentially no limit to the amount of new capital that can be absorbed.

Which of the following are ways that the United States government provides ongoing economic support? (choose all that apply)

promoting innovation and invention
assuring the nation's financial institutions remain healthy
supporting jobless workers with unemployment insurance

Which of the following are examples of monetary policy strategies the government can use to encourage economic growth and lower unemployment? (choose all that apply)

lowering interest rates
increasing the money supply

Which of the following are services provided by the Federal Reserve? (choose all that apply)

protecting consumers through regulation and education
supplying banks with paper money and coins
processing checks and electronic payments

The rate of interest that the central bank charges on its loans is called the ____________.

discount rate

Fiscal policy characterized by increased government spending and decreased taxes is called ______________.

expansionary fiscal policy

During the Great Recession, the federal government employed fiscal policy to try to stimulate the economy. Which of the following are examples of legislation that Congress passed to try to turn around the economy during the Great Recession? (choose all that apply)

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008

What happens when providing employment becomes the primary reason (the end instead of the means) for government spending? (choose all that apply)

Government projects have to be invented.
Need becomes a subordinate consideration.

What United States president initiated an unprecedented spending spree with the introduction of the New Deal?

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Which of the following are consequences of the government getting deep into debt? (choose all that apply)

fewer economic opportunities
less fiscal flexibility

Each year, the finer points of America's federal budget are first debated in twelve _____________.

appropriations committees

In the United States, state governments are mostly funded by which of the following types of taxes? (choose all that apply)

income taxes
sales taxes

A tax that applies the same tax rate regardless of income is called a __________.

flat tax

Which of the following is an example of a good or service that would not be profitable for the private sector to provide because non-payers would reap the benefits as much as the payers would?

police protection

In the United States, government welfare services include which of the following programs? (choose all that apply)

unemployment benefits
food stamps
public housing

According to Hazlitt, what is the end result when the government provides loans or subsidies to business?

The government taxes successful businesses in order to support unsuccessful businesses.

According to Hazlitt, the belief that government loans for farmers are beneficial comes from which of the following "acts of shortsightedness"? (choose all that apply)

thinking only of the first half of the transaction
looking at the matter only from the standpoint of the farmers that borrow

A tax in which people with lower incomes pay a higher tax rate is called a(n) ___________.

regressive tax

Proportional tax is another name for _________.

flat tax

Why does Hazlitt say that advocates of parity pricing for farmers picked the years 1909-1914 as the basis of parity?

The years were one of the most favorable periods for agriculture in history.

Which special interest group spent the most money lobbying the American government in 2018?

US Chamber of Commerce

Which of the following is a way that governments combat negative externalities, such as environmental damage?

establishing regulations

What is the solution for the market failure of public goods?

government control over public goods

Which of the following are arguments made against OSHA? (choose all that apply)

OSHA creates many superfluous regulations that do little to improve worker safety.
OSHA's regulations hurt both workers and consumers.
OSHA's regulations disrupt the market forces of supply and demand.

Austrian economists argue that contractionary phases are made worse by government intervention because that intervention results in _______________.

a malinvestment of capital

The most famous work written by John Maynard Keynes was _______________.

The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

Who is considered the founder of Austrian economics?

Carl Menger

List the four phases of the business cycle in order, and define each phase. Explain the difference between a recession and a depression.

rapid growth
low interest rates
increase in production
prices are high
businesses can not satisfy what the consumer wants
business owners try to find ways to save money
try to find ways to become more competitive
supply and demand decrees
unemployment sky rockets [word-for-word]

Which of the following are ways that entrepreneurs benefit society? (choose all that apply)

fostering technological advancements
generating economic growth
developing new products
improving existing products

Entrepreneurs develop new products and start new businesses by ________________.

bringing natural, human, and capital resources together

Which of the following are true about the impact of entrepreneurship on society? (choose all that apply)

entrepreneurship increases competition
entrepreneurship leads to higher quality goods

Which of the following are advantages of cooperatives? (choose all that apply)

Their owners often get discounts on the goods and services produced by the cooperative.
Their owners don't have personal liability for the business.
Their owners all have a say in how the business is run.

A business that operates as a separate legal entity from its owners is called a ___________.


Which of the following are disadvantages of corporations? (choose all that apply)

They are more complicated and expensive to establish than other business structures.
Their owners are subjected to double taxation.

Which of the following are advantages of sole proprietorships? (choose all that apply)

They are generally easy and inexpensive to start.
Their owners get to keep all the profits for themselves.
Their owners have total control over their business.

Which of the following factors impact how much trade takes place between two countries? (choose all that apply)

the exchange rate between their currencies
the countries' willingness to encourage or discourage trade
each country's capacity to produce goods
the political climate in each country
the size of each country
transportation costs

When a country determines its areas of comparative advantage and specialization, it puts itself in a position to ____________ through trade with other countries.

strengthen its economy

If Country A can produce wheat at a lower opportunity cost than Country B, then Country A has a(n) ___________ advantage in wheat production.


What happens when all nations specialize in the areas in which they have comparative advantages? (choose all that apply)

total world production increases
the global standard of living increases

Trade barriers are harmful to which of the following groups? (choose all that apply)

foreign producers in the affected industries
domestic consumers

Domestic products sold to buyers in other nations are called _________.


When a nation imports more goods than it exports, it has a trade ________.


When a nation exports more goods than it imports, it has a trade ________.


According to Hazlitt, which of the following would be consequences of the United States placing a new tariff on foreign sweaters, resulting in the creation of a domestic sweater industry? (choose all that apply)

There would be no net addition to American industry or employment.
American consumers would be forced to subsidize this industry.

What effect do tariffs have on labor productivity and wages?

Tariffs reduce labor productivity and reduce wages.

Who wrote in defense of free trade, "In every country it always is and must be the interest of the great body of the people to buy whatever they want of those who sell it cheapest"?

Adam Smith

In the long run, imports must _________ exports.


If the US dollar has a low value relative to other countries, it's said to be ________.


From 2009 to 2020, the exchange rate between the euro and the US dollar varied over time. During that time, the number of euros you would've received for $100 ranged from _________.

70 to 95 euros

​Historically, many countries used to fix their currency to a set amount of ______.


What group was established in 1995 and oversees international trade agreements, provides a place for its member nations to negotiate, and acts as a mediator when disputes arise?

World Trade Organization

Which of the following agreements was negotiated during President Trump's administration and contains provisions that benefit American farmers, protect intellectual property, and regulate digital trade?


When American companies move production overseas, it is called ________.


The United States has free trade agreements with which of the following nations? (choose all that apply)


Hazlitt says that, like mathematics, the answer to an economics problem __________________.

already lies in the statement of the problem

Hazlitt writes that economics "is a science of recognizing ____________ consequences."


In his discussion of economic problem solving, Hazlitt quotes philosopher George Santayana, who wrote that logic "traces the _________ of truth."


Hazlitt writes that economics should be concerned "not only [with] some special interest in the short run, but [with] the _________ interest in the long run."


According to Hazlitt, what should be done to help those who are hurt by economic progress? What should not be done?

Thouse hurt by economic progress should get back on to their feet. It should not be the government who does that for them by paying them so much unemployment that they do not need to work. [exact answer]

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