Who designates whether information is classified and its classification quizlet?

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Terms in this set (68)

What is the SF 703?

Top Secret Cover Sheet

What is the SF 704?

Secret Cover Sheet

What is the SF 705?

Confidential Cover Sheet

What is the SF 312?

The SF-312 is a contractual agreement between the U.S. Government and a cleared employee that must be executed as a condition of access to classified information. The SF-312 advises cleared employees of their responsibility to protect information from unauthorized disclosure, and the possible consequences if they fail to honor that responsibility.

E.O. 13526, signed by Obama in 2009, did what?

Established the legal authority for certain officials within the Executive Branch of the Federal government to designate classified national security information. Strengthened training requirements for those who classify information.

What is the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)?

Oversees programs for classified national security information and controlled unclassified information in both Government and industry and reports on their status annually to the President. Responsible for policy direction of Information Security Program.

What is the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, or USD(I) responsible for?

Provides implementation guidance for the Information Security Program within the DoD.

DoDI 5200.01 (DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) )

Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for collateral, Special Access Program, SCI, and controlled unclassified information within an overarching DoD Information Security Program.

DoDM 5200.01 Vol. 1, 2, and 3 provide guidance on what?

Provide guidance and direction on classification management, marking, protection, and handling requirements for classified information.

What is an OCA?

The OCA is an individual authorized in writing, either by the President, the Vice President, or by agency heads or other officials designated by the President, to originally classify information.

What are the steps of the information security program lifecycle?

Classification, safeguarding, dissemination, declassification, and destruction.

Unauthorized disclosure of this information could reasonably be expected to cause EXCEPTIONALLY GRAVE damage to our national security

Top Secret information

Unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to cause SERIOUS damage to our national security

Secret information

Unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to cause damage to our national security

Confidential information

What is step 1 of 6 when the OCA make classification determinations?

Step 1 "Official", the OCA must ensure that the information is official government information.

What is step 2 of 6 when the OCA make classification determinations?

Step 2 "Eligible", the OCA will determine whether the information is eligible for classification by first examining the categories of information E.O. 13526 authorizes.

What is step 3 of 6 when the OCA make classification determinations?

In Step 3 "Impact", the OCA must determine if unauthorized disclosure of the information could cause damage to national security, which includes defense against transnational terrorism.

What is step 4 of 6 when the OCA make classification determinations?

Step 4 "Level", the OCA assigns a level of classification to the information.

What is step 5 of 6 when the OCA make classification determinations?

Step 5 "Duration", at the same time an OCA determines that information should be classified, they must also make the decision on how long the classification should last.

What is step 6 of 6 when the OCA make classification determinations?

Step 6 "Communicate", is where the OCA documents the level of classification and communicates the decision. There are two methods for communicating the decision: the security classification guide, or SCG, and properly marked source documents.

Summarize classification concept "Contained In".

When derivative classifiers incorporate classified information, word for word, from an authorized source into a new document

Summarize classification concept "Revealed By"

When classified information has been paraphrased or restated and not taken word for word from an authorized source document, but the classification is deduced from interpretation or analysis.

Summarize classification concept "Compilation"

When information that is individually unclassified, or classified at a lower level, may be classified, or classified at a higher level, only if the compiled information reveals an additional association or relationship. Types of information that are commonly classified through compilation are budgets and tables of distribution, staffing and equipment allowances, and mission and geographic location.

What are banner markings?

Banner markings indicate the highest level of classification of the overall document, as determined by the highest level of any one portion within the document. They are placed on the top and bottom of every page of the document. In banner markings, the classification level, TOP SECRET, SECRET, CONFIDENTIAL must be completely spelled out in all capital letters.

What are portion markings?

Portion markings indicate the highest level of classification in every portion of the document and must be placed at the beginning of the respective portion. Portion markings utilize authorized abbreviations to indicate the classification level: TS stands for Top Secret. S stands for Secret. C stands for Confidential. And U stands for Unclassified.

What is the classification authority block (CAB)?

CAB identifies the authority and duration of classification determination. It indicates who the document was classified by, derived from, what it was downgraded to (if applicable), and when it was declassified.

What is a security classification guide?

A document issued by an OCA that provides derivative classification instructions. Derivative classifiers use the information from an SCG. SCGs provide contact information for the OCA so that anyone using classified information regarding the system, plan, program, project, or mission can contact them for clarification or review if necessary.

When marking a classified document, the classifier must always start with which section?

The portions/paragraphs within the document.

What are the four authorized places to store classified information?

In an authorized individual's head, in an authorized individual's hands, in a General Services Administration, or GSA, approved security container, and in authorized information technology.

All locks for GSA-approved security containers must conform to what Federal Specification?


What is SF-700?

The SF-700, Security Container Information, is used to maintain a record for each container and to record the combination.

What is SF-701?

The SF-701, Activity Security Checklist, is used to record checks of work areas at the end of each working day.

What is SF-702?

The SF-702 Security Container Check Sheet is used to record the securing of vaults, rooms, and containers used for storing classified material.

When classified information cannot be safeguarded to the standards or requirements specified in DoDM 5200.01, Volume 3 a waiver must be requested. Where can you find the waiver template and who must the request go to?

Template is located in the Appendix to Enclosure 3 of DoDM 5200.01, Volume 1.

Waiver request must go to USD(I).

Which classified information can be transported through direct contact of appropriately cleared personnel?

TS, S, and C.

Which classified information can be transported through approved secure communications systems?

TS, S, and C.

Which classified information can be transported through the Defense Courier Service (DCS)?

TS, S, and C.

Which classified information can be transported through authorized U.S. Government agency courier services (i.e., Dept. of State Diplomatic Courier Service, authorized DoD component courier service)?

TS, S, and C.

Which classified information can be transported through cleared U.S. military and Government personnel and DoD contractor employees specifically designated to carry the information and travelling by surface transportation or on a scheduled commercial passenger aircraft?

TS, S, and C.

Which classified information can be transported through GSA contract holders for overnight delivery?

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by USPS registered mail within U.S. and through Military Postal Service facilities only outside of U.S.

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by USPS Express mail within the U.S. and Puerto Rico only.

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by Canadian registered mail between USG and Canadian government installations located in the U.S. and Canada?

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by carriers under National Industrial Security Program (NISP) providing protective security service within the continental U.S. (CONUS) only?

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by U.S. Government and USG contract vehicles, aircraft, and ships?

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by air carrier without an appropriately cleared escort or under certain circumstances without an escort?

S and C.

Which classified information can be transported by USPS certified mail for material addressed to DoD contractors or non-DoD agencies?

Only C.

Which classified information can be transported by USPS First Class Mail between DoD Component locations anywhere in the U.S. and its territories?

Only C.

Which classified information can be transported by commercial carriers providing a constant surveillance service within CONUS?

Only C.

Which classified information can be transported by custody of U.S. citizen commanders or masters of U.S. registered ships?

Only C.

Which classified information can be transported by alternative methods of transmission approved by the head of the DoD Component?

Only C.

How should one prepare the inner wrapping of a package containing classified information?

On the inner wrapping, address the envelope to an official government activity or DoD contractor. If there is a specific person to receive the package, indicate their name. Put your office's complete return address on the envelope. Conspicuously mark the envelope with the highest level of classified information it contains. Include any applicable special marking, such as "Restricted Data" on the envelope. Place the material within the inner envelope and carefully seal the envelope to minimize the possibility of access without leaving evidence of tampering.

How should one prepare the outer wrapping of a package containing classified information?

Seal the outer envelope to minimize the possibility of access without leaving evidence of tampering. Address the envelope to an official government activity or DoD contractor. Do NOT address it to an individual's name on the outer envelope. Put your office's full return address on the envelope. Do NOT put any markings or notations on the outer envelope that indicate its contents are classified.

What is the Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR)?

The office responsible for managing the DoD security review program and reviewing written materials for public and controlled release. This includes government and industry work products, as well as materials submitted by current and former DoD civilians, contractors, and military members pursuant to their non-disclosure agreement obligations.

Do reports to Congress require prepublication review?

Yes, they must be reviewed.

What is a security violation?

A security violation is when there is a knowing, willful, or negligent action that could reasonably be expected to result in the loss, suspected compromise or compromise of classified information.

What is a security infraction?

A security infraction is a failure to comply with security requirements which cannot reasonably be expected to, and does not result in the loss, suspected compromise or compromise of classified information. An infraction may be unintentional or inadvertent.

What is spillage?

Spillage occurs when classified data is introduced on an information system not approved for that level of information.

What is unauthorized disclosure?

Unauthorized Disclosure is the communication or physical transfer of classified information to an unauthorized recipient.

What are the four types of declassification processes?

Scheduled declassification, automatic declassification, mandatory declassification review, and systematic declassification.

What is Scheduled Declassification?

Scheduled Declassification is the set date or event, determined by the OCA, which will occur within 25 years from the date of original classification.

What is Automatic Declassification?

Automatic Declassification is the declassification of information that is more than 25 years old and is not otherwise prevented from being declassified by an approved exemption. Such information shall be declassified on the 31st of December, 25 years from the date of original classification.

What is Mandatory Declassification Review?

Mandatory Declassification Review is a way for members of the public to request the review of specific classified information. The requestor must describe the information in sufficient detail to allow the agency to locate it.

What is Systematic Declassification?

Systematic Declassification is the review of classified information that has been exempted from automatic declassification.

What is "clean out day"?

Each activity with classified holdings shall establish at least one day each year when specific attention and effort is focused on disposing of unneeded classified materials.

NSA approved shredders must....

have crosscut capability to cut the material into confetti-like bits, not just into long strips, as well as the capability to cut the material into 1mm by 5mm pieces.

Where would you find approved destruction equipment?


What is the Information Security Program?

Implements policy, assign responsibilities, and provide procedures for the designation, marking, protection, and dissemination of CUI, collateral, (SCI), and SAP information.

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Which designation includes personally identifiable information quizlet?

Which designation includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI)? Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

What is the basis for the handling and storage of classified information?

All classified material must be stored in a secure room, a GSA-approved storage container, such as a cabinet or safe or a vault or modular vault, or a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF).

Who can be permitted to classified Data?

Who can be permitted access to classified data? Only persons with appropriate clearance, a non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know.

What is the basis for handling and storage of classified Data quizlet?

What is the basis for handling and storage of classified data? Classification markings and handling caveats.