While examining a patient, the nurse observes abdominal pulsations between the xiphoid and umbilicus

  • What is abdominal pulsations between the xiphoid and umbilicus?
  • Why does auscultation precedes percussion and palpation when assessing the abdominal region?
  • What does it mean if your stomach is pulsating?
  • How do I know if I have ascites?
  • What are normal abdominal percussion sounds?
  • What is a protuberant abdomen?
  • What is xiphoid process pain?
  • Can a lump on the xiphoid process be mistaken for a tumor?

Sometimes a pulsing sensation in the abdomen. A pulsatile abdominal mass, slightly to the left of the spine between the xiphoid and umbilicus, may be the first clinical sign. Abdominal palpation is the only physical exam procedure with proven value in the detection of AAAs.

Which quadrant of the abdomen would the nurse assess when palpating for the liver?

Palpation. Begin palpation over the right lower quadrant, near the anterior iliac spine. Palpate for the liver with one or two hands palm down moving upward 2-3 cm at a time towards the lower costal margin. Have the patient take a deep breath.

Why does auscultation precedes percussion and palpation when assessing the abdominal region?

Take the history and perform inspection and auscultation before palpation, as this tends to put the patient at ease and increases cooperation. In addition, palpation may stimulate bowel activity and thus falsely increase bowel sounds if performed before auscultation.

How should the nurse assess for a distended bladder?

Palpate and percuss suprapubic area. Examine verbalization of discomfort, pain, fullness, and difficulty of voiding. A distended bladder could be felt by the patient in the suprapubic area. Perception of bladder fullness, bladder distention above symphysis pubis implies urinary retention.

What does it mean if your stomach is pulsating?

When you eat, your heart pumps extra blood to your stomach and small intestine through your aorta. This helps with digesting food and absorbing its nutrients. That temporary surge can create a more pronounced pulse in your stomach. You might also feel it if you lie down and raise your knees.

Is epigastric pulsation normal?

Again, this sensation is just due to blood flowing through your abdominal aorta. If you don’t have a lot of abdominal fat, you might even be able to see your stomach pulsating. This is completely normal and should go away once you stand up.

How do I know if I have ascites?

The main symptoms of ascites are a large belly and rapid weight gain. Other symptoms include: Swelling in your ankles. Shortness of breath.

What does percussion of the abdomen tell you?

Percussion of the abdomen involves tapping the body to elicit sounds and determining whether the sounds are appropriate for the underlying structure of the quadrant. This provides information about the overall consistency of the abdomen as well as the size and borders of some of the underlying structures.

What are normal abdominal percussion sounds?

The anterior gas-filled abdomen normally has a tympanitic sound to percussion, which is replaced by dullness where solid viscera, fluid, or stool predominate. The flanks are duller as posterior solid structures predominate, and the right upper quadrant is somewhat duller over the liver.

Is the stomach palpable?

The organs located in the epigastric region are the stomach, pancreas, and duodenum. These organs can be palpated with a combination of deep and light palpation. The stomach can also be palpated in the left upper quadrant or left hypochondriac region.

What is a protuberant abdomen?

Protuberant abdomen is unusual convexity of the abdomen usually caused by poor muscle tone or excessive subcutaneous fat.

What does the nurse observe between the xiphoid process and umbilicus?

Created by johnsonjl12 Terms in this set (5) While examining a patient, the nurse observes abdominal pulsations between the xiphoid process and umbilicus. The nurse would suspect that these are:

What is xiphoid process pain?

Pain caused by the xiphoid process is called xiphoidalgia. Xiphoid process pain occurs for varying reasons. Pain — which can be mild, moderate, or severe — is typically felt in the lower part of the sternum. The sternum is the bone that makes up the middle front of your ribcage.

What is electrosurgical dissection for xiphoid process?

Using electrosurgical dissection, the surgeon cuts and releases the exposed xiphoid process from the sternum, and then uses electrocoagulation (electric currents) to stop bleeding. You may have bruising after surgery and tenderness until the wound heals.

Can a lump on the xiphoid process be mistaken for a tumor?

A lump near your xiphoid process can be mistaken for a tumor or hernia. For an accurate diagnosis, your doctor may schedule an imaging test of the lower part of your breastbone. An X-ray can reveal damage to the xiphoid process. If X-ray results are inconclusive, your doctor may recommend further testing.

What does abdominal pulsations between the xiphoid and umbilicus?

Epigastric pulsation is feeling of pulsation between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus. It can be found normally in population (especially in thin lean people) or abnormally as a sign or a symptom of other diseases, such as heart, liver, and aortic disease.

Why does auscultation precedes percussion and palpation when assessing the abdominal region?

Auscultating before the percussion and palpation of the abdomen ensures that the examiner is listening to undisturbed bowel sounds. In addition, if the patient is complaining of pain, leaving the palpation until last allows the examiner to gather other data before potentially causing the patient more discomfort.

Which organ would the nurse expect to hear dullness upon percussion during the abdominal assessment?

You'll hear dull sounds over solid structures (such as the liver) and fluid-filled structures (such as a full bladder). Air-filled areas (such as the stomach) produce tympany. Dullness is a normal finding over the liver, but a large, dull area elsewhere may indicate a tumor or mass.

Which sound should the nurse expect to hear when Percussing a distended bladder?

Tympany is high-pitched and sounds like a drum in terms of quality with longer duration than resonance and hyperresonance. When performing percussion, tympany is normally heard over fluid-filled organs such as the stomach, bladder, and bowels.