Which term refers to viewing identities that have developed historically as innate and unchanging quizlet?

political movement and doctrine seeking to overthrow capitalism and to establish a form of communism such as that which prevailed in the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991

was a political movement and doctrine seeking to overthrow capitalism and to establish a form of communism such as that which prevailed in the Soviet Union fro 1917 to 1991. Communism, which originated with Russia's Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and took its inspiration from Karl Marx and Fredrich Engesl, was not uniform over time or among countries. First, the Communist Party monopolized power in every Communist state. Seond, relations within the party were highly centralized and strictly disciplined. Third, Communist nations had state ownership, rather than private ownership, of the means of production. Finally, all communist regimes, with the goal of advancing communism, cultivated a sense of belonging to an international movement. All communist systems were authoritarian many were totalitarian. Features of Communist systems: Communist party monopolized power. Relations within Communist party highly centralized and strictly disciplined. State ownership of means of production

group distinguished by cultural similarities (shared among members of that group) and differences (between that group and others)

Members share certain beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms
because of their common background. They define themselves as different and special because of cultural features. This distinction may arise from language, religion, historical experience, geographic placement, kinship, or "race". Markers of an ethnic group may include a collective name, belief in common descent, a sense of solidarity, and an association with a specific territory which the group may or may not hold.

rapid spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others, or its imposition on other cultures, which it modifies, replaces, or destroys.

refers to the spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others, or its imposition on other cultures, which it modifies, replaces, or destroys- usually because of differential economic or political influence. Some commentators see modern technology as erasing cultural differences, as homogeneous products reach more people worldwide. But others see a role for modern technology in allowing social groups (local cultures) to express themselves. Modern technologies, particularly the mass media, can act as agents of cultural imperialism by erasing cultural differences. Making and remaking culture- people assign own meanings and value to texts, messages, and products they receive. When forces from world centers enter new societies, they are indigenized modified to fit the local culture. Electronic mass media can spread, and even help create, national and ethnic identities

study of cultural adaptations to environments

or cultural Ecology. Anthropology always has been concerned with how environmental forces influence humans and how human activities affect the biosphere and the Earth itself. That field focused on how cultural beliefs and practices helped human populations adapt their environments, and how people used elements of their culture maintain their ecosystems. Early ecological anthropologists showed that many indigenous groups did a reasonable job of managing their resources, regulation their use, and preserving the environment. Threats are commercial logging, industrial pollution, and the imposition of external management systems on local ecosystems. Today's ecological anthropology aka environmental anthropology, attempts not only to understand but also to find solutions to environmental problems. Local people, their landscapes, their ideas, their values, and their traditional management systems face attacks. Development projects usually fail when they try to replace indigenous institutions with culturally alien concepts

What is the process of viewing an identity as innate real and frozen?

Essentialism describes the process of viewing an identity as established, real, and frozen, so as to hide the historical processes and politics within which that identity developed.

Which term refers to the spread of one dominant culture at the expense of others quizlet?

Westernization. Spread of one dominant culture at the expense of others. Cultural imperialism. Modified to fit the local culture. Indigenized.

Which term refers to the situation in which everyone in the world has an impact on global situations such as climate change quizlet?

Terms in this set (30) What is the name for the situation in which everyone int he world has an impact on global situations, such as climate change? globalization of risk.

Which term refers to a style and movement in architecture and art that succeeded modernism and began in the 1970s?

Essentialism. A style and movement in architecture and art that succeeded modernism, beginning in the 1970s is called _____. Postmodernism.