Which term is used when the projects processes and products meet written specifications

What is Quality of Conformance?

Quality of conformance is the ability of a product, service, or process to meet its design specifications. Design specifications are an interpretation of what the customer needs. Of course, a product having high quality of conformance may still not be perceived by a customer as being an acceptable product if the person who created the design specifications did not correctly interpret what the customer wanted.

Quality of conformance is measured within an acceptable tolerance range. For example, if passengers expect a flight to leave within 10 minutes of its scheduled departure date, then any departure time within that time frame has a high quality of conformance, while any longer interval does not. Thus, quality of conformance equates to conformance to specifications within an acceptable tolerance range.

It is possible for a product to be of extremely high quality in terms of being produced within a tight tolerance range, using premium materials, and including all possible features. However, if the design specifications call for a less expensive product with fewer features, then the product is considered to have a low quality of conformance. This means that a high cost does not necessarily equate to a high quality of conformance.

For example, if a truck is designed to sell at a low price, have excellent fuel economy, and operate reliably, then those are the key specifications that the actual vehicle must meet in order to have a high quality of conformance. If the vehicle were to have an oversized engine that provides more torque than necessary, it would have a low quality of conformance, because including such an engine would increase the price of the truck and result in lower fuel economy.

How to Measure Quality of Conformance

A management technique is to track how persistently a product or service is measured close to the outer boundary established for conformance. If the measurement remains near the boundary for a significant period of time, it is likely that a breach of the measurement threshold will occur soon, so management can begin to direct attention to rectifying the issue. For example, a flight departure that is consistently within just a few moments of the maximum allowable departure threshold should be investigated. Such investigations may locate problems that can be rectified to keep the reported amounts within the conformance threshold.

Project quality management is the process through which quality is managed and maintained throughout a project. While the context may imply that “quality” means “perfection,” in this case, is usually more about ensuring quality consistency throughout a project. However, what is exactly meant by “quality” is beholden to what the customer or stakeholder needs from the project, and therefore can be different on a per-project basis.

Modern quality management and project management are complementary. They both emphasize customer satisfaction and the underlying belief that quality leads to customer satisfaction. The main objective in project quality management is making sure that the project meets the needs it was originally created to meet—nothing more, nothing less.

In other words, to ensure quality, you must meet the needs of the stakeholder. Meeting or exceeding requirements, however, is not part of project quality management. According to A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), quality is “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.” The project manager and project management team have a special responsibility to balance quality and grade (a category or rank assigned to products or services having the same functional use but different technical characteristics).

This responsibility ensures quality expectations are met. This means that it might be possible and reasonable to have a quality, low-grade product, but it is never acceptable to have a low-quality product. At the beginning of the project, requirements are determined with the stakeholders. These requirements become the foundation for the work of the project. After that, the project manager’s job is to ensure that the work is done with no extras included. Quality is not about giving the customer extras or completing extra work. The notion of extras is often based on possibly erroneous perceptions of what you believe the customer wants. These extras add time, possible costs and other impacts to a project but do not always result in increased customer satisfaction.

What are the different phases in project quality management? 

Project quality management consists of three major processes:

  1. Quality management planning: This involves identifying the quality requirements and standards for the project and product. The goal of the project quality management should be clearly shared with all stakeholders, and appropriate tasks should be delegated to those responsible.
  2. Quality assurance: This involves auditing the quality requirements and quality control results to ensure appropriate quality standards are used. When standards are not met or goals aren’t achieved, necessary steps and corrective actions should be employed to fix these issues.
  3. Quality control: This involves monitoring and recording the results of quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes.

What is the definition of “quality” in “project quality management”? 

The definition of quality is central to understanding these three processes. To be able to define quality, you need to be clear about the meaning of the following terms:

  • Validation: assurance that the product meets the agreed-upon needs
  • Verification: compliance with requirements
  • Precision: repeatable measures in a tight grouping
  • Accuracy: closeness of a measure to the true value
  • Tolerance: range of acceptable results

What should a good project quality management plan entail?

The quality management planning process determines the quality standards that are applicable to the project and devising a way to satisfy them. The goal is to create a quality management plan which documents the following:

  • The way the team will implement the quality policy
  • The way the quality of both the project and the product will be assured during the project
  • The resources required to ensure quality
  • The additional activities necessary to carry out the quality plan

Identifying these items might require updates to the project management plan or schedule, which emphasizes the evolving nature of the plan and project documents. The plan, like other components created during the planning phase, is written by the project manager with input from stakeholders. When planning for quality on a project follow the corporate quality policies that are in place. If a corporate quality policy does not exist, the project team should create one for the project. The project team might even need to adapt an existing policy to better suit the nature of the project. Read more about Tools and Techniques Useful in Quality Planning, Assurance and Control.

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Which term is used when the project processes and products meet written specifications?

Conformance to requirements means that the project's processes and products meet written specifications.

Which term is used when the project's processes and products meet written specifications conformance to requirements fitness for use project feasibility bench marking?

Quality simply means fitness to use and conformance to requirements. Quality Assurance (QA) focuses on the processes utilized in the project efficiently to generate quality project deliverables.

Which term is used for the ability of a product to be used as it was intended?

Durability. The ability of a product, component or material to remain functional and relevant when used as intended.

What term is used for any instance where the product or service fails to meet customer requirements?

A defect is a product or service that fails to meet agreed to customer requirements. It could be a manufactured part that has a chip on the surface, or a consulting group that failed to deliver all of the items outlined in their statement of work.