Which statement describes the nursing instructions for a client in the second stage of labor with an epidural?

The second stage of labor is the stage in which the infant is born.

This stage begins with full cervical dilation (10 cm) and complete effacement (100%) and ends with the baby's birth.

The force exerted by uterine contractions, gravity, and maternal bearing-down efforts facilitates achievement of the expected outcome of a spontaneous, uncomplicated vaginal birth.

The median duration of this stage of labor is 50 to 60 minutes in nulliparous clients and 20 to 30 minutes in multiparous clients.

During the second stage of labor, the infant is born; this stage begins with full cervical dilation (10 cm) and complete effacement (100%) and ends with the baby's birth. The force exerted by uterine contractions, gravity, and maternal bearing-down efforts facilitates achievement of the expected outcome of a spontaneous, uncomplicated vaginal birth. The median duration of second-stage labor is 50 to 60 minutes in nulliparous clients and 20 to 30 minutes in multiparous clients. In the first stage of labor, the birthing table is usually not set up for the nulliparous client, and the progress of labor is enhanced when a client changes her position frequently.

What is included in the nursing management during the 2nd stage of labor?

The IP nurse identifies the following six elements during assessment of labor progress in the second stage: (1) cervical dilation, (2) maternal and fetal well-being, (3) rotation of fetal head, (4) descent of presenting part, (5) intensity of contractions and (6) the involuntary urge to push (Adams & Bianchi, 2006).

Which nursing action is performed during the second stage of labor?

The second stage of labor begins with full cervical dilation. Many women may have an urge to bear down when the presenting part is below the level of the ischial spines.

When caring for a client in labor which instruction with the nurse provide in the second stage of labor?

What does the nurse instruct the client in the second stage of labor? "Avoid holding your breath or tightening the abdominal muscles." The client may hold her breath and tighten the abdominal muscles for pushing during the second stage of labor. This activity is known as the Valsalva maneuver.

Which statement describes a part of the second stage of birth quizlet?

The second stage of labor begins when the cervix is completely dilated (open), and ends with the birth of your baby. Contractions push the baby down the birth canal, and you may feel intense pressure, similar to an urge to have a bowel movement.


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