Which of the following statements best describes the characteristics of children who are raised by authoritative parents quizlet?

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Terms in this set (89)

False (Exosystem refers to experiences in another setting that influence a child's education by influencing the quality of
schools, parks, etc.)

True or False. The exosystem refers to the culture in which students and teachers live, including the society's values and customs.


True or False. The chronosystem refers to a student's sociohistorical conditions, such as whether he or she attended preschool.


True or False. Bronfenbrenner's theory has been instrumental in bringing to attention the importance of looking at children's
lives in more than one setting.

False (Critics of Bronfenbrenner's theory say that he gives too little attention to biological and cognitive factors in children's

True or False. Bronfenbrenner's theory has been instrumental in bringing to attention the importance of biological and
cognitive factors in children's development.


True or False. Erikson's life-span development theory was a critical force in forging our current view of human development
as life-long rather than being restricted to childhood.


True or False. According to Erikson's life-span development theory, developmental stages occur in a standard sequence at
particular times in a person's life.

False (Tend to be anxious, fail to initiate activity, and have poor communication skills.)

True or False. Children of authoritarian parents tend to be self-reliant and have high self-esteem.

False (Parental monitoring of adolescents is especially important in determining whether an adolescent becomes a delinquent.
A recent study revealed that maternal monitoring was linked to a lower incidence of delinquency in Latino girls.)

True or False. Adolescents who have their activities and behaviors monitored by their parents often become delinquents.

False (The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education emphasizes student rights and parent participation. The Montessori approach gives children considerable freedom and spontaneity in choosing activities. A special emphasis in
Montessori schools is to encourage children to make decisions at an early age and become self-regulated problem solvers who manage time effectively.)

True or False. The Montessori approach to early childhood education emphasizes student rights and parent participation.


True or False. Some research suggests that children with poor peer relations are more likely to drop out of school and display delinquent behavior when they reach adolescence.


True or False. Lacking friends has been linked to depression and lower grades in middle school children.


True or False. According to recent research, students with older friends are more likely to engage in deviant behavior than
their counterparts who have same-age friends.

False (Males are more likely than females to drop out (12.2 versus 9.3 percent). From 1972 through 2000, the school dropout
rate for Latinos remained very high and the African American dropout rate was still higher than the White non-Latino

True or False. In the United States, females are equally likely as males to drop out of high school, and dropout rates among all races are equal.

False (Erikson believed that the most important factor in adolescence involves identity.)

True or False. Kohlberg believed that the most important factor in adolescence involves identity.


True or False. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, at the preconventional level, moral reasoning is
controlled by external rewards and punishments.

False (At the conventional level, internalization is intermediate. The child abides by certain standards, but they are essentially
those imposed by others.)

True or False. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, for an individual at the conventional level, morality is
completely internalized and not based on external standards.


True or False. Kohlberg believed that a child's moral thinking can be advanced through discussions with others who reason at the next higher stage.


Which of the following actions by teachers would most likely reduce the self-esteem of an elementary school

A. Rewarding the student for displaying good behavior
B. Criticizing the student for making a mistake
C. Asking students to work together in small groups
D. Encouraging students to share ideas with the class


Persistent low self-esteem is linked with all of the following except:

A. Depression
B. Eating disorders
C. High achievement
D. Delinquency


Which of the following statements about children's self-esteem is false?

A. High self-esteem increases happiness.
B. Self-esteem often varies across different domains.
C. High self-esteem children seem to be "immune" to antisocial behaviors.
D. Girls' self-esteem drops about twice as much as that of boys during adolescence.


Which of the following questions addresses the cognitive domain of moral development?

A. How does a student feel about an issue?
B. Why does the student agree or disagree with a certain rule?
C. How does the student behave when interacting with others?
D. Does the student empathize with someone in a particular situation?


Which of the following questions addresses the behavioral domain of moral development?

A. How does the student feel about an issue?
B. What does the student think about other people?
C. How does the student respond toward other people?
D. Can the student empathize with other people?


Which of the following statements best describes heteronomous morality, as proposed by Piaget's theory on
moral development?

A. Justice and rules are unchangeable properties of the world.
B. Justice and rules are changeable properties because people's interpretations frequently differ.
C. Justice and rules are developed by people and must be modified to fit each new situation.
D. Justice and rules are not necessary when morality has become internalized.


Which of the following individuals developed a theory of moral development in which internalization plays a
key role in the development process?

A. John Dewey
B. Urie Bronfenbrenner
C. Erik Erikson
D. Lawrence Kohlberg


Which of the following statements best describes "character education"?

A. Direct teaching of a basic moral literacy through instruction and example
B. Exercises in which students learn to construct values for themselves
C. Activities in which groups of students construct values for themselves and defend them
D. A 6-week course in which students learn about local law enforcement


Which of the following is not a teaching strategy for improving children's self-esteem?

A. Identify the causes of low self-esteem.
B. Provide emotional support.
C. Provide moral development.
D. Help children achieve.


Which of the following is a teaching strategy for improving children's self-esteem?

A. Identify the causes of low self-esteem
B. Provide emotional support
C. Develop children's coping skills
D. Help children achieve
E. All of these


________ occurs when individuals have not yet experienced a crisis or made any commitments.

A. Identity diffusion
B. Identity foreclosure
C. Moral development
D. Identity achievement


Which of the following examples demonstrates the emotional domain of moral development?

A. Maria is angry with her classmate.
B. Maria told lies about her classmate.
C. Maria hit her classmate.
D. Maria cannot understand why her classmate behaves a certain way.


Which of the following individuals is in Kohlberg's social system stage of moral reasoning?

A. Adam does his seatwork quietly because he knows that the teacher will send a note home if he doesn't, and then he
will be punished.
B. Barbara tells the teacher all of the students who misbehaved while the teacher was away because she wants the
teacher to always like her.
C. Clara does not think it is fair that she must miss recess; after all, she did what the teacher said to do, which was to
quietly form a line by the door before the teacher counted to five. However, other students didn't and now the whole
class suffers.
D. Don obeys the teacher because the rules of the school are that all students must obey the teacher. As a student he has a duty to obey.


Which of the following individuals is in Kohlberg's social contract stage of moral reasoning?

A. Dorothy does what the teacher says because he knows if he doesn't he'll be punished.
B. Bonnie obeys the teacher because she wants the teacher to like her and to think nice things of her.
C. Casey obeys the teacher because she understands that the only way that a classroom and a school can run effectively
is if all of the students behave appropriately.
D. David obeys the teacher because the rules say that all students must obey, and as a student his duty is to obey the


Which statements reflect Kohlberg's conventional morality?

A. "Do your own thing."
B. "Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."
C. "Rules are made to be broken."
D. "Buckle up. It's the law."


Susie, a twelfth-grade teacher, will not award a failing student one extra point so as to pass and thus graduate.
Susie feels that it is a violation of the law to award students points they did not earn, and thus she fails this student and
the student does not graduate. According to Kohlberg, at what level of moral reasoning is Susie's teacher functioning

A. Preconventional morality
B. Conventional morality
C. Postconventional morality
D. None of the above


Denisha notices that Kylov forgot to bring his crayons to class today so she offers to lend Kylov her green
crayon, which is her least favorite, if he will switch his seat with her so that she can be next to her best friend. This is an
example of Kohlberg's ___________ stage.

A. heteronomous morality
B. individualism, purpose, and exchange
C. interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity
D. social systems morality


Robby cheated on a math test by stealing the answers from the teacher's desk. The teacher realizes that
someone stole the answers out of her desk. She asks the other students in her fourth-grade math class if they know who
did it. Several of them stand up and announce to the class that they saw Robby take the answers from her desk.
According to Kohlberg's theory, at what stage of morality are these children most likely to be functioning?

A. Heteronomous morality
B. Individualism, purpose, and exchange
C. Interpersonal expectations, relationships, and interpersonal conformity
D. Social systems morality


Which of the following statements best describes a student with identity foreclosure?

A. The student has explored career paths and made a commitment toward a goal.
B. The student has accepted someone else's idea for a career path and made a commitment toward that goal.
C. The student has not explored career paths and lacks a goal.
D. The student has explored career paths but has made no commitments toward any path.


Isaac, an adolescent, enjoys music and has always done well in math and science. He has explored career
options in music, math, and science. As a result of reading, talking with counselors, and meeting with people employed
in each field, Isaac has decided to pursue a career in statistics. Which of the following labels best describes Isaac's
identity status?

A. Identity diffusion
B. Identity moratorium
C. Identity achievement
D. Identity foreclosure


Marsha has spent very little time thinking about career options, but she knows that she wants to be an
electrical engineer, just like her mother and father. Her school counselor is concerned because Marsha shows little
interest in math and science. However, her parents are very proud. They assume that Marsha will begin to enjoy math
and science once she gets to college. Which of the following labels best describes Marsha's identity status?

A. Identity diffusion
B. Identity moratorium
C. Identity achievement
D. Identity foreclosure


Benjamin is a high school student who enjoys art classes more than any other classes. He also loves
photography. He would like to pursue a career doing something creative. He would also like to work with people. He
has thought about becoming an art teacher, photographer, or art historian. He is still thinking about his career, but has
not made a final decision. Which of the following labels best describes Benjamin's identity status?

A. Identity diffusion
B. Identity moratorium
C. Identity achievement
D. Identity foreclosure


Which of the following provides the best example of how the macrosystem, as described by Bronfenbrenner,
influences education?

A. Students interact directly with their teacher.
B. A parent influences classroom policies by complaining to the principal.
C. Students are bused to distant schools to achieve desegregation.
D. Teachers go on strike in response to salary cuts.


Which of the following provides the best example of how the exosystem, as described by Bronfenbrenner,
influences education?

A. Students interact directly with their teacher.
B. A parent and child meet with the child's teacher after school.
C. A student's grades plummet soon after his or her parents file for divorce.
D. The local government approves increased funding for public school libraries.


Bronfenbrenner's theory provides one of the few theoretical frameworks for systematically examining how
which of the following influences a child's education?

A. Social context
B. Biological factors
C. Cognitive factors
D. Inherited traits


Which of the following is the first stage of development, as proposed by Erikson?

A. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
B. Trust versus mistrust
C. Identity versus identity confusion
D. Integrity versus despair


According to Erikson's stages of development, at approximately what age does a person undergo the stage of
identity versus identity confusion?

A. The first year
B. The second year
C. Ages 6 to puberty
D. Adolescence


According to Erikson, during the ages of approximately 3 to 5 years, a child is in which of the following stages
of development?

A. Intimacy versus isolation
B. Trust versus mistrust
C. Identity versus identity confusion
D. Initiative versus guilt


Which of Erikson's stages best describes a child who is beginning to learn to be responsible for his or her self
and belongings?

A. Initiative versus guilt
B. Industry versus isolation
C. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
D. Generativity versus stagnation


During which of Erikson's stages is a person expected to focus his or her efforts on transmitting something
positive to the next generation?

A. Intimacy versus isolation
B. Initiative versus guilt
C. Integrity versus despair
D. Generativity versus stagnation


Individuals discover that their behavior is their own, and thus begin to assert their independence at
approximately what age?

A. 6 months old
B. 1 year old
C. 3 years old
D. 5 years old


According to Erikson's life-span development theory, the primary risk during the elementary years is that an
individual might develop a sense of which of the following?

A. Inferiority, unproductiveness, and incompetence
B. Regret, despair, and sorrow
C. Loneliness and isolation
D. Guilt and anxiety


To encourage preschool-aged children to develop initiative, Mr. Reston thinks it is best to select all of their
activities for them rather than allowing them to make decisions for themselves. Which of the following people would
most strongly disagree with him?

A. Erikson
B. Bronfenbrenner
C. Kohlberg
D. Gilligan


Mrs. Hernandez believes that she needs to encourage preschool-aged children in developing initiative, and
therefore she thinks that criticism should be kept to a minimum. Which of the following people would most strongly
agree with her?

A. Erikson
B. Bronfenbrenner
C. Kohlberg
D. Gilligan


Julie is experiencing some indecision. She has to choose what college to attend, whether to go away from
home, what career to choose, and whether to room with someone she knows. According to Erikson's life-stage
development theory, what stage is Julie in?

A. Trust vs. mistrust
B. Identity vs. identity confusion
C. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
D. Industry vs. inferiority


Ms. Nolen has Mia, one of her students, stay after class so she can speak to her about her recent essay. Ms.
Nolen noticed that in Mia's last essay regarding future careers, Mia varied from wanting to be a financial consultant, to
a school principal, to a nurse, to the manager of a pet shop. According to Erikson, what stage is Mia most likely to be

A. Industry vs. inferiority
B. Identity vs. identity confusion
C. Initiative vs. guilt
D. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt


Andrea created a picture of an aquarium, which she plans to give to her teacher to hang in the classroom.
Andrea was very excited by the idea that her teacher would hang up her picture on the wall, especially since the reason
Andrea had made it was to show her teacher she could draw all sorts of fish from memory. In which of Erikson's stages
do children realize that they can obtain the recognition of teachers and parents by producing things?

A. Industry vs. inferiority
B. Trust vs. mistrust
C. Initiative vs. guilt
D. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt


One of the most crucial stages of a child's early years is Erikson's stage of "initiative versus guilt," in which
children learn to

A. control their bodily functions so they don't feel guilty about having "accidents."
B. take initiative in feeding and dressing themselves.
C. plan and carry out some of their own activities.
D. persevere at difficult tasks.


According to Erikson's life-span development theory, if an individual is neglected or treated badly as an infant,
that individual will likely develop which of the following traits?

A. Guilt
B. Isolation
C. Mistrust
D. identity confusion


According to Erikson's life-span development theory, if a toddler is punished harshly, he or she will likely
develop which of the following traits?

A. Guilt
B. Isolation
C. Mistrust
D. Shame


Chase's mom thinks it's better to let her infant son cry for a while before attending to his needs so that he does
not get spoiled. According to Erikson's life-span development theory, if an infant thinks that his needs may or may not be met, he or she will likely develop which of the following traits?

A. Guilt
B. Isolation
C. Mistrust
D. Shame


Cecilia's mother volunteers in her classroom three times a week. Her father is on the school advisory
committee that discusses important connections between the school and the families. According to Bronfenbrenner, this example demonstrates the

A. exosystem.
B. microsystem.
C. mesosystem.
D. macrosystem.


Ryan's favorite park is going to be demolished, and in its place a shopping center is going to be built. Ryan is
very upset because she will no longer be able to go to the park every day and play. Her mom has explained to her that
they have no control over this decision. She will try to go to the next closest park; however, this park is farther away
and Ryan may only get to go once a week. According to Bronfenbrenner, this example demonstrates the

A. exosystem.
B. microsystem.
C. mesosystem.
D. macrosystem.


Kenny lives in the United States; his friend whom he chats with on the Internet lives in a society in which men
and women have traditional gender roles. Kenny's friend was very surprised to hear that Kenny's mom goes to work
and that his dad stays at home with the children. According to Bronfenbrenner, this example demonstrates the

A. exosystem.
B. microsystem.
C. mesosystem.
D. macrosystem.


According to the author of the text, children are most likely to behave in socially competent ways if they are
raised with which of the following types of parenting?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Which of the following statements best describes indulgent parenting?

A. Parents are highly involved with their children and place few limits or restrictions.
B. Parents are highly involved with their children and place severe limits and restrictions.
C. Parents are uninvolved with their children and place few limits or restrictions.
D. Parents are uninvolved with their children and place severe limits and restrictions.


Which of the following statements best describes neglectful parenting?

A. Parents are highly involved with their children and place few limits or restrictions.
B. Parents are highly involved with their children and place severe limits and restrictions.
C. Parents are uninvolved with their children and place few limits or restrictions.
D. Parents are uninvolved with their children and place severe limits and restrictions.


Which of the following statements best describes characteristics of children raised by neglectful parents?

A. They get along well with others and have high self-esteem.
B. They have poor self-control and do not handle independence well.
C. They are extremely competitive and highly motivated.
D. They have poor communication skills but follow directions well.


Which of the following statements best describes characteristics of children raised by authoritative parents?

A. They get along well with their peers and have high self-esteem.
B. They have poor self-control and do not handle independence well.
C. They are extremely competitive and highly motivated.
D. They have poor communication skills but follow directions well.


Which of the following statements best describes characteristics of children raised by authoritarian parents?

A. They get along well with their peers and have high self-esteem.
B. They have poor self-control and do not handle independence well.
C. They are extremely competitive and outgoing with their peers.
D. They are anxious about social comparison, fail to initiate activity, and have poor communication skills.


Researchers have found that in some ethnic groups, aspects of the authoritarian parenting style may be
associated with which of the following positive child outcomes?

A. Creativity and spontaneity
B. High academic achievement and prosocial behavior
C. Advanced language development
D. Multicultural ethnic identity


Which of the following countries has the lowest percentage of single-parent families?

A. Sweden
B. France
C. Japan
D. Canada


Throughout elementary school, children in divorced families had the highest achievement and fewest problems
when both the parenting environment and school environment were which of the following?

A. Neglectful
B. Indulgent
C. Authoritarian
D. Authoritative


Which of the following parent behaviors is positively linked to student achievement and self-responsibility?

A. Maintaining a structured and organized family environment
B. Setting high expectations for achievement in school
C. Involvement in activities such as school meetings, teacher conferences, or volunteering
D. All of the above


Which of the following statements about children's television viewing is false?

A. U.S. 8- to 18-year-olds average 10 hours a week watching television.
B. Many children spend more time in front of the television than they do with their parents.
C. Television viewing is negatively related to children's achievement in school.
D. Children's television viewing should be planned and monitored, not random.


Recent studies show that participation in extracurricular activities is linked to all of the following except:

A. Higher rates of substance abuse
B. Reduced school dropout rates
C. Improved likelihood of going to college
D. Higher self-esteem


Researchers who study peer relations among children have noted that popular children typically display which
of the following characteristics?

A. They lack self-confidence.
B. They show concern for others.
C. They engage in delinquent behavior.
D. They are dishonest.


According to recent research, positive peer relations in elementary school is linked to which of the following?

A. Work success
B. Poor romantic relationships
C. Delinquency in middle school
D. Inability to communicate effectively


In the United States, Project Head Start was designed to accomplish which of the following?

A. Provide a babysitting service for young children of low-income and middle-income families
B. Provide an opportunity for young children from low-income families to acquire skills to help them succeed in school
C. Provide tutoring and childcare for teen-aged mothers while the mothers complete requirements for high school
D. Provide advanced training for all young children in need of special assistance


Which of the following is a theme of developmentally appropriate education?

A. Children's development occurs independent of sociocultural conditions such as poverty.
B. Children learn best while sitting quietly at desks and working independently.
C. Children are active learners and should be encouraged to explore the world around them.
D. Assignments are designed primarily to emphasize academic skills.


Which of the following best describes the curriculum controversy in early childhood education?

A. Local school districts are putting pressure on preschools to develop rigorous math and reading curriculum.
B. Reform-minded educators advocate a bilingual preschool environment.
C. Some educators advocate home-based instruction while others advocate a standards-based school environment.
D. Some educators advocate a child-centered, constructivist approach while others advocate an academic, cognitive


Some experts worry that emphasizing academic skills in early childhood education programs will result in
which of the following?

A. Increased pressure on young children to achieve
B. Increased emphasis on socioemotional skills
C. Overemphasis on developmentally appropriate practices
D. All of these


Jake's preschool classroom displays many types of hands-on materials on the shelves, including a variety of
building materials, art supplies, books, and puzzles. The young children are shown how to work with the materials and
clean up following an activity. Children are encouraged to explore the materials and choose what they like. Which early
childhood education approach best describes Jake's classroom?

A. Child-centered, constructivist approach
B. Academic, instructivist approach
C. Authoritative approach
D. Standards-based approach


Parenting styles are different with respect to the degree of control that parents exert over their children. Which
parenting style exerts the most control over their children?

A. Authoritative
B. Authoritarian
C. Uninvolved
D. Permissive


Sam, a student in your class, is in danger of failing math because he never does his homework. When Sam's
parents come in for a conference, you explain the situation and show them his homework record. Sam's parents act
shocked by the news. They then begin to accuse you of assigning too much homework for a child in the third grade.
Sam's mom says, "You know a teacher should not have to make up with homework what cannot be done effectively
during their class time. Sam says that you spend too much time playing around instead of teaching; he should not be
held responsible for your inadequate teaching." Which parenting style are Sam's parents exhibiting?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Kenya's parents encourage her to be independent, but do place limits on her, such as curfew, homework hour, dinnertime, and bedtime. Which parenting style are Sam's parents exhibiting?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Morgan does not really like picking on girls who are not popular. However, all of her friends do, and they
have warned her that if she does not do as they do, they will not like her anymore. Thus, Morgan goes along with her
group of friends despite her own personal identity. In this scenario, why is Morgan picking on the less popular girls?

A. Because she is mean
B. Because her parents are authoritarian
C. Because she is exercising her own identity
D. Because her identity becomes determined by the group identity


Barry's teacher notices that he displays poor self-control and does not handle independence well. Which of the
following parenting styles do Barry's parents most likely have?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Abby is not achievement-oriented, she will often fight if she is not given what she wants, and she is socially not competent. Which of the following parenting styles do Abby's parents most likely have?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Keisha's parents are highly involved with her and her two sisters. They all have televisions in their rooms,
have the latest music and games, and have their way when it comes to family activities. Keisha's parents place few
limits or restrictions on their behavior. What type of parenting style are Keisha's parents demonstrating?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Mr. and Mrs. Thezal believe that for their children to be self-sufficient and have high self-esteem they must be
very strict with them and limit useless communication regarding rules and misbehavior. What type of parenting style
are Mr. and Mrs. Thezal demonstrating?

A. Indulgent
B. Authoritarian
C. Authoritative
D. Neglectful


Tyler is in the third grade and his parents recently divorced. Which of the following statements best describes
Tyler's adjustment to the divorce?

A. Tyler will not experience adjustment problems as long as both parents are indulgent.
B. Research shows that Tyler most likely will experience significant adjustment problems.
C. Tyler's adjustment is dependent upon many factors, such as post-divorce family functioning.
D. Tyler will have a smoother transition if the custodial parent and ex-spouse do not communicate regularly.

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