Which statement best describes the Code of Ethics of the American Nurses Association

  • Q13:

    Which ethical principle is applied when the nurse acts to safeguard the patient and the public by reporting poor nursing practice? A)Autonomy B)Fidelity C)Justice D)Veracity

    Which statement best describes the Code of Ethics of the American Nurses Association
  • Q14:

    Advance directives such as the health care proxy and living will support what ethical principle? A)Veracity B)Advocacy C)Beneficence D)Autonomy

  • Q15:

    A nurse is caring for a patient who has just been diagnosed with cancer.The patient's family has requested that the patient not be told at this time because it would be devastating.The patient asks the nurse if the diagnosis is cancer.If the nurse were to uphold the ethical principle of veracity,what would the response be? A)"No,you do not have cancer." B)"The physician is unsure of your diagnosis at this time." C)"Yes,that is the diagnosis.Let me call the doctor so that we can have a discussion." D)"Yes,but your family told me that I could not talk to you about the diagnosis."

  • Q16:

    A patient who has a terminal illness wants to be able to take a prescription medication to end life when suffering becomes unbearable.The patient asks the nurse for advice.Operating from a deontological point of reference,what action does the nurse take? A)Advises the patient about local providers willing to participate B)Assesses the patient for more information about the situation C)Determines what kind of insurance the patient has before acting D)Tells the patient that he/she cannot participate in this action

  • Q17:

    A nurse is educating a nurse aide on patient confidentiality.The nurse believes the teaching to be effective when the nurse aide states that confidentiality will be maintained by a nurse who believes in and values the ethical principle of A)veracity. B)autonomy. C)justice. D)fidelity.

  • Q19:

    A nurse is educating nursing students on the teleological model of ethical reasoning.The nurse judges that the education has been effective when a student states which of the following? A)"Abortion is acceptable because it results in fewer unwanted babies." B)"Abortion is never acceptable because it violates the sanctity of life." C)"Euthanasia is never acceptable because it violates the sanctity of life." D)"The rights on individuals should not be sacrificed for the good of the majority."

  • Q20:

    Which action by the nurse shows an understanding of the ethical principle of autonomy? A)Allowing a patient the right to make decisions regarding his health care B)Making decisions for the patient regarding her care C)Disregarding the patient's decisions because they are not "normal" D)Consulting the attending physician to make decisions for the patient

  • Q21:

    A nurse is educating students on physician-assisted suicide (PAS).The nurse judges that the teaching has been effective when a student states which of the following? (Select all that apply.) A)"PAS does not violate any ethical principles." B)"PAS threatens to destroy the fundamental relationship between physician and patient." C)"PAS does not involve nurses." D)"Quality of life advocates support PAS as an example of personal autonomy and control." E)"Nurses should be aware of the legal and ethical implications of administering legal dosages of medications."

  • Q22:

    A nurse is caring for a young patient recovering from a traumatic car crash.The patient has lost a lot of blood and is in need of a blood transfusion.The patient states,"I'm a Jehovah's Witness," and will not accept the blood.The nurse knows the patient will likely not survive without the blood.What action should the nurse take? A)Administer the blood anyway;the patient will die without it. B)Try to talk the family into signing the consent for the blood. C)Call the physician and report the patient's decision. D)Stop all care for the patient to respect his/her wishes.

  • Q23:

    The nurse has an adequate understanding of ethical issues regarding transplantation when stating which of the following? A)"There are few Americans on the transplantation list." B)"Everyone on the transplantation list receives the organ he/she needs." C)"There is an overabundance of organ donors." D)"Most people on the transplantation list die due to the shortage of organs."

Which statement best describes the code of ethics of American Nurses Association?

Which statement best describes the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for professional nurses? "It provides standards for professional nursing practice."

Which statement best describes the code of ethics?

A code of ethics provides employees with the knowledge of what their firm expects in terms of the responsibilities and behavior toward fellow employees, customers, and suppliers.

What is the ANA code of ethics quizlet?

- Statement of the ethical values, obligations, duties, and professional ideals of nurses individually and collectively. - An expression of nursing's own understanding of its commitment to society. The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth and unique attributes of every person.

Which statement regarding the code of ethics for nurses is most accurate?

It serves as an expression of nursing's own understanding of its commitment to society. Which statement regarding the Code of Ethics for Nurses is most accurate? "The code is an expression of nursing's own understanding of its commitment to society."