Which statement best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area of education policy since 2001 quizlet?

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Which statement best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area of education policy since 2001 quizlet?

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Which statement best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area of education policy since 2001 quizlet?

Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis

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Which statement best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area of education policy since 2001 quizlet?

Horngren's Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis

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Which statement best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area of education policy since 2001 quizlet?

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Terms in this set (98)

The "individual mandate" of the Affordable Care Act refers to

the requirement that uninsured individuals purchase health insurance.

Which of the following would be a good example of a government program that provides an "indexed" social benefit?

a federally run program that provides $750 to low income families in the first year, and then increases 1.5%.

What event brought federal attention to elementary school education?

soviet union launching sputnik

When did the American welfare state begin?


The goal of Social Security is to

ensure a basic income to all workers once they retire.

There are considerable disparities in benefits from state to state in noncontributory programs because

state governments are given grants-in-aid instead of having one unifor program.

Which of the following groups receives the least benefit from government's social policies?

children and the working poor.

Which of the following is a noncontributory program?


Tax expenditures primarily benefit which groups?

middle and upper classes

When the government sets conditions on companies seeking to sell goods or services to government agencies, it is called


The American welfare state is composed of contributory and noncontributory programs, along with

tax expenditures

What is the trend in individual and corporate income tax rates in the past 40 years?

they have become more progressive

Which of these bests describes the way Social Security works?

today's workers pay for the social security payments of retirees.

Medicare is a ________ program; Medicaid is a ________ program

contributory; non-contributory

Which of the following is the strongest factor in predicting which groups in society receive the most benefits from government's social policies?

groups that are most politically powerful

A cost-of-living adjustment is based on the

rate of inflation

What makes the income tax progressive?

The more income people make, the higher a tax rate they have to pay on that income.

Which of the following statements about advanced industrialized nations and health care is most accurate?

the united states is the only advanced industrial nation without universal access to health care for its' citizens.

Which of the following social policies is currently the most costly to the government?

social security

A(n) ________ benefit is one where potential recipients must document their genuine need.

means tested

What was the purpose of the GI Bill?

It allowed veterans returning from World War II to attend college.

What is a tariff?

A tax on imported goods

What is the shadow welfare state?

tax breaks—credits, deductions, and preferential tax rates that subsidize social welfare

When government reduces or eliminates restraints on the conduct of individuals or private institutions, this is known as


Which historical event proved to Americans that the economic system is not perfectly self-regulating?

the great depression

What evidence demonstrates that the Social Security and Medicare programs have been effective in meeting their goals?

the poverty rate among the elderly has declined ever since the programs were introduced.

The power to raise or lower the tax rate is part of

fiscal policy

The contributions that a worker makes to Social Security through his or her taxes

are paid into social security and do not go into a personal account.

Which of the following represents the correct chronological ordering of these major moments in the history of America's social welfare programs, from earliest to most recent?

social security is introduced, then medicare, welfare, and TNAF.

The periodic adjustment of benefits or wages that takes into account the increased cost of living is called


Which of the following statements is most accurate?

poverty rate among hispanics and african americans are more than double the rate of non-latino whites.

Which of the following programs provides an in-kind benefit?


How did the deregulation of the mortgage industry in 1999 help produce the housing foreclosure crisis of 2007 and 2008?

it allowed many new mortgage companies to form, offering "predatory" loans that people could not afford to pay.

How did the Great Depression change American attitudes about welfare?

it revealed that poverty could be caused by a flawed economic system, not just by personal irresponsibility.

What was the primary way federal housing policy changed during the 1980s?

the federal government began providing low income citizens with housing vouchers.

Which of the following groups is more than twice as likely as other Americans to be below the poverty line?

single mothers

A way to reduce the disparities in wealth between the rich and poor is called


Medicare was established in


Since the welfare reforms of 1996, what is the primary reason for receiving federal cash assistance if one is nonworking and able-bodied?

the recipient is caring for children.

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act

offered federal funds for school districts with substantial numbers of children from unemployed or low-income families.

The idea that the government can stimulate a slow economy by increasing public spending or cutting taxes is called


________ is the single-largest medical insurance program in the United States


Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families are all part of the

welfare state

Which statement is the key argument of Keynesians?

Government can pull an economy out of a recession by stimulating demand and creating a cycle of increased production and jobs.

The Every Student Succeeds law enacted by Congress in 2015

returned control for school performance to state governments but maintained the federal requirement that schools disaggregate testing results by race and ethnicity.

How has funding for public colleges shifted since the 1970s?

States have reduced funding for higher education, and tuition has increased substantially to compensate.

How does indexing help the elderly?

It ensures that their Social Security payments will keep pace with inflation.

The general trend over the past few decades in education policy

had initially been toward more federal government control, but recently education policy had been decentralized to the states.

The fact that taxpayers can deduct the amount they paid in interest on a home mortgage from the income they report on their tax returns is an example of a(n)

tax expenditure

Which of the following groups receives the most benefit from government's social policies?

the middle class and the elderly

The formula by which Social Security retirement benefits are calculated is designed to

redistribute income from well-off to less well-off workers.

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

substantially increased the federal government's role in elementary and secondary education.

If the government ________ more than it ________, that will lead to a budget deficit.

spends; brings in in revenue

Which of the following statements about K-12 education spending is most accurate?

the vast majority of the spending for k-12 education comes from the state and local governments, while the federal government contributes a small amount.

Which of the following best summarizes Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) after the 2016 elections?

despite having control over congress, republicans were not able to pass any for the aca act.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the Democratic and Republican parties' views on the appropriate role of government in the economy?

Republicans tend to draw on the ideas of laissez-faire economics as they argue for significant reductions in nonmilitary spending; Democrats stress the importance of government regulation in promoting a strong economy.

In 2007 and 2008, the government faced a housing crisis caused by

foreclosures (not 3)

The dominant economic view in America prior to the onset of the Great Depression in 1929 was

laissez-faire capitalism

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 aimed to promote equality of opportunity with which two provisions?

a provision that required school to provide tutoring, longer school days, additional summer school, and a provision that allowed parents in failing schools to transfer their children into better schools.

________ are programs where the government provides a tax deduction for spending on health insurance and other benefits by both employers and employees.

tax expenditures

Unemployment insurance is a ________ program that is funded by the ________.

contributory; federal and states governments

Why is higher education policy an important component of the government's efforts to foster equality of opportunity?

there remains a substantial wage premium for college graduates over high school graduates.

Imagine the government creates a program that provides free tutoring for children who struggle with literacy at age ten. This program would be an example of a(n)

noncontributory program

The term "feminization of poverty" refers to the fact that

women are more likely to be boor than men

Supply-side economics is the idea that

reducing the marginal rate of taxation will promote higher levels of work and investment.

The housing bubble prior to 2007 was driven primarily by

the increased demand in housing the resulted in dramatic loosening in lend standards.

Redlining and restrictive covenants resulted in

discrimination against minorities and worsening of patterns of residential segregation.

The federal government's spending on AFDC fell after the mid-1970s because

unlike social security, the program was not indexed to inflation.

The welfare state has multiple goals. One is to ensure a certain level of economic security. The other is

equality and opportunity

If the government decides to offer a subsidy to the solar industry to help people buy solar panels, that would be an example of ______. On the other hand, if the federal reserve took steps to expand the amount of credit available in the economy, that would be an example of ________.

fiscal policy; monetary policy

The three most important federal programs to assist the working poor are

affordable care act, earned income tax credit, and the supplemental nutrition assistance program.

________ policies are designed to eliminate the abuses of powerful ________.

antirust, monopolies

Why is the Social Security tax (also known as the payroll tax) considered regressive?

Because it only taxes the first $137,700 of salary and people making less than that pay a higher percentage of their income.

As of 2020 the average Social Security payment is approximately ________ per month.


The federal government first created housing programs in response to the

great depression

Which of the following is the best example of the shadow welfare state?

tax breaks

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

is in charge of monitoring outbreaks of disease and implementing prevention measures.?

About ________ of America's children live in poverty.


If government land is leased or sold for oil and coal exploration at lower-than-market rates, it is an example of a(n)


How did Franklin Roosevelt change America's approach to economic policy making?

He ushered in an era of a much more active federal government that followed Keynesian economic theory.

The idea that all people should have the freedom to use whatever talents and wealth they have to achieve their goals is called

equality of opportunity

The TANF benefits provided by state governments

vary widely across states but are -always- below the federal poverty line.

What is social insurance?

programs that people are required to contribute to that are designed to provide economic assistance to individuals in times of need?

Social Security provides a vital role for younger people by providing

survivor benefits to those whose parents die or become disabled.

Which of the following is a contributory program?


What makes something a tax expenditure?

It is when the government offers a tax break or tax credit for behavior it wants to encourage.

Which of the following statements about K-12 education spending is most accurate?

The vast majority of spending for K-12 education comes from the state and local governments, while the federal government contributes a relatively small amount.

What is the relationship between the budget deficit and the national debt?

(not 1 or 4)

Who is most responsible for setting monetary policy in America?

the Federal Reserve

President Obama's Race to the Top program

offered grants to states if they agreed to lift the caps on the creation of charter schools.

How did the Affordable Care Act affect health insurance coverage among the working poor?

it expanded Medicaid coverage for low-income workers, but numerous states opted out...

Charter schools are best described as

public schools that are free to design special curricula.

Elderly Americans particularly benefit from which two government programs?

Social Security and Medicare

The fact that a bottle of Coca Cola cost $0.05 in 1959 and $1.50 today is an example of


________ is the single-largest medical insurance program in the United States.


The AARP is one of the largest and most influential lobbying organizations in America. They primarily lobby on behalf of

the elderly.

Because there is no provision for long-term care in the United States, ________ has become the de facto program financing nursing home residents when they have exhausted their savings.


If the government provides free temporary housing to individuals who cannot currently afford it, that is an example of a(n)

in-kind benefit

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Which statement best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area?

Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between the federal government and the states in the area of education policy? The federal government has become more dominant since 2001 in the area of education policy.

What is an accurate comparison between the exclusive power of the states and concurrent powers?

Exclusive powers are those powers reserved to the federal government or the states. Concurrent powers are powers shared by the federal government and the states.

Which statement is the key argument of Keynesians quizlet?

Which statement is the key argument of John Maynard Keynes? Government can pull an economy out of a recession by stimulating demand and creating a cycle of increased production and jobs.

Which of the following presidents largely delivered on his promise to end welfare as we know it quizlet?

In 1992, then-candidate Bill Clinton promised to “end welfare as we know it.” President Clinton submitted his welfare reform proposal to Congress in June 1994, but Congress did not take any action on it.