Which stages are a part of conventional reasoning according to Kohlbergs theory of moral development quizlet?





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Concepts of evidence EAQ

Terms in this set (21)

Which stages are a part of convenctional reasoning, according to the Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
a)Social contract orientation
b)Good boy-nice girl orientation
c)Society-maintaining orientation
d)Instrument relativist orientation
e)Universal ethical principle orientation

b)Good boy-nice girl orientation
c)Society-maintaining orientation
are parts of conventional reasoning. Social contract is stage 5 under postconventional reasoning. Instrumental relativist orientations is stage 2 of preconventional reasoning. Universal ethical principle orientation is stage 6 under postconventional reasoning of Kohlberg's theory.

Which is true about the preoperational period of piaget's theory?
a)The child develops a schem for dealing with the environment
b)The child is able to describe a process without actually doing it.
c)The child has the capacity to reason with recpect to possibilities.
d)The child believes t hat everyone experiences the world exacly as he or she does.

d)The child believes t hat everyone experiences the world exacly as he or she does.
According to piaget's theory, children believe that everyone experiences the world exactly as they do during the preoperational period. Children develop a scheme for dealing with the environment during the sensorimotor period. Children are able to describe a process without actually doing it during the concrete operational period. Children have the capacity to reason with respect to possibilites during the formal operations period.

Which gastrointestinal (GI) change may be found in the client with the burn injuries?
a)Abdominal distention
b)Increased peristalsis
c)Activation of GI motility
d)Increased blood flow to the GI area

a)Abdominal distention
The client with burn injuries may have abdominal distention due to loss of peristalsis. Gastrointestinal motility may be inhibited with burn injuries. Blood flow may be reduced and mucosal damage might have occurred.

According to Eirikson's theory, which behavior would a toddler exhibit?
a)The child is casual about body appearance.
b)The child starts performing self-care activities.
c)The child suppresses feelinlgs of the superego.
d)The child becomes dependent on his or her siblings.

b)The child starts performing self-care activities.
According to Eirikson's theory, a toddler between 1 and 2 years old becomes involved in self-care activities like walking, feeding, and toileting. During the identity versus role confusion stage, an adolsecent can be seen having a preoccupation with appearance and body image. The child moves to the next stage and develops superego, or consciencce, during the initiative versus guilt stage. During the autonomy vs shame and doubt stage, the toddler develops his or her autonomy by making choices and not depend on siblings.

Which would the nurse consider to be an example of a potential internal disaster?
a)Hospital fire
b)Fertilizer plant explosion
c)Nuclear reactor explosion
d)Terrorist device explosion

a)Hospital fire
An internal disaster is any kind of event inside a health care facility or campus that could endanger the safety of clients or health care staff. A fertilizer plant explosion is an external disaster. A nubleara reactor explosion may cause radiation exposure to the external environment. Terrorism with explosive devices is an external disaster.

What issues are associated with the difficulty in identification of teratogens? Select all that apply.

Teratogenic effects may be delayed.

Prolonged drug exposure may be required.
Animal test results may not be applicable to humans.

The nurse is assessing a client's nails and finds a slight convex curve at the angle from the skin to nail base of about 160 degrees. Which condition would the nurse suspect?
d)normal finding

d) normal finding
In clubbing, there is a change in the angle between the nail and the nail base larger than 180 degrees. Paronychia is the inflammation of the skin at the base of nail. Koilonychia is the concabe curves on the nail.

Which factors influence vocabulary, speech, and comprehension in preschoolers?
b)Health status
d)Cognitive ability
e)Physical development

d)Cognitive ability

A professor asks a student nurse to explain the stage when an adolescent has prevalence of egocentric though. Which period of the Piaget's theory will the nurse explain?
c)Formal operations
d)Concrete operations

c)Formal operations
Piaget's theory divides child development into four periods. During the period of formal operations, there is a prevalence of egocentric though in adolescents. During sensorimotor, infants develop schema or action pattern for dealing with environment. During the preoperational, a toddler has egocentric thoughts. During the concrete operations, the child thinks about an action before it is performed physically.

Which age should the anterior fontanel of an infant close?

12-18 months

Which action would the nurse take when administering eardrops to a 4 year old?

Pull the auricle up and out. The cotton ball is placed into the outermost part of the ear canal. The child is kept in side-lying position for 2-3 min. Drops are instilled by holding the dropper 1 cm above the ear canal.

Which is the maximum volume of an IM injection recommended for a preschool-aged child?

0.1 mL
0.5 mL-->max for newborn & infants
2.0-->max for school aged and older if sufficient muscle mass.

Which autogens are responsible for the development of Crohn disease?

Crypt epithelial cells

Which cation regulates intracellular osmolarity?

A decrease in serum potassium causes a decrease in the cell wall pressure gradient and results in water moving out of the cell. Besides interacellular osmolarity regulation, potassium also regulates metabolic activities, transmission and conduction of nerve impulses, cardiac conduction, and smooth and skeletal muscle contraction.

After numerous diagnostic tests, a client with jaundice receives the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Which rational explains the cause of the client's jaundice?

Obstruction of the common bile duct by the pancreatic neoplasm

Which concepts contributed to the growth of the evidence-based practice movement?

Scientific publications
Resources on the internent
Development of collaboration centers

Which type of research design generally provides stronger evidence when deciding which intervention to implement according to the hierarchy of evidence?

Systematic review
is the highest hierarchy of evidence.

Which statement represents the first step of evidence-based inquiry?

Cultivate a spirit of inquiry.

Which statements reflect steps of evidence-based inquiry?

collect the most relivant evidence
Ask the queston in PICOT format
Appraise the evidence
Disseminate outcomes of the evidence-based decision

Which activity is considered an evidence-based practice standard in the healthcare setting?

Interventions to reduce falls

Use of rapid response systems

Reduction of urinary catheter-related infections

Prevention of central line-associated infections

Nurse leaders musct effectively and resolve conflict to provide optimal patient care and to meet quality and safety education for nurses QSEN competencies. Which are QSEN competencies that should be achieved?

Quality improvement
Patient-centered care
Evidence-based practice

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Which stages are a part of conventional reasoning according to Kohlberg?

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level 1 (children): Stage 1: Punishment - obedience. ... .
level 1: Stage 2: Personal Reward. ... .
level 2 (teens): Stage 3: Mutual Interpersonal Expectations, Relationships, and Interpersonal Conformity (good boy-nice girl) ... .
level 2 (teens): Stage 4: Social System and Conscience (Law and Order).

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There are 6 stages of Kohlberg's theory, broken down into three levels.

What is the correct order of the stages according to Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Kohlberg identified three distinct levels of moral reasoning: preconventional, conventional, and postconventional.