Which stage of the consulting process begins with an initial contact between a consultant and a client?


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Test Bank For Organization Development:The Process of Leading Organizational Change, 4th Edition by Donald L. Anderson


What Can You Expect From A Test Bank

The study major and field is going to dictate what it is you see inside the test bank. However, in the basic scheme of things, a test bank will include the following questions:

  1. Multiple choice
  2. True/false
  3. Fill in the blank
  4. Matching
  5. Short questions
  6. Essay question


Chapter 5: The Organization Development Practitioner and the OD Process
Test Bank

Multiple Choice

1. Which consulting approach most focuses on a shared view of all responsibilities?
a. Expert
b. Doctor-Patient
c. Mechanic
d. Organization Development
Ans: D
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Which type of consulting approach is commonly utilized in the IT field or financial industry?
a. Expert
b. Doctor-Patient
c. Mechanic
d. Organization Development
Ans: A
AACSB: Integrating knowledge across fields
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Expert Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

3. When using the ______ approach to consulting, the client has typically framed the problem already as a gap in knowledge that the consultant can fulfill.
a. expert
b. doctor-patient
c. mechanic
d. organization development
Ans: A
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Expert Model
Difficulty Level: Hard

4. The ______ approach to consulting frequently results in low success after implementation.
a. expert
b. doctor-patient
c. mechanic
d. organization development
Ans: B
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Doctor-Patient
Difficulty Level: Hard

5. When using the ______ approach to consulting, even if the problem is successfully solved, clients will likely not know how to solve the problem themselves in the the future and will be forced to contact the consultant again.
a. expert
b. doctor-patient
c. mechanic
d. organization development
Ans: B
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Doctor-Patient
Difficulty Level: Medium

6. Within the ______ approach to consulting, the underlying notion is that clients do not have time or patience to deal with problems.
a. expert
b. doctor-patient
c. mechanic
d. organization development
Ans: C
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Mechanic Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

7. The ______ approach to consulting essentially gives the consultant responsibilty over virtually every aspect of the problem and the solution, and the client relinquishes both accountability and responsibility of the problem.
a. expert
b. doctor-patient
c. mechanic
d. organization development
Ans: C
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Mechanic Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

8. Within the ______ approach to consulting, the consultant has the responsibility to invite the client to share expectations about roles and working expectations.
a. expert
b. doctor-patient
c. mechanic
d. organization development
Ans: D
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Easy

9. OD consulting has also been referred to as ______ consulting, in an effort to set it apart from consulting in which the practitioner offers content expertise.
a. expert
b. process
c. responsible
d. accountable
Ans: B
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

10. OD consultants view ______ as the experts.
a. themselves
b. their colleagues
c. clients
d. members of society
Ans: C
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Easy

11. Having more knowledge of organizational culture, history, and practices is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: A
AACSB: Leading in organizational situations
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Medium

12. Earning a regular salary is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: A
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

13. Having less political involvement, resulting in being more truthful with less consequence is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: B
AACSB: Making sound decisions
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Medium

14. Organizational members feeling more comfortable sharing confidential information without fear of leaks is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvatnage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: B
AACSB: Group and individual behaviors
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Medium

15. Having less variety in clients, industries, and issues is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: C
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

16. Organizational members being reluctant to share sensitive information for fear that it may leak internally to colleagues is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: C
AACSB: Group and individual behaviors
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Medium

17. Being perceived as short-term is an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: D
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

18. Not being able to follow through beyond interventions to see long-term results is potentially an example of which of the following?
a. advantage of internal consulting
b. advantage of external consulting
c. disadvantage of internal consulting
d. disadvantage of external consulting
Ans: D
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Medium

19. In becoming an OD consultant, many observers note a background in ______ is a good starting point to expose beginners to introductory OD concepts.
a. history
b. social and behavioral sciences
c. biological sciences
d. information technology
Ans: B
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Becoming an OD Consultant
Difficulty Level: Easy

20. Which of the following is one of the best ways to become skilled in the area of OD consulting?
a. reading textbooks
b. studying past scenarios
c. shadowing a skilled mentor
d. starting right in with personal experience
Ans: C
AACSB: Making sound decisions
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Becoming an OD Consultant
Difficulty Level: Medium

21. Which of the following is NOT an area that Varney describes as necessary for practitoners to be skilled:
a. information technology skills
b. self and impact awareness
c. conceptual, analytical, and research skills
d. organizational change and influence skills
Ans: A
AACSB: Leading in organizational situations
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Skills and Competencies for OD Consultants
Difficulty Level: Hard

22. Strategy, change theory, and group development are examples of which of the following OD consultant competencies?
a. Interpersonal Skills and Personal Characteristics
b. Organizational Behavior
c. Training and Development
d. General Professional Skills
Ans: B
AACSB: Group and individual behaviors
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

23. Survey preparation and participant observation are examples of which of the following OD consultant competencies?
a. Interpersonal Skills and Personal Characteristics
b. Organizational Behavior
c. Data Collection and Analysis
d. Consulting Skills
Ans: D
AACSB: Information technology
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

24. Finance and accounting, HRM, and legal issues are examples of which of the following OD consultant competencies?
a. Organizational Behavior
b. Training and Development
c. Business and Management Knowledge Areas
d. General Professional Skills
Ans: c
AACSB: Integrating knowledge across fields
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

25. Strategic planning and goal setting are examples of which of the following OD consultant competencies?
a. Data Collection and Analysis
b. Business and Management Knowledge Areas
c. Consulting Skills
d. Interventions
Ans: D
AACSB: Application of knowledge
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Easy

26. What is defined as “a participatory democratic process concerned with developing practical knowledge in the pursuit of worthwhile human purposes… ”?
a. Organization development
b. Action research
c. Training and development
d. Career development
Ans: B
AACSB: Integrating knowledge across fields
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: The OD Consulting Process and Action Research
Difficulty Level: Medium

27. In an ideal form, action research is a ______ in which the researcher is actively engaged with those experiencing the problem versus conducting research on them.
a. scientific process
b. observation technique
c. data-gathering method
d. consulting term
Ans: A
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: The OD Consulting Process and Action Research
Difficulty Level: Medium

28. Which stage of the consulting process begins with an initial contact between a consultant and a client?
a. Entry
b. Contracting
c. Data gathering
d. Intervention
Ans: A
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Easy

29. Which stage of the consulting process describes when the consultant and client come to an agreement on what work will be accomplished?
a. Entry
b. Contracting
c. Diagnosis and feedback
d. Evaluation and exit
Ans: B
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Medium

30. Which stage of the consulting process is when the client and consultant jointly analyze and interpret the data?
a. Data gathering
b. Diagnosis and feedback
c. Intervention
d. Evaluation and exit
Ans: B
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Medium

31. Which stage of the consulting process is when details are sought about the situation, the client, the organization, and other relevant aspects of the problem utilizing a variety of methods or sources?
a. Data gathering
b. Diagnosis and feedback
c. Intervention
d. Evaluation and exit
Ans: A
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Easy

32. Which stage of the consulting process involves the strategy being carried out on agreement?
a. Contracting
b. Diagnosis and feedback
c. Intervention
d. Evaluation and exit
Ans: C
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Medium

33. Which stage of the consulting process is when the consultant and client review the outcomes of the intervention(s) and determining whether they resulted in the desired change?
a. Data gathering
b. Diagnosis and feedback
c. Intervention
d. Evaluation and exit
Ans: D
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Medium

34. The action research model is more ______ rather than linear.
a. interactive
b. structured
c. sequential
d. undeviating
Ans: A
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Medium

35. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Bushe and Marshak to describe the dialogic OD practices:
a. The change process emphasizes changing the conversations that normally take place in the system.
b. The change process occurs when there is a change in meaning in the organization, and thus conversation.
c. The change process results in new images, narratives, texts, and social constructed realities that affect how people think and act.
d. The change process is consistent with traditional OD values of collaboration, free and informed choice, and capacity building in the client system.
Ans: B
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Foundational Assumptions of Dialogic OD
Difficulty Level: Hard

36. In a ______, practitioners work with leaders or sponsors to design events that are conducive to open dialogues about the future.
a. diagnostic consulting approach
b. action research appraoch
c. structured dialogic approach
d. dialogic process consultation
Ans: C
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: A Dialogic OD Process
Difficulty Level: Hard

37. Bushe identifies the term ______, defined as “ideas, phrases, objects, pictures, manifestos, stories, or new words . . . [that] allow us to see new alternatives for decisions and actions . . . [and] generate change because people like the new options in front of them and want to use ;
a. dialogic image
b. diagnostic image
c. action research image
d. generative image
Ans: C
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: A Dialogic OD Process
Difficulty Level: Hard

38. In ______, formal events are not necessary for the practitioner to intervene ; rather, a practitioner can interevene into an ongoing team conversation.
a. diagnostic consulting approach
b. action research approach
c. structured dialogic approach
d. dialogic process consultation
Ans: D
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: A Dialogic OD Process
Difficulty Level: Hard

39. Which of the following is NOT a change process that occurs in dialogic OD?
a. A disruption in the ongoing social construction of reality is stimulated or engaged in a way that leads to a more complex reorganization.
b. A change to one more narratives takes place.
c. A generative image is introduced or surfaces that provides new and compelling alternatives for thinking and acting.
d. A change occurs solely through technostructural or human processes interventions.
Ans: D
AACSB: Integrating knowledge across fields
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: A Dialogic OD Process
Difficulty Level: Hard

40. In dialogic OD, there is no real “______” in the organization.
a. concern
b. issue
c. truth
d. problem
Ans: C
AACSB: Reflective thinking
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Foundational Assumptions of Dialogic OD
Difficulty Level: Easy


1. The consultant’s role generally exists as an outsider to the client’s system.
Ans: T
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: The Consulting Relationship and Types of Consulting
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. An “expert” consultant should be hired when the subject area is quite broad.
Ans: F
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Expert Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

3. Typically, there is a diagnostic set of questions followed by a result and solution in the doctor-patient model.
Ans: T
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Doctor-Patient Model
Difficulty Level: Easy

4. The mechanic model gives the consultant responsibility over virtually every aspect of the problem and the solution, and it permits the client to relinquish both accountability and responsibility for the problem.
Ans: T
AACSB: Making sound decisions
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Mechanic Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. OD consulting does not differ from the expert, doctor-patient, nor mechanic models.
Ans: F
AACSB: Making sound decisions
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

6. The OD consulting model implies more of a shared role among all involved.
Ans: T
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Easy

7. One negative aspect of OD being an internal function within an organization is that it gets buried within HR.
Ans: T
AACSB: Systems and processes within organizations
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: OD Practitioners: Who Are They and Where Do They Work?
Difficulty Level: Medium

8. Internal OD consultants work independently.
Ans: F
AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: OD Practitioners: Who Are They and Where Do They Work?
Difficulty Level: Easy

9. One major disadvantage of external consulting is that organizational members may be reluctant to share sensitive information for fear that it may leak internally to colleagues.
Ans: F
AACSB: Group and individual behaviors
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Hard

10. During the diagnosis and feedback stage of consulting, the data is analyzed and interpreted.
Ans: T
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Hard


1. Compare and contrast the OD consulting model with the three other approaches discussed in the chapter.
Ans: Responses will vary. Clear discussion regarding Table would be appropriate.
AACSB: Analytical thinking
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Medium

2. Discuss the ethical implications of a OD consultant seeing perpetuation of a client’s ignorance as advantageous.
Ans: (1) It goes against the OD core value of contributing to growth, learning and development; (2) contributes to a power imbalance; (3) hypocritical for a consultant to advocate a new kind of relationship among members when the client-consultant relationship is not a role model; (4) OD process is not to be viewed as a set of secrets that are closely guarded and revealed to only paying clients.
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: The Organization Development Consulting Model
Difficulty Level: Hard

3. What are some ethical issues for internal and external consultants?
Ans: Answers may vary. Discussion regarding internal consultants facing increased pressure from peers or coworkers to violate a client’s confidentiality by disclosing the existence or purpose of an engagement, what participants said during an interview/focus group, or to disclose what problem the consultant was actually contacted to discuss. Consultants have the ethical responsibility to maintain confidentiality, specifically if a client does not want information to be shared widely.
AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Ethical Issues for Internal and External Consultants
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. Discuss a variety of skills and competencies that OD consultants should possess to be considered fully competent in their profession.
Ans: Answers will vary. A wide variety of skills and competencies are included in Table
AACSB: Group and individual behaviors
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Table
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Outline the stages of the consulting process.
Ans: Answers should discuss the following steps: (1) Entry; (2) Contracting; (3) Data gathering; (4) Diagnosis and feedback; (5) Intervention; (6) Evaluation and exit.
AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations
Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Figure
Difficulty Level: Medium

Which stage of the consulting process begins with an initial contact between a consultant and a client quizlet?

Entry: First stage begins with an initial contact between a consultant and client. Contracting: Form agreement on what will be accomplished.

What are the phases of consulting process?

Step 1: Define Problem. Think impact: What is the question you are trying to answer? ... .
Step 2: Structure the Problem. ... .
Step 3: Prioritize Issues. ... .
Step 4: Analysis Plan and Work Plan. ... .
Step 5: Conduct Analysis. ... .
Step 6: Synthesize Findings. ... .
Step 7: Develop Recommendations..

Which stage of the consulting process describes when the consultant and client come to an agreement on what work will be accomplished?

The first phase is the contract phase, where the consultant and client explore the client's problem (or exciting goal) and how it might be addressed. They learn more about each other, and decide whether to work together or not. This phase includes completion of a formal agreement to proceed with the project.

What are the five major phases of a consulting engagement?

Engagement management has five major phases: proposal, kickoff, delivery, closure, and archive. The proposal has a project charter with three key components. A statement of work with background, scope, approach, and assumptions. The SOW specifies the deliverables that'll be provided to the client.