Which sleep assessment tool asks the patient to separately rate the quality and quantity of sleep quizlet?

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Which sleep assessment tool asks the patient to separately rate the quality and quantity of sleep quizlet?

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Which sleep assessment tool asks the patient to separately rate the quality and quantity of sleep quizlet?

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Which sleep assessment tool asks the patient to separately rate the quality and quantity of sleep quizlet?



1,007 solutions

Which sleep assessment tool asks the patient to separately rate the quality and quantity of sleep quizlet?

A Concise Introduction to Logic

12th EditionPatrick J. Hurley

1,933 solutions

ANS: 3, 4, 5, 6

Narcoleptics may be helped by brief daytime naps no longer than 20 minutes, a regular exercise program, avoiding shifts in sleep, eating light meals high in protein, practicing deep breathing, chewing gum, and taking vitamins. Clients with narcolepsy need to avoid factors that increase drowsiness (e.g., alcohol, heavy meals, exhausting activities, long-distance driving, and long periods of sitting in hot, stuffy rooms).

Which nursing observation of the patient in intensive care indicates that the patient is sleeping comfortably?

a. Eyes closed, lying quietly, respirations 12, heart rate 60

b. Eyes closed, tossing in bed, respirations 18, heart rate 80

c. Eyes closed, mumbling to self, respirations 16, heart rate 68

d. Eyes closed, lying straight in bed, respirations 22, heart rate 66


On average, a teenager needs about 71/2 hours of sleep per night. Many activities at school, social activities, and jobs can reduce the number of sleep hours, resulting in excessive daytime sleepiness. This can lead to decreased performance at school, vulnerability to accidents, behavior and mood problems, and increased use of alcohol. Discussion regarding adolescent sleep needs should first occur with the adolescent. Although it may be common for this adolescent to want to visit with friends and experience activities that go late into the night, these activities can and do impact the hours of sleep and the physical needs of the adolescent, no matter the reason for the late nights, and they do need to be addressed.


When older adults are using Benadryl (diphenhydramine), an over-the-counter medication for sleep, caution them that they may experience dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, constipation, and urinary retention because of the long duration of action of the medication. This can contribute to a fall in an older adult. Fish oil given for the treatment of cholesterol, although an issue after a fall with potential bleeding, is not a cause for the fall, nor is glucosamine, which is used in the treatment of joint issues. Neither of these substances are utilized for sleep. Vitamin C is used to support the immune system; it is not used for sleep and does not cause falls.

ANS: B, C, D, F

The nurse should instruct the patient to sleep where she sleeps best, to use sedatives as a last resort, to decrease fluid intake to cut down on bathroom trips, and, if unable to sleep in 15 to 30 minutes, to get up out of bed. Naps should be eliminated if not part of the individuals routine schedule, and if naps are taken, they should be limited to 20 minutes or less a day. Television can stimulate and disrupt sleep patterns.

The nurse is contacting the health care provider about a patient's sleep problem. What is the correct order for the steps for SBAR?

1. Mrs. Dodd, 46 years old, was admitted 3 days ago following a motor vehicle accident. She is in balanced skeletal traction for a fractured left femur. She is having difficulty falling asleep.
2. "Dr. Smithson, this is Pam, the nurse caring for Mrs. Dodd. I'm calling because Mrs. Dodd is having difficulty sleeping."
3. "I'm calling to ask if you would order a hypnotic such as zolpidem (Ambien) to use on a prn basis."
4. Mrs. Dodd is taking her pain medication every 4 hours as ordered and rates her pain as 2 out of 10. Last night she was still awake at 0100. She states that she is comfortable but just can't fall asleep. Her vital signs are BP 124/76, P 78, R 12 and T 37.1° C (98.8° F).

A. 2, 1, 3, 4

B. 1, 2, 3, 4

C. 2, 1, 4, 3

D. 1, 2, 4, 3

What assessment question is relevant to the assessment for possible sleep apnea?

These four yes-or-no "STOP" questions can help you determine your risk for sleep apnea: S: Do you snore loudly (louder than talking or loud enough to be heard through closed doors)? T: Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during the day? O: Has anyone observed you not breathing during sleep?

Which question would the nurse ask during the assessment of a patient who is suspected of having insomnia?

The following 12 questions can serve as the initial assessment regarding sleep: What time do you normally go to bed at night? What time do you normally wake up in the morning? Do you often have trouble falling asleep at night?

What questions are asked in a nursing sleep assessment?

Try to quantitate daytime sleepiness: (1) Do they fall asleep before noon if they are not active? (2) Do they fall asleep during active tasks before noon? (3) Do they expe- rience sleepiness after lunch? (4) Do they fall asleep dur- ing the afternoon if they are not active? (5) Do they fall asleep during active tasks ...

Which measure would the nurse suggest to promote sleep in a patient?

Interventions that can promote comfort and relaxation include assisting with hygienic routines, providing loose-fitting nightwear, encouraging voiding before sleeping, and making sure bed linen is smooth, clean, and dry.